23 resultados para probability distribution
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia do Ambiente, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energias Renováveis – Conversão Eléctrica e Utilização Sustentáveis
Two eocene ziphodont crocodillans (Ilberosuchus and Pristichampsus) are dealt with. Their distinction seems possible, even with isolated teeth. The association of both in some localities may account for some previous identification difficulties. Geographical and stratigraphical distribution indicated: for Pristichampsus from Germany to Spain, Cuisan to to Upper Lutetian; for Iberosuchus from France to Portugal, lower Lutetian to Bartonian and maybe Ludian.
In the central Algarve different soils have developed dependent on petrography of the parent material, slope position and recent erosion. The general patterns of occurence and distribution of different soils are described. The age of an eutric Nitosol is estimated and the relation between the soil and the parent material is investigated. Some different soils are described as examples with their chemical and physical properties. The water budget of soils is described in general with considerations concerning ground water recharge and run-off as well as in dependence of climate and of different site conditions.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no Erasmus Medical Center em Roterdão, Holanda
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Informática, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
The Mondunguara copper mines are situated in mountainous terrain in west-central Mozambique. The mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, common pcntlandite, cobaltpentlandite, pyrite and several minor oxides and sulphides in tabular ore bodies deeping steep to the north. Gold was known to occur in small quantities but no systematic sampling and analysis for precious clements was ever done. Mineralogical and geological evidence has shown that the ores are magmatic in origin and were derived from gabbro-peridotitic magma dykes saturated in sulphides when intruded. The ore bodies show a clear zonation. Platinum group elements as well as pure gold are associated with high temperature hexagonal pyrrhotite. This pyrrhotite being of no use is generally discarded to the tailing dumps. Late hydrothermal phases are enriched in native silver, silver tellurides as well as electrum.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics
RESUMO: Foram estudados, numa análise retrospectiva, 1689 doentes com insuficiência renal crónica (IRC), pertencentes a 11 clínicas de hemodiálise, num período de 1 Janeiro de 2009 a 1 de Janeiro de 2012 (três anos). Utilizaram-se os dados clínicos desses doentes relativos a amostras de hemoculturas, exsudados purulentos e urinas assépticas, de forma a caracterizar os microorganismos existentes e relacionou-se com alguns dados demográficos. Os doentes do sexo masculino estiveram sempre em maior número pelo que também possuíam a maior média de idades nos vários casos. O presente estudo observou que cerca de metade da população em estudo que se encontra em HD possui menos de 68 anos. Na análise aos dados das hemoculturas confirmou-se que o S.aureus é o microrganismo predominante dos casos de infecção, embora exista uma grande diversidade de microorganismos. Verificou-se também, que quanto maior a idade do doente maior é probabilidade de contrair uma infecção. Os doentes que contraíram infecção foram em número similar, pelo que a sua distribuição por sexo também foi idêntica na infecção, mas não o era inicialmente. Para as amostras de hemoculturas, também se observou que quanto maior é a dimensão da clínica (número de doentes), maior é o número de infecções. Embora esta heterogeneidade já tenha sido descrita para outros países, demonstra que possivelmente existe uma oportunidade de nivelar as clínicas pelas melhores clínicas de forma a obter ganhos em saúde. Nas amostras de exsudados purulentos, o microrganismo mais frequente foi S.aureus, observando-se que com o aumento da idade aumenta também o número de infecções. A distribuição por sexo de doentes com e sem infecção foi semelhante. Nas urinas assépticas o microorganismo predominante foi a E.coli. Mais uma vez se observou que com o aumento da idade aumenta o número de infecções. Na distribuição por sexo, os doentes do sexo feminino encontravam-se em maior número, pelo que também foi o género que mais infecções apresentou. Conclui-se que o padrão de microorganismos apresentado foi de encontro com o esperado, existindo uma grande diversidade de microorganismos nas amostras estudadas. Para além disso a heterogeneidade das clínicas apresenta uma oportunidade para um estudo mais aprofundado pelos profissionais interessados na organização e qualidade dos laboratórios de análises.----------ABSTRACT: This retrospective study involves 1689 patients with chronic kidney disease from 11 clinics, from January 1st 2009 to January 1st 2012 (3 years). The Clinical data used for these patients related to blood culture samples, aseptic urine and purulent exudates, in order to characterize the microorganisms within and its relationship to some demographic data. There was a higher number of male patients and their average age distribution was also wider. The present study observed that around half of the studied population that is in HD is below the age of 68 years. While analyzing the data from the blood cultures, it was confirmed that S. aureus is the predominant microorganism in infections, although a wide variety of microorganisms exists. It was also found that the greater the age of the patient, the greater is the probability of contracting an infection. Patients who contracted infection were in similar number so their gender distribution was also similar in infection, even though it was not so initially. For the blood culture samples, it was also observed that the greater the size of the clinic (number of patients), the greater the number of infections. Although this heterogeneity has already been described for other countries, it demonstrates that there is an opportunity to even all the clinics to the best, in order to obtain health gains. In the samples of purulent exudates, the most frequent microorganism was S. aureus, noting that, with increasing age, the number of infections also increases. The distribution of patients by sex with and without infection was similar. In aseptic urines the predominant microorganism was E.coli. Once again, it was observed the number of infections increases with age. In the distribution by gender, female patients were more numerous, and as such this gender suffered more infections. Overall, the pattern of microorganisms that was detected was as expected, with a registered large diversity in the studied samples. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of the clinics presents an opportunity for a more profound study to be undertaken by professionals interested in the quality and organization of clinical analysis laboratories.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Trophozoites of Troglocorys cava were detected in all but one of the wild chimpanzee populations from Rubondo Island (Tanzania), with a prevalence ranging between 20% and 78%. However, the ciliate was absent in all captive groups. Prevalence appeared to increase with the number of sequential samples taken from a particular individual and reached 95.5% in wild individuals sampled at least 4 times.
Surpassing the national perspective usually adopted, the authors confirmed the existence of a pattern of population distribution common to the whole Iberian Peninsula in the long run. This pattern is clearly associated with geographical factors. These variables seem to have more weight in explaining changes between 1877/78 and 1940 than in the period from 1940 to 2001. The observation of the cross-border region has shown that proximity to the frontier has not generated any distinct pattern of population density on either side of the boundary line. The spatial coherence of the observed phenomena throughout the Peninsula and of its evolution, independent of the border between states, reinforces the importance of geographic factors in their explanation. At the same time, this verification opens up new issues related to the effect of national political and economic policies.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores