23 resultados para Underflow diameter


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Rupture of aortic aneurysms (AA) is a major cause of death in the Western world. Currently, clinical decision upon surgical intervention is based on the diameter of the aneurysm. However, this method is not fully adequate. Noninvasive assessment of the elastic properties of the arterial wall can be a better predictor for AA growth and rupture risk. The purpose of this study is to estimate mechanical properties of the aortic wall using in vitro inflation testing and 2D ultrasound (US) elastography, and investigate the performance of the proposed methodology for physiological conditions. Two different inflation experiments were performed on twelve porcine aortas: 1) a static experiment for a large pressure range (0 – 140 mmHg); 2) a dynamic experiment closely mimicking the in vivo hemodynamics at physiological pressures (70 – 130 mmHg). 2D raw radiofrequency (RF) US datasets were acquired for one longitudinal and two cross-sectional imaging planes, for both experiments. The RF-data were manually segmented and a 2D vessel wall displacement tracking algorithm was applied to obtain the aortic diameter–time behavior. The shear modulus G was estimated assuming a Neo-Hookean material model. In addition, an incremental study based on the static data was performed to: 1) investigate the changes in G for increasing mean arterial pressure (MAP), for a certain pressure difference (30, 40, 50 and 60 mmHg); 2) compare the results with those from the dynamic experiment, for the same pressure range. The resulting shear modulus G was 94 ± 16 kPa for the static experiment, which is in agreement with literature. A linear dependency on MAP was found for G, yet the effect of the pressure difference was negligible. The dynamic data revealed a G of 250 ± 20 kPa. For the same pressure range, the incremental shear modulus (Ginc) was 240 ± 39 kPa, which is in agreement with the former. In general, for all experiments, no significant differences in the values of G were found between different image planes. This study shows that 2D US elastography of aortas during inflation testing is feasible under controlled and physiological circumstances. In future studies, the in vivo, dynamic experiment should be repeated for a range of MAPs and pathological vessels should be examined. Furthermore, the use of more complex material models needs to be considered to describe the non-linear behavior of the vascular tissue.


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In recent years there has been a growing interest in developing news solutions for more ecologic and efficient construction, including natural, renewable and local materials, thus contributing in the search for more efficient, economic and environmentally friendly construction. Several authors have assessed the possibility of using various agricultural sub products or wastes, as part of the effort of the scientific community to find alternative and more ecologic construction materials. Corn cob is an agricultural waste from a very important worldwide crop. Natural glues are made from natural materials, non-mineral, that can be used as such or after some modifications to achieve the behaviour and performance required. Two examples of these natural glues are casein and wheat flour-based glues that were used in the present study. Boards with different compositions were manufactured, having as variables the type of glue, the dimension of the corn cob particles and the features of the pressing process. The tests boards were characterized with physical and mechanical tests, such as thermal conductivity (λ) with a ISOMET 2104 and 60 mm diameter contact probe, density (ρ) based on EN 1602:2013, surface hardness (SH) with a PCE Shore A durometer, surface resistance (SR) with a PROCEQ PT pendular sclerometer, bending behaviour (σ) based on EN 12089:2013, compression behaviour (σ10) based on EN 826:2013 and resilience (R) based on EN 1094-1:2008, with a Zwick Rowell bending equipment with 2 kN and 50 kN load cells (Fig. 1), dynamic modulus of elasticity (Ed) with a Zeus Resonance Meter equipment (Fig. 5) based on NP EN 14146:2006 and water vapour permeability (δ) based on EN 12086:2013. The various boards produced were characterized according to the tests and the ones with the best results were C8_c8 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 8 hours), C8_c4 (casein glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours), F8_h0.5 (wheat flour glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours), FEV8_h0.5 (wheat flour, egg white and vinegar glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, hot pressing for 0,5 hours) and FEVH68_c4 (wheat flour, egg white, vinegar and 6 g of sodium hydroxide glue, grain size 2,38-4,76 mm, cold pressing for 4 hours). Taking into account the various boards produced and respective test results the type of glue and the pressure and pressing time are very important factors which strongly influence the final product. The results obtained confirmed the initial hypotheses that these boards have potential as a thermal and, eventually, acoustic insulation material, to use as coating or intermediate layer on walls, floors or false ceilings. This type of board has a high mechanical resistance when compared with traditional insulating materials.The integrity of these boards seems to be maintained even in higher humidity environments. However, due to biological susceptibility and sensitivity to water, they would be more adequate for application in dry interior conditions.


