30 resultados para Mean Field
The limitations of access to finance in Africa, together with the recent boom in cell phone use in that continent, created high expectations regarding the introduction of mobile money in many African countries. The success story of M-PESA in Kenya raised the bar further. We designed and conducted a field experiment to assess the impact of randomized mobile money dissemination in rural Mozambique. For this purpose we benefit from the fact that mobile money was only recently launched in the country, allowing for the identification of a pure control group. This paper reports on the first results of this ongoing project after the first wave of dissemination efforts in rural locations, which included the recruitment and training of mobile money agents, community meetings and theaters, as well as individual rural campaigning. Administrative and behavioral data both show clear adherence to the services in the treatment group. Financial literacy and trust outcomes are also positively affected by the treatment. We present behavioral evidence that the marginal willingness to remit was increased by the availability of mobile money. Finally, we observe a tendency for mobile money to substitute traditional alternatives for both savings and remittances.
Vitamin A deficiency is a widespread public health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper analyzes the impact of a food-based intervention to fight vitamin A deficiency using orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP). We conducted a randomized evaluation of OFSP-related training to female farmers in Mozambique, in which the treatment group was taught basic concepts of nutrition, and OFSP-planting and cooking skills. We found encouraging evidence of changes in behavior and attitudes towards OFSP consumption and planting, and considerable increases in nutrition-related knowledge, as well as knowledge on cooking and planting OFSP.
Do information flows matter for remittance behavior? We design and implement a randomized control trial to quantitatively assess the role of communication between migrants and their contacts abroad on the extent and value of remittance flows. In the experiment, a random sample of 1,500 migrants residing in Ireland was offered the possibility of contacting their networks outside the host country for free over a varying number of months. We find a sizable, positive impact of our intervention on the value of migrant remittances sent. Our results exclude that the remittance effect we identify is a simple substitution effect. Instead, our analysis points to this effect being a likely result of improved information via factors such as better migrant control over remittance use, enhanced trust in remittance channels due to experience sharing, or increased remittance recipients’ social pressure on migrants.
RESUMO: De acordo com o estado da arte, existem intervenções psicofarmacológicas, psicológicas e psicossocias, com evidência científica dos seus resultados, no tratamento de pessoas com esquizofrenia e perturbação esquizoafectiva. No entanto, muitos destes doentes, não procuram ajuda dos serviços de saúde mental, não recebem os referidos cuidados ou não são detectados nem seguidos por estes. Esta realidade levou ao desenvolvimento de programas integrados, intervenções e estudos mais específicos, nomeadamente para tentar ultrapassar os obstáculos na acessibilidade aos cuidados de saúde e na continuidade de seguimento destes doentes. No conjunto das dificuldades apuradas, as questões da exequibilidade (feasibility) e da implementação, têm tido particular relevo na literatura científica recente, bem como a melhor forma de vencer as respectivas barreiras e adaptar essas intervenções às varias realidades, culturas e recursos. Objectivos: Objectivos gerais:1) Avaliar a exequibilidade e a implementação inicial de um programa de cuidados integrados, para pessoas com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias de um departamento de psiquiatria do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, em Portugal, com os recursos materiais e humanos existentes; 2) Avaliar o impacto deste programa, nestes doentes e na respectiva prestação de cuidados de saúde mental. Metodologia. Elaborámos um programa de cuidados integrados (Programa Integrar) com base no modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado. Cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência, um plano individual de cuidados e manteve o seguimento com o seu psiquiatra assistente. Foram seleccionadas intervenções, nomeadamente, psicoeducativas, familiares, estratégias para lidar com os sintomas e a doença, prevenção de recaídas e intervenções para melhorar o funcionamento social e ocupacional. A estas intervenções foi sempre associado o tratamento psicofarmacológico. O estudo delineado incluiu dois componentes: avaliação da exequibilidade e implementação inicial do programa de cuidados integrados (componente A) e avaliação do impacto deste programa (componente B), através de um estudo de intervenção, prospectivo, naturalista, não aleatorizado e não ontrolado. A amostra do estudo resultou das sucessivas referenciações, para o Programa Integrar, de pessoas com os diagnósticos de esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, seguidas nas cinco equipas de saúde mental comunitárias do Departamento de Psiquiatria do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, com uma área assistencial correspondente a uma população de, aproximadamente, 400 000 pessoas. Definimos etapas, estratégias, parâmetros e indicadores para o estudo da exequibilidade do programa. Efectuámos a monitorização e a avaliação de tarefas, procedimentos e intervenções recomendadas aos terapeutas de referência. Realizámos duas avaliações, uma no início do programa e outra após um ano de intervenção. Foram avaliadas as seguintes dimensões (com indicação do acrónimo do instrumento de avaliação utilizado entre parêntesis): psicopatologia (BPRS), depressão (MADRS), necessidades (CAN), incapacidade (DAS), actividade social e ocupacional (SOFAS), atitude em relação à medicação (DAI), insight (SAI), qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-S) e satisfação (POCS). Resultados: Dos 146 doentes que foram incluídos no estudo, 97 (66%) eram do sexo masculino e 49 (34%) do sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 36 anos. Destes oentes,116 (79,4%)tinham o diagnóstico (ICD10) de esquizofrenia e 30 (20,6%) de perturbação esquizoafectiva. Os restantes dados sociodemográficos eram típicos de populações afins em serviços de saúde mental nacionais. Do total de doentes (146) que iniciaram o estudo, 26 (18%) abandonaram o seguimento neste programa. Para o componente A da investigação (estudo de exequibilidade) salientamos: exerceram funções a totalidade (15) dos terapeutas de referência que receberam formação, 76 % efectuaram o número mínimo recomendado de sessões / ano por doente (≥18), 44,9 fizeram o número mínimo de sessões familiares pretendido (≥ 3). Nas intervenções mais específicas foram atingidos os objectivos em mais de 75% dos doentes, à excepção das intervenções domiciliárias (19,4%), prevenção do abuso de substâncias (45,4%) e do risco de suicídio (34,3%). O plano individual de cuidados foi realizado em 98 % dos doentes e em 38,9 % dos casos ocorreu a participação da família. Neste plano, a média de objectivos definidos foi de 5 e a média de objectivos atingidos correspondeu a 3 (p= 0,001). Na primeira avaliação, estavam a frequentar estruturas de reabilitação psicossocial 42 doentes (28,8%) e,12 meses após, esse número passou para 80 (74,1%).Também aumentou o número de doentes com actividade profissional a tempo completo, de 8 (7,4%) para 18 (16,7%). No componente B do estudo (avaliação do impacto do programa), em termos de psicopatologia, e para as pontuações médias globais do BPRS, ocorreu uma diminuição entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação (p=0,001), tal como nas subescalas: sintomas positivos (p=0,003), sintomas negativos (p=0,002), sintomas de mania (p=0,002) e sintomas de depressão/ansiedade (p=0,001). Na avaliação da depressão (p= 0,001) e da incapacidade (p=0,003), as diferenças foram significativas e favoráveis. O mesmo não sucedeu na atitude em relação à medicação (p=0,690) nem na escala de avaliação do insight (p=0,079). Em relação ao funcionamento social e ocupacional, qualidade de vida e satisfação dos doentes, ocorreu uma melhoria significativa da primeira para a segunda avaliação As necessidades sem resposta mais frequentes, na primeira avaliação, corresponderam aos itens: actividades diárias, contactos sociais, relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual, benefícios sociais, sintomas psicóticos, sofrimento psicológico, informação sobre a doença / tratamento e gestão/problemas de dinheiro. Para todos estes últimos nove itens, verificou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa, entre a primeira e a segunda avaliação, com diminuição destas necessidades, excepto nas relações íntimas, relacionamento sexual e nos problemas de dinheiro. Na distribuição dos três estados de necessidades, para todos os itens, diminuíram as necessidades sem resposta e as necessidades com resposta parcial e aumentaram as situações em que deixaram de se verificar necessidades relevantes. Dos resultados obtidos para outros indicadores clínicos e de utilização dos cuidados, será importante referir que na comparação do ano anterior com o ano em que decorreu o programa, o número de doentes da amostra internados diminuiu 64,1%, bem como a média do número de internamentos (p=0,001). Em relação à duração dos internamentos, no ano anterior ao programa, os 39 doentes internados, tiveram um total de dias de internamento de 1522, sendo que, no ano do programa, para os 14 doentes internados, o total foi de 523 dias. Em termos absolutos, ocorreu uma redução de 999 dias (menos 65,6% dias). Também se verificou uma diminuição de 45,6 % de recaídas (p=0,001).Discussão e conclusões A exequibilidade do programa de cuidados integrados permitiu a aplicação do modelo clínico de case management, com seguimento mantido e integrado, através do qual cada doente passou a ter um terapeuta de referência assim como, em 98% casos, um plano individual de cuidados. As famílias continuaram a ser o principal suporte para os doentes, mas surgiram dificuldades quando se pretendeu uma participação mais activa destas no tratamento.A diminuição do número e da duração dos internamentos constituíram importantes resultados com implicações não só em termos clínicos mas também económicos. Os valores obtidos, para as diferentes variáveis, também sugerem o impacto favorável do Programa Integrar a nível da psicopatologia, das necessidades, da incapacidade, do funcionamento social e ocupacional, da qualidade de vida e da satisfação dos doentes. O mesmo não sucedeu para o insight e para a mudança de atitudes dos doentes em relação à medicação, resultados que devem ser igualmente considerados em futuros reajustamentos deste programa ou no desenvolvimento de novos programas. Como principais conclusões podemos referir que: 1) Foi possível a exequibilidade de um programa de cuidados integrados inovador e a implementação inicial desse programa, para doentes com esquizofrenia ou perturbação esquizoafectiva, com os recursos humanos e materiais existentes, no contexto clínico das equipas de saúde mental comunitárias, de um departamento de psiquiatria e saúde mental, em Portugal; 2) Na avaliação do impacto do programa, os resultados obtidos indiciam potencialidades de aplicação, deste programa de cuidados integrados, com vista à melhoria clínica e psicossocial destes doentes. Devem ser realizados estudos de replicação, ou complementares à presente investigação, no entanto, os dados obtidos são encorajadores para o desenvolvimento de programas similares, a nível nacional e internacional, que possam beneficiar um grupo mais alargado de doentes.