16 resultados para peaks-over-threshold

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.


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DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial.OB JECTIVE: To investigate the immediate effects on pressure pain thresholds over latent trigger points (TrPs) in the masseter and temporalis muscles and active mouth opening following atlanto-occipital joint thrust manipulation or a soft tissue manual intervention targeted to the suboccipital muscles. BACKGROUND : Previous studies have described hypoalgesic effects of neck manipulative interventions over TrPs in the cervical musculature. There is a lack of studies analyzing these mechanisms over TrPs of muscles innervated by the trigeminal nerve. METHODS: One hundred twenty-two volunteers, 31 men and 91 women, between the ages of 18 and 30 years, with latent TrPs in the masseter muscle, were randomly divided into 3 groups: a manipulative group who received an atlanto-occipital joint thrust, a soft tissue group who received an inhibition technique over the suboccipital muscles, and a control group who did not receive an intervention. Pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles, and active mouth opening were assessed pretreatment and 2 minutes posttreatment by a blinded assessor. Mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the effects of interventions on each outcome, with group as the between-subjects variable and time as the within-subjects variable. The primary analysis was the group-by-time interaction. RESULTS: The 2-by-3 mixed-model ANOVA revealed a significant group-by-time interaction for changes in pressure pain thresholds over masseter (P<.01) and temporalis (P =.003) muscle latent TrPs and also for active mouth opening (P<.001) in favor of the manipulative and soft tissue groups. Between-group effect sizes were small. CONCLUSIONS: The application of an atlanto-occipital thrust manipulation or soft tissue technique targeted to the suboccipital muscles led to an immediate increase in pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles and an increase in maximum active mouth opening. Nevertheless, the effects of both interventions were small and future studies are required to elucidate the clinical relevance of these changes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE : Therapy, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(5):310-317. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3257. KEYWORDSDS: cervical manipulation, muscle trigger points, neck, TMJ, upper cervical.


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In this paper we describe a real-time industrial communication network able to support both controlrelated and multimedia traffic. The industrial communication network is based on the PROFIBUS standard, with multimedia capabilities being provided by an adequate integration of TCP/IP protocols into the PROFIBUS stack. From the operational point of view the integration of TCP/IP into PROFIBUS is by itself a challenge, since the master-slave nature of the PROFIBUS MAC makes complex the implementation of the symmetry inherent to IP communications. From the timeliness point of view the challenge is two folded. On one hand the multimedia traffic should not interfere with the timing requirements of the "native" control-related PROFIBUS traffic (typically hard real-time). On the other hand multimedia traffic requires certain levels of quality-of-service to be attained. In this paper we provide a methodology that enables fulfilling the timing requirements for both types of traffic in these real-time industrial LAN. Moreover, we describe suitable algorithms for the scheduling support of concurrent multimedia streams.