9 resultados para wireless ad hoc network

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Uma nova rea tecnolgica est em crescente desenvolvimento. Esta rea, denominada de internet das coisas, surge na necessidade de interligar vrios objetos para uma melhoria a nvel de servios ou necessidades por parte dos utilizadores. Esta dissertao concentra-se numa rea especfica da tecnologia internet das coisas que a sensorizao. Esta rede de sensorizao implementada pelo projeto europeu denominado de Future Cities [1] onde se cria uma infraestrutura de investigao e validao de projetos e servios inteligentes na cidade do Porto. O trabalho realizado nesta dissertao insere-se numa das plataformas existentes nessa rede de sensorizao: a plataforma de sensores ambientais intitulada de UrbanSense. Estes sensores ambientais que esto incorporados em Data Collect Unit (DCU), tambm denominados por ns, medem variveis ambientais tais como a temperatura, humidade, ozono e monxido de carbono. No entanto, os ns tm recursos limitados em termos de energia, processamento e memria. Apesar das grandes evolues a nvel de armazenamento e de processamento, a nvel energtico, nomeadamente nas baterias, no existe ainda uma evoluo to notvel, limitando a sua operacionalidade [2]. Esta tese foca-se, essencialmente, na melhoria do desempenho energtico da rede de sensores UrbanSense. A principal contribuio uma adaptao do protocolo de redes Ad Hoc OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol) para ser usado por ns alimentados a energia renovvel, de forma a aumentar a vida til dos ns da rede de sensorizao. Com esta contribuio possvel obter um maior nmero de dados durante perodos de tempo mais longos, aproximadamente 10 horas relativamente s 7 horas anteriores, resultando numa maior recolha e envio dos mesmos com uma taxa superior, cerca de 500 KB/s. Existindo deste modo uma aproximao analtica dos vrios parmetros existentes na rede de sensorizao. Contudo, o aumento do tempo de vida til dos ns sensores com recurso energia renovvel, nomeadamente, energia solar, incrementa o seu peso e tamanho que limita a sua mobilidade. Com o referido acrscimo a determinar e a limitar a sua mobilidade exigindo, por isso, um planeamento prvio da sua localizao. Numa primeira fase do trabalho analisou-se o consumo da DCU, visto serem estes a base na infraestrutura e comunicando entre si por WiFi ou 3G. Aps uma anlise dos protocolos de routing com iv suporte para parametrizao energtica, a escolha recaiu sobre o protocolo OLSR devido maturidade e compatibilidade com o sistema atual da DCU, pois apesar de existirem outros protocolos, a implementao dos mesmos, no se encontram disponvel como software aberto. Para a validao do trabalho realizado na presente dissertao, realizado um ensaio prvio sem a energia renovvel, para permitir caracterizao de limitaes do sistema. Com este ensaio, tornou-se possvel verificar a compatibilidade entre os vrios materiais e ajustamento de estratgias. Num segundo teste de validao concretizado um ensaio real do sistema com 4 ns a comunicar, usando o protocolo com eficincia energtica. O protocolo avaliado em termos de aumento do tempo de vida til do n e da taxa de transferncia. O desenvolvimento da anlise e da adaptao do protocolo de rede Ad Hoc oferece uma maior longevidade em termos de tempo de vida til, comparando ao que existe durante o processamento de envio de dados. Apesar do tempo de longevidade ser inferior, quando o parmetro energtico se encontra por omisso com o fator 3, a realizao da adaptao do sistema conforme a energia, oferece uma taxa de transferncia maior num perodo mais longo. Este um fator favorvel para a abertura de novos servios de envio de dados em tempo real ou envio de ficheiros com um tamanho mais elevado.


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Secure group communication is a paradigm that primarily designates one-to-many communication security. The proposed works relevant to secure group communication have predominantly considered the whole network as being a single group managed by a central powerful node capable of supporting heavy communication, computation and storage cost. However, a typical Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) may contain several groups, and each one is maintained by a sensor node (the group controller) with constrained resources. Moreover, the previously proposed schemes require a multicast routing support to deliver the rekeying messages. Nevertheless, multicast routing can incur heavy storage and communication overheads in the case of a wireless sensor network. Due to these two major limitations, we have reckoned it necessary to propose a new secure group communication with a lightweight rekeying process. Our proposal overcomes the two limitations mentioned above, and can be applied to a homogeneous WSN with resource-constrained nodes with no need for a multicast routing support. Actually, the analysis and simulation results have clearly demonstrated that our scheme outperforms the previous well-known solutions.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are being used for a number of applications involving infrastructure monitoring, building energy monitoring and industrial sensing. The difficulty of programming individual sensor nodes and the associated overhead have encouraged researchers to design macro-programming systems which can help program the network as a whole or as a combination of subnets. Most of the current macro-programming schemes do not support multiple users seamlessly deploying diverse applications on the same shared sensor network. As WSNs are becoming more common, it is important to provide such support, since it enables higher-level optimizations such as code reuse, energy savings, and traffic reduction. In this paper, we propose a macro-programming framework called Nano-CF, which, in addition to supporting in-network programming, allows multiple applications written by different programmers to be executed simultaneously on a sensor networking infrastructure. This framework enables the use of a common sensing infrastructure for a number of applications without the users having to worrying about the applications already deployed on the network. The framework also supports timing constraints and resource reservations using the Nano-RK operating system. Nano- CF is efficient at improving WSN performance by (a) combining multiple user programs, (b) aggregating packets for data delivery, and (c) satisfying timing and energy specifications using Rate- Harmonized Scheduling. Using representative applications, we demonstrate that Nano-CF achieves 90% reduction in Source Lines-of-Code (SLoC) and 50% energy savings from aggregated data delivery.