------------ABSTRACT: Although there are psychological and psychosocial interventions well supported by scientific evidence, which show benefit when combined with psychopharmacological treatments, we know that a significant number of people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders, do not seek help from mental health services, do not receive the care mentioned and are not detected or followed-up by them. This reality led to the development of integrated programs, interventions and more specific studies, to try to overcome the obstacles in the accessibility to the health services and on the follow-up of these patients. Amongst the barriers identified, feasibility and implementation of those programs have been of special relevance in recent scientific literature, as well as the best way to overcome such difficulties and adapt the interventions to the various realities, cultures and resources. Objectives: General objectives were defined: 1) Assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of an integrated care program, for people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, in the clinical setting of community mental health teams, in a psychiatric department from the national health service in Portugal; 2) Impact evaluation of the integrated care program, for these patients and their mental health care delivery. Methods: We drew up an integrated care program (Program Integrar) based on the clinical case management model, with continuous and integrated follow-up. Each patient got one case manager, an individual care plan and kept the same psychiatrist. Were selected the appropriated interventions, namely: psycho-educative, family-based interventions, strategies for dealing with the symptoms and the disorder, relapse prevention and interventions to improve social and occupational functioning. These interventions were always associated with psychopharmacological treatment. The investigation was outline with two parts: assessment of the feasibility and initial implementation of the Program Integrar (part A of the study) and impact evaluation of the program (part B of the study). We designed a naturalistic, prospective, intervention study, non-randomized and without control group. Our chosen sample was made with successive referrals of patients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, followedup in one of the five community mental health teams of the Psychiatric Department of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, with a catchment area for a population of about 400 000 people. Different stages, strategies, criteria and indicators for studying the feasibility of the program and its implementation were set and the tasks, procedures and recommended interventions of the case managers were monitored and evaluated. We did two assessments with an interval of one year and we evaluated the following dimensions (the acronym of the assessment instrument used in brackets): psychopathology (BPRS), depression (MADRS), needs (CAN), disability (DAS), social and occupational functioning (SOFAS), attitude toward medication (DAI), insight (SAI), quality of life (WHOQOL-S) and satisfaction (POCS). Results: Of the 146 patients who started the study, 97 (66%) were male and 49 (34%) females with a mean age of 36 years. Of these, 116 (79,4%) were diagnosed (ICD10) with schizophrenia and 30 (20,6%) with schizoaffective disorder. The other socio-demographic data were typical of populations within Portuguese mental health services. Of all patients (146), who started the program, 26 (18%) of patients left the program (program dropout rate). Of the regarding part A of the study, which focused on feasibility, the following is of note: all professionals who had been trained for this purpose (15) acted as case manager, 76% did the recommended minimum number of sessions / year per patient (≥18) and 44,9% did the minimum number of family sessions desired (≥ 3). For the more specific interventions the parameters set out were met for more than 75% of patients, with the exception of domiciliar interventions (19.4%), prevention of substance abuse (45.4%) and suicide risk prevention(34.3%). The individual care plan was done for 98% of patients and in 38,9% of cases this involved family participation. For this plan the mean objectives defined were 5 and in average was achieved 3 (p=0,001). On the first assessment, 42 patients (28.8%) were attending psychosocial rehabilitation structures and 12 months later that number rose up to 80 (74,1%). Regarding their employment status, in the first assessment 8 (7,4%) were in full time employment and in the second evaluation the number rise to 18 (16,7%). For part B of the study (impact program evaluation), in terms of psychopathology, global mean scores for the BPRS, decreased (p=0,001), as did the four sub scales: positive symptoms (p=0,003); negative symptoms (p=0,002); manic symptoms (p=0,002) and symptoms of depression/anxiety (p=0,001). Both in the evaluation of depression (p=0,001), as in the assessment of disability (p=0,003), the differences were significant. However, this was not the case with attitudes towards medication (p=0,690) and with insight evaluation (p=0,079). In relation to social and occupational functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction there was a statistically significant improvement from the first to the second assessment. The most commonly unmet needs in the first assessment were daily activities, social contacts, intimate relationships, sexual relations, social benefits, psychotic symptoms,psychological distress, information about the disorder / treatment and money problems money management. Of these, in the second assessment, all of those nine unmet needs showed significant improvement, excepted intimate relationships, sexual relations and Money problems / money management. In the distribution of the three states of needs for all items, it happened a decreased in unmet needs and partially met needs and increased in the situations where relevant needs were no longer found. For other clinical indicators it is important to note, when we compared the year prior to this program and the year after, there were fewer hospitalizations (reduction of 64,1% of admissions) and in the mean number of admissions (p=0,001). Regarding the length of hospitalization in the year prior to the program, the 39 patients admitted had a total of 1522 hospital days, and in the year of the program for the 14 hospitalized patients, the total was 523 days. In absolute terms, there was a reduction of 999 days (65,6%). There was also a 45,6% reduction of relapses (p = 0,001). Discussion and Conclusions: The feasibility of the integrated care program allowed the application of the clinical case management model, with continuous follow-up. Each patient got a case manager and in 98% of the cases they also got an individual plan of care. Families continued to be the main support for patients but, difficulties occurred when it was claimed a more active participation. The decrease in the number and duration of admissions were important findings with implications not only in clinical terms but also in economic field. The achieved results for the different variables can also indicate the favorable impact of this program, at the level of psychopathology, needs, disability, social and occupationa functioning, quality of life and patient satisfaction. The same did not happen for the evaluation of insight and in the changes of attitudes towards medication. These data should also be considered for future readjustments of this program and for the developing of new programs.Finally, the two-overview conclusions are: 1) It was possible the feasibility of an integrated care program and initial implementation of this innovative program, for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, with the human and material resources available in the clinical context of the community mental health teams, in a psychiatry and mental health department of the national health service in Portugal; 2) In assessing the impact of the program, the results suggest potential application of this integrated care program, to improve clinical state and psychosocial variables for these patients. There should be done studies to replicate these results, however the results obtained are promising for the development of similar programs at nationally and internationally level, that could benefit a wider group of patients.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This paper uses a field experiment to investigate the quality of individuals’ forecasts of relative performance in tournaments. We ask players in luck-based (poker) and skill-based (chess) tournaments to make point forecasts of rank. The main finding of the paper is that players’ forecasts in both types of tournaments are biased towards overestimation of relative performance. However, the size of the biases found is not as large as the ones often reported in the psychology literature. We also find support for the “unskilled and unaware hypothesis” in chess: high skilled chess players make better forecasts than low skilled chess players. Finally, we find that chess players’ forecasts of relative performance are not efficient.
Retinal ultra-wide field of view images (fundus images) provides the visu-alization of a large part of the retina though, artifacts may appear in those images. Eyelashes and eyelids often cover the clinical region of interest and worse, eye-lashes can be mistaken with arteries and/or veins when those images are put through automatic diagnosis or segmentation software creating, in those cases, the appearance of false positives results. Correcting this problem, the first step in the development of qualified auto-matic diseases diagnosis programs can be done and in that way the development of an objective tool to assess diseases eradicating the human error from those processes can also be achieved. In this work the development of a tool that automatically delimitates the clinical region of interest is proposed by retrieving features from the images that will be analyzed by an automatic classifier. This automatic classifier will evaluate the information and will decide which part of the image is of interest and which part contains artifacts. The results were validated by implementing a software in C# language and validated through a statistical analysis. From those results it was confirmed that the methodology presented is capable of detecting artifacts and selecting the clin-ical region of interest in fundus images of the retina.
Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) are considered very promising for the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters. However, an important issue related to their limited mobility remains unsolved. Direct current can be used to enhance the nanoparticles transport, based on the same principles of electrokinetic remediation. In this work, a generalized physicochemical model was developed and solved numerically to describe the nZVI transport through porous media under electric field, and with different electrolytes (with different ionic strengths). The model consists of the Nernst–Planck coupled system of equations, which accounts for the mass balance of ionic species in a fluid medium, when both the diffusion and electromigration of the ions are considered. The diffusion and electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nZVI particles were also considered in the system. The contribution of electroosmotic flow to the overall mass transport was included in the model for all cases. The nZVI effective mobility values in the porous medium are very low (10−7–10−4 cm2 V−1 s−1), due to the counterbalance between the positive electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic transport of the negatively charged nanoparticles. The higher the nZVI concentration is in the matrix, the higher the aggregation; therefore, low concentration of nZVI suspensions must be used for successful field application.
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference organized by the Insurance Law Association of Serbia and German Foundation for International Legal Co-Operation (IRZ), entitled "Insurance law, governance and transparency: basics of the legal certainty" Palic Serbia, 17-19 April 2015.
This work reports the development of field-effect transistors (FETs), whose channel is based on zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs). Using screen-printing as the primary deposition technique, different inks were developed, where the semiconducting ink is based on a ZnO NPs dispersion in ethyl cellulose (EC). These inks were used to print electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs) in a staggered-top gate structure on glass substrates, using a lithium-based polymeric electrolyte. In another approach, FETs with a staggered-bottom gate structure on paper were developed using a sol-gel method to functionalize the paper’s surface with ZnO NPs, using zinc acetate dihydrate (ZnC4H6O4·2H2O) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as precursors. In this case, the paper itself was used as dielectric. The various layers of the two devices were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analyses (TG-DSC). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used in order to evaluate the electric double-layer (EDL) formation, in the case of the EGTs. The ZnO NPs EGTs present electrical modulation for annealing temperatures equal or superior to 300 ºC and in terms of electrical properties they showed On/Off ratios in the order of 103, saturation mobilities (μSat) of 1.49x10-1 cm2(Vs)-1 and transconductance (gm) of 10-5 S. On the other hand, the ZnO NPs FETs on paper exhibited On/Off ratios in the order of 102, μSat of 4.83x10- 3 cm2(Vs)-1and gm around 10-8 S.
This work will discuss the use of different paper membranes as both the substrate and dielectric for field-effect memory transistors. Three different nanofibrillated cellulose membranes (NFC) were used as the dielectric layer of the memory transistors (NFC), one with no additives, one with an added polymer PAE and one with added HCl. Gallium indium zinc oxide (GIZO) was used as the device’s semiconductor and gallium aluminium zinc oxide (GAZO) was used as the gate electrode. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to access the water content of the paper membranes before and after vacuum. It was found that the devices recovered their water too quickly for a difference to be noticeable in FTIR. The transistor’s electrical performance tests yielded a maximum ION/IOFF ratio of around 3,52x105 and a maximum subthreshold swing of 0,804 V/decade. The retention time of the dielectric charge that grants the transistor its memory capabilities was accessed by the measurement of the drain current periodically during 144 days. During this period the mean drain current did not lower, leaving the retention time of the device indeterminate. These results were compared with similar devices revealing these devices to be at the top tier of the state-of-the-art.
We find that leverage behavior both in level and time-series variation is very similar between the United States and Europe throughout the 1990-2013 period. Leverage regimes are simultaneously unstable and persistent for both regions. We define instability as the extent to which firms largely deviate from their long-term leverage mean, while persistence as the extent to which today’s leverage influences its future levels. We then show that this simultaneous evidence imply a mean-reversion behavior of leverage and discuss some of its implications for future research on this field.
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) are networks of devices used to sense and act that applies wireless radios to communicate. To achieve a successful implementation of a wireless device it is necessary to take in consideration the existence of a wide variety of radios available, a large number of communication parameters (payload, duty cycle, etc.) and environmental conditions that may affect the device’s behaviour. However, to evaluate a specific radio towards a unique application it might be necessary to conduct trial experiments, with such a vast amount of devices, communication parameters and environmental conditions to take into consideration the number of trial cases generated can be surprisingly high. Thus, making trial experiments to achieve manual validation of wireless communication technologies becomes unsuitable due to the existence of a high number of trial cases on the field. To overcome this technological issue an automated test methodology was introduced, presenting the possibility to acquire data regarding the device’s behaviour when testing several technologies and parameters that care for a specific analysis. Therefore, this method advances the validation and analysis process of the wireless radios and allows the validation to be done without the need of specific and in depth knowledge about wireless devices.
