20 resultados para semiconduttori, fotovoltaico, silicio amorfo, silicon oxynitride, ottica


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Nowadays, existing 3D scanning cameras and microscopes in the market use digital or discrete sensors, such as CCDs or CMOS for object detection applications. However, these combined systems are not fast enough for some application scenarios since they require large data processing resources and can be cumbersome. Thereby, there is a clear interest in exploring the possibilities and performances of analogue sensors such as arrays of position sensitive detectors with the final goal of integrating them in 3D scanning cameras or microscopes for object detection purposes. The work performed in this thesis deals with the implementation of prototype systems in order to explore the application of object detection using amorphous silicon position sensors of 32 and 128 lines which were produced in the clean room at CENIMAT-CEMOP. During the first phase of this work, the fabrication and the study of the static and dynamic specifications of the sensors as well as their conditioning in relation to the existing scientific and technological knowledge became a starting point. Subsequently, relevant data acquisition and suitable signal processing electronics were assembled. Various prototypes were developed for the 32 and 128 array PSD sensors. Appropriate optical solutions were integrated to work together with the constructed prototypes, allowing the required experiments to be carried out and allowing the achievement of the results presented in this thesis. All control, data acquisition and 3D rendering platform software was implemented for the existing systems. All these components were combined together to form several integrated systems for the 32 and 128 line PSD 3D sensors. The performance of the 32 PSD array sensor and system was evaluated for machine vision applications such as for example 3D object rendering as well as for microscopy applications such as for example micro object movement detection. Trials were also performed involving the 128 array PSD sensor systems. Sensor channel non-linearities of approximately 4 to 7% were obtained. Overall results obtained show the possibility of using a linear array of 32/128 1D line sensors based on the amorphous silicon technology to render 3D profiles of objects. The system and setup presented allows 3D rendering at high speeds and at high frame rates. The minimum detail or gap that can be detected by the sensor system is approximately 350 μm when using this current setup. It is also possible to render an object in 3D within a scanning angle range of 15º to 85º and identify its real height as a function of the scanning angle and the image displacement distance on the sensor. Simple and not so simple objects, such as a rubber and a plastic fork, can be rendered in 3D properly and accurately also at high resolution, using this sensor and system platform. The nip structure sensor system can detect primary and even derived colors of objects by a proper adjustment of the integration time of the system and by combining white, red, green and blue (RGB) light sources. A mean colorimetric error of 25.7 was obtained. It is also possible to detect the movement of micrometer objects using the 32 PSD sensor system. This kind of setup offers the possibility to detect if a micro object is moving, what are its dimensions and what is its position in two dimensions, even at high speeds. Results show a non-linearity of about 3% and a spatial resolution of < 2µm.


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O aumento das concentrações de Gases do Efeito Estufa e do aquecimento global exigem medidas urgentes para abrandar e atenuar as respectivas consequências, tanto para a humanidade como para o planeta. Entre estas medidas, faz parte a utilização de recursos renováveis para a produção de energia, de forma a mitigar os problemas inerentes à utilização de combustíveis fósseis. No intuito de explorar os recursos renováveis, é necessário desenvolver projectos e tecnologias que o optimizem a sua utilização. A presente dissertação centrou-se na implementação de um sistema energético híbrido FV/eólico/diesel num navio. O navio seleccionado, propriedade da Transtejo, foi o “LISBONENSE” e efetua o transporte de passageiros e viaturas entre as margens do Rio Tejo. A pesquisa de literatura, realizada a níveis nacional e global, incidiu na caracterização das emissões poluentes dos navios e respectivas consequências, e nas soluções que existem para reduzir as mesmas, com principal incidência nos sistemas de energias renováveis. Após uma pesquisa de mercado para análise da relação custo-benefício de cada tipo de componente do sistema híbrido, foram seleccionados os mais adequados para este projecto, do qual resultou: módulos FV e respectivos cabos eléctricos, turbinas eólicas, baterias de armazenamento, controladores de carga, inversores e um sistema de controlo e monitorização. O gerador a diesel considerado é o que se encontra actualmente instalado no navio. Elaborou-se um programa para o sistema de controlo, de forma a accionar o funcionamento do gerador a diesel quando necessário, isto é, quando os sistemas de energias renováveis não produzem energia eléctrica suficiente para alimentar as aplicações do navio. Completado o dimensionamento do sistema híbrido, com auxílio dos softwares HOMER e RETScreen, foi feita uma análise a nível ambiental e económico que evidenciou diversos aspectos positivos. Destaca-se a redução das emissões de CO2 em 81.56 % e a rentabilidade do projecto que, com um ciclo de vida de 20 anos, tem um período de recuperação do capital investido de cerca de 6 anos.


