38 resultados para convergence presque sûre
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
«Lors de cette étude, nous avons interrogo et écouté les habitants du lieu. (-) Nous les avons tous rencontrés et avec presque tous, nous avons eu de longs et múltiples entretiens. Sollicitant T Information, provoquant les remémorations, laissant s'égrener les souvenirs..., nous avons cru recueillir les faits et, peu à peu, s'est imposée une parole: une vision du monde, une manière collective et originale de Ia dire et de Texpliquer.» Dans ces mots d'introduction à son livre La mêmoire longue, Françoise Zonabend met d'emblée Taccent sur Ia parole comme substrat de Ia mêmoire d'une communauté: parole individuelle recueillie au cours des entretiens menés auprès des informateurs, parole «collective» reconstituée par Tanthropologue après-coup et par écrit. Pour acquérir validité scientifique, les récits de vie recueillis auront été entretemps düment contextualisés grâce à d'autres sources d'Information, comme celles tirées de Tobservation ethnographique, des archives, etc.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissecting cross-talk between microglia and motoneurons in ALS: signaling events and soluble factors
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
The virtuous cycle between development success and foreign policy in Cape Verde reflects a positive interaction between globalization and governance. Development success under globalization entails positive market perceptions regarding the orientation and predictability of policies as well as the accompanying institutional arrangements, thereby making foreign policy salient beyond the comparator group, or “aspirational”. Even if there is no universally applicable development model, an aspirational foreign policy can be built on positive rankings with respect to comparator groups. In Macedo and Pereira (2010), macrolevel policy and institutional combinations underpinning trade diversification and income convergence in West and Southern Africa are used to establish development success for Cape Verde and Mozambique respectively. Here, the narrative of long-term development helps identify the following drivers: moving towards a market economy; opening up to regional and global trade; increasing economic and political freedom; pursuing macroeconomic stability and financial reputation; ensuring policy continuity (especially in trade and industrial sectors) and focusing on human development (especially poverty reduction and education). Looking at GDP per capita and indicators of financial reputation and good governance of sub-regional peers is not sufficient to conclude that Cape Verde’s convergence will be sustained. Nevertheless, the positive interaction between trade and financial globalization, on the one hand, and democracy and good governance, on the other, have positive implications for the effectiveness of foreign policy across the region as well as in the Portuguese-speaking community.
We conduct a systematic study of the impact of European Union (EU) regional policies on regional economic growth that controls for national policies and geographic characteristics. Special care is taken in distinguishing between the impact of EU policies and of national policies on economic growth. Our empirical study tries to answer two different questions. First, is there convergence across EU regions, and if so, do regions converge to a common European steady-state or to a national one? Second, how do European and national policies affect regional growth? We find evidence of regional convergence at the national level but not at the European level. In addition we find that trade openness at the national level is associated with regional convergence while European regional policies contribute, though weakly, to regional convergence. Our results suggest that policies that foster market integration – and convergence to a common steady-state - such as the promotion of labour and capital movements across countries and common regulatory policies are as important for European-wide regional convergence as regional structural funds.
There is a family of models with Physical, Human capital and R&D for which convergence properties have been discussed (Arnold, 2000a; Gómez, 2005). However, spillovers in R&D have been ignored in this context. We introduce spillovers in this model and derive its steady-state and stability properties. This new feature implies that the model is characterized by a system of four differential equations. A unique Balanced Growth Path along with a two dimensional stable manifold are obtained under simple and reasonable conditions. Transition is oscillatory toward the steady-state for plausible values of parameters.
The convergence features of an Endogenous Growth model with Physical capital, Human Capital and R&D have been studied. We add an erosion effect (supported by empirical evidence) to this model, and fully characterize its convergence properties. The dynamics is described by a fourth-order system of differential equations. We show that the model converges along a one-dimensional stable manifold and that its equilibrium is saddle-path stable. We also argue that one of the implications of considering this “erosion effect” is the increase in the adherence of the model to data.
Pendant le Moyen Âge, le Portugal est apparu comme un espace périphérique indissociable de la Chrétienté européenne, dont la diversité naturelle avait établi un contraste entre le nord, ouvert aux influences atlantiques, et le sud, proche de la Méditerranée. Ce clivage valait aussi pour la réeeptivité aux influenees culturelles léguées par le passé, en particulier romaine et islamique, dont I'héritage était plus sensible dans les zones situées au sud du Tage, ce dont témoignait notamment une plus forte densité urbaine. Cependant, le territoire portugais s'insérait encore dans une Péninsule Ibérique marquée par des siècles deprésenee musulmane et par une longue période de conflits militaires liés au mouvement de eonquête territoriale ehrétienne. On peut dire que I'émergenee politique du royaume portugais, presque à la fin de la premiére moitié du XIIe siècle (1143), résulte en grande partie de cette situation, sans aueun doute déterrninante pour la constitution de cette mosaique d'entités politiques, earactéristique de la Péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge. Mais on peut dire que I'autonomie portugaise et surtout son affirmation territoriale doit être assoeiée a un proeessus d'affirmation en faisant face aux unités politiques voisines ça veut dire les royaumes de León et Castille.
MARQUES, B.P. (2014) From Strategic Planning to Development Initiatives: a first reflection on the situation of Lisbon and Barcelona, in 20th APDR Congress Proceddings, APDR and UÉvora, Évora, pp. 850-857, ISBN 978-989-8780-01-0.
Paper presented at the Colloquium Gerpisa 2013, Paris (http://gerpisa.org/node/2085), Session n°: 19 New kinds of mobility: old and new business models