20 resultados para Heat dissipation rate
Directed Research Internship
This thesis is a study of how heat is transported in non-steady-state conditions from a superconducting Rutherford cable to a bath of superfluid helium (He II). The same type of superconducting cable is used in the dipole magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The dipole magnets of the LHC are immersed in a bath of He II at 1.9 K. At this temperature helium has an extremely high thermal conductivity. During operation, heat needs to be efficiently extracted from the dipole magnets to keep their superconducting state. The thermal stability of the magnets is crucial for the operation of the LHC, therefore it is necessary to understand how heat is transported from the superconducting cables to the He II bath. In He II the heat transfer can be described by the Landau regime or by the Gorter-Mellink regime, depending on the heat flux. In this thesis both measurements and numerical simulation have been performed to study the heat transfer in the two regimes. A temperature increase of 8 2 mK of the superconducting cables was successfully measured experimentally. A new numerical model that covers the two heat transfer regimes has been developed. The numerical model has been validated by comparison with existing experimental data. A comparison is made between the measurements and the numerical results obtained with the developed model.
Modern telecommunication equipment requires components that operate in many different frequency bands and support multiple communication standards, to cope with the growing demand for higher data rate. Also, a growing number of standards are adopting the use of spectrum efficient digital modulations, such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). These modulation schemes require accurate quadrature oscillators, which makes the quadrature oscillator a key block in modern radio frequency (RF) transceivers. The wide tuning range characteristics of inductorless quadrature oscillators make them natural candidates, despite their higher phase noise, in comparison with LC-oscillators. This thesis presents a detailed study of inductorless sinusoidal quadrature oscillators. Three quadrature oscillators are investigated: the active coupling RC-oscillator, the novel capacitive coupling RCoscillator, and the two-integrator oscillator. The thesis includes a detailed analysis of the Van der Pol oscillator (VDPO). This is used as a base model oscillator for the analysis of the coupled oscillators. Hence, the three oscillators are approximated by the VDPO. From the nonlinear Van der Pol equations, the oscillators’ key parameters are obtained. It is analysed first the case without component mismatches and then the case with mismatches. The research is focused on determining the impact of the components’ mismatches on the oscillator key parameters: frequency, amplitude-, and quadrature-errors. Furthermore, the minimization of the errors by adjusting the circuit parameters is addressed. A novel quadrature RC-oscillator using capacitive coupling is proposed. The advantages of using the capacitive coupling are that it is noiseless, requires a small area, and has low power dissipation. The equations of the oscillation amplitude, frequency, quadrature-error, and amplitude mismatch are derived. The theoretical results are confirmed by simulation and by measurement of two prototypes fabricated in 130 nm standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The measurements reveal that the power increase due to the coupling is marginal, leading to a figure-of-merit of -154.8 dBc/Hz. These results are consistent with the noiseless feature of this coupling and are comparable to those of the best state-of-the-art RC-oscillators, in the GHz range, but with the lowest power consumption (about 9 mW). The results for the three oscillators show that the amplitude- and the quadrature-errors are proportional to the component mismatches and inversely proportional to the coupling strength. Thus, increasing the coupling strength decreases both the amplitude- and quadrature-errors. With proper coupling strength, a quadrature error below 1° and amplitude imbalance below 1% are obtained. Furthermore, the simulations show that increasing the coupling strength reduces the phase noise. Hence, there is no trade-off between phase noise and quadrature error. In the twointegrator oscillator study, it was found that the quadrature error can be eliminated by adjusting the transconductances to compensate the capacitance mismatch. However, to obtain outputs in perfect quadrature one must allow some amplitude error.
RESUMO - Este estudo teve como principal objectivo a caracterização das atitudes e da adopção de medidas de protecção em períodos de calor e em particular conhecer aquelas que efectivamente foram adoptadas durante a onda de calor de Agosto de 2003 (29 de Julho a 15 de Agosto). Foi realizado um inquérito por via postal, aplicando um questionário aos indivíduos de 18 e mais anos das unidades de alojamento (UA), que constituem a amostra ECOS (Em Casa Observamos Saúde) do Observatório Nacional de Saúde. Estudaram-se 769 indivíduos, o que correspondeu a 25,6% da totalidade dos indivíduos elegíveis nas UA. Uma vez que a amostra ECOS não é autoponderada, foram ponderados os resultados das unidades de alojamento pela variável do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) «número de famílias clássicas» por região e pela «população residente segundo o nível de instrução» obtidas pelos censos de 2001. Os comportamentos referidos como adoptados em épocas de calor que apresentaram maiores percentagens foram «tomar duches ou banhos» (84,6%), «ingestão de líquidos» (79,6%), «uso de roupa leve, larga e clara» (73,2%) e «tomar refeições leves» (53,7%). Durante a onda de calor de 2003, a maior parte da população (92,5%) leu, ouviu ou viu informação sobre os cuidados a ter durante a onda de calor, tendo sido a televisão (95,2%), a rádio (56,3%) e os jornais (49,3%) os meios de comunicação social mais referidos. Cerca de metade da população (51,4%) informou alguém, fundamentalmente a família, sobre os cuidados a ter. Com efeito, durante esta onda de calor verificou-se um maior cuidado em relação a comportamentos mais prejudiciais em épocas de maior calor. Por um lado, a população portuguesa andou menos ao sol (49,4%), fez menos viagens de carro/transportes à hora do calor (39,8%), realizou menos actividades que exigiriam esforço físico (32,5%) e também houve alguma preocupação em beber menos bebidas alcoólicas (26,5%). Por outro lado, aumentaram os comportamentos que já são mais habituais durante o período de Verão, tais como abrir as janelas durante a noite (40,8%), tomar refeições leves (46,7%), tomar mais duches ou banhos (58,5%), o uso de roupas leves largas e claras (42,5%) e o uso de ventoinhas (37,8%). A alteração do comportamento andar ou estar ao sol sem restrições aumenta com o número de meios de comunicação onde se obteve informação. Abrir as janelas de casa durante a noite e tomar duches ou banhos apresentou uma associação com o número de meios de comunicação onde se obteve informação e com o número de pessoas que prestaram informação. Ingerir líquidos e usar roupa leve, larga e clara mostrou também uma dependência do número de meios de comunicação onde se obteve informação.
The objective of this work is to develop an operational tool to analyze exchange rate pressure in the context of Angola. The Angolan economy exhibits a number of relevant characteristics: a closed financial account, a partially controlled current account, a highly dollarized economy and exports (oil) price determined in World markets. These features have a direct effect on the demand of foreign currency and motivate their inclusion in the specification of a model for Angola. The model provides the rational for a measure of an exchange market rate pressure (EMP) index that contains exports changes, imports changes, the foreign interest rate and inflation and the change in foreign reserves corrected for a measure dollarization. The empirical performance new measure is comparable (slightly better) to the performance of the EMP indexes obtained in Eichengreen Rose and Wyplosz (1994) and Klassen and Jager (2011).