95 resultados para Political work
Every single day millions of European workers are exposed to noise at work. One in five of European’s workers have to raise his voice to be heard for at least half of the time that there are at work and 7% suffer from work-related hearing impairment. In Europe noise-induced hearing loss is the most common reported occupational disease. This paper deals with issues related with noise management at work, especially regarding the compliance with the new noise European Directive, (2003/10/EC).
It is generally agreed that major changes in work are taking place in the organisation of work as corporate structures are transformed in the context of economic globalisation and rapid technological change. But how can these changes be understood? And what are the impacts on social institutions and on workers and their families? The WORKS project brought together 17 research institutes in 13 European countries to investigate these important issues through a comprehensive four year research programme.
The Knowledge-based society brought a new way of living and working. The increasing decline of work in primary sector and traditional industries, related with the significant increase of employment in the service sector and in the knowledge work, changed the way companies and individuals establish their relations, the way work and life is organised. These changes are usual and fast and so the feeling of insecurity and unpredictability become more and more sharp. In this context, foresight exercises are necessary tools helping in the identification of the key variables and main trends of evolution. This report will present some foresight studies about work and skills in Europe and USA, in order to contribute to think about possible evolutions and trends.
In this paper will be discussed different types of scenarios and the aims for using scenarios. Normaly they are being used by organisations due to the need to anticipate processes, to support policy-making and to understand the complexities of relations. Such organisations can be private companies, R&D organisations and networks of organisations, or even by some public administration institutions. Some cases will be discussed as the methods for ongoing scenario-building process (Shell Internacional). Scenarios should anticipate possible relations among social actors as in the Triple Helix Model, and is possible to develop strategic intelligence in the innovation process that would enable the construction of scenarios. Such processes can be assessed. The focus will be made in relation to the steps chosen for the WORKS scenarios. In this case is there a model of work changes that can be used for foresight? Differences according to sectors were found, as well on other dimensions. Problems of assessment are analysed with specific application to the scenario construction methods.
WORKS final conference report
Dissertation presented for the PhD Degree in Education Science – Curricular Theory and Science Teaching, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies, 5
Since 1989, five parliamentary elections have been the stage for the foundation and demise of political parties aspiring to govern the new democratic Polish state. The demise of the AWS before the 2001 elections after ten years of attempts to create a centre-right core party resulted in a new splintering of the right-wing, and the centre-right became again devoid of a pivotal formation. While Eurosceptic parties in average gain 8 percent of the vote, in the 2001 Polish parliamentary elections Eurosceptic parties gained around 20 percent of the vote. In Poland right-wing parties show an unusual propensity for Euroscepticism. The persistence and increased importance of nationalism in Poland, which has prevented the development of a strong Christian democratic party, effectively explains the levels of Euroscepticism on the right. After the autumn 2005 parliamentary elections the national conservative party, Law and Justice, formed a governing coalition with the national Catholic League of Polish Families, creating one of the first Eurosceptic governments. Although this work does not intend to provide a theorisation of party systems development, it shows that the context of European integration fostered nationalists’ divisiveness of, and provoked the splitting of the right the unusual propensity of parties for Euroscepticism makes Poland a paradigmatic case of the kind of conflicts over European integration emerging in Central and Eastern European party systems.
This article reports preliminary findings about Portuguese scientist women’s perceptions of gender issues in their institutions. Empirical data have been collected by means of an electronic open questionnaire sent to the AMONET (Portuguese Association of Women in Science) members. Basically, the study aims to examine the degree of satisfaction with their profession, the difficulties they meet in everyday professional life, and whether they feel or have felt gender discrimination in their institutions. Findings show that all respondents feel happy or very happy with their profession. However, discrimination is mentioned by a significant percentage, even if such discrimination assumes, quite often, an elusive way, suggesting that higher institutions still discriminate against women. Findings, articulated with literature, also lead to discussion about power and leadership, both in the hands of male academics, in the majority of the institutions, as well as the clarification of different perceptions of ambition both by women and man.
In Portugal, especially starting in the 1970s, women’s studies had implications on the emergency of the concept of gender and the feminist criticism to the prevailing models about differences between sexes. Until then, women had been absent from scientific research both as subject and as object. Feminism brought more reflexivity to the scientific thinking. After the 25th of April 1974, because of the consequent political openness, several innovating themes of research emerged, together with new concepts and fields of study. However, as far as gender and science relationship is concerned, such studies especially concentrate on higher education institutions. The feminist thinking seems to have two main objectives: to give women visibility, on the one hand, and to denunciate men’s domain in the several fields of knowledge. In 1977, the “Feminine Commission” is created and since then it has been publishing studies on women’s condition and contributing to the enhancement of the reflection of female condition at all levels. In the 1980s, the growing feminisation of tertiary education (both of students and academics), favoured the development of women’s studies, especially on their condition within universities with a special focus on the glass ceiling, despite the lack of statistical data by gender, thus making difficult the analysis of women integration in several sectors, namely in educational and scientific research activities. Other agglutinating themes are family, social and legal condition, work, education, and feminine intervention on political and social movements. In the 1990s, Women Studies are institutionalised in the academic context with the creation of the first Master in Women Studies in the Universidade Aberta (Open University), in Lisbon. In 1999, the first Portuguese journal of women studies is created – “Faces de Eva”. Seminars, conferences, thesis, journals, and projects on women’s studies are more and more common. However, results and publications are not so divulgated as they should be, because of lack of comprehensive and coordinated databases. 2. Analysis by topics 2.1. Horizontal and vertical segregation Research questions It is one of the main areas of research in Portugal. Essentially two issues have been considered: - The analysis of vertical gender segregation in educational and professional fields, having reflexes on women professional career progression with special attention to men’s power in control positions and the glass ceiling. - The analysis of horizontal segregation, special in higher education (teaching and research) where women have less visibility than men, and the under-representation of women in technology and technological careers. Research in this area mainly focuses on description, showing the under-representation of women in certain scientific areas and senior positions. Nevertheless, the studies that analyze horizontal segregation in the field of education adopt a more analytical approach which focuses on the analysis of the mechanisms of reproduction of gender stereotypes, especially socialisation, influencing educational and career choices. 1
Resumo: Este estudo tem como finalidade validar e adaptar o WES (Work Experience Survey), de forma a avaliar e caracterizar a percepção que as pessoas DV portuguesas possuem sobre as barreiras ao emprego e as suas formas de resolução e/ou minimização. Da revisão da literatura, constatou-se a inexistência, a nível nacional, de estudos que versassem sobre as barreiras no acesso e manutenção de emprego e estratégias de superação. Este motivo foi o ponto a partir do qual se elaborou a adaptação e validação do questionário WES e a partir do qual alcançamos resultados e conclusões que nos remetem para evidências que a seguir se descrevem. Os dados recolhidos demonstram que esta faixa da população: tem baixos níveis de escolaridade; necessita de aperfeiçoar as suas competências para se tornar mais competitiva no mercado de trabalho; tem dificuldades na acessibilidade ao meio físico, devido às condições de acessibilidade oferecidas; enfrenta problemas no desempenho laboral, devido à falta de tecnologias de apoio e de meios de superação das barreiras no local de trabalho; e sente-se discriminada no acesso e manutenção do emprego, e progressão na carreira. A exploração das razões do insucesso escolar e do perfil de competências adequado, exigíveis para o emprego; o desenvolvimento de planos de promoção da carreira; a divulgação das competências e capacidades dos trabalhadores DV e a averiguação na aplicação da legislação referente à acessibilidade são algumas sugestões apresentadas.
Who directs local politics? Which social and professional groups directed city and village councils in Portugal? What was their evolution and behaviour for the second half of the twentieth century, during the final years of the Estado Novo and the political transition provided by the Revolution of April 25th, 1974?
The study focuses on the public participation during the decision-making process of the High Speed Rail Project (popularly known as TGV) in Portugal. The study analyzes the media references on the topic and its actors in a quantitative and qualitative way from September 2008 to November 2009 anchored in the 2009 Legislatives and Local elections. The work concludes that despite the political polarization around the High Speed Rail Project, contributing to bring it to public debate, it didn’t allow for an improvement in qualitative information that could allow the emergence of an active and informed citizen participation in the debate.
To be published at Krings, Bettina-J. ed. (2011), Brain Drain or Brain Gain? Changes of Work in Knowledge-based Societies, Berlin, Ed. Sigma. The author wants to thanks the comments and suggestions from Bettina Krings and Sylke Wintzer. They are not, however, responsible for the final result.
RESUMO - El autor aborda algunos aspectos relativos a la Salud y Seguridad del Trabajo (SST) en Portugal llamando la atención para, esencialmente, intentar sostener la tesis de que, desde mediados de la década de los 90, se observaron importantes avances en la mejoría de las condiciones del trabajo en la perspectiva de la SST, aunque se mantuvieron algunos problemas en la práctica concreta de las normativas legales. Incluso con estas mejoras, las tasas de frecuencia de accidentes de trabajo y de enfermedades profesionales en Portugal todavía se mantienen muy elevadas necesitando, por tanto, estrategias más “agresivas” para concienciar la sociedad portuguesa en torno a las políticas públicas de SST efectivamente promotoras de prevención de riesgos profesionales y de la promoción de la salud de quien trabaja. Es por tanto indispensable que la protección de la salud y de la seguridad de los trabajadores en los puestos de trabajo sea encarada como un conjunto de actividades de indiscutible utilidad para todos los representantes del mundo del trabajo e que la agenda política pase a valorizar, aún más, la promoción de espacios de trabajo saludables y seguros, con la consecuente valorización de las variables individuales en la estrategia nacional de salud y seguridad.--------------------------ABSTRACT – In the present work, the author analyzes several aspects of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Portugal. He provides evidence sustaining the assumption of an important progress, since the mid-nineties, in the improvement of the working conditions from an OHS perspective. Nevertheless, several problems still remain in the practical application of legal regulations. In addition, despite of these improvements, the frequency rates of working accidents and occupational diseases remain very high. Hence, more “aggressive” strategies are required to increase the awareness of the Portuguese society relative to the OHS public policies, whose effectiveness has been demonstrated either in terms of occupational risks prevention and workers health promotion. The protection of workers’ health and safety at the workplace must then be assumed as an activity of indisputable utility by all stakeholders. The political agenda must thus promote even more the promotion of healthy and safe workplaces. As a consequence, there would be also a higher development of individual aspects, and not only environmental data, in the national strategy of occ