27 resultados para Nacarato, Vicente


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais


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The Setúbal and São Vicente canyons are two major modern submarine canyons located in the southwest Iberian margin of Portugal. Although recognised as Pliocene to Quaternary features, their development during the Tertiary has not been fully understood up to date. A grid of 2D seismic data has been used to characterise the sedimentary deposits of the adjacent flanks to the submarine canyons. The relationship between the geological structure of the margin and the canyon's present location has been investigated. The interpretation of the main seismic units allowed the recognition of three generations of ravinements probably originated after middle Oligocene. Six units grouped in two distinctive seismic sequences have been identified and correlated with offshore stratigraphic data. Seismic Sequence 2 (SS2), the oldest, overlies Mesozoic and upper Eocene deformed units. Seismic Sequence I (SS1) is composed of four different seismic packages separated from SS2 by an erosional surface. The base of the studied sediment ridges is marked by an extensive erosional surface derived from a early/middle Oligocene relative sea-level fall. Deposition in the adjacent area to the actual canyons was reinitiated in late Oligocene in the form of transgressive and channel-fill deposits. A new depositional hiatus is recorded onshore during the Burdigalian, coincident with the unconformity separating SS1 and SS2. This can be correlated with the Arrábida unconformity and with the paroxysmal Burdigalian phase of the Betic domain. Presently, the Setúbal and São Vicente submarine canyons locally cut SS1 and SS2, forming distinctive channels from those recognised on the seismic data. On the upper shelf both dissect highly deformed areas subject to important erosion.


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Congresso Internacional de História da Medicina (ISHM); 39º - p.217-218


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pp. 297-312


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Vamos tecer algumas considerações sobre o Diálogo da Ressureição de Gil Vicente. Esta peça, certamente a mais curta do autor (316 versos), prolonga o Breve Sumário da História de Deus (1044 versos); as duas em conjunto formam um ciclo completo da Paixão - "o Diálogo fecha este fresco", diz-nos Paul Teyssier2. ^ obra em estudo pertence ao gênero farsa enquanto a História de Deus retira as suas personagens e os seus temas do texto bíblico. Nenhuma peça religiosa de Gil Vicente está tão perto dos mistérios representados na mesma época na Europa, nomeadamente em França. A representação da Ressureição tem uma longa história. O mais antigo texto descrevendo uma Visitado sepulchri provém certamente da Regularis concórdia anglicae nationis monachomm sanctimonaliumque, redigida enfre 965 e 975, que explicita emprestar esta prática à abadia de Fleury.


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Propomos neste texto uma nova leitura da Farsa dos Físicos, relacionada com a alimentação gorda do Carnaval e os jejuns da Quaresma, os quatro humores e os rituais do calendário religioso e profano. A Farsa dos Físicos foi certamente representada perante a corte portuguesa na Terça-feira de Entrudo^ dia 9 de Fevereiro do ano bissexto de 1524, ano em que o domingo de Páscoa calhou a um 27 de Março. A. da Rocha Brito^ é de opinião que a farsa data de 1524, opinião essa partilhada por Maximiano Lemos^ e os investigadores Israel Salvator Révah e Augusta Ventura"^. No entanto, Braamcamp Freire defende a data de 1512 enquanto Paul Teyssier não se pronuncia. A farsa foi proibida pelo Index do Vaticano de 3 de Julho de 1551, certamente pelo tema e pelas blasfêmias proferidas pelo clérigo, juntamente com outras seis peças^, mas será publicada na Compilação de todas as obras, editada pela filha e o filho do dramaturgo, em 1562.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos