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Stringent cost and energy constraints impose the use of low-cost and low-power radio transceivers in large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This fact, together with the harsh characteristics of the physical environment, requires a rigorous WSN design. Mechanisms for WSN deployment and topology control, MAC and routing, resource and mobility management, greatly depend on reliable link quality estimators (LQEs). This paper describes the RadiaLE framework, which enables the experimental assessment, design and optimization of LQEs. RadiaLE comprises (i) the hardware components of the WSN testbed and (ii) a software tool for setting-up and controlling the experiments, automating link measurements gathering through packets-statistics collection, and analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation. We also propose a methodology that allows (i) to properly set different types of links and different types of traffic, (ii) to collect rich link measurements, and (iii) to validate LQEs using a holistic and unified approach. To demonstrate the validity and usefulness of RadiaLE, we present two case studies: the characterization of low-power links and a comparison between six representative LQEs. We also extend the second study for evaluating the accuracy of the TOSSIM 2 channel model.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotcnica e de Computadores - rea de Especializao de Telecomunicaes


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Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly, this paper provides a comprehensive study and in-depth analysis of coexistence issues and interference mitigation solutions in WBAN technologies. A thorough survey of state-of-the art research in WBAN coexistence issues is conducted. The survey classified, discussed, and compared the studies according to the parameters used to analyze the coexistence problem. Solutions suggested by the studies are then classified according to the followed techniques and concomitant shortcomings are identified. Moreover, the coexistence problem in WBAN technologies is mathematically analyzed and formulas are derived for the probability of successful channel access for different wireless technologies with the coexistence of an interfering network. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted using OPNET with several real-life scenarios to evaluate the impact of coexistence interference on different WBAN technologies. In particular, three main WBAN wireless technologies are considered: IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power WiFi. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results are discussed and the impact of interfering network on the different wireless technologies is compared and analyzed. The results show that an interfering network (e.g., standard WiFi) has an impact on the performance of WBAN and may disrupt its operation. In addition, using low-power WiFi for WBANs is investigated and proved to be a feasible option compared to other wireless technologies.


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Numa sociedade onde as correntes migraes desenham um novo contexto de sociabilizao e onde a globalizao conduz ao aumento incomensurvel das reunies interculturais, fulcral recentrar a importncia do ensino da interpretao dita de comunidade. A inaugurao do Mestrado em Traduo e Interpretao Especializadas, no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administrao do Porto, reformulado a partir da Licenciatura Bi-Etpica homnima, veio apresentar um desenho dos curricula em Interpretao cujo entendimento mais pragmtico. Assim sendo, tradicional diviso entre Interpretao Simultnea e Interpretao Consecutiva sucedeu a introduo das unidades curriculares de Interpretao de Conferncia, Interpretao Remota e de Teleconferncia e de Interpretao de Acompanhamento. Este estudo pretende apresentar e discutir as diferentes abordagens pedaggicas ensaiadas no decorrer da implementao da unidade curricular de Interpretao de Acompanhamento, sustentadas por uma reflexo de cariz cientfico-pedaggico, filtrada pelas tendncias de investigao mais recentes nesta rea. Adoptmos a designao de Interpretao de Acompanhamento para descrever uma situao comunicativa que decorre em contextos variados e heterogneos, em detrimento de outras designaes de abrangncia mais restrita, como Interpretao de Liaison que remete para um acompanhamento em contexto de negcios ou de visita cultural ou turstica e Interpretao de Comunidade reportando-se mediao lingustica de algum que no fala a linguagem da maioria, normalmente no mbito judicial, social, ou de sade. Concentraremos, por conseguinte, a nossa ateno nas questes que se seguem: Que estratgias pedaggicas melhor se adaptam ao ensino desta disciplina? Como reproduzir a heterogeneidade dos contextos comunicativos que a Interpretao de Acompanhamento envolve numa sala de aula? Que ponderao deve assumir o desempenho lingustico em comparao com as competncias de mediao intercultural? Como integrar, na prtica, conceitos e teorias no domnio da Interpretao de Acompanhamento?


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Maintaining a high level of data security with a low impact on system performance is more challenging in wireless multimedia applications. Protocols that are used for wireless local area network (WLAN) security are known to significantly degrade performance. In this paper, we propose an enhanced security system for a WLAN. Our new design aims to decrease the processing delay and increase both the speed and throughput of the system, thereby making it more efficient for multimedia applications. Our design is based on the idea of offloading computationally intensive encryption and authentication services to the end systems CPUs. The security operations are performed by the hosts central processor (which is usually a powerful processor) before delivering the data to a wireless card (which usually has a low-performance processor). By adopting this design, we show that both the delay and the jitter are significantly reduced. At the access point, we improve the performance of network processing hardware for real-time cryptographic processing by using a specialized processor implemented with field-programmable gate array technology. Furthermore, we use enhanced techniques to implement the Counter (CTR) Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) and the CTR protocol. Our experiments show that it requires timing in the range of 2040 s to perform data encryption and authentication on different end-host CPUs (e.g., Intel Core i5, i7, and AMD 6-Core) as compared with 1050 ms when performed using the wireless card. Furthermore, when compared with the standard WiFi protected access II (WPA2), results show that our proposed security system improved the speed to up to 3.7 times.


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Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are expected to play a significant role in smart healthcare systems. One of the most important attributes of WBANs is to increase network lifetime by introducing novel and low-power techniques on the energy-constrained sensor nodes. Medium access control (MAC) protocols play a significant role in determining the energy consumption in WBANs. Existing MAC protocols are unable to accommodate communication requirements in WBANs. There is a need to develop novel, scalable and reliable MAC protocols that must be able to address all these requirements in a reliable manner. In this special issue, we attracted high quality research and review papers on the recent advances in MAC protocols for WBANs.