47 resultados para scientific activity

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Introduction: In the XXI Century ’s Society the scientific investigation process has been growing steadily , and the field of the pharmaceutical research is one of the most enthusiastic and relevant . Here, it is very important to correlate observed functional alterations with possibly modified drug bio distribution patterns . Cancer, inflammation and inf ection are processes that induce many molecular intermediates like cytokines, chemokines and other chemical complexes that can alter the pharmacokinetics of many drugs. One cause of such changes is thought to be the modulator action of these complexes in t he P - Glyco p rotein activity, because they can act like inducers/inhibitors of MDR - 1 expression. This protein results from the expression of MDR - 1 gene, and acts as an ATP energy - dependent efflux pump, with their substrates including many drugs , like antiretrovirals, anticancers, anti - infectives, immunosuppressants, steroids or opioids . Objectives: Because of the lack of methods to provide helpful information in the investigation of in vivo molecular changes in Pgp activity during infection/infl ammation processes, and its value in the explanation of the altered drug pharmacokinetic, this paper want to evaluate the potential utility of 99m Tc - Sestamibi scintigraphy during this kind of health sciences investigation. Although the a im is indeed to create a technique to the in vivo study of Pgp activity, this preliminary Project only reaches the in vitro study phase, assumed as the first step in a n evaluation period for a new tool development. Materials and Methods: For that reason , we are performing in vitro studies of influx and efflux of 99m Tc - Sestamibi ( that is a substrate of Pgp) in hepatocytes cell line (HepG2). We are interested in clarify the cellular behavior of this radiopharmaceutical in Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulated cells ( well known in vitro model of inflammation) to possibly approve this methodology. To validate the results, the Pgp expression will be finally evaluated using Western Blot technique. Results: Up to this moment , we still don’t have the final results, but we have already enough data to let us believe that LPS stimulation induce a downregulation of MDR - 1, and consequently Pgp, which could conduce to a prolonged retention of 99m Tc - Sestamibi in the inflamed cells . Conclusions: If and when this methodology demonstrate the promising results we expect, one will be able to con clude that Nuclear Medicine is an important tool to help evidence based research also on this specific field .


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Since the discovery of the first penicillin bacterial resistance to β-lactam antibiotics has spread and evolved promoting new resistances to pathogens. The most common mechanism of resistance is the production of β-lactamases that have spread thorough nature and evolve to complex phenotypes like CMT type enzymes. New antibiotics have been introduced in clinical practice, and therefore it becomes necessary a concise summary about their molecular targets, specific use and other properties. β-lactamases are still a major medical concern and they have been extensively studied and described in the scientific literature. Several authors agree that Glu166 should be the general base and Ser70 should perform the nucleophilic attack to the carbon of the carbonyl group of the β-lactam ring. Nevertheless there still is controversy on their catalytic mechanism. TEMs evolve at incredible pace presenting more complex phenotypes due to their tolerance to mutations. These mutations lead to an increasing need of novel, stronger and more specific and stable antibiotics. The present review summarizes key structural, molecular and functional aspects of ESBL, IRT and CMT TEM β-lactamases properties and up to date diagrams of the TEM variants with defined phenotype. The activity and structural characteristics of several available TEMs in the NCBI-PDB are presented, as well as the relation of the various mutated residues and their specific properties and some previously proposed catalytic mechanisms.


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Th The purpose of this article is to share the implementation of workgroup activities: a game of learning supported by web technology; Effective educational strategies that encourage a dynamic combination of being flexible, individualized and personalized must be the aim of every school; The blended-learning plays an important role; In this article we describe an online collaborative game which uses an inside and outside collaboration in order to promote the motivation and effective learning; Pedagogical strategies, that use technologies appropriately, in higher education, can promote active learning, centered on students and thus valuing their personal experiences and participation;


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A obesidade e a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são considerados dois grandes problemas de saúde pública. A má alimentação e a falta de atividade física encontram-se entre os principais desencadeadores de um crescente número de indivíduos obesos, diabéticos e com sensibilidade à insulina diminuída. Este aumento tem motivado a comunidade científica a investigar cada vez mais para o elevado contributo da herança genética associada aos fatores sociais e nutricionais. O gene dos recetores ativados por proliferadores do peroxissoma gama 2 (PPARγ2) desempenha um papel importante no metabolismo lipídico. Uma vez que o PPARγ2 é maioritariamente expresso no tecido adiposo, uma redução moderada da sua atividade tem influência na sensibilidade à insulina, diabetes, e outros parâmetros metabólicos. Vários estudos sugerem que tanto fatores genéticos como fatores ambientais (tais como a dieta), poderão estar envolvidos na formação de padrões associados ao polimorfismo Pro12Ala com a composição corporal em diferentes populações humanas. Os diversos estudos genéticos envolvendo o estudo do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na suscetibilidade de possuir risco de diabetes e obesidade em várias populações têm proposto conclusões diversas. Em alguns parece haver mais associações do que outros e, às vezes, não demonstram sequer associação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo contribuir para a elucidação do impacto do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na resistência à insulina associada à DM2 e na obesidade, mediante estudo sistematizado da literatura existente até à data, através de meta análise. Do total de uma pesquisa de 63 publicações, foram incluídos 32 artigos no presente estudo, sendo que destes 25 foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa e 11 incluídos na sintese quantitativa. No presente trabalho pode-se concluir que existe evidência estatística que suporta a hipótese de que o polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 pode ser considerado um fator protetor para a DM2 [p <0,05 e OR (odds ratio) 0,702, com IC (intervalos de confiança) com valores que nunca incluem o 1]. No entanto, e mediante os mesmos pressupostos, o mesmo polimorfismo pode ser considerado um fator de risco ao desenvolvimento de obesidade, pela evidência estatística [p <0,05 e OR de 1,196, com IC com valores que nunca incluem o 1].


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O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão post-print (versão corrigida pelo editor).


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Purpose: To quantify the effect of unstable shoe wearing on muscle activity and haemodynamic response during standing. Methods: Thirty volunteers were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group wore an unstable shoe for 8 weeks, while the control group used a conventional shoe for the same period. Muscle activity of the medial gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, rectus femoris and biceps femoris and venous circulation were assessed in quiet standing with the unstable shoe and barefoot. Results: In the first measurement there was an increase in medial gastrocnemius activity in all volunteers while wearing the unstable shoe. On the other hand, after wearing the unstable shoe for eight weeks these differences were not verified. Venous return increased in subjects wearing the unstable shoe before and after training. Conclusions: The unstable shoe produced changes in electromyographic characteristics which were advantageous for venous circulation even after training accommodation by the neuromuscular system.


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O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão post-print (versão corrigida pelo editor).


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva


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O presente trabalho descreve o estudo da actividad e antimicrobiana de quarto derivados da quinoxalina N,N-dióxido: quinoxalina 1,4-dióxido, 2-metilquinoxalina 1,4- dióxido, 6-cloro-2,3-dimetilquinoxalina 1,4-dióxido e 3-benzoil-2-metilquinoxalina 1,4- dióxido contra as estirpes bacterianas Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 10149, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Escherichia coli HB101, Escherichia coli (blaTEM, blaCTX-M) e Salmonella (blaCTX-M), assim como contra a estirpe de levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae PYCC 4072. A determinação da concentração mínima inibitória (MIC) foi realizada pelo método de diluição. Os valores de MIC’s foram estimados para cada composto e estirpe. Os resultados obtidos sugerem potenciais novas drogas para quimioterapia.


