18 resultados para Thermal Microscopy


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É sabido que devido à escassez de água potável, nomeadamente em países sub-desenvolvidos, morrem milhares de pessoas por ano, com a procura de fontes de água alternativas, que por sua vez se encontram contaminadas com microrganismos patogénicos; a este facto também se salienta a possibilidade de ocorrência de catástrofes naturais, tornando-se necessário o desenvolvimento de sistemas de desinfecção prácticos, de baixo custo e eficientes. O trabalho experimental desenvolvido focou-se nestas realidades, tendo por objectivo principal o desenvolvimento de um papel bactericida, em particular, um papel de baixo custo como é o caso do papel de filtro de café, para aplicação em desinfecção de água. Este papel foi funcionalizado com nanopartículas sintetizadas de prata, óxido de zinco e com ambas, assim como com nanopartículas comerciais, cuja caracterização foi feita por Microscopia Electrónica de Varrimento (SEM, Scanning Electron Microscopy), Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDS, Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy), Espectroscopia de Ultravioleta-Visível (UV-VIS Uv-Visible Spectroscopy), Difracção de Raios-X (DRX, X-Rays Diffraction), Análise Termogravimétrica (TA, Thermal Analysis), e Calorimetria Diferencial de Varrimento (DSC, Differencial Scanning Calorimetry) e a actividade anti-bacteriana dos papéis foi avaliada através de Testes de Sensibilidade aos Antibióticos, pelo Método de Kirby-Bauer, contra as bactérias S.a.ATCC25923 e E.coli ATCC25922. No decorrer das sínteses variaram-se alguns parâmetros consoante o tipo de nanopartícula, para as np´s de prata variou-se essencialmente a metodologia de síntese e o tipo de redutor, para as np´s de óxido de zinco, dado ser um composto fotossensível, submeteu-se o papel á luz ultravioleta, o que, por outro lado também esterelizava o papel, e para ter uma comparação, esterelizou-se também o papel pela autoclave, constatando-se, pelas técnicas de caracterização, nomeadamente DRX, que os papeis não continham nanopartículas de óxido de zinco mas sim de acetato de zinco. Surpreendentemente, nos papéis autoclavados já se detectou a presença de óxido de zinco. Com os papéis que evidenciararam maior actividade anti-bacteriana realizaram-se filtrações de membrana com amostras de água contaminada e a determinação da concentração de metal no filtrado foi realizada pela técnica de Espectroscopia de Absorção Atómica de Chama (Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) conseguindo-se uma taxa de redução bacteriana de practicamente 100% para E.coli NCTC 9001 e E.f NCTC775 com os papéis contendo acetato de zinco numa concentração de 50 mM e np´sAg e acetato de zinco, numa concentração de 10 mM. De forma a validar o trabalho desenvolvido a parte final consistiu em testar os filtros com melhores propriedades em águas contaminadas, tendo esse trabalho sido feito no Laboratório de Água de Consumo dos Serviços Municipalizados de Água e Saneamento de Almada.


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With the projection of an increasing world population, hand-in-hand with a journey towards a bigger number of developed countries, further demand on basic chemical building blocks, as ethylene and propylene, has to be properly addressed in the next decades. The methanol-to-olefins (MTO) is an interesting reaction to produce those alkenes using coal, gas or alternative sources, like biomass, through syngas as a source for the production of methanol. This technology has been widely applied since 1985 and most of the processes are making use of zeolites as catalysts, particularly ZSM-5. Although its selectivity is not especially biased over light olefins, it resists to a quick deactivation by coke deposition, making it quite attractive when it comes to industrial environments; nevertheless, this is a highly exothermic reaction, which is hard to control and to anticipate problems, such as temperature runaways or hot-spots, inside the catalytic bed. The main focus of this project is to study those temperature effects, by addressing both experimental, where the catalytic performance and the temperature profiles are studied, and modelling fronts, which consists in a five step strategy to predict the weight fractions and activity. The mind-set of catalytic testing is present in all the developed assays. It was verified that the selectivity towards light olefins increases with temperature, although this also leads to a much faster catalyst deactivation. To oppose this effect, experiments were carried using a diluted bed, having been able to increase the catalyst lifetime between 32% and 47%. Additionally, experiments with three thermocouples placed inside the catalytic bed were performed, analysing the deactivation wave and the peaks of temperature throughout the bed. Regeneration was done between consecutive runs and it was concluded that this action can be a powerful means to increase the catalyst lifetime, maintaining a constant selectivity towards light olefins, by losing acid strength in a steam stabilised zeolitic structure. On the other hand, developments on the other approach lead to the construction of a raw basic model, able to predict weight fractions, that should be tuned to be a tool for deactivation and temperature profiles prediction.


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Materials engineering focuses on the assembly of materials´ properties to design new products with the best performance. By using sub-micrometer size materials in the production of composites, it is possible to obtain objects with properties that none of their compounds show individually. Once three-dimensional materials can be easily customized to obtain desired properties, much interest has been paid to nanostructured poly-mers in order to build biocompatible devices. Over the past years, the thermosensitive microgels have become more common in the framework of bio-materials with potential applicability in therapy and/or diagnostics. In addition, high aspect ratio biopolymers fibers have been produced using the cost-effective method called electrospinning. Taking advantage of both microgels and electrospun fibers, surfaces with enhanced functionalities can be obtained and, therefore employed in a wide range of applications. This dissertation reports on the confinement of stimuli-responsive microgels through the colloidal electro-spinning process. The process mainly depends on the composition, properties and patterning of the precur-sor materials within the polymer jet. Microgels as well as the electrospun non-woven mats were investigated to correlate the starting materials with the final morphology of the composite fibers. PNIPAAm and PNIPAAm/Chitosan thermosensitive microgels with different compositions were obtained via surfactant free emulsion polymerization (SFEP) and characterized in terms of chemical structure, morphology, thermal sta-bility, swelling properties and thermosensitivity. Finally, the colloidal electrospinning method was carried out from spinning solutions composed of the stable microgel dispersions (up to a concentration of about 35 wt. % microgels) and a polymer solution of PEO/water/ethanol mixture acting as fiber template solution. The confinement of microgels was confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The electrospinning process was statistically analysed providing the optimum set of parameters aimed to minimize the fiber diameter, which give rise to electrospun nanofibers of PNIPAAm microgels/PEO with a mean fiber diameter of 63 ± 25 nm.