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Understanding how the brain works has been one of the greatest goals of mankind. This desire fuels the scientific community to pursue novel techniques able to acquire the complex information produced by the brain at any given moment. The Electrocorticography (ECoG) is one of those techniques. By placing conductive electrodes over the dura, or directly over the cortex, and measuring the electric potential variation, one can acquire information regarding the activation of those areas. In this work, transparent ECoGs, (TrECoGs) are fabricated through thin film deposition of the Transparent Conductive Oxides (TCOs) Indium-Zinc-Oxide (IZO) and Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (GZO). Five distinct devices have been fabricated via shadow masking and photolithography. The data acquired and presented in this work validates the TrECoGs fabricated as efficient devices for recording brain activity. The best results were obtained for the GZO- based TrECoG, which presented an average impedance of 36 kΩ at 1 kHz for 500 μm diameter electrodes, a transmittance close to 90% for the visible spectrum and a clear capability to detect brain signal variations. The IZO based devices also presented high transmittance levels (90%), but with higher impedances, which ranged from 40 kΩ to 100 kΩ.


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Materials engineering focuses on the assembly of materials´ properties to design new products with the best performance. By using sub-micrometer size materials in the production of composites, it is possible to obtain objects with properties that none of their compounds show individually. Once three-dimensional materials can be easily customized to obtain desired properties, much interest has been paid to nanostructured poly-mers in order to build biocompatible devices. Over the past years, the thermosensitive microgels have become more common in the framework of bio-materials with potential applicability in therapy and/or diagnostics. In addition, high aspect ratio biopolymers fibers have been produced using the cost-effective method called electrospinning. Taking advantage of both microgels and electrospun fibers, surfaces with enhanced functionalities can be obtained and, therefore employed in a wide range of applications. This dissertation reports on the confinement of stimuli-responsive microgels through the colloidal electro-spinning process. The process mainly depends on the composition, properties and patterning of the precur-sor materials within the polymer jet. Microgels as well as the electrospun non-woven mats were investigated to correlate the starting materials with the final morphology of the composite fibers. PNIPAAm and PNIPAAm/Chitosan thermosensitive microgels with different compositions were obtained via surfactant free emulsion polymerization (SFEP) and characterized in terms of chemical structure, morphology, thermal sta-bility, swelling properties and thermosensitivity. Finally, the colloidal electrospinning method was carried out from spinning solutions composed of the stable microgel dispersions (up to a concentration of about 35 wt. % microgels) and a polymer solution of PEO/water/ethanol mixture acting as fiber template solution. The confinement of microgels was confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The electrospinning process was statistically analysed providing the optimum set of parameters aimed to minimize the fiber diameter, which give rise to electrospun nanofibers of PNIPAAm microgels/PEO with a mean fiber diameter of 63 ± 25 nm.


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AuNPs are versatile systems used for different biomedical application including imaging, drug and gene delivery. These systems support the intracellular transport of active molecules, a step that is considered one of the crucial problems in drug delivery. Nevertheless, in order to design optimal multifunctional AuNPs for specific and efficient nanomedicine applications, the mechanism by which AuNPs interact with living cells must be fully understand. The main goal of this work consisted in the assessment of the cellular uptake mechanism of 14 nm spherical AuNPs by A549 cells, through fluorescent spectroscopy and microscopy, in combination with quantitative analysis by ICP-MS. TAMRA labeled AuNPs were characterized by UV-visible and fluorescent spectroscopy and the final hydrodynamic diameter of 22.5 ± 0.33 nm was obtained by DLS. Regarding the cellular uptake studies, the AuNPs presented a fast cellular uptake kinetics reaching a saturation point after 6 hours of incubation in A549 cells. Further investigation concerning the internalization mechanism of this AuNPs was evaluated using specific inhibitors for different endocytic pathways. Optimal inhibition was achieved using chlorpromazine, inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, resulting in a 23.5 % inhibition of AuNPs after 1 hour of incubation. This preliminary result obtained by fluorescent spectroscopy suggests that these AuNPs were predominantly uptake by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, meaning that other endocytic pathways must be involved in the cellular uptake of this AuNPs. In what cell viability is concern, the prepared AuNPs and the endocytic inhibitors revealed no significant effect on the cell viability in A549 cell line.