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Understanding how the brain works will require tools capable of measuring neuron elec-trical activity at a network scale. However, considerable progress is still necessary to reliably increase the number of neurons that are recorded and identified simultaneously with existing mi-croelectrode arrays. This project aims to evaluate how different materials can modify the effi-ciency of signal transfer from the neural tissue to the electrode. Therefore, various coating materials (gold, PEDOT, tungsten oxide and carbon nano-tubes) are characterized in terms of their underlying electrochemical processes and recording ef-ficacy. Iridium electrodes (177-706 μm2) are coated using galvanostatic deposition under different charge densities. By performing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in phosphate buffered saline it is determined that the impedance modulus at 1 kHz depends on the coating material and decreased up to a maximum of two orders of magnitude for PEDOT (from 1 MΩ to 25 kΩ). The electrodes are furthermore characterized by cyclic voltammetry showing that charge storage capacity is im-proved by one order of magnitude reaching a maximum of 84.1 mC/cm2 for the PEDOT: gold nanoparticles composite (38 times the capacity of the pristine). Neural recording of spontaneous activity within the cortex was performed in anesthetized rodents to evaluate electrode coating performance.


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Fully comprehending brain function, as the scale of neural networks, will only be possi-ble with the development of tools by micro and nanofabrication. Regarding specifically silicon microelectrodes arrays, a significant improvement in long-term performance of these implants is essential. This project aims to create a silicon microelectrode coating that provides high-quality electrical recordings, while limiting the inflammatory response of chronic implants. To this purpose, a combined chitosan and gold nanoparticles coating was produced allied with electrodes modification by electrodeposition with PEDOT/PSS in order to reduce the im-pedance at 1kHz. Using a dip-coating mechanism, the silicon probe was coated and then charac-terized both morphologically and electrochemically, with focus on the stability of post-surgery performance in anesthetized rodents. Since not only the inflammatory response analysis is vital, the electrodes recording degradation over time was also studied. The produced film presented a thickness of approximately 50 μm that led to an increase of impedance of less than 20 kΩ in average. On a 3 week chronic implant, the impedance in-crease on the coated probe was of 641 kΩ, compared with 2.4 MΩ obtained for the uncoated probe. The inflammatory response was also significantly reduced due to the biocompatible film as proved by histological tests.


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Com o passar dos anos, os custos das tecnologias fotovoltaica são cada vez menores, ainda que, para muitas pessoas, seja algo dispendioso, tendo em conta a crise económica vivida nos últimos anos. Contudo, em Portugal, o sector fotovoltaico tem sofrido uma estagnação. O Decreto-Lei n.º 34/2011, não obteve a adesão esperada, uma vez que os apoios foram drasticamente reduzidos. Este aspecto tornou menos rentável o sector fotovoltaico, ainda que o país se encontre numa posição geográfica privilegiada para a produção de energia solar. Para tentar reverter a situação, o governo português aprovou uma nova legislação para o sector fotovoltaico, apresenta alterações significativas face a anterior. A mais significativa prende-se com a capacidade do sistema fotovoltaico poder injectar o excesso de energia da sua produção na rede, quando esta ultrapassa o consumo, obtendo-se, desta forma, uma remuneração de acordo com a quantidade de energia injectada. O objectivo deste trabalho é implementar uma ferramenta informática que permite avaliar a rentabilidade dos projectos fotovoltaicos, face a um determinado consumidor, de acordo com a legislação portuguesa em vigor. Neste sentido, a referida ferramenta vai analisar os dados do consumo de uma habitação familiar. Após o uso da referida ferramenta informática, concluiu-se ser financeiramente rentável a instalação de um sistema voltaico na habitação. Este resultado irá ser comparado com uma aplicação financeira e com outro software de análise de projectos, existentes no mercado.