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The nitrogen heterocyclic organic compounds 1,4 dioxide pyrazine and quinoxaline derivatives have been widely studied due to their potential use as synthetic drugs. The thermochemical study of three N,N´-dioxides: 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine-1,4-dioxide, tetramethylpyrazine-1,4-dioxide and 6-chloro-2,3-dimethilquinoxaline 1,4-dioxide has been recently developed in order to establish relationships among the energetical, structural and reactivity properties [4,5]. Several studies have reported their pharmacological activity, particularly as antimicrobial agents [1,2,3]. It has also been established a relation between energetical and structural properties and biological activity, once these compounds present N – oxide bonds, increasing their oxidative capacity. The present work reports the study of antimicrobial activity for those compounds against the bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophylus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli and also against the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae PYCC 4072, Candida albicans PYCC3436T, Candida tropicalis PYCC, Issatchenka Orientalis PYCC. The determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), points to an antimicrobial activity and the preliminary results indicate that these compounds may be potential candidates as antimicrobial drugs with clinical, agriculture or food industries applications.


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The 5-Isopropyl-3-[4-(6-methoxy-quinolin-8-ylamino)-pentyl]-2,2-dimethyl-imidazolidin-4-one (ValPQacet) was sinthesized through acylation of the anti-malarial primaquine with α-valine and subsequent reaction of the resulting -aminoamide with propanone (Sheme 1).Imidazolidin-4-ones of the anti malarial primaquine are being sinthesized to develop new variants in order to improve more effective treatments against malaria . Recently it has been observed that primaquine derivates could have effect in a new kind of yeast . To study the fungicidal activity against Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Issatchenkia orientalis, Sacharomyces cerevisae, the ValPQacet was put in the form of the hydrochloride salt. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) could be determined for all yeast in the concentration range assayed. Also was determined MIC’s of primaquine hydrochloride salt for all yeast, and this shows that the parent drug is less active than our compound. Further studies are being performed to determine viability and cellular injury with this drugs.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) are ionic compounds that possess melting temperature below 100ºC and they have been a topic of great interest since the mid-1990s due to their unique properties. The range of IL uses has been broadened, due to a significant increase in the variety of physical, chemical and biological ILs properties. They are now used as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and recent interests are focused on their application as innovative solutions in new medical treatment and delivery options.1 In this work, our principal objective was the synthesis and investigation of physicochemical and medical properties of ionic liquids (ILs) and organic salts from ampicillin. This approach is of huge interest in pharmaceutical industry as cation and anion composition of ILs and organic salts can greatly alter their desired properties, namely the melting temperature and even synergistic effects can be obtained.2,3 For the synthesis of these compounds we used a recently developed method proposed by Ohno et al.4 for the preparation of quaternary ammonium and phosphonium hydroxides, that were neutralized by ampicillin. After purification we obtained pure ILs and salts in good yields. These ILs shows good antimicrobial and antifungal activities. As it is well known that some ionic liquids containing phosphonium and ammonium cation also shows anti-cancer activity1,5 we also decided to study these compounds against some cancer cell lines.


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N,N-dimethyl-4-((phenylamino)methyl)aniline (1) was prepared by condensation of aniline and 4-(dimethylamino)benzaldehyde [1] N,N-dimethyl-4-(2,2,2-trichloro-1-(phenylamino)ethyl)aniline (2) was synthesized by trichloromethylation of the imine (N,N-dimethyl-4-((phenylimino)methyl)aniline (1)) with trichloroacetic anhydride under microwave irradiation [2] (Sheme 1). The present work reports the study of bacterial and yeast activity for the compound 2. The bacteria used in this study are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and the yeast are Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Candida albican.The results that we will present are the determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), by means of microdilution by plate method and the specific growth constants for this microorganism. Further studies are being performed to determine viability and cellular injury with this drug.


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Nowadays, new emerging products claiming antioxidant properties are becoming more frequent. However, information about this topic in their labels is usually scarce. In this paper, we analyzed total phenolics, total flavonoids and ascorbic acid contents, as well as DPPH scavenging activity of several commercial samples, namely green tea and other herbal infusions, dietary supplements, and fruit juices, available in the Portuguese market. In general, beverages containing green tea and hibiscus showed higher phenolics contents (including flavonoids) and antioxidant activity than those without these ingredients. A borututu infusion presented the lowest concentrations of bioactive compounds and scavenging activity, due to the low recommended amount of plant to prepare the beverage. Some juices without antioxidant claims in the label presented similar values to those with it.