21 resultados para MODDE, ABS, Zephyrus, Metis, Docker


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Phenolic acids are aromatic secondary plant metabolites, widely spread throughout the plant kingdom. Due to their biological and pharmacological properties, they have been playing an important role in phytotherapy and consequently techniques for their separation and purification are in need. This thesis aims at exploring new sustainable separation processes based on ionic liquids (ILs) in the extraction of biologically active phenolic acids. For that purpose, three phenolic acids with similar chemical structures were selected: cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid. In the last years, it has been shown that ionic liquids-based aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) are valid alternatives for the extraction, recovery and purification of biomolecules when compared to conventional ABS or extractions carried out with organic solvents. In particular, cholinium-based ILs represent a clear step towards a greener chemistry, while providing means for the implementation of efficient techniques for the separation and purification of biomolecules. In this work, ABSs were implemented using cholinium carboxylate ILs using either high charge density inorganic salt (K3PO4) or polyethylene glycol (PEG) to promote the phase separation of aqueous solutions containing three different phenolic acids. These systems allow for the evaluation of effect of chemical structure of the anion on the extraction efficiency. Only one imidazolium-based IL was used in order to establish the effect of the cation chemical structure. The selective extraction of one single acid was also researched. Overall, it was observed that phenolic acids display very complex behaviours in aqueous solutions, from dimerization to polymerization and also hetero-association are quite frequent phenomena, depending on the pH conditions. These phenomena greatly hinder the correct quantification of these acids in solution.


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Phage display technology is a powerful platform for the generation of highly specific human monoclonal antibodies (Abs) with potential use in clinical applications. Moreover, this technique has also proven to be a reliable approach in identifying and validating new cancer-related targets. For scientific or medical applications, different types of Ab libraries can be constructed. The use of Fab Immune libraries allows the production of high quality and affinity antigen-specific Abs. In this work, two immune human phage display IgG Fab libraries were generated from the Ab repertoire of 16 breast cancer patients, in order to obtain a tool for the development of new therapeutic Abs for breast cancer, a condition that has great impact worldwide. The generated libraries are estimated to contain more than 108 independent clones and a diversity over 90%. Libraries validation was pursued by selection against BSA, a foreign and highly immunogenic protein, and HER2, a well established cancer target. Preliminary results suggested that phage pools with affinity for these antigens were selected and enriched. Individual clones were isolated, however, it was not possible to obtain enough data to further characterize them. Selection against the DLL1 protein was also performed, once it is a known ligand of the Notch pathway, whose deregulation is associated to breast cancer, making it an interesting target for the generation of function-blocking Abs. Selection resulted in the isolation of a clone with low affinity and Fab expression levels. The validation process was not completed and further effort will have to be put in this task in the future. Although immune libraries concept implies limited applicability, the library reported here has a wide range of use possibilities, since it was not restrained to a single antigen but instead thought to be used against any breast cancer associated target, thus being a valuable tool.


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Evaporative cooling is a traditional strategy to improve summer comfort, which has gained renewed relevance in the context of the transition to a greener economy. Here, the potential for evaporative cooling of two common porous building materials, natural stone and ceramic brick, was evaluated. The work has relevance also to the protection of built heritage becauseevaporation underlies the problems of dampness and salt crystallization, which are so harmful and frequent in this heritage. It was observed that the drying rate of the materials is, in some cases, higher than the evaporation rate of a free water surface. Surface area measurements by a three-dimensional optical technique suggested, as probable cause of this behavior, that surface irregularity gives rise to a large effective surface of evaporation in the material. Surface temperature measurements by infrared were performed afterward during evaporation experiments outside during a hot summer day in Lisbon. Their results indicate that ordinary building materials can be very efficient evaporative media and, thus, may help in achieving higher energy efficiency while maintaining a simultaneous constructive or architectural function.


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A técnica de Ensaios Não Destrutivos (END) baseada em células bacterianas (CB) foi proposta recentemente e tem demonstrado viabilidade na identificação de micro defeitos superficiais, com espessuras e profundidades inferiores a 5 μm, em vários materiais de engenharia. O conhecimento processual já é significativo, mas diversos aspectos carecem de desenvolvimentos, nomeadamente, a interacção das bactérias com outros materiais, o limiar de detectabilidade da técnica, a aplicação a defeitos naturais ou o comportamento dinâmico das bactérias sujeitas a campos eléctricos ou magnéticos. Este trabalho pretendeu ser um passo em frente no conhecimento da técnica. Os principais objectivos foram alargar a documentação sobre a interacção bactéria-material, determinar o menor defeito padrão possível de detectar, estabelecer e validar um modelo analítico da dinâmica das bactérias sujeitas a forças exteriores, e comparar o desempenho da técnica com os END por líquidos penetrantes (LP). Foi desenvolvido e testado um protótipo para aplicação de campos magnéticos permanentes triaxiais. A bactéria Rhodococcus erythropolis foi usada na inspecção dos materiais AA1100, AISI 316L, WC, titânio, NiTi, ouro, ABS e lentes oftálmicas, com defeitos padrão por micro e nano indentação e riscagem, assim como os defeitos existentes em soldaduras laser. A técnica foi testada nos padrões de sensibilidade dos LP para efeitos de comparação. Verificou-se que é possível identificar defeitos de nano indentação com largura e profundidades de aproximadamente 5,3 μm e 0,4 μm, respectivamente, e que também são identificados os defeitos dos padrões sensibilidade dos LP, com cerca de 1 μm de espessura.


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Cloud computing has been one of the most important topics in Information Technology which aims to assure scalable and reliable on-demand services over the Internet. The expansion of the application scope of cloud services would require cooperation between clouds from different providers that have heterogeneous functionalities. This collaboration between different cloud vendors can provide better Quality of Services (QoS) at the lower price. However, current cloud systems have been developed without concerns of seamless cloud interconnection, and actually they do not support intercloud interoperability to enable collaboration between cloud service providers. Hence, the PhD work is motivated to address interoperability issue between cloud providers as a challenging research objective. This thesis proposes a new framework which supports inter-cloud interoperability in a heterogeneous computing resource cloud environment with the goal of dispatching the workload to the most effective clouds available at runtime. Analysing different methodologies that have been applied to resolve various problem scenarios related to interoperability lead us to exploit Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) methods as appropriate approaches for our inter-cloud framework. Moreover, since distributing the operations in a cloud-based environment is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP-complete) problem, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based job scheduler proposed as a part of interoperability framework, offering workload migration with the best performance at the least cost. A new Agent Based Simulation (ABS) approach is proposed to model the inter-cloud environment with three types of agents: Cloud Subscriber agent, Cloud Provider agent, and Job agent. The ABS model is proposed to evaluate the proposed framework.


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Earthen plastering mortars are becoming recognized as highly eco-efficient. The assessment of their technical properties needs to be standardized but only the German standard DIN 18947 exists for the moment. An extended experimental campaign was developed in order to assess multiple properties of a ready-mixed earth plastering mortar and also to increase scientific knowledge of the influence of test procedures on those properties. The experimental campaign showed that some aspects related to the equipment, type of samples and sample preparation can be very important, while others seemed to have less influence on the results and the classification of mortars. It also showed that some complementary tests can easily be performed and considered together with the standardized ones, while others may need to be improved. The plaster satisfied the requirements of the existing German standard but, most importantly, it seemed adequate for application as rehabilitation plaster on historic and modern masonry buildings. Apart from their aesthetic aspect, the contribution of earthen plasters to eco-efficiency and particularly to hygrometric indoor comfort should be highlighted.