RESUMO: Os mais recentes métodos de neuro imagem tal como a Ressonância Magnética (RM) permitiram obter imagens detalhadas do cérebro humano in vivo. Essas imagens revelam, muitas vezes, achados imprevistos face ao padrão normal, com elevada propensão para os indivíduos idosos e franca coexistência com fatores de risco vascular, como característica dum processo de envelhecimento normal. Embora na última década tenham surgido várias publicações sobre este assunto, ele continua ainda pouco explicado. Um pouco por todo o mundo têm emergido os programas de prevenção da doença e promoção da saúde desenvolvidos pela Saúde Pública suportadas sobretudo pelo avanço das tecnologias médicas que resultaram, entre outros impactos, num crescimento da população idosa. Estima-se, em 2030, uma composição demográfica com 20% de indivíduos acima dos 65 anos. Neste contexto, a doença microvascular cerebral é a causa mais frequente de comprometimento cognitivo vascular no idoso sendo as características senescentes na imagem por RM do tipo lesões isquémicas da Substância Branca (Leukoaraiosis) e enfartes lacunares (Status lacunar), atrofia cerebral, gliose e acumulação excessiva de ferro nos núcleos da base. Esta tese, considerando a linha de investigação de que deriva – Ciências da Vida - especialização em Medicina Clinica - Biotecnologia, reúne e reflete sobre três vertentes ligadas à RM e interdependentes em relação a uma problemática comum. A primeira trata da caracterização da Tecnologia por Ressonância Magnética existente em Portugal, a qual inclui uma avaliação exploratória da aplicação da técnica de Difusão Anisotrópica nos estudos cerebrais. As dimensões analíticas estudadas foram a Tecnológica, Sociodemográfica e Económica. Na recolha de dados recorreu-se a várias fontes de informação e a uma metodologia exploratória faseada, validada pela triangulação dos resultados. A sua análise obedeceu a critérios de estratificação e agrupamento segundo as mesmas dimensões analíticas. Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular A segunda descreve o estudo anátomo – radiológico que recaiu sobre parâmetros de quantificação assente na temática do cérebro do idoso em cadáver segundo uma metodologia experimental aplicada às métricas da difusão por RM. Na terceira, e última, é apresentado o estudo técnico - radiológico para avaliação e otimização da imagem ponderada em difusão em estudos clínicos associados ao cérebro do idoso “The Usual Brain Aging” ou Envelhecimento Cerebral Normal, com base metodológica assente nos critérios e indicadores estabelecidos pelo Estudo de Imagem de Roterdão (Rotterdam Scan Study - RSS). Como principais resultados obteve-se que não existem em Portugal estruturas para avaliação dos equipamentos pesados ou Agência de Avaliação das Tecnologias da Saúde para desenvolver o importante papel da produção de estudos comparativos entre os equipamentos disponíveis no mercado, a relação preço-qualidade e a sua afetação às necessidades clínico-epidemiológicas. Constatou-se que a implementação de equipamentos de RM está fortemente assente em critérios económicos carecendo de recomendações e diretivas para o uso racionalizado destas tecnologias. Quanto a dados quantitativos concluímos que a maioria dos equipamentos está instalada em instituições privadas (80,2%); a intensidade de campo magnético mais frequente é [1,5T] com 119 equipamentos; os equipamentos estão instalados maioritariamente nos distritos de Lisboa (55 unidades) e do Porto (39 unidades); o rácio médio de equipamentos por habitante em Portugal é de 1 para 65 195 habitantes; a amplitude de gradientes com maior expressão na amostra é 30-39mT/m; a maioria dos equipamentos foi instalada no intervalo temporal [2009-2012] com 59 equipamentos; apenas 6 instituições desenvolvem investigação clinica e a maioria das bobinas para estudos de crânio são do tipo Array. O estudo de otimização da técnica da difusão revelou, quanto à avaliação dos valoresb, que os mais baixos (b=500 s/mm2 e b=1000 s/mm2), apresentam maior IS e SNR sendo esta uma boa medida referente à qualidade de imagem, no entanto, os valores-b mais elevados (b=2000 s/mm2) apresentam maior CNR e CR, face aos anteriores, o Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular que apesar de proporcionar inferior detalhe anatómico e consequentemente inferior qualidade de imagem, num encéfalo normal, pode auxiliar na interpretação e apresentar vantagens na identificação de lesões microvasculares sempre que persistirem dúvidas em relação ao diagnóstico diferencial de doença microvascular do tipo status lacunar ou Hiperintensidades da Substância Branca. As alterações deste parâmetro são particularmente refletidas nas diferenças da avaliação da qualidade de imagem na região fronto-calos Concluímos da avaliação quantitativa da concentração média de ferro (26Fe) em todas as faixas etárias que os núcleos da base que apresentam maior concentração são, por ordem decrescente: Substância Nigra, Globus Pallidus, Putamen, Tálamo, Núcleo Rubro e Núcleo Caudado; que existe uma predominância na concentração de ferro (26Fe) no hemisfério esquerdo e que os indivíduos do género masculino apresentam mais ferro (26Fe) que os do género feminino nas faixas etárias [30-40[, [40-50[ e [50-60[. Como principal conclusão do estudo da concentração média de ferro em relação à idade destacamos que a concentração média de ferro (26Fe) é superior nos grupos etários superiores, logo aumenta com a idade, sobretudo na Substância Nigra e no Núcleo Lenticular. No estudo técnico-radiológico encontrámos