49 resultados para early experience


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Business History, Vol, 51 Issue 1, p45-58


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The objective of the paper is to help to understand recent changes in the structure of R&D activities, by analyzing data on the expenditure of the business sector in research and development (R&D). The results are framed in an international context, through comparison with indicators from the most developed countries, divided by technological intensity and economic activity. The study reveals that the indicators of Portuguese R&D expenditure in the business sector are closely linked both to fiscal policy and to high foreign direct investment in knowledge-intensive industries. It also links these indicators to phenomena such as the abundance of skilled labor in pharmaceutical industries and the government intervention in some sectors of the economy (namely health and rail transportation).


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Informática


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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ABSTRACT:C-reactive protein (CRP) has been widely used in the early risk assessment of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP), but unclear aspects about its prognostic accuracy in this setting persist. This project evaluated first CRP prognostic accuracy for severity, pancreatic necrosis (PNec), and in-hospital mortality (IM) in AP in terms of the best timing for CRP measurement and the optimal CRP cutoff points. Secondly it was evaluated the CRP measured at approximately 24 hours after hospital admission (CRP24) prognostic accuracy for IM in AP individually and in a combined model with a recent developed tool for the early risk assessment of patients with AP, the Bedside Index for Severity in AP (BISAP). Two single-centre retrospective cohort studies were held. The first study included 379 patients and the second study included 134 patients. Statistical methods such as the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test, the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, the net reclassification improvement, and the integrated discrimination improvement were used. It was found that CRP measured at approximately 48 hours after hospital admission (CRP48) had a prognostic accuracy for severity, PNec, and IM in AP better than CRP measured at any other timing. It was observed that the optimal CRP48 cutoff points for severity, PNec, and IM in AP varied from 170mg/l to 190mg/l, values greater than the one most often recommended in the literature – 150mg/l. It was found that CRP24 had a good prognostic accuracy for IM in AP and that the cutoff point of 60mg/l had a negative predictive value of 100%. Finally it was observed that the prognostic accuracy of a combined model including BISAP and CRP24 for IM in AP could perform better than the BISAP alone model. These results might have a direct impact on the early risk assessment of patients with AP in the daily clinical practice.--------- RESUMO: A proteina c-reactiva (CRP) tem sido largamente usada na avaliação precoce do risco em doentes com pancreatite aguda (AP), mas aspectos duvidosos acerca do seu valor prognóstico neste contexto persistem. Este projecto avaliou primeiro o valor prognóstico da CRP para a gravidade, a necrose pancreática (PNec) e a mortalidade intra-hospitalar (IM) na AP em termos do melhor momento para efectuar a sua medição e dos seus pontos-de-corte óptimos. Em segundo lugar foi avaliado o valor prognóstico da proteína c-reactiva medida aproximadamente às 24 horas após a admissão hospitalar (CRP24) para a IM na AP isoladamente e num modelo combinado, que incluiu uma ferramenta de avaliação precoce do risco em doentes com AP recentemente desenvolvida, o Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP). Dois estudos unicêntricos de coorte retrospectivo foram realizados. O primeiro estudo incluiu 379 doentes e o segundo estudo incluiu 134 doentes. Metodologias estatísticas como o teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit, a area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, o net reclassification improvement e o integrated discrimination improvement foram usadas. Verificou-se que a CRP medida às 48 horas após a admissão hospitalar (CRP48) teve um valor prognóstico para a gravidade, a PNec e a IM na AP melhor do que a CRP medida em qualquer outro momento. Observou-se que os pontos de corte óptimos da CRP48 para a gravidade, a PNec e a IM na AP variaram entre 170mg/l e 190mg/l, valores acima do valor mais frequentemente recomendado na literatura – 150mg/l. Verificou-se que a CRP medida aproximadamente às 24 horas após a admissão hospitalar (CRP24) teve um bom valor prognóstico para a IM na AP e que o ponto de corte 60mg/l teve um valor preditivo negativo de 100%. Finalmente observou-se que o valor prognóstico de um modelo combinado incluindo o BISAP e a CRP24 para a IM na AP pode ter um desempenho melhor do que o do BISAP isoladamente. Estes resultados podem ter um impacto directo na avaliação precoce do risco em doentes com AP na prática clínica diária.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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RESUMO: Fizemos uma análise da evolução do conceito de estigma, das suas correlações e das suas consequências e analisámos os instrumentos psicométricos utilizados para estudar experiências pessoais de estigma. Revimos os principais estudos de investigação sobre estigma em Portugal. Revimos, igualmente, os estudos relevantes utilizando o “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire” (CESQ) e as propriedades psicométricas já documentadas. O nosso estudo teve como objetivos: explorar as experiências de estigma numa amostra portuguesa de pessoas com perturbação mental grave e contribuir para a documentação das propriedades psicométricas do “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire” e para a validação da sua versão portuguesa. Fizemos um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, recolhemos dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e medimos as experiências de estigma e o funcionamento global. A frequência das respostas da secção de estigma foi semelhante à dos restantes estudos utilizando a CESQ. A frequência das respostas na secção de discriminação foi ligeiramente inferior à reportada noutros estudos. Verificámos a existência de uma associação entre a pontuação da subescala de discriminação, o sexo masculino e o facto de se viver na comunidade. A pontuação da subescala de discriminação está também correlacionada de forma positiva com o funcionamento global. Os alfas de Cronbach para a CESQ e para as suas subescalas foram considerados bons. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse foram igualmente considerados igualmente bons. Utilizando técnicas de análise fatorial, verificámos que a maior parte dos itens da CESQ se enquadrava em dois fatores, correspondendo sensivelmente às subescalas definidas previamente. Concluímos que o presente estudo explorou com sucesso a questão do estigma em Portugal, contribuindo em simultâneo para a validação do “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire.--------------ABSTRACT: We reviewed the evolution of concept of stigma, its correlates and consequences, and analysed psychometric instruments that were used to study personal experiences of stigma. We provided an insight over research of stigma in Portugal. We reviewed relevant studies that use Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire and documented psychometric properties of this instrument. Our study aimed both to explore experiences of stigma in a Portuguese sample of people with severe mental illness and to contribute to the assessment of the psychometric properties of Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire and to the validation of its Portuguese translation. We performed a cross sectional descriptive and analytic study, collected socio-demographic data and measured experiences of stigma and global functioning. Frequency of responses regarding stigma section of CESQ matched previous studies using that scale. Frequency of responses in discrimination section was slightly lower than previously reported studies. We found an association between the discrimination score of CESQ and both male gender and living in the community. The discrimination score also positively correlated with global functioning. Cronbach alphas for CESQ and its subscales were good. Intraclass correlation coefficients for CESQ and stigma subscale were also good. Using factor analysis we found most of the items in CESQ would fit 2 factors, grossly corresponding to the previously defined subscales. We conclude that this study successfully explored stigma in Portugal, contributing in simultaneous to the validation of Consumer Experiences Questionnaire.