25 resultados para Halophilic proteins


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/48804/2008 and the project PTDC/BI/65383/2006 assigned to Prof. Cecíla Roque and also to Associate Laboratory REQUIMTE (Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2011)


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The focus of this Thesis was the study of the sensor domains of two heme-containing methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP) from Geobacter sulfurreducens: GSU0582 and GSU0935. These domains contain one c-type heme, form swapped dimers with a PAS-like fold and are the first examples of a new class of heme sensors. NMR spectroscopy was used to assign the heme and polypeptide signals in both sensors, as a first step to probe conformational changes in the vicinity of the hemes. However, the presence of two conformations in solution impaired the confident assignment of the polypeptide signals. To understand how conformational changes and swapped dimerization mechanism can effectively modulate the function of the two sensor domains and their signal transduction process, the sensor domains folding and stability were studied by circular dichroism and UV-visible spectroscopy. The results showed differences in the thermodynamic stability of the sensors, with GSU0582 displaying higher structural stability. These studies also demonstrated that the heme moiety undergoes conformational changes matching those occurring at the global protein structure and that the content of intrinsically disordered segments within these proteins (25% for GSU0935; 13% for GSU0582) correlates with the stability differences observed. The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the sensor domains were determined at different pH and ionic strength by visible spectroscopy and stopped-flow techniques. Despite the remarkably similar spectroscopic and structural features of the two sensor domains, the results showed that their properties are quite distinct. Sensor domain GSU0935 displayed more negative reduction potentials and smaller reduction rate constants, which were more affected by pH and ionic strength. The available structures were used to rationalize these differences. Overall, the results described in this Thesis indicate that the two G. sulfurreducens MCP sensor domains are designed to function in different working potential ranges, allowing this bacterium to trigger an adequate cellular response in distinct anoxic subsurface environments.


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Part of the work described in this chapter, was the subject of the following publication: D. Vieira, T. a. Figueiredo, A. Verma, R. G. Sobral, A. M. Ludovice, H. de Lencastre, and J. Trincao, “Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of GatD, a glutamine amidotransferase-like protein from Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan,” Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Commun., vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 1–4, Apr. 2014.


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In recent years, new methods of clean and environmentally friendly energy production have been the focus of intense research efforts. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that utilize naturally occurring microorganisms that feed on organic matter, like waste water, while producing electrical energy. The natural habitats of bacteria thriving in microbial fuel cells are usually marine and freshwater sediments. These microorganisms are called dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB), but in addition to metals like iron and manganese, they can use organic compounds like DMSO or TMAO, radionuclides and electrodes as terminal electron acceptors in their metabolic pathways.(...)


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - (PTDC/EBB-EBI/102266/2008 and SFRH/BD/43830/2008, respectively) and by European Community’s FP7/2007-2013 (grant agreement nº 270089)


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide and one of its underlying causes is hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia can have genetic (familial hypercholesterolemia, FH) and non-genetic causes (clinical hypercholesterolemia, CH), the first much more severe, with occurrence of premature atherosclerosis. While the pathophysiological role of homocysteine (Hcy) on CVD is still controversial, molecular targeting of protein by S and N-homocysteinylation offers a new paradigm to be considered in the vascular pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia. On this regard, the present study aims to give new insights on protein targeting by Hcy in both CH and FH conditions. A total of 187 subjects were included: 65 normolipidemic and 122 hypercholesterolemic. Total (tHcy) and free (fHcy) fractions were quantified in serum samples after validation of an HPLCFD method, to assess S-homocysteinylation. Also, the lactonase (LACase) activity of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) was quantified by a colorimetric assay, as a surrogate of N-homocysteinylation. tHcy does not differ among groups. Nevertheless, fHcy declines in the hypercholesterolemic groups, with more evidence to the FH population. Consequently, there seems to be an increase of Shomocysteinylation, regardless of lipid lowering therapy (LLT). Also, despite of LLT use, LACase activity is lower in FH, thus the risk for protein N-homocysteinylation seems to be higher. Moreover, the decrease in LACase/ApoA1 and LACase/HDL ratios in FH, shows that HDL is dysfunctional in this population, despite its normal concentration values. Data supports that the pathophysiological role of Hcy on hypercholesterolemia may reside in its ability to post-translationally modify proteins. This role is particularly evident in FH condition. In the future, it will be interesting to identify which target proteins are modified and thus involved in vascular pathology progression.


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Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a major human pathogen that has acquired resistance to practically all classes of β-lactam antibiotics, being responsible of Multidrug resistant S. aureus (MRSA) associated infections both in healthcare (HA-MRSA) and community settings (CA-MRSA). The emergence of laboratory strains with high-resistance (VRSA) to the last resort antibiotic, vancomycin, is a warning of what is to come in clinical strains. Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) target β-lactams and are responsible for catalyzing the last steps of synthesis of the main component of cell wall, peptidoglycan. As in Escherichia coli, it is suggested that S. aureus uses a multi-protein complex that carries out cell wall synthesis. In the presence of β-lactams, PBP2A and PBP2 perform a joint action to build the cell wall and allow cell survival. Likewise, PBP2 cooperates with PBP4 in cell wall cross-linking. However, an actual interaction between PBP2 and PBP4 and the location of such interaction has not yet been determined. Therefore, investigation of the existence of a PBP2-PBP4 interaction and its location(s) in vivo is of great interest, as it should provide new insights into the function of the cell wall synthesis machinery in S. aureus. The aim of this work was to develop Split-GFPP7 system to determine interactions between PBP2 and PBP4. GFPP7 was split in a strategic site and fused to proteins of interest. When each GFPP7 fragment, fused to proteins, was expressed alone in staphylococcal cells, no fluorescence was detectable. When GFPP7 fragments fused to different peptidoglycan synthesis (PBP2 and PBP4) or cell division (FtsZ and EzrA) proteins were co-expressed together, fluorescent fusions were localized to the septum. However, further analysis revealed that this positive result is mediated by GFPP7 self-association. We then interpret the results in light of such event and provide insights into ways of improving this system.