evidências do aumento da difusibilidade da água na substância branca subcortical dos sujeitos idosos comparativamente aos mais jovens. Uma relação idêntica foi avaliada nos tálamos. O aumento relacionado com a idade parece ser predominantemente observado em doentes com mais de 65 anos de idade o que pode refletir alterações estruturais ligeiras associados ao envelhecimento normal. Os resultados indicam que a análise quantitativa das imagens ponderadas em difusão fornece informações, sobre a estrutura do cérebro, as quai s não estão disponíveis apenas por inspeção visual, tanto nas imagens ponderadas em difusão como em outras sequências de aplicação clínica de rotina. Para fazer face às desvantagens dos sistemas de quantificação das HSB os quais são dispendiosos, complexos, requererem tecnologia e formação específicas, recomendamos que a aplicação automatizada GUIAL, desenvolvida ao longo do nosso trabalho é de utilização elementar e prática para que seja introduzida nos sistemas de aquisição de imagem por RM com o fim de integrar o processamento de imagem nos indivíduos portadores de fatores de risco vascular. A avaliação do ADC, nesta amostra, permitiu concluir que a variação desta variável é explicada estatisticamente pela existência da condição clínica de status lacunar em ambos os hemisférios ou por outras palavras, o status lacunar influencia o valor de ADC. Embora uma pequena percentagem da variação do ADC seja explicada pelo género, o ADC nos homens foi superior ao das mulheres o que não nos surpreende, pois são também os homens onde a frequência de doença microvascular se revelou mais expressiva. Os valores do ADC, globalmente, entre os hemisférios cerebrais não mostraram alterações exceto na SB entre os idosos e não idosos. A SB da região frontal mostrou valores diminuídos na anisotropia e isotropia face às restantes áreas anatómicas. Os estudos indicam que na idade avançada existe uma maior predisposição para suscetibilidades de estrutura com status de desconexão. A classificação das HSB foi superior em indivíduos mais velhos e com status lacunar, e em menor quantidade (inferior rating de classificação) nos indivíduos idosos sem status lacunar. As alterações volumétricas foram mais frequentes no homem do que na mulher, presumivelmente devido à associação com a elevada classificação de status lacunar. Um aumento do índice de Evan correspondeu, neste estudo, ao aumento das HSB, à diminuição do volume cerebral total, à expansão ventrículo-sulcal frontal e ao aumento da medida do ângulo caloso. Estes resultados foram agravados pela classificação elevada de status lacunar nos indivíduos que apresentaram indícios de doença de pequenos vasos, com manifesto aumento dos espaços de Virchow-Robin,enfartes lacunares ou HSB. Esses resultados foram mais expressivos no género masculino do que no feminino revelando uma maior vulnerabilidade sobretudo na atrofia frontal nos homens. Por sua vez as dimensões do Corpo Caloso tornaram-se reduzidas devido à compressão dos ventrículos laterais e terceiro ventrículo. Estes indicadores tiveram expressão particularmente nos indivíduos com mais de 65 anos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The latest neuroimaging methods, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), have enabled detailed images of in vivo human brain. These images reveal often unexpected findings related to the normal pattern, with high predisposition for the elderly people with forthright coexistence with vascular risk factors such as characteristics of a normal aging process. Although it has been, in the last decade, several publications on this subject, it is still little explained. All over the world have emerged disease prevention programs and health promotion developed by the Public Health sector, supported mainly by the advancement of medical technologies that have resulted, among other impacts, in a growing of the elderly population. It is estimated, in 2030, a demographic composition with 20% o people over 65 years. In this context, microvascular disease is the most common cause of cognitive vascular impairment in the elderly and senescent characteristics in the MRI trough ischemic lesions of the white matter (Leukoaraiosis) and lacunar infarcts (lacunar status), cerebral atrophy, gliosis and iron accumulation in the basal ganglia in excess.This thesis, considering the research line that stems - Life Sciences - specialization in Clinical Medicine, Biotechnology, gathers and reflects on three aspects linked to MR, interdependent and related to a common problem. The first deals with the Magnetic Resonance Technology characterization in Portugal, which includes an exploratory evaluation of the implementation of Anisotropic Diffusion technique in brain studies. The analytical dimensions studied were the Technologic, Socio-demographic and Economics. Collecting data was supported by different sources of information and was applied an exploratory methodology whose results were validated by triangulation. The research method was grouped and stratified criteria under the same analytical dimensions. The second describes the anatomical study - which was focused on radiological measurement parameters, based on the brain’s specimen under an experimental methodology applied to MRI diffusion metrics. Radiological evaluation and optimization of the weighted image diffusion in clinical studies were associated with the brain of the elderly "The Usual Brain Aging" with methodological basis based on established criteria and indicators by Rotterdam Scan Study (RSS). The main results obtained reveal the inexistence frameworks in Portugal for evaluation of equipments or Agency of Health Technology to produce studies comparing the equipment available on the market, the value for money and its allocation to clinical and epidemiological needs. It was found that the implementation of MRI equipment is strongly based on economic criteria lacking recommendations and guidelines for the rationalized use of these technologies. As the quantitative data we conclude that most of the scanners are located in private clinical institutions (80,2%); the most frequent magnetic field intensity is [1.5T] with 119 scanners; the scanners are mainly installed in Lisbon (55 units) and Porto (39 units) districts; the average ratio of equipment per capita in Portugal is 1 to 65 195 people; the gradient power with higher expression in the sample is 30-39mT / m;most of the scanners were installed in the years range [2009-2012 years] with 59 equipment; only 6 clinical placements develop clinical research and the most coils for brain studies are of Array type. The optimization study of diffusion technique revealed, as the assessment of the bvalues, the lower (b = 500 s / mm2 and b = 1000 s / mm 2), promotes an increase in the SI and SNR being this measure related to a higher image quality, however the highest b values (b = 2000 s / mm 2) have a higher CNR (Contrast to Noise-Ratio) and CR (Contrast Ratio), compared to the previous ones. This may provide less anatomical details and, thus, ower image quality, of a normal brain, however can help the interpretation and have advantages in identifying microvascular injuries when doubts persist regarding the differential diagnosis of microvascular disease of lacunar or WMH (White Matter Hyperintensities) status type. Changes on this parameter are Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular particularly reflected in the differences of image quality evaluation in the frontocallosum anatomical area. We conclude from the quantitative assessment of the average concentration of iron (26Fe), in all age groups to the basal ganglia, that the higher concentrations are, in descending order: Nigral Substantia, Globus pallidus, Putamen, Thalamus, Rubio nucleus and Caudate nucleus; that there is a predominance in the concentration of iron (26Fe) in the left hemisphere and that male gender show higher iron (26Fe) level tha females, in the age groups [30-40 [[40-50 [and [50- 60 [. Regarding a main conclusion of the mean concentration study of iron, in terms of age we point out that the average concentration of iron (26Fe) is higher among older groups and increases with age, especially in Nigral Substantia and Lenticular Nucleus. On the technical and radiological study we found evidence of an increased in water /diffusivity in the ubcortical white matter of the elderly compared with younger subjects. A similar relationship was assessed in the Thalamus. The increase agerelated seems to be predominantly observed in patients over 65 years which may reflect minor structural changes associated with normal aging. The results indicate that quantitative analysis of diffusion weighted imaging can provide information about the structure of the brain which is not reached only by visual inspection or standard sequences applied in clinical routine. To address the disadvantages the systems of quantification of WMH which the authors state that are costly, complex, require specific technology and training, we recommend that the automated application GUIAL, developed over our work is basic and practical to use and to be introduced in MR image systems acquisition in order to integrate image processing in patients with vascular risk factors. The evaluation of the ADC showed that its variation is statistically explained by the existence of the medical condition of lacunar status, in both hemispheres, or in other words, the lacunar status influences the ADC value. Although a small percentage of the ADC variation is explained by gender, the ADC in men was higher than women which Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular do not surprise us, since they are also men where the frequency of microvasculardisease has proved more significant. The values of ADC, overall, between the cerebral hemispheres showed no changes but were different in WM among the elderly and non-elderly subjects.The WM's forehead showed decreased values in anisotropy and isotropy face the other anatomical areas. The studies indicate that in old age there is a greater tendency to higher susceptibility to disconnection- status framework. The classification of WMH was higher in elderly people and lacunar status, and fewer (lower classification rating) in the elderly without lacunar status. volumetric changes were more frequent in men than in women, most probably because of its association with high lacunar status rating. An increase of Evan index corresponded, in this study, to an increase in WMH, to a decreased of total brain volume, to a ventricle sulcal frontal and callous angle expansion. These results were wound up by high ranking of lacunar status in subjects who had small vessel disease, clear increase in spaces of Virchow-Robin, lacunar infarctions or WMH. These results were more significant in males than in females revealing vulnerability particularly in the frontal atrophy in men. In turn the size of Corpus Callosum because reduced due to the compression of the lateral and third ventricles. These indicators had expression particularly in individuals over 65 years.