19 resultados para Chimeric Constructs
Cell-to-cell communication is required for many biological processes in development and adult life. One of the most common systems utilized by a wide range of eukaryotes is the Notch signalling pathway. Four Notch receptors and five ligands have been identified in mammals that interact via their extracellular domains leading to transcription activation. Studies have shown that the Notch ligands expression is undetectable in normal breast tissues, but moderate to high expression has been detected in breast cancer. Thus, any of the Notch1 ligands can be studied as possible therapeutic targets for breast cancer. To study Notch pathway proteins there is the need to obtain stable protein solutions. E. coli is the host of excellence for recombinant proteins for the ease of use, fast growth and high cell densities. However, the expression of mammalian proteins in such systems may overwhelm the bacterial cellular machinery, which does not possess the ability for post-translational modifications, or dedicated compartments for protein synthesis. Mammalian cells are therefore preferred, despite their technical and financial increased demands. We aim to determine the best expression and purification conditions for the different ligand protein constructs, to develop specific function-blocking antibodies using the Phage Display technology. Moreover, we propose to crystallize the Notch1 ligands alone and in complex with the phage display selected antibodies, unveiling molecular details. hJag2DE3 and hDll1DE6 proteins were purified from refolded inclusion bodies or mammalian cell culture supernatants, respectively, and purity was confirmed by SDS-PAGE (>95%). Protein produced in mammalian cells showed to be more stable, apparently with the physiological disulfide pattern, contrary to what was observed in the refolded protein. Several nano-scale crystallization experiments were set up in 96-well plates, but no positive result was obtained. We will continue to pursue for the best expression for the Notch ligand constructs in both expression systems.
The relative attractiveness of cities as places to live determines population movements in or out of them. Understanding the appealing features of a city is fundamental to local governments, particularly for cities facing population decline. Pull and push attributes of cities can include economic aspects, the availability of amenities and psychological constructs, initiating a discussion around which factors are more relevant in explaining migration. However, a pull–push approach has been underexplored in studies of shrinking cities. In the present study, we contribute to the discussion by identifying pull and push factors in Portuguese shrinking cities. Data were collected using a face-to-face questionnaire survey of 701 residents in four shrinking cities: Oporto, Barreiro, Peso da Régua and Moura. Factor analysis and automatic linear modelling were used to analyse the data. Our results support previous findings that the economic activity of a city is the most relevant feature for retaining residents. However, other characteristics specific to each city, especially those related to heritage and natural beauty, are also shown to influence a city’s attractiveness as a place to live. The cause of population shrinkage is also found to influence residents’ assessments of the pull and push attributes of each city. Furthermore, the results show the relevance of social ties and of place attachment to inhabitants’ intention to continue living in their city of residence.
Os paradigmas de produção lean e green têm sido alvo de inúmeros estudos que realçam o seu impacto positivo no desempenho das empresas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o tipo de impacto dos paradigmas de produção lean e green no desempenho de empresas da indústria transformadora em Portugal bem como o nível de utilização das práticas/ferramentas lean e green nas referidas empresas. Para o efeito, foram desenvolvidos dois modelos estruturais, que relacionam as práticas/ferramentas lean e green com o desempenho da empresa, e identificadas duas hipóteses de investigação. O conjunto de práticas/ferramentas lean e green identificadas na revisão da literatura formaram os constructs lean e green, respetivamente. Os constructs desempenho organizacional lean e green foram formados pelo conjunto de indicadores de desempenho associados a cada um dos paradigmas. Para recolha de dados foi implementado o European Manufaturing Survey e obteve-se uma amostra de 62 empresas da indústria transformadora portuguesa. Foram sugeridas algumas metodologias para testar as hipóteses do modelo que não eram possíveis de aplicar neste estudo. Conclui-se que os níveis de utilização das práticas/ferramentas lean e green são relativamente reduzidos.
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of humble leadership on team voice. Although the relationship between leadership styles and voice is widely investigated, humble leadership and team voice, both relatively new constructs, remained out of sight. Drawing upon social interdependence theory, information exchange, team psychological safety, and team-efficacy are proposed to mediate the relationship between humble leadership and team voice. Research is conducted at the team-level analysis and involved 209 team members from 52 teams in 21 companies collected through a snowball sample. Results were provided by the SPSS macro PROCESS using the regression-based approach and bootstrapping techniques. Findings showed that humble leadership is positively related to team voice. Furthermore, findings supported the mediating effect of information exchange. However, no support was given for the mediating effects of team psychological safety and team-efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are addressed.