30 resultados para Active-passive damping
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
In this thesis a semi-automated cell analysis system is described through image processing. To achieve this, an image processing algorithm was studied in order to segment cells in a semi-automatic way. The main goal of this analysis is to increase the performance of cell image segmentation process, without affecting the results in a significant way. Even though, a totally manual system has the ability of producing the best results, it has the disadvantage of taking too long and being repetitive, when a large number of images need to be processed. An active contour algorithm was tested in a sequence of images taken by a microscope. This algorithm, more commonly known as snakes, allowed the user to define an initial region in which the cell was incorporated. Then, the algorithm would run several times, making the initial region contours to converge to the cell boundaries. With the final contour, it was possible to extract region properties and produce statistical data. This data allowed to say that this algorithm produces similar results to a purely manual system but at a faster rate. On the other hand, it is slower than a purely automatic way but it allows the user to adjust the contour, making it more versatile and tolerant to image variations.
The work presented in this thesis was developed in collaboration with a Portuguese company, BeyonDevices, devoted to pharmaceutical packaging, medical technology and device industry. Specifically, the composition impact and surface modification of two polymeric medical devices from the company were studied: inhalers and vaginal applicators. The polyethylene-based vaginal applicator was modified using supercritical fluid technology to acquire self-cleaning properties and prevent the transport of bacteria and yeasts to vaginal flora. For that, in-situ polymerization of 2-substituted oxazolines was performed within the polyethylene matrix using supercritical carbon dioxide. The cationic ring-opening polymerization process was followed by end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine. Furthermore, for the same propose, the polyethylene matrix was impregnated with lavender oil in supercritical medium. The obtained materials were characterized physical and morphologically and the antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts was accessed. Materials modified using 2-substituted oxazolines showed an effective killing ability for all the tested microorganisms, while the materials modified with lavender oil did not show antimicrobial activity. Only materials modified with oligo(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) maintain the activity during the long term stability. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of the materials was tested, confirming their biocompatibilty. Regarding the inhaler, its surface was modified in order to improve powder flowability and consequently, to reduce powder retention in the inhaler´s nozzle. New dry powder inhalers (DPIs), with different needle’s diameters, were evaluated in terms of internal resistance and uniformity of the emitted dose. It was observed that they present a mean resistance of 0.06 cmH2O0.5/(L/min) and the maximum emitted dose obtained was 68.9% for the inhaler with higher needle´s diameter (2 mm). Thus, this inhaler was used as a test and modified by the coating with a commonly-used force control agent, magnesium stearate, dried with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and the uniformity of delivered dose tests were repeated. The modified inhaler showed an increase in emitted dose from 68.9% to 71.3% for lactose and from 30.0% to 33.7% for Foradil.
My aim was to produce a dissertation, based on Rayuela, which focuses on Cortázar’s questioning of identity. With this objective in mind, I have studied some of the salient elements in the novel that relate to this topic and the subsequent, interrelated, areas of study that arose in doing so. The cities of Paris and Buenos Aires are placed in contrast within the novel and reflect a dichotomy that reflects Oliveira’s condition as a “foreigner,” (more specifically as a South American in Europe). This duality is further reflected in Cortázar’s use of gender, and the development of the notions of active and passive, and an investigation into the traditional modes of thought, symbols, and stereotypes, and an open-ended questioning of their validity. These topics are framed by a notion of Judeo-Christian History that is in many ways flawed and, as such, contrasts with a more intuitive (or “oriental”) perception of reality, which is centred in figures such as la Maga. I found many explicit references to Zen philosophy, and related oriental references, that led me to believe that this area was worthy of further investigation. Rayuela is considered a classic novel within the canon of Spanish language literature. It’s famous “tabla,” like the rules for a game between the writer and the receptor that produce alternative readings, has led to many discussions regarding the novel’s structure and form, and also created a certain amount of polemic with the use of concepts such as the “lector hembra.” Many consider Cortázar a greater short story writer than a novelist, but nevertheless this novel had a profound effect on young readers upon its publication, much to Cortázar’s surprise, and continues to attract readers, dealing as it does with issues that continue to be relevant to many people.
