24 resultados para High-speed digital imaging
15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Malta
The studied materials were sampled from several conglomerate and carbonate sandstone units, overlapped for 23 meters. This formation represents a debris flow dominated alluvial fan alternating with quiet sedimentary conditions. These deposits of probably Paleogene age were placed upon mafic and ultramafic rocks that are the exclusive source of sediments. Optical and SEM identification, microanalysis and XRD studies (with decomposition procedures) of clay fractions obtained after high-speed centrifugation were performed in order to characterise the clay minerals content. The results of the analytical program allowed the establishment of the following remarks: a) Fe-rich montmorillonite dominance over paligorskite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite mixed-layers, serpentine and talc; b) smectites in the 12.4 - 15 A range, expanding to about 17 A after EG treatment; c) serpentine and talc as secondary minerals in the interior of altered clasts; d) chlorite and clorite smectite mixed-layer compositions in the borders of the clasts and in the cement. The composition of sediments results from coarse clasts eroded from mafic and ultramafic rocks and clayey material. Clasts show evidences of post-depositional weathering (coatings of chlorite and smectite). Clayey material has the contributions of i) inherired chlorite, smectite and chlorite-smectite mixed-layers; ii ) authigenic crystallisation of Fe-montmorillonite (due to availability of Fe in the crystallising solutions following previous weathering events); iii) authigenic paligorskite associated to a carbonate cement.
The study focuses on the public participation during the decision-making process of the High Speed Rail Project (popularly known as TGV) in Portugal. The study analyzes the media references on the topic and its actors in a quantitative and qualitative way from September 2008 to November 2009 anchored in the 2009 Legislatives and Local elections. The work concludes that despite the political polarization around the High Speed Rail Project, contributing to bring it to public debate, it didn’t allow for an improvement in qualitative information that could allow the emergence of an active and informed citizen participation in the debate.
International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Management, nº 1, p. 195-208
Transversal vibrations induced by a load moving uniformly along an infinite beam resting on a piece-wise homogeneous visco-elastic foundation are studied. Special attention is paid to the additional vibrations, conventionally referred to as transition radiations, which arise as the point load traverses the place of foundation discontinuity. The governing equations of the problem are solved by the normalmode analysis. The solution is expressed in a form of infinite sum of orthogonal natural modes multiplied by the generalized coordinate of displacement. The natural frequencies are obtained numerically exploiting the concept of the global dynamic stiffness matrix. This ensures that the frequencies obtained are exact. The methodology has restrictions neither on velocity nor on damping. The approach looks simple, though, the numerical expression of the results is not straightforward. A general procedure for numerical implementation is presented and verified. To illustrate the utility of the methodology parametric optimization is presented and influence of the load mass is studied. The results obtained have direct application in analysis of railway track vibrations induced by high-speed trains when passing regions with significantly different foundation stiffness.
Based on a poster submitted to CONCORD 2011 - Conference on Corporate R&D: The dynamics of Europe's industrial structure and the growth of innovative firms, Sevilla, IPTS, 6 Out. 2011, Seville, http://www.eventisimo.com/concord2011/recibido.html
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia