20 resultados para fall program
RESUMO: Em 2011, a Associação Psiquiátrica Mundial lançou um programa de bolsas de investigação para psiquiatras em início de carreira a partir de países de renda baixa ou média-baixa, no âmbito deste programa, o autor foi selecionado para uma bolsa de pesquisa no Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre da Universidade de Melbourne. Orygen, é a principal organização de pesquisa e tradução do conhecimento do mundo com foco em problemas de saúde mental em pessoas jovens. O estágio foi baseado em Prevenção e Intervenção Precoce Psychosis Centre (EPPIC), que faz parte do Orygen. EPPIC fornece programa de tratamento abrangente e integrada, baseada na comunidade para o primeiro episódio de psicose. Esta dissertação descreve o modelo EPPIC, e seus componentes essenciais e fatores que são necessários para uma implementação de serviço direito. Além disso, uma proposta de criação de um programa-piloto de intervenção psicose precoce é discutido. Este programa inclui um programa de extensão inovadora que combina princípios comerciais sólidos, com metas sociais, a fim de combater especificamente a maior barreira para o tratamento da psicose precoce na Bolívia: o estigma da doença mental. Ao utilizar uma equipe de tratamento móvel, multidisciplinar, que enfatiza os papéis dos gerentes do caso treinados focada em fornecer indivíduo intensiva e apoio familiar no lar, este programa irá prestar cuidados culturalmente apropriados que irá alavancar contribuições de um suprimento limitado de psiquiatras e mudar longe da dependência um sistema médico fragmentado. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: In 2011, the World Psychiatric Association launched a programme of research fellowships for early-career psychiatrists from low- or lower-middle income countries, within this programme, the author was selected to a research fellowship at the Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre at University of Melbourne. Orygen, is the world’s leading research and knowledge translation organization focusing on mental ill-health in young people. The traineeship was based on Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), which is part of Orygen. EPPIC provides comprehensive, integrated, community-based treatment program for first-episode psychosis. This dissertation describes the EPPIC model, and its core components and factors which are necessary to a right service implementation. Additionally, a proposal to establish a pilot early psychosis intervention programme is discussed. This programme includes an innovative outreach programme that combines sound business principals with social goals in order to specifically target the largest barrier to early psychosis treatment in Bolivia: the stigma of mental illness. By utilizing a mobile, multidisciplinary treatment team that emphasizes the roles of trained case managers focused on providing intensive individual and family support in the home, this programme will provide culturally appropriate care that will leverage contributions from a limited supply of psychiatrists and shift dependence away from a fragmented medical system.
Evidence in the literature suggests a negative relationship between volume of medical procedures and mortality rates in the health care sector. In general, high-volume hospitals appear to achieve lower mortality rates, although considerable variation exists. However, most studies focus on US hospitals, which face different incentives than hospitals in a National Health Service (NHS). In order to add to the literature, this study aims to understand what happens in a NHS. Results reveal a statistically significant correlation between volume of procedures and better outcomes for the following medical procedures: cerebral infarction, respiratory infections, circulatory disorders with AMI, bowel procedures, cirrhosis, and hip and femur procedures. The effect is explained with the practice-makes-perfect hypothesis through static effects of scale with little evidence of learning-by-doing. The centralization of those medical procedures is recommended given that this policy would save a considerable number of lives (reduction of 12% in deaths for cerebral infarction).
The present article is based on the MA thesis of Hou Bowen (Ph.D candidate) and on the presentation made at the ISA World Congress of Sociology held in Yokohama (Japan) on July 2014 at the Session on “Assessing Technologies: Global Patterns of Trust and Distrust” of RC23-Sociology of Science and Technology.
Based on the report for the unit “Foresight Analysis Methods” of the PhD program on Technology Assessment in 2013. This unit was supervised by Prof. António Moniz. The paper had meanwhile contributions from the supervisor and Dr. Douglas Robinson.
The purpose of this project is to analyse and evaluate if the rural tourism cottage Quinta dos I’s will be profitable within the first five years of operation. It starts with a brief description of the business, followed by an industry analysis of the rural tourism market in Portugal and an intensive competitor analysis to evaluate Quinta dos I’s’ competitive advantages. The project then defines a marketing plan to generate awareness and establish the cottage in the market. Finally, a financial analysis is performed to examine the outcome of Quinta dos I’s’ recommended strategic activities. The results of this project show that the cottage is profitable after the first year of operation and expects to grow annually.