Phenolic acids are aromatic secondary plant metabolites, widely spread throughout the plant kingdom. Due to their biological and pharmacological properties, they have been playing an important role in phytotherapy and consequently techniques for their separation and purification are in need. This thesis aims at exploring new sustainable separation processes based on ionic liquids (ILs) in the extraction of biologically active phenolic acids. For that purpose, three phenolic acids with similar chemical structures were selected: cinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid. In the last years, it has been shown that ionic liquids-based aqueous biphasic systems (ABSs) are valid alternatives for the extraction, recovery and purification of biomolecules when compared to conventional ABS or extractions carried out with organic solvents. In particular, cholinium-based ILs represent a clear step towards a greener chemistry, while providing means for the implementation of efficient techniques for the separation and purification of biomolecules. In this work, ABSs were implemented using cholinium carboxylate ILs using either high charge density inorganic salt (K3PO4) or polyethylene glycol (PEG) to promote the phase separation of aqueous solutions containing three different phenolic acids. These systems allow for the evaluation of effect of chemical structure of the anion on the extraction efficiency. Only one imidazolium-based IL was used in order to establish the effect of the cation chemical structure. The selective extraction of one single acid was also researched. Overall, it was observed that phenolic acids display very complex behaviours in aqueous solutions, from dimerization to polymerization and also hetero-association are quite frequent phenomena, depending on the pH conditions. These phenomena greatly hinder the correct quantification of these acids in solution.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) are class of compounds, which have become popular since the mid-1990s. Despite the fact that ILs are defined by one physical property (melting point), many of the potential applications are now related to their biological properties. The use of a drug as a liquid can avoid some problems related to polymorphism which can influence a drug´s solubility and thus its dosages. Also, the arrangement of the anion or cation with a specific drug might be relevant in order to: a) change the correspondent biopharmaceutical drug classification system; b) for the drug formulation process and c) the change the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients’ (APIs). The main goal of this Thesis is the synthesis and study of physicochemical and biological properties of ILs as APIs from beta-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin G and amoxicillin) and from the anti-fungal Amphotericin B. All the APIs used here were neutralized in a buffer appropriate hydroxide cations. The cation hydroxide was obtained on Amberlite resin (in the OH form) in order to exchange halides. The biological studies of these new compounds were made using techniques like the micro dilution and colorimetric methods. Overall a total of 19 new ILs were synthesised (6 ILs based on ampicillin, 4 ILs, based on amoxicillin, 6 ILs based on penicillin G and 4 ILs based on amphotericin B) and characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods in order to confirm their structure and purity. The study of the biological properties of the synthesised ILs showed that some have antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeast cells, even in resistant bacteria. Also this work allowed to show that ILs based on ampicillin could be used as anti-tumour agents. This proves that with a careful selection of the organic cation, it is possible to provoke important physico-chemical and biological alteration in the properties of ILs-APIs with great impact, having in mind their applications.
Author's pre-print
The momentum anomaly has been widely documented in the literature. However, there are still many issues where there is no consensus and puzzles left unexplained. One is that strategies based on momentum present a level of risk that is inconsistent with the diversification that it offers. Moreover, recent studies indicate that this risk is variable over time and mostly strategy-specific. This work project hypothesises and proves that this evidence is explained by the portfolio constitution of the momentum strategy over time, namely the covariance and correlation between companies in the top and down deciles and across them.
Modern CMOS radio frequency (RF) Receivers have enabled efficient and increasing applications. The main requirement is to have system in a single chip, in order to minimize area and cost. For the purpose it is required the development of inductorless circuits for the key blocks of an RF receiver. Examples of this key blocks are RC oscillators, RF band pass filters, and Low Noise Amplifiers. The present dissertation presents an inductorless wideband MOSFET-only RF Non-Gyrator Type of Active Inductors with low area, low cost, and very low power, capable of covering the whole WMTS, and ISM, band and intended for biomedical applications. The proposed circuit is based on a floating capacitor connected between two controlled current sources. The first current source, which is controlled by the circuit input voltage, has two objectives: supply current to the capacitor (
RESUMO: Introdução As normas de orientação clínica são ferramentas úteis na translação de conhecimentos desde a investigação para a prática clínica diária. Estratégias ativas de implementação de normas de orientação clínica requerem elevado esforço organizacional e financeiro. Quando os recursos são escassos, as estratégias passivas podem ser a única opção de disseminação. Desde 2011 a Direção Geral da Saúde publicou cento e cinquenta e nove normas de orientação clínica. Nesta Tese é feita uma avaliação do impacto que estratégias de disseminação de normas de orientação clínica têm no padrão de prescrição dos médicos e uma avaliação qualitativa do processo das normas de orientação clínica em Portugal. Métodos: O primeiro artigo é um estudo quasi experimental usando uma série de análises temporais interrompida para comparar os níveis observados e esperados de prescrição de inibidores da ciclooxigenasa-2, antes e depois da publicação da norma de orientação clínica sobre a utilização de anti-inflamatórios não esteroides. O segundo estudo é um artigo de opinião e debate no qual numa primeira parte contextualiza o processo das normas da Direcção Geral da Saúde, na segunda parte aponta virtudes e defeitos no processo e a terceira parte constitui uma contribuição com vista à melhoria do processo. Discussão A produção de normas de orientação clínica requer metodologia rigorosa e complexa. A literatura médica revela que a translação de conhecimento é uma tarefa árdua. Estratégias de implementação ativas requerem recursos financeiros e organizacionais sólidos. Estratégias de implementação passivas podem representar uma solução aceitável se os recursos financeiros e organizacionais escasseiam. Pouco é conhecido sobre a eficácia destas estratégias fora do contexto de investigação. Com esta Tese pretendo contribuir para a clarificação desta resposta, outros países e instituições podem ver utilidade nesta informação, bem como pretendo contribuir para a discussão e melhoria do processo das normas de orientação clínica em Portugal. ------------------ ABSTRACT: Introduction Clinical practice guidelines can help address the failure to translate research findings into clinical practice. Active clinical practice guidelines implementation strategies require active efforts from organizations and are resource and financially demanding. Passive implementation strategies may represent the only option if resources are scarce. Out of research environment, real world efficacy of passive implementation strategies is still undetermined. Since 2011 the Portuguese General Health Directorate published one hundred and fifty nine guidelines. In this Thesis I evaluate the impact of passive dissemination of clinical practice guideline in clinician’s prescription behavior and review, from a qualitative point of view, the Portuguese clinical practice guideline process. Methods The first study is a quasi-experimental study using a retrospective interrupted time-series analysis design to compare the observed and expected prescription of cyclooxygenase-2 before and after the non steroidal antiinflammatory guideline publication. The second study is an opinion and debate article in which I firstly review the General Health Directorate guideline process. The second part states positive and negative aspects in the process and the third part is a contribution aimed at improving the process in the future. Discussion Clinical practice guidelines production demands a rigorous and complex methodology. medical iterature reveals that knowledge translation is a difficult task. Active implementation strategies demand solid financial and organizational resources. Passive implementation strategies may represent an acceptable solution if financial and organizational resources are scarce. Little is known about the efficacy of these strategies out of the research context. With this Thesis I intend to contribute to clarify this question, other countries and institutions with similar conditions may find this information useful, and also to contribute for the discussion and general improvement of national clinical practice guidelines process.