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Cancer is a well-known disease with a significant impact in society not only due to its incidence, more evident in more developed countries, but also due to the expenses related to medical treat-ments. Cancer research is considered an increasingly logical science with great potential for the development of new treatment options. Advances in nanomedicine have resulted in rapid devel-opment of nanomaterials with considerable potential in cancer diagnostics and treatment. The combination of diagnosis and treatment in a single nano-platform is named theranostic. In this PhD thesis a theranostic system for osteosarcoma was proposed, composed by a magnetic core, a polymeric coating, and a chemotherapeutic drug. The presence of a specific targeting agent, in this case a monoclonal antibody, provides high specificity to the proposed theranostic system. For the core of the proposed theranostic system, stable aqueous suspensions of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with an average diameter of 9 nm were produced. Chitosan-based poly-meric nanoparticles with a hydrodynamic diameter around 150 nm were successfully produced. Incorporation of iron oxide nanoparticles into the polymeric ones increased their hydrodynamic diameter to at least 250 nm. A monoclonal antibody specific for a transmembranar protein (car-bonic anhydrase IX) present in solid tumors was developed by hybridoma technology. Functional hybridomas producing the desired monoclonal antibodies were obtained. The proposed theranostic system functionality was evaluated in separated parts of its components. Uncoated and coated iron oxide nanoparticles with chitosan-based polymers generated heat under the application of an external alternating magnetic field. Uncoated iron oxide nanoparticles sta-bilized with oleic acid were able to enhance contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. Drug deliv-ery studies were conducted in chitosan-based polymeric nanoparticles without and with the in-corporation of iron oxide nanoparticles, demonstrating to be an effective drug delivery platform for doxorubicin. The theranostic system proposed in this PhD thesis is very promising for cancer theranostic, demonstrating to be applicable in solid tumors such as osteosarcoma.


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The unique proprieties exhibited by nanoscale particles compared to their macro size counterparts allow for the creation of novel neural activity manipula-tion procedures. In this sense, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can be used to stimu-late the electrical activity of neuron by converting light into heat. During this dissertation, AuNPs are synthesized by the citrate reduction method, resulting in a hydrodynamic diameter of approximately 16 nm and an absorbance peak of 530 nm. A system to control a 532 nm laser and measure the temperature variation was custom built from scratch specifically for this project. Temperature is then measured with recourse to a thermocouple and through changes in impedance. The built system had in consideration the necessities pre-sented by in vivo tests. Trials were performed by measuring the temperature rise of colloidal AuNP solutions, having the temperature variation reached a maximum of ap-proximately 18 ºC relative to control trials; successfully showing that light is ef-fectively transduced into heat when AuNPs are present. This novel approach enables an alternative to optogenetics, which require the animal to be genetically modified in order to allow neuron stimulation.


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RESUMO: Introdução - A utilização de células e das suas propriedades para o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares, é uma promessa para o futuro e talvez a única forma de ultrapassar algumas das insuficiências das terapêuticas atuais. A via de entrega das células mais utilizada na investigação tem sido a intracoronária, ganhando a microcirculação especial relevância, por ser onde ocorre a primeira interação com o tecido nativo. As células estaminais mesenquimais (CEM) têm propriedades que as tornam particularmente aptas para a Terapia Celular, mas as suas dimensões, superiores ao diâmetro dos capilares, tem motivado controvérsia quanto à sua entrega intracoronária. A cardiologia de intervenção tem atualmente técnicas que permitem a avaliação em tempo real e in vivo do estado da microcirculação coronária. A determinação do índice da resistência da microcirculação (IRM) fornece informação sobre a circulação dos pequenos vasos, de forma independente da circulação coronária e do estado hemodinâmico, mas a aplicabilidade clínica deste conhecimento encontra-se ainda por definir. Objectivos Esclarecer o potencial do IRM no estudo dos efeitos do transplante de CEM por via intracoronária. População e Métodos . Estudo pré-clínico com modelo animal (suíno) desenvolvido em 3 fases. Na Primeira Fase foram utilizados 8 animais saudáveis para estudar e validar a técnica de determinação de estudo da microcirculação. Efetuou-se a determinação do IRM com duas doses diferentes de papaverina para a indução da resposta hiperémica máxima (5 e 10 mg) e após a disfunção da microcirculação com injeção intracoronária de microesferas de embozene com 40 μm de diâmetro. Na Segunda Fase foram utilizados 18 animais saudáveis, randomizados em grupo controlo e grupo recetor de 30 x 106 CEM por via intracoronária. Foram avaliados de forma cega o IRM, a pressão aórtica, o fluxo coronário epicárdico e a ocorrência de alterações electrocardiográficas. Na Terceira Fase foram utilizados 18 animais, com enfarte agudo do miocárdio provocado (EAM), randomizados em grupo controlo, grupo recetor de CEM expandidas de forma convencional e grupo recetor de CEM expandidas com metodologia inovadora e de menores dimensões. Foi realizada uma exploração da dose/efeito com infusão faseada de 10 x 106, 15 x 106 e 20 x 106 CEM, com determinação do IRM, da pressão aórtica, do fluxo coronário epicárdico e da ocorrência de alterações eletrocardiográficas. Quatro semanas após a entrega das células foi novamente avaliado o IRM e foi efetuado o estudo anatomopatológico dos animais na procura de evidência de neoangiogénese e de regeneração miocárdica, ou de um efeito positivo da resposta reparadora após o enfarte. Resultados Nas 3 fases todos os animais mantiveram estabilidade hemodinâmica e eletrocardiográfica, com exceção da elevação de ST de V1-V3 verificada após a injeção das microesferas. Na Primeira Fase as duas doses de papaverina induziram uma resposta hiperémica eficaz, sem tradução com significado na determinação do IRM (variação da pressão distal de - 11,4 ± 5 e de - 10,6± 5 mmHg com as doses de 5 e 10 mg respetivamente (p=0,5). Com a injeção das microesferas o IRM teve uma elevação média de 310 ± 190 %, para um valor médio de 41,3 ± 16 U (p = 0,001). Na Segunda Fase não houve diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os dois grupos. O IRM de base foi semelhante e após a infusão intracoronária observou-se uma elevação expressiva do IRM nos animais que receberam células em comparação com o grupo controlo (8,8 U ± 1 vs. 14,2 U ± 1,8, P=0,02) e quanto ao seu valor de base (aumento de 112%, p=0,008). Na terceira Fase não houve novamente diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os três grupos. Houve uma elevação do IRM nos animais que receberam células a partir da 2ª dose (72% nas células convencionai e 108% nas células inovadoras) e que se manteve com a 3ª dose (100% nas células convencionais e 88% nas inovadoras) com significado estatístico em comparação com o grupo controlo (p=0,034 com a 2ªdose e p=0,024 com a 3ª dose). Quatro semanas após a entrega das CEM observou-se a descida do IRM nos dois grupos que receberam células, para valores sobreponíveis aos do grupo controlo e aos valores pós-EAM. Na avaliação anatomopatológica e histológica dos corações explantados não houve diferenças entre os três grupos. Conclusões O IRM permite distinguir alterações da microcirculação coronária motivadas pela entrega intracoronária de CEM, na ausência de alterações de outros parâmetros clínicos da circulação coronária utilizados em tempo real. As alterações do IRM são progressivas e passíveis de avaliar o efeito/dose, embora não tenha sido possível determinar diferenças com os dois tipos de CEM. No nosso modelo a injeção intracoronária não se associou a evidência de efeito benéfico na reparação ou regeneração miocárdica após o EAM.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT Introduction The use of cells for the treatment of cardiovascular disease is a promise for the future and perhaps the only option to overcome some of the shortcomings of current therapies. The strategy for the delivery of cells most often used in current research has been the intracoronary route and due to this microcirculation gains special relevance, mainly because it is the first interaction site of transplanted cells with the native tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have properties that make them suitable for Cell Therapy, but its dimensions, larger than the diameter of capillaries, have prompted controversy about the safety of intracoronary delivery. The interventional cardiology currently has techniques that allow for real-time and in vivo assessment of coronary microcirculation state. The determination of the index of microcirculatory resistance index (IMR) provides information about small vessels, independently of the coronary circulation and hemodynamic status, but the clinical applicability of this knowledge is yet to be defined. Objectives To clarify the potential use of IMR in the study of the effects of MSC through intracoronary transplantation. Population and Methods Preclinical study with swine model developed in three phases. In Phase One 8 healthy animals were used to study and validate the IMR assessment in our animal model. IMR was assessed with two different doses of papaverine for inducing the maximal hyperaemic response (5 and 10 mg) and microcirculation dysfunction was achieved after intracoronary injection with embozene microspheres with 40 μm in diameter. In Phase Two we randomized 18 healthy animals divided between the control group and the one receiving 30 x 106 MSC through an intracoronary infusion. There we blindly evaluated IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and the occurrence of ECG changes. In Phase Three we used 18 animals with a provoked acute myocardial infarction (AMI), randomized into a control group, a MSC expanded conventionally receiver group and a MSC expanded with an innovative methodology receiver group. There was a stepwise infusion with doses of 10 x 106, 15 x 106 and 20 x 106 MSC with determination of IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and occurrence of electrocardiographic abnormalities. Four weeks after cell delivery we again measured the IMR and proceeded with the pathological study of animals in the search for evidence of neoangiogenesis and myocardial regeneration, or a positive effect in the reparative response following the infarction. Results All animals remained hemodynamically stable and with no electrocardiographic abnormalities, except for the ST elevation in V1-V3 observed after injection of the microspheres. In Phase One the two doses of papaverine achieved an hyperemic and effective response without significant differences in IMR (variation of the distal pressure -11.4 ± 5 and -10.6 ± 5 mmHg with the doses of 5 and 10 mg respectively (p = 0.5). With the injection of the microspheres the IMR had an average increase of 310 ± 190% for an average value of 41.3 ± 16 U (p = 0.001). In the second phase there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, epicardial flow and electrocardiographic assessment between the two groups. The baseline IMR was similar and after intracoronary infusion there was a significant increase in animals receiving cells compared with the control group (8.8 ± U 1 vs. 14.2 ± 1.8, p = 0.02) and with their baseline (112% increase, p = 0.008). In the third phase again there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, the epicardial flow and electrocardiographic evaluation between the three groups. There was a significant increase in IMR in animals that received cells from the 2nd dose (72% in conventional cells and 108% in the innovative cells) that remained with the 3rd dose (100% in conventional cells and 88% in the innovative) with statistical significance compared with the control group (p = 0.034 with 2nd dose, p = 0.024 with 3rd dose). Four weeks after delivery of the MSC we observed the fall of the IMR in the two groups that received cells with values overlapping those of the control group. In pathological and histological evaluation of removed hearts there were no differences among the three groups. Conclusions The IMR allows for the differentiation of changes in coronary microcirculation motivated by intracoronary delivery of MSC in the absence of modification in other clinical parameters. IMR changes are progressive and enable the evaluation of the effect / dose, though it has not been possible to determine differences in the two types of MSC. In our model, intracoronary injection of MSC was not associated with evidence of repair or myocardial regeneration after AMI.