101 resultados para periodic execution
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The systemization and organization of ideas and concepts is an integral part of science. In chemistry, the organization of the periodic table of the chemical elements in the 1860s was one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs ever made and in fact during the 20th century it became a universally recognized scientific icon (1). The periodic table is the fundamental classificatory scheme of the elements and summarizes the realm of chemistry (2). Simply knowing the position of an element in the periodic table tells us about its properties and is usually enough to predict how the element will behave in a wide variety of different situations or reactions (1). Based on this potential mine of information, it is possible to make reliable predictions of the properties of the compounds that each element forms. Nowadays, the concept of the periodic table is starting to interact with other sciences and reports of periodic tables of amino acids (3), genetic codes (4), protein structures (5), and biology (6) can be found in the specialized literature. Symbiosis between science and art, for example, “The Periodic Table of The Elephants” (7), can also be seen. To appeal to a better understanding of the periodic table, the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Instituto Politécnico do Porto and the Centro de Química da Universidade do Porto promoted a contest and exhibit with the goal of stimulating a wide and heterogeneous audience, ranging from young children and their parents to graduate students from several disciplines, to explore the nature of this icon. Imaginative educational activities such as contests (8–10), games (11, 12), and puzzles (13–15) provided a way to communicate with the general public with the goal of attracting students to science. This also constituted an interesting, informative, and entertaining alternative to non-interactive lectures. Simultaneously, artistic creativity was combined with scientific knowledge.
In this paper we address the ability of WorldFIP to cope with the real-time requirements of distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS). Typical DCCS include process variables that must be transferred between network devices both in a periodic and sporadic (aperiodic) basis. The WorldFIP protocol is designed to support both types of traffic. WorldFIP can easily guarantee the timing requirements for the periodic traffic. However, for the aperiodic traffic more complex analysis must be made in order to guarantee its timing requirements. This paper describes work that is being carried out to extend previous relevant work, in order to include the actual schedule for the periodic traffic in the worst-case response time analysis of sporadic traffic in WorldFIP networks
Composition is a practice of key importance in software engineering. When real-time applications are composed it is necessary that their timing properties (such as meeting the deadlines) are guaranteed. The composition is performed by establishing an interface between the application and the physical platform. Such an interface does typically contain information about the amount of computing capacity needed by the application. In multiprocessor platforms, the interface should also present information about the degree of parallelism. Recently there have been quite a few interface proposals. However, they are either too complex to be handled or too pessimistic.In this paper we propose the Generalized Multiprocessor Periodic Resource model (GMPR) that is strictly superior to the MPR model without requiring a too detailed description. We describe a method to generate the interface from the application specification. All these methods have been implemented in Matlab routines that are publicly available.
It has been shown that in reality at least two general scenarios of data structuring are possible: (a) a self-similar (SS) scenario when the measured data form an SS structure and (b) a quasi-periodic (QP) scenario when the repeated (strongly correlated) data form random sequences that are almost periodic with respect to each other. In the second case it becomes possible to describe their behavior and express a part of their randomness quantitatively in terms of the deterministic amplitude–frequency response belonging to the generalized Prony spectrum. This possibility allows us to re-examine the conventional concept of measurements and opens a new way for the description of a wide set of different data. In particular, it concerns different complex systems when the ‘best-fit’ model pretending to be the description of the data measured is absent but the barest necessity of description of these data in terms of the reduced number of quantitative parameters exists. The possibilities of the proposed approach and detection algorithm of the QP processes were demonstrated on actual data: spectroscopic data recorded for pure water and acoustic data for a test hole. The suggested methodology allows revising the accepted classification of different incommensurable and self-affine spatial structures and finding accurate interpretation of the generalized Prony spectroscopy that includes the Fourier spectroscopy as a partial case.
Contention on the memory bus in COTS based multicore systems is becoming a major determining factor of the execution time of a task. Analyzing this extra execution time is non-trivial because (i) bus arbitration protocols in such systems are often undocumented and (ii) the times when the memory bus is requested to be used are not explicitly controlled by the operating system scheduler; they are instead a result of cache misses. We present a method for finding an upper bound on the extra execution time of a task due to contention on the memory bus in COTS based multicore systems. This method makes no assumptions on the bus arbitration protocol (other than assuming that it is work-conserving).
This paper proposes a dynamic scheduler that supports the coexistence of guaranteed and non-guaranteed bandwidth servers to efficiently handle soft-tasks’ overloads by making additional capacity available from two sources: (i) residual capacity allocated but unused when jobs complete in less than their budgeted execution time; (ii) stealing capacity from inactive non-isolated servers used to schedule best-effort jobs. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in reducing the mean tardiness of periodic jobs is demonstrated through extensive simulations. The achieved results become even more significant when tasks’ computation times have a large variance.
Admission controllers are used to prevent overload in systems with dynamically arriving tasks. Typically, these admission controllers are based on suÆcient (but not necessary) capacity bounds in order to maintain a low computational complexity. In this paper we present how exact admission-control for aperiodic tasks can be eÆciently obtained. Our rst result is an admission controller for purely aperiodic task sets where the test has the same runtime complexity as utilization-based tests. Our second result is an extension of the previous controller for a baseload of periodic tasks. The runtime complexity of this test is lower than for any known exact admission-controller. In addition to presenting our main algorithm and evaluating its performance, we also discuss some general issues concerning admission controllers and their implementation.
27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2015), Lund, Sweden.
20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), 25 to 29, Jun, 2015. Madrid, Spain. Best Paper Award.
The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2015). 13 to 17, Apr, 2015, Embedded Systems. Salamanca, Spain.
23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2015). 4 to 6, Mar, 2015. Turku, Finland.
5th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines
Este projecto tem como objectivo a optimização das rotas dos técnicos de serviço após venda da Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores, associadas à realização das manutenções preventivas a cada elemento contratado à empresa (elevadores, escadas rolantes, etc). Como tal, é necessário fazer uma distribuição dos equipamentos que se encontram em carteira, por um dos técnicos que assegura a manutenção, pelos vários dias úteis de cada mês, e pelas horas de trabalho de cada dia. Apesar do técnico ter disponíveis, por dia, 8h de trabalho, apenas 6h podem ser preenchidas com manutenções preventivas. As 2h restantes são essencialmente para possíveis manutenções correctivas para as quais o técnico seja solicitado. Caso o técnico não seja contactado para resolver nenhuma avaria, essas horas podem ser utilizadas pelo mesmo para adiantar trabalho do dia seguinte, isto é, visitar já alguns dos próximos pontos de manutenção preventiva do dia seguinte, ou para compensar trabalho que esteja atrasado. De salientar que, para cada dia, as deslocações do técnico de qualquer local ao primeiro ponto de uma rota ou de regresso do último ponto de uma rota não são contabilizadas. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação pretende dar resposta ao problema apresentado pela Schmitt+Sohn Elevadores. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma heurística para a optimização das rotas dos técnicos. Esta é baseada no conceito de “vizinho mais próximo” que procura sempre o ponto que se apresenta mais perto do último ponto que foi adicionado à rota. Com base nesta metodologia, nos processos de escolha dos pontos que formam clusters, e na selecção dos pontos iniciais de cada uma das rotas diárias, a ferramenta de optimização resultante define as rotas diárias para que o percurso efectuado por cada técnico num mês seja o menor possível. São feitas alterações às rotas definidas inicialmente quando encontrados pontos de uma mesma entrada a serem visitados em dias diferentes. Isto obrigaria o técnico a fazer duas viagens ao mesmo local. Por fim, o resultado é apresentado num documento Word a ser utilizado pelo técnico como guia diário das suas deslocações aos equipamentos que necessitam de verificações periódicas. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com as rotas que estavam a ser usadas pela empresa, tendo apresentado resultados de melhor qualidade, constatando-se a eficiência da solução criada pelo algoritmo proposto neste trabalho.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015). 1 to 4, Dec, 2015. U.S.A.
O equilíbrio é fundamental para o desempenho de Actividades de Vida Diária e de Vida Diária Instrumentais que permitem aos indivíduos com Síndrome de Down manter a sua autonomia. O objectivo principal deste estudo foi verificar as características do estado de equilíbrio em indivíduos com e sem Síndrome de Down, em repouso e durante a execução de uma tarefa, de modo a compreender as implicações da alteração do estado de equilíbrio no desempenho de actividades. Neste estudo, foram seleccionadas duas amostras, de forma probabilística por conveniência, com indivíduos de ambos os sexos. A amostra do grupo experimental foi constituída por oito indivíduos com diagnóstico de Síndrome de Down, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 39 anos de idade. A amostra do grupo de controlo foi constituída por doze indivíduos sem patologia, com idades compreendidas entre os 21 e os 37 anos. O equilíbrio foi avaliado com recurso a uma Plataforma de Forças (Bertec Corporation FP4060-10) para medir a deslocação do centro de pressão (CP) dos indivíduos. A avaliação do equilíbrio decorreu em dois momentos, na posição de pé: em repouso e no desempenho da tarefa segurar um saco de compras. Os resultados diferem entre os dois grupos em repouso e durante a execução da tarefa (segurar no saco). Os valores das variáveis área e distância de deslocação do CP e oscilações corporais, antero-posterior e médio-lateralmente apresentam resultados significativos, o que sugere diferenças do estado de equilíbrio entre as amostras.