19 resultados para Designated Germplasm
Os resultados apresentados no capítulo 2 foram incluídos no artigo Dantas JM, Campelo LM, Duke NEC, Salgueiro CA, Pokkuluri PR (2015) "The structure of PccH from Geobacter sulfurreducens – a novel low reduction potential monoheme cytochrome essential for accepting electrons from an electrode", FEBS Journal, 282, 2215-2231.
In this thesis we propose to examine the first half of the Phaedrus (sc. until the end of the palinode) in light of the opposition between the notions of μανία and φρονεῖν, as they are explicitly and implicitly presented in the erotic speeches. These are read in dialogue with what we have designated as the “implicit speech” or “speeches”, i.e., the plurality of conceptions regarding ἔρως, μανία and φρονεῖν that were part of Ancient Greek culture. Our reading of the two speeches against ἔρως, Lysias’ and Socrates’ first speech, engages with this cultural background, and extracts a conception of μανία and φρονεῖν with which the palinode will primarily confront. Our reading of the palinode divides it into two sections: the first, the presentation of the first three kinds of beneficial μανία; the second, the mythical narrative that deals with erotic μανία. We emphasise the existence of a wide gulf between these two moments in terms of their ontological, theological and anthropological conceptions. The second section of the palinode is revolutionary not only in contrast with the “implicit speech” and the speeches against ἔρως, but also in contrast with the very beginning of the palinode – which preserves many of the conceptions and assumptions found in the previous speeches and in the cultural tradition. It is in order to explain the foundation, meaning and significance of this gulf that we explore and discuss the notion of ὑπόθεσις and its role as an implicit operator in the Phaedrus. From our reading of the second part of the palinode, it is clear how the introduction of the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος brings about a radical revision of the perspectives on the nature of reality and on human nature and condition that were implicit in the previous speeches and in the first part of the palinode. We show that the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος corresponds to the projection of a multiplicity of cognitive and desiderative requirements that our normal perspective demands, but cannot possibly satisfy. In other words, our perspective is shown to be living beyond its means, yearning for something that by far exceeds what it can get in its de facto condition: the superlative. This results in a major revision of the understanding of φρονεῖν and μανία – a revision that challenges the traditional understanding of these two notions as binary opposites, thereby revealing a much more complex landscape.
RESUMO - O movimento de integração dos cuidados de saúde tem como objectivo a procura de modelos de prestação de cuidados mais compreensivos, integrados e continuados. A determinação do grau de integração de cuidados pode ser realizada a partir da percepção dos profissionais de saúde, sendo os inquéritos por questionários uma fonte comummente utilizada neste tipo de estudos. O presente estudo, designado por EGIOS II, tem como objetivos: a) determinar o grau de percepção de integração, dos profissionais das Unidades Locais de Saúde; b) comparar a percepção do grau de integração dos profissionais entre 2010 e 2015; c) comparar a percepção do grau de integração dos profissionais que trabalham nas Unidades Locais de Saúde e em instituições não organizadas em Unidades Locais de Saúde; e d) identificar as áreas de maior e menor percepção de integração. O instrumento de recolha de dados utilizado, foi um inquérito por questionário, que pretende avaliar a percepção do grau de integração dos profissionais de acordo com as dimensões clínica, informação, normativa, administrativa, financeira e sistémica, em 53 itens. O inquérito foi estruturalmente adaptado do Health System Integration Study, tendo apresentado validade e fiabilidade. O inquérito foi aplicado em 22 instituições, a nível nacional, Unidades Locais de Saúde e a Centros Hospitalares / Hospitais e Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde. A caraterização EGIOS II dividiu-se em quatro fases: preparação e envio dos ofícios; identificação dos interlocutores; envio dos inquéritos; e avaliação dos resultados. O inquérito apresentou uma taxa de resposta de 27%, representando 2085 respostas ao inquérito. Pode afirmar-se que globalmente o estudo apresenta representatividade estatística, com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Os resultados indicam que os profissionais das Unidades Locais de Saúde em 2015 reportam maiores níveis de percepção de integração, quando comparados os dados com o estudo de 2010. Acrescenta-se que os profissionais das Unidades Locais de Saúde têm um maior grau de percepção de integração, do que os profissionais dos Centros Hospitalares / Hospitais e Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde, não organizados em ULS. As dimensões administrativa, financeira e clínica são as que apresentam um menor grau de percepção de integração e as dimensões normativa e informação uma maior percepção de integração. Os órgãos de administração e órgãos de gestão intermédia apresentam uma percepção de integração superior comparativamente aos médicos e enfermeiros dos serviços hospitalares e cuidados de saúde primários. Foram identificadas nove recomendações que poderão servir como base para um plano de ação subsequente do presente estudo ou para aplicação em futuros estudos. Este estudo pode auxiliar no diagnóstico de problemas e barreiras da integração de cuidados, em que serviços atuar e ainda, identificar quais as estratégias e processos a priorizar de forma a melhorar a integração de cuidados de saúde.
This case study deals with the reasons why the Portuguese Footwear Cluster evolved from a small industry focused on the Portuguese internal market into a high-tech industry capable of designing and producing some of the best and most expensive shoes in the world. It went from using the low labor costs of an under-developed economy to produce long series of shoes for pre-designated brands in Northern Europe to having the ability to produce some of the highest quality shoes in the world, in small orders, designed and delivered in record timing, while offering a service of excellence. In 1960, when Portugal became a founding member of EFTA, the footwear industry in Portugal was globally irrelevant, producing low quality shoes directed to the puny internal market and its African colonies. The new free trade zone with economies much more developed that itself, led to the transfer of the labor-intensive, low skilled manufacture from the UK and Scandinavian countries to Portugal. Mostly through joint ventures, the industry was able to mechanize itself so it could produce shoes in long series at low prices. It grew based on that model up until the 1990s, when the emergence of the Asian countries meant either a different strategy or extinction. Taking advantage of a clarified leadership of its trade association, it used the European funds made available to it during the 1990s, to modernize its factory floors, so it could become more nimble and flexible, expand its design capabilities and dramatically change its image abroad. The role of the trade association, APICCAPS, was instrumental throughout the process going well beyond what came to be expected of trade associations. It used its privileged position to provide understanding regarding the current situation and competitive landscape, alerting for changes ahead and at the same time providing a strategic vision on how to deal with the challenges. Moreover, it helped companies get the resources they needed by creating a research center in collaboration with a University, by creating a process that allowed companies to learn from each other via the show casing of projects sponsored by the association or by helping industrials traveling to locations where new customers could be found. The case study provides insight on how the trade association leadership, which has no formal authority over its members, was able to guide and motivate an industry through a consistent positive approach. That approach focused on the solutions, on the opportunities and on the success stories of companies in the cluster rather than on what was wrong or needed to be addressed. Based on this case, one could use the leadership role of the trade association to discuss and change leaders’ roles and styles in other sectors or even companies.