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O objectivo central desta dissertação é desenvolver uma abordagem de comunicação entre a prática de Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE) e a tomada de decisão (política), que actue ao nível dos diferentes valores. A presente dissertação salienta a relevância da comunicação enquanto factor crítico de influência ao nível estratégico de decisão, explorando a capacidade do discurso dos técnicos (de avaliação) afectar significativamente as escolhas (políticas) da sociedade em matéria ambiental. Esta relevância comunicacional confere um novo sentido ao papel social dos técnicos de avaliação (ambiental), atribuindo-lhes uma responsabilidade comunicativa orientada para facilitar a tomada de decisão estratégica. Esta dissertação identifica ainda a natureza intrinsecamente subjectiva das tomadas de decisão, reforçando a urgência em adaptar as metodologias de AAE ao contexto decisional particular em que se inserem. O desenvolvimento da abordagem de comunicação recorre ao princípio da intersubjectividade, isto é, ao estabelecimento de um quadro de interacção entre técnicos de avaliação (ambiental) e decisores (políticos), de modo a que os valores em jogo exerçam uma influência recíproca - estimulando a convergência das diferentes percepções do problema -, e assim contribuir para a aceitação mútua dos resultados das avaliações (ambientais) técnicas. A implementação emergente da AAE no quadro legal nacional – subsequente à transposição da Directiva 2001/42/CE – vem criar uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de formas diferentes de avaliação de impactes, mais ajustadas (e influentes) a níveis estratégicos de decisão. É face a este contexto que se propõe uma abordagem de comunicação adaptada à lógica da AAE, instrumento com o potencial para elevar o diálogo entre técnicos de avaliação (ambiental) e decisores (políticos) a níveis mais aproximados de entendimento comum. A metodologia usada nesta dissertação, apoiou-se em três vertentes principais: a revisão conceptual, o recurso a entrevistas, e o desenvolvimento de um caso de estudo. O conjunto de entrevistas realizadas (a técnicos de avaliação, académicos, jornalistas e decisores políticos) serviu fundamentalmente para reforçar a caracterização da tomada de decisão estratégica, particularmente a associada à realidade política portuguesa. O caso de estudo, de natureza descritiva, refere-se ao caso da co-incineração em Portugal - uma situação potencial de implementação da abordagem de comunicação desenvolvida -, revelando, em exemplos concretos, as questões conceptuais que a presente dissertação aborda.


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Algarve Province, Southern Portugal, corresponds in part to a meso-cenozoic basin running along the coast from Cabo S. Vicente to beyond Spanish border. Structurally it is a big monocline plunging southwards much deformed mainly by two East-West longitudinal flexures. Lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical studies dealt specially with Jurassic formations. This and the geological mapping of the post-Hercynian sedimentary formations allow us to define the following units: Triassic-Lower Liassic Arenitos de Silves (Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) - At their base the Silves sandstones (0-150m) are represented mainly by cross-bedded red sandstones. This unit is Upper Triassic (Keuper) in age, on the evidence of some Brachiopoda. Complexo margo-carbonatado de Silves (Silves marl-limestone complex=Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) (80-200m) overlies the preceding, it may be reported to the Upper Triassic-Hettangian. It consists of a thick pelite-marl-dolomite-limestone series with many intercalations of greenstones. Since no fossils were found it is not possible to conclude whether it is still Hettangian or if it does correspond, in the whole or in part, already to the Sinemurian. Liassic Dolomitos e calcários dolomíticos de Espiche (Espiche dolomite-rocks and dolomitic-limestones) - The usually massive and finely crystalline or saccharoidal dolomites and dolomitic-limestones are the toughest strata of the Algarve margin giving rise to several hills. Its thickness attains in certain points 60 metres at least. Based on geometry and on lithological similarities with the carbonated complex of the northern basin of Tagus river (Peniche, São Pedro de Muel, Quiaios), this formation can be accepted as Sinemurian in age. As it happens with the carbonated complex, here also the first dolomite beds are non-isochronal throughout the region; upper time-limit of the dolomitic facies is either Lower Carixian, Lower Toarcian or even Lower Dogger. The dolomitization is secondary but not much later than sedimentation. However, between Cabo S. Vicente-Vila do Bispo there is evidence of an even later secondary dolomitization related to the regional fault complex. Calcário dolomítico com nódulos de silex da praia de Belixe (Belixe beach dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules) (50-55m) - Ascribed to Lower or Middle Carixian on the basis of Platypleuroceras sp., Metaderoceras sp. nov. and M. gr. Venarense. Calcário cristalino compacto com Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras e ? Argutarpites de Belixe (Belixe compact crystalline limestone with Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras and ? Argutarpites) (30m) - Ascribed to Lower Domerian. Middle and Upper Domerian are indicated but by a single specimen of ? Argutarpites. Calcários margosos e margas com Dactylioceras semicelatum e Harpoceratídeos de Armação Nova (Armação Nova marly limestones and marls with D. semicelatum and Harpoceratidae) (25m) -Ascribed to Lower Toarcian. Middle and Upper Toarcian formations are not known in the Algarve. Dogger Calcários oolíticos, c. corálicos, c. pisolíticos, c. calciclásticos, c. dolomíticos e dolomitos de Almadena (Almadena oolitic-limestones, coral-reef-limestones, pisolite-limestones, limeclastic-limestones, dolomitic-limestones and dolomite-rocks) (more than 50 metres), with lagoonal facies. Ascribed to Aalenian-Bathonian-? Callovian. Margas acinzentadas e calcários detríticos com Zoophycos da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach greyish marls and detritical limestones with Zoophycos) (40m) - Pelagic transreef facies with Upper Bajocian and Bathonian ammonites. Calcários margosos e margas da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach pelagic marly-limestones and marls) (110m) - Ascribed to the Callovian on its ammonites. Malm Near Cabo S. Vicente and Sagres the first Upper Jurassic level consists of a yellowish-brown nodular, compact, locally phosphated and ferruginous, sometimes conglomeratic, marly limestone (0,35-1,50m) containing a rich macrofauna, which includes: 1) Callovian forms unknown at Lower Oxfordian; 2) Upper Callovian forms that still survived in Lower and Middle Oxfordian; 3) Lower Oxfordian forms (Mariae and Cordatum Zones); 4) Lower and Middle Oxfordian forms (Mariae to Plicatilis Zone); 5) Middle Oxfordian forms (plicatilis Zone), and some ones appearing in Middle Oxfordian. This condensed deposit is therefore dated from Middle Oxfordian (Plicatilis Zone). The other Upper Jurassic lithostratigraphical units were also mapped but their detailed study is not presented in this work. Correlations between lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical scales from P. Choffat, J. Pratsch, C. Palain and from the author are stated. Further correlations are attempted between zonc scales of Carixian-Lower Toarcian and Upper Bajocian-Middle Oxfordian of France, Spain (Asturias, Iberian and Betic Chains), Argel (Orania) and Portugal (northern Tagus basin and Algarve). The study of pyritous fossil assemblages common in Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian marly levels of the praia da Mareta seems to suggest that these sediments were deposited in a bay or in an almost closed coastal re-entrance virtually without deep water circulation. Although such conditions may occur at any depth one may suppose that these ones actually correspond to an infralittoral neritic environment. The thaphocoenosis collected there are almost entirely composed of nektonic (ammonites, Belemnites) and planktonic (Bositra) faunas. The sedentary (crinoids, brachiopods) or free (sea-urchins, gastropods) epibenthonic forms are very scarce; endobenthonic forms are not known. The palaeontological study of all Nautiloids and Ammonoids of the Liassic and Dogger is presented (except Kosmoceratidae and Perisphinctaceae). Among the thirty one taxa dealt with, one is new (Metaderoceras sp. nov.) and the great majority of the others has been identified for the first time in Algarve. Some others have never been reported before in Portuguese formations. The evolution, during Jurassic times, of the sedimentary basins of the Portuguese plate margin is described. The absence of Cephalopods in the very extensive marly and dolomitic limestones, partly marine, suggests that, during Lower Liassic, palaeogeography underwent no great changes. Dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules from Cabo S. Vicente contain the first ammonites recorded at the base of the Middle Liassic. This facies, although very common in Tethys, is unknown north of the Tagus. The faunal assemblage has a mediterranean to submediterranean character. Comparisons between faunal assemblage" from Algarve with the ones known north of the Tagus show that communications between Boreal Europe and Tethys, virtually non-existent during Lower and Middle Carixian, became very easy during Lower Domerian. In earlier Pliensbachian times two distinct seas were adjacent to the Iberian plate. One, an epicontinental sea with a tethyan fauna, extended southwards from the Meseta margin. Another, was a boreal sea; during its transgressive episodes boreal faunas attained into the basin north of the Tagus. During Middle Carixian and Lower Domerian, owing to simultaneous transgressions, these two seas joined together allowing faunal exchanges along the epicontinental areas which limited the emerging hercynian chains belts. During Liassic, the Algarve belonged undoubtedly to the tethyan submediterranean province. The area north of the Tagus, on the contrary, was a complex realm where subboreal and tethyan affinities alternatively prevailed. In the Algarve the first Middle Jurassic deposits do frequently show lateral thickness reductions as well as unconformities contemporaneous with other generalized disturbances on the sedimentation processes in other parts of Europe. By this time, near Sagres, a barrier reef developed separating lagoonal or ante-reef facies from the transreef pelagic zone. The presence of tethyan fauna, the abundance of Phylloceratidae and the absence of boreal forms allow us to consider the Algarve basin as a submediterranean province. The presence of Callovian pelagic fossiliferous formations in the Loulé area shows that during Middle Jurassic the marl-limestone transreef sedimentation was not confined to the western Algarve. They would extend eastwards where they only can be seen in the core of some anticlines. This is due to the progressive sinking of the meso-cenozoic formations as we proceed towards the South of the Sagres-Algoz-Querença flexure. In the whole of the Peninsule, and as for the Middle Callovian, an important regression can be clearly recognized on the evidence of an erosion surface which strikes obliquely the Middle and Upper Callovian strata. The geographic boundaries of the different faunal provinces are not changed by the presence of many Kosmoceratidae in the phosphate nodules since they are but a minority in comparison with the tethyan forms. An abstract model can be constructed showing that in Western Europe the Kosmoceratidae may have migrated South and westwards through a channel of the sea that linked Paris basin to Poitou and Aquitaine. By migrating between the Iberian meseta and the Armorican massif this fauna reached northern Tagus basin at the beginning of Upper Callovian (Athleta Zone); this south and southwest bound migration would have proceeded, allowing such forms to reach Algarve basin only in latest Callovian times (Lamberti Zone). This migration means that during Middle Jurassic a widely spread North Atlantic sea would exist, flooding the western part of Portugal up to the Poitou.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Sociais na Especialidade: Sociologia


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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A novel two-component enzyme system from Escherichia coli involving a flavorubredoxin (FlRd) and its reductase was studied in terms of spectroscopic, redox, and biochemical properties of its constituents. FlRd contains one FMN and one rubredoxin (Rd) center per monomer. To assess the role of the Rd domain, FlRd and a truncated form lacking the Rd domain (FlRd¢Rd), were characterized. FlRd contains 2.9 ( 0.5 iron atoms/subunit, whereas FlRd¢Rd contains 2.1 ( 0.6 iron atoms/subunit. While for FlRd one iron atom corresponds to the Rd center, the other two irons, also present in FlRd¢Rd, are most probably due to a di-iron site. Redox titrations of FlRd using EPR and visible spectroscopies allowed us to determine that the Rd site has a reduction potential of -140 ( 15 mV, whereas the FMN undergoes reduction via a red-semiquinone, at -140 ( 15 mV (Flox/Flsq) and -180 ( 15 mV (Flsq/Flred), at pH 7.6. The Rd site has the lowest potential ever reported for a Rd center, which may be correlated with specific amino acid substitutions close to both cysteine clusters. The gene adjacent to that encoding FlRd was found to code for an FAD-containing protein, (flavo)rubredoxin reductase (FlRd-reductase), which is capable of mediating electron transfer from NADH to DesulfoVibrio gigas Rd as well as to E. coli FlRd. Furthermore, electron donation was found to proceed through the Rd domain of FlRd as the Rd-truncated protein does not react with FlRd-reductase. In vitro, this pathway links NADH oxidation with dioxygen reduction. The possible function of this chain is discussed considering the presence of FlRd homologues in all known genomes of anaerobes and facultative aerobes.