20 resultados para Tarifas bancárias


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In the present work we intend to do an analysis of the production of electricity in special regime in Portugal. We will focus in particular in the remuneration system through the feed-in tariffs. First, we will excurse throughout different legal diplomas that regulated the special regime in Portugal, exploring which guarantees were conferred to electricity generators throughout the years. We intend to also evaluate how the producers remunerative rights were (or not) protected in the various legislative changes. In the second part of the dissertation we will examine whether the feed-in tariffs may be considered as State aid. Due to the inclusion of the subject in EU Law, we will analyze EU regulation and case law to support our position about the Portuguese regime. Finally, and to the extent that the production of electricity in special regime has undergone several changes to its remunerative regime in the last few years, we propose to analyze more carefully the amendments in question. We will scrutinize the reasons that based the amendments in question, which are mainly based on the economic crisis suffered by the country. We will also examine how those changes may jeopardize the remunerative rights of the producers.


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This report will describe the activities undertaken during my internship at the Personnel Department (DPE-UPE4.1) in Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Lisbon, between September 22, 2014, and February 28, 2015. I consider that it is important to note from the outset i) that the subject of my training was suggested by my supervisor in the DPE and accepted by me; and ii) that the internship consisted essentially of carrying out research and information gathering into the different social systems that coexist within the bank and the application of each legal system in solving concrete situations of the CGD employees. The research and analysis of information was important not only for my study but for the CGD itself, as it enables the department to have such an important matter, full of specific characteristics, condensed into a single document, i.e. this report. This is a complex reality. The various welfare systems differ according to the contractual agreement linking the employee to the employer at the date when the labour contract is signed, and also the unique/singular characteristics of the CGD. In the early stage I started by trying to understand the financial institution and its organization and role and the department where I worked. So I analyzed the CGD Statutes and the legal measures that crystallized the scheme for its employees and I also researched its domestic and international operations. The first month was devoted to the research and analysis of such legislation to understand the creation of the CGD and its path to date. In the second and third months I studied the legal social systems that are applied to different groups of CGD workers. This period was quite important to identify and understand the differences between those regimes of CGD employees as well as the procedure inherent in each case. I highlighted the non-implementation of “the social protection regime of convergence” to the workers of this institution; the differences regarding the allocation of sickness subsidies paid to workers who belong to Social Security and CGA contributors, as well as the enforcement of internal rules to all the workers when a work-related accident happens. Then I focused on to assessing and examining external legislation and several internal regulations in order to obtain solutions to questions raised and situations involving by the workers, in order to understand how the DPE solves these situations. Over the last three months of internship, after this more theoretical work, I began the analysis of concrete situations involving employees carrying out their duties in Portugal and abroad. Some of these situations had been received by the department before the beginning of my internship and others over this period. When I was “working” in the DPE I analyzed “cases” that had been solved and some others without a final solution because they were still in courts. As for the last ones (new cases) I was able to follow their assessment and sometimes their outcome. Some of them became study cases for me. Over these five months of my internship, several cases were analyzed and discussed by legal experts of DPE in which I could participate. I always worked hard. I know that this action contributed to elucidate me about the treatment of the issues, and allowed me to have a direct contact with some workers and be part of a dynamic work team. For these reasons, my internship report is not merely descriptive of activities. It consists of an analysis of rules (legislation) and a regulatory framework of activities and it is also a description of several specific situations solved or in a solution process. Through this work I intend to make known the particular reality of a modern Portuguese financial institution not only because of its importance in our country but also such a large number of employees work here (in Portugal and abroad). I should add that throughout my internship I was allowed to attend conferences, within the scope of the bank in order to get a broader view of some issues related to the daily life of the DPE and the CGD. So, I participated in I Jornadas Bancárias and the Conferência Internacional do Contrato a Termo, given that the CGD is a bank and the DPE deals with legal and labour relations.


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A necessidade de reduzir a dependência energética externa de Portugal e contribuir para a mitigação das alterações climáticas, passa por uma aposta na produção de energia elétrica com origem em fontes renováveis. O elevado número de horas de Sol disponíveis e a redução dos custos dos painéis fotovoltaicos, atingindo-se a paridade em relação aos custos de compra de eletricidade pelo consumidor, tornou o aproveitamento doméstico da energia solar particularmente atraente. Nos anos recentes, face ao elevado défice tarifário, o Governo mudou a sua política de tarifas garantidas para produção de eletricidade renovável e a sua injeção na rede, substituindo-a pelo conceito de autoconsumo. Trata-se duma oportunidade estratégica que reduz o transporte de eletricidade e promove uma produção descentralizada, mas que implica um conhecimento detalhado da procura, incentivando o consumidor a gerir melhor a energia em sua casa. O presente estudo avalia a aplicação deste novo regime de produção distribuída de eletricidade renovável segundo duas abordagens. A primeira teve em conta uma amostragem muito simples dos consumos mínimos em moradias e apartamentos no Monte de Caparica, nas horas de maior produção de energia fotovoltaica. A segunda abordagem baseou-se em perfis individualizados de consumo de eletricidade para uma amostra de 19 moradias da cidade de Évora durante o ano de 2014. Foram calculados diversos parâmetros para três potências diferentes de painéis fotovoltaicos (200 Wp, 250 Wp e 500 Wp) tais como a produção fotovoltaica utilizada, poupança, gastos e período de retorno do investimento. O período de retorno teve por base preços de mercado de painéis fotovoltaicos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a melhor solução em termos de custo para cada moradia. Constatou-se que as potências dos painéis que melhor se adequavam às moradias estudadas são 250 Wp e 500 Wp com percentagens de utilização da eletricidade produzida acima dos 80%. As poupanças potenciais no consumo total de eletricidade situam-se entre os 7% e os 30% e os períodos de retorno do investimento entre os cinco e os doze anos.


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Nos últimos anos, a energia eléctrica tem vindo a conquistar, um lugar cada vez mais importante na sociedade, sendo nos nossos dias um bem essencial para o funcionamento normal das residências, empresas, indústrias e cidades. O problema que a presente dissertação analisa é transversal a inúmeros edifícios, que consomem diariamente uma grande quantidade de energia eléctrica, na ordem dos 900 kWh diários, ou mesmo superior. Desta forma, considera-se o consumo de eletricidade, e potenciais ineficiências no seu uso, num edifício universitário, nomeadamente a biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). Em termos mais específicos, pretende-se definir um consumo de energia mais eficiente, deslocando consumos de uns períodos horários para outros, onde as tarifas sejam mais económicas, aplicando medidas de participação ativa dos consumidores (PAC). Além disso, pretende-se simular a negociação de um novo contrato bilateral, entre um retalhista e um agente “gestor” da biblioteca da FCT, para obter um contrato melhorado, do ponto de vista do consumidor. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação são, deste modo, os seguintes: (i) estudar a contratação bilateral de energia em mercados liberalizados, com principal ênfase para a implementação de estratégias de negociação que possibilitem uma participação ativa dos consumidores, (ii) estudar a biblioteca da FCT e propor medidas de eficiência energética, e (iii) simular a negociação de um novo contrato bilateral, recorrendo ao simulador multi-agente MAN-REM. De forma sucinta, os resultados obtidos, permitem concluir que o consumo energético da biblioteca da FCT pode ser melhorado, e com base nos volumes de energia deduzidos, é possível negociar um novo contrato, mais favorável à FCT.


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This report will describe the activities undertaken during my internship at the Personnel Department (DPE-UPE4.1) in Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Lisbon, between September 22, 2014, and February 28, 2015. I consider that it is important to note from the outset i) that the subject of my training was suggested by my supervisor in the DPE and accepted by me; and ii) that the internship consisted essentially of carrying out research and information gathering into the different social systems that coexist within the bank and the application of each legal system in solving concrete situations of the CGD employees. The research and analysis of information was important not only for my study but for the CGD itself, as it enables the department to have such an important matter, full of specific characteristics, condensed into a single document, i.e. this report. This is a complex reality. The various welfare systems differ according to the contractual agreement linking the employee to the employer at the date when the labour contract is signed, and also the unique/singular characteristics of the CGD. In the early stage I started by trying to understand the financial institution and its organization and role and the department where I worked. So I analyzed the CGD Statutes and the legal measures that crystallized the scheme for its employees and I also researched its domestic and international operations. The first month was devoted to the research and analysis of such legislation to understand the creation of the CGD and its path to date. In the second and third months I studied the legal social systems that are applied to different groups of CGD workers. This period was quite important to identify and understand the differences between those regimes of CGD employees as well as the procedure inherent in each case. I highlighted the non-implementation of “the social protection regime of convergence” to the workers of this institution; the differences regarding the allocation of sickness subsidies paid to workers who belong to Social Security and CGA contributors, as well as the enforcement of internal rules to all the workers when a work-related accident happens.Then I focused on to assessing and examining external legislation and several internal regulations in order to obtain solutions to questions raised and situations involving by the workers, in order to understand how the DPE solves these situations. Over the last three months of internship, after this more theoretical work, I began the analysis of concrete situations involving employees carrying out their duties in Portugal and abroad. Some of these situations had been received by the department before the beginning of my internship and others over this period. When I was “working” in the DPE I analyzed “cases” that had been solved and some others without a final solution because they were still in courts. As for the last ones (new cases) I was able to follow their assessment and sometimes their outcome. Some of them became study cases for me. Over these five months of my internship, several cases were analyzed and discussed by legal experts of DPE in which I could participate. I always worked hard. I know that this action contributed to elucidate me about the treatment of the issues, and allowed me to have a direct contact with some workers and be part of a dynamic work team. For these reasons, my internship report is not merely descriptive of activities. It consists of an analysis of rules (legislation) and a regulatory framework of activities and it is also a description of several specific situations solved or in a solution process. Through this work I intend to make known the particular reality of a modern Portuguese financial institution not only because of its importance in our country but also such a large number of employees work here (in Portugal and abroad). I should add that throughout my internship I was allowed to attend conferences, within the scope of the bank in order to get a broader view of some issues related to the daily life of the DPE and the CGD. So, I participated in I Jornadas Bancárias and the Conferência Internacional do Contrato a Termo, given that the CGD is a bank and the DPE deals with legal and labour relations.