The present dissertation intends to study passives in Capeverdean. I argue that Capeverdean have eventive passives with specific morphology, postverbal morphemes, -du and -da, which affix to the verb to form passives and interact with the TMA morphemes available in the language in the same way as in the active voice. I also show that Capeverdean only allows short passives. However, this study demonstrates that the by-phrase, although not expressed phonologically, is implicit and can be tracked through instrumentals and Agent-oriented adverbs. In order to account for this specific property of Capeverdean passives, I assume the existence of a Voice head which introduces the external argument in all finite sentences in Capeverdean, except in unaccusatives, following proposals from Marantz (1984), Kratzer (1996), Sailor & Ahn (2010), Pratas (2014). I also assume that this Voice head is subject to a Doubly Filled Comp Filter, similar to what is proposed in Koopman (1997), which determines that either heads or specifiers can be overt, never both. In the case of passives, I propose that external argument is in Spec,Voice and the passive morphology is lexicalized in Voice0 and that while Spec,Voice is silent, Voice0 is not. This configuration can be explained if it is assumed, following Costa & Martins (2004), that in Capeverdean passives Voice0 is a strong functional head, thus requiring visibility at PF. This restriction, combined with the Doubly Filled Comp filter, imposes that Spec,Voice is silent.
White Color tuning is an attractive feature that Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) offer. Up until now, there hasn’t been any report that mix both color tuning abilities with device stability. In this work, White OLEDs (W-OLEDs) based on a single RGB blend composed of a blue emitting N,N′-Di(1-naphthyl)-N,N′-diphenyl-(1,1′-biphenyl)-4,4′-diamine (NPB) doped with a green emitting Coumarin-153 and a red emitting 4-(Dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran (DCM1) dyes were produced. The final device structure was ITO/Blend/Bathocuproine (BCP)/ Tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminium (Alq3)/Al with an emission area of 0.25 cm2. The effects of the changing in DCM1’s concentration (from 0.5% to 1% wt.) allowed a tuning in the final white color resulting in devices capable of emitting a wide range of tunes – from cool to warm – while also keeping a low device complexity and a high stabilitty. Moreover, an explanation on the optoelectrical behavior of the device is presented. The best electroluminescense (EL) points toward 160 cd/m2 of brightness and 1.1 cd/A of efficiency, both prompted to being enhanced. An Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) analysis allowed to study both the effects of BCP as a Hole Blocking Layer and as an aging probe of the device. Finally, as a proof of concept, the emission was increased 9 and 64 times proving this structure can be effectively applied for general lighting.
Modern fully integrated receiver architectures, require inductorless circuits to achieve their potential low area, low cost, and low power. The low noise amplifier (LNA), which is a key block in such receivers, is investigated in this thesis. LNAs can be either narrowband or wideband. Narrowband LNAs use inductors and have very low noise figure, but they occupy a large area and require a technology with RF options to obtain inductors with high Q. Recently, wideband LNAs with noise and distortion cancelling, with passive loads have been proposed, which can have low NF, but have high power consumption. In this thesis the main goal is to obtain a very low area, low power, and low-cost wideband LNA. First, it is investigated a balun LNA with noise and distortion cancelling with active loads to boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). The circuit is based on a conventional balun LNA with noise and distortion cancellation, using the combination of a common-gate (CG) stage and common-source (CS) stage. Simulation and measurements results, with a 130 nm CMOS technology, show that the gain is enhanced by about 3 dB and the NF is reduced by at least 0.5 dB, with a negligible impact on the circuit linearity (IIP3 is about 0 dBm). The total power dissipation is only 4.8 mW, and the active area is less than 50 x 50 m2 . It is also investigated a balun LNA in which the gain is boosted by using a double feedback structure.We propose to replace the load resistors by active loads, which can be used to implement local feedback loops (in the CG and CS stages). This will boost the gain and reduce the noise figure (NF). Simulation results, with the same 130 nm CMOS technology as above, show that the gain is 24 dB and NF is less than 2.7 dB. The total power dissipation is only 5.4 mW (since no extra blocks are required), leading to a figure-of-merit (FoM) of 3.8 mW
This thesis aims to develop an alternative active managed portfolio strategy based on companies‟ Fundamental and Technical Analysis and analyze its finals results. There is a big distinction between the two approaches and the main objective is to understand if it is possible to take advantage of both. With this in mind a Hybrid investment strategy for the US stock market, due to its dimension and liquidity, which was able to outperform the S&P 500 index, the benchmark, during both Bear and Bull Markets between 2000 and 2015.