43 resultados para outbreak detection
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering
RESUMO:As terapias biológicas revolucionaram o tratamento das doenças autoimunes nos últimos anos. Tipicamente têm como alvos mediadores importantes no mecanismo das doenças. Os antagonistas do fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α) são um grupo de agentes biológicos muito prescrito, pois estão indicados no tratamento de doenças imuno-mediadas comuns, tais como artrite reumatoide, artrite idiopática juvenil, artrite psoriática, espondilite anquilosante, doença de Crohn e colite ulcerosa. Com o uso frequente de inibidores do TNF-α, tem-se tornado evidente que estes agentes têm um potencial imunogénico importante, que pode comprometer o prognóstico a longo prazo dos doentes cronicamente tratados. A produção de anticorpos anti-fármaco parece causar falência terapêutica secundária em muitos doentes. Um dos efeitos dos anticorpos anti-fármaco é o aumento da eliminação do fármaco. A eliminação do fármaco, por sua vez, varia entre indivíduos, refletindo diferentes perfis farmacocinéticos. A determinação dos níveis séricos mínimos do agente anti-TNF-α é assim muito informativa e pode auxiliar nas decisões terapêuticas. Contudo, os testes imunológicos para determinar as concentrações séricas do fármaco não estão facilmente disponíveis na prática clínica. De forma a investigar uma nova técnica potencialmente fidedigna e prática para a deteção e quantificação dos agentes biológicos anti-TNF-α, foi testada a técnica por HTRF (homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer) para a determinação de concentrações séricas de infliximab. Apesar de apresentar algumas limitações relacionadas com as condições de leitura da fluorescência, esta técnica provou obter resultados próximos das concentrações obtidas por ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) bridging. Adicionalmente, tem a vantagem de ser de execução muito mais fácil e rápida. Deste modo, a técnica por HTRF poderá ser otimizada e tornar-se uma valiosa ferramenta laboratorial para orientar as decisões terapêuticas em doentes autoimunes com falência da terapêutica anti-TNF-α.--------- ABSTRACT: Biologic therapies revolutionized the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the last years. Typically, they target important disease mediators. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists constitute a very prescribed group of biologic agents as they are indicated for the treatment of common immune-mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. With the increasing use of TNF-α inhibitors it has been noticed that they have an important immunogenic potential that can compromise long-term outcomes in chronically treated patients. The production of anti-drug antibodies seems to cause secondary therapeutic failure in many patients. One of the effects of anti-drug antibodies is the enhancement of drug clearance. Drug clearance, in turn, varies among individuals, reflecting different pharmacokinetic profiles. Determination of serum anti-TNF-α drug trough levels is though very informative and could support treatment decisions. However, immunologic assays to determine drug serum concentrations are not readily available in clinical practice. In order to investigate a potentially reliable and practical new technique for detection and quantification of anti-TNF-α biologic agents, homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (HTRF) technique was tested for determination of serum infliximab concentrations. Although presenting some limitations related with fluorescence reading conditions, this technique proved to give results close to the concentrations obtained by the widely used bridging enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In addition, it has the advantage of being much easier and faster to perform. Thus, HTRF technique can be optimized and become a valuable laboratorial tool to guide treatment decisions in autoimmune patients with anti-TNF-α therapy failure.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Nanotecnologias e Nanociências
RESUMO: Os vírus respiratórios continuam a ocupar um papel relevante na morbilidade e mortalidade infantil, tendo na última década sido alargado o espectro de vírus potencialmente causadores das infeções respiratórias. O diagnóstico destas infeções pode ser efetuado por várias metodologias, sendo as técnicas de biologia molecular consideradas as mais sensíveis para este fim. No âmbito do Projeto Ambiente e Saúde em Creches e Infantários (ENVIRH) foi efetuada uma comparação da prevalência dos principais vírus respiratórios em crianças em idade pré-escolar, com critérios de infeção respiratória, recorrendo a técnicas de biologia molecular, em duas populações: crianças que se encontravam na escola/domicilio e crianças que recorreram a uma urgência hospitalar. O estudo decorreu em dois períodos, de Fevereiro a Maio de 2011 e de Outubro de 2011 a Abril de 2012. Foram efetuadas duas colheitas de zaragatoas, uma nasal e outra orofaríngea. A metodologia utilizada para a identificação viral nas amostras foi a PCR e RT-PCR multiplex em tempo real. Os vírus pesquisados foram: Influenza A e B, Parainfluenza 1-4, Metapneumovirus humano, Vírus Sincicial respiratório (VSR), Rinovírus, Enterovírus, Coronavírus e Bocavirus. Foram realizadas 100 colheitas em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 5 meses e os 5 anos. Foram obtidas 64 amostras dos infantários/domicílios, das quais 47 foram positivas. Da urgência Hospitalar obtiveram-se 36 amostras, em que 32 foram positivas. O vírus da gripe A (H3) foi o mais frequentemente detetado nas duas populações, mas apenas durante o surto de 2012. O VSR e os adenovírus foram mais frequentes nas crianças que recorreram ao hospital, ao contrário dos enterovirus e dos coronavírus, que não foram detetados nesta população. Os bocavirus nunca foram detetados isoladamente. Este estudo reforça a importância de se utilizarem técnicas de biologia molecular para o diagnóstico etiológico das infeções respiratórias, devido à elevada sensibilidade das mesmas, o que se reflete na elevada percentagem de amostras positivas. O facto de se utilizarem técnicas “multiplex”, que permitem a pesquisa simultânea de vários vírus, facilita a deteção de um maior espectro destes agentes. A elevada prevalência de Influenza A H3N2 deveu-se ao facto de grande parte do estudo ter coincidido com um período de surto por este vírus. O sistema de alerta montado durante o projeto ENVIRH pareceu promissor para uma eventual utilização futura em períodos de atividade gripal.--------------ABSTRACT: In the last decade, as respiratory viruses keep representing a relevant factor in child morbidity and mortality, the spectrum of viruses that may potentially cause respiratory infections has been widened. Within the several methodologies that may be applied in the diagnosis of these types of infections, the ones that use molecular biology are considered to be the most sensitive. The Environment and Health in Daycares and Nurseries Project (ENVIRH) arranged for a study, by means of molecular biology techniques, on the main respiratory viruses' influence in pre-school aged children with respiratory infection symptoms. This study compared children in two different populations: children at school or at home and children that were taken to a hospital emergency service. The study was conducted in two different time periods, one from February to May 2011 and the other from October 2011 to April 2012. During this time, two swab collections were held, one nasal and one oropharyngeal. PCR and RT-PCR multiplex in real time techniques were used for viral identification of the samples, searching for the viruses Influenza A and B, Parainfluenza 1-4, human Metapneumovirus, Respiratory Sincytial Virus (RSV), Rhinovirus, Enterovirus, Coronavirus and Bocavirus. One hundred (100) collections were held in children between the ages of 5 months and 5 years, sixty-four (64) at home/school and thirty-six (36) at the hospital's emergency service. From a total of seventy-nine (79) positive samples, forty-seven (47) were obtained at home/school and thirty-two (32) at the hospital. The virus detected the most in both populations was the Influenza A (H3), but only during the outbreak of 2012. Unlike the enteroviruses and coronaviruses, that were not detected within this population, the RSV and the adenoviruses were most common within the children at the hospital. Bocaviruses were never detected isolated from other viruses. The high percentage of positive samples reinforces the significance of using molecular biology techniques for the etiological diagnosis of respiratory infections. The use of multiplex techniques, that make the simultaneous search for multiple viruses possible, enhances the detection of a larger spectrum of such agents. Most of the study coincided with an outbreak of the Influenza A H3N2 virus, thus explaining the high number of its cases identified. The alert system set up during the ENVIRH project looked promising enough for eventual periods of flu activity in the future.
Dissertation submitted in the fufillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Biomedical Engineering
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Chemistry.
This dissertation presents an approach aimed at three-dimensional perception’s obstacle detection on all-terrain robots. Given the huge amount of acquired information, the adversities such environments present to an autonomous system and the swiftness, thus required, from each of its navigation decisions, it becomes imperative that the 3-D perceptional system to be able to map obstacles and passageways in the most swift and detailed manner. In this document, a hybrid approach is presented bringing the best of several methods together, combining the lightness of lesser meticulous analyses with the detail brought by more thorough ones. Realizing the former, a terrain’s slope mapping system upon a low resolute volumetric representation of the surrounding occupancy. For the latter’s detailed evaluation, two novel metrics were conceived to discriminate the little depth discrepancies found in between range scanner’s beam distance measurements. The hybrid solution resulting from the conjunction of these two representations provides a reliable answer to traversability mapping and a robust discrimination of penetrable vegetation from that constituting real obstructions. Two distinct robotic platforms offered the possibility to test the hybrid approach on very different applications: a boat, under an European project, the ECHORD Riverwatch, and a terrestrial four-wheeled robot for a national project, the Introsys Robot.
Eradication of code smells is often pointed out as a way to improve readability, extensibility and design in existing software. However, code smell detection remains time consuming and error-prone, partly due to the inherent subjectivity of the detection processes presently available. In view of mitigating the subjectivity problem, this dissertation presents a tool that automates a technique for the detection and assessment of code smells in Java source code, developed as an Eclipse plugin. The technique is based upon a Binary Logistic Regression model that uses complexity metrics as independent variables and is calibrated by expert‟s knowledge. An overview of the technique is provided, the tool is described and validated by an example case study.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. The effectiveness of its treatment depends on early stage detection, as well as on the accuracy of its diagnosis. Recently, diagnosis techniques have been submitted to relevant breakthroughs with the upcoming of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Sonograms and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, among others. The work presented here is focused on studying the application of a PET system to a Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) system. A PET/PEM system works under the principle that a scintillating crystal will detect a gamma-ray pulse, originated at the cancerous cells, converting it into a correspondent visible light pulse. The latter must then be converted into an electrical current pulse by means of a Photo- -Sensitive Device (PSD). After the PSD there must be a Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) in order to convert the current pulse into a suitable output voltage, in a time period lower than 40 ns. In this Thesis, the PSD considered is a Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM). The usage of this recently developed type of PSD is impracticable with the conventional TIA topologies, as it will be proven. Therefore, the usage of the Regulated Common-Gate (RCG) topology will be studied in the design of the amplifier. There will be also presented two RCG variations, comprising a noise response improvement and differential operation of the circuit. The mentioned topology will also be tested in a Radio-Frequency front-end, showing the versatility of the RCG. A study comprising a low-voltage self-biasing feedback TIA will also be shown. The proposed circuits will be simulated with standard CMOS technology (UMC 130 nm), using a 1.2 V power supply. A power consumption of 0.34 mW with a signal-to-noise ratio of 43 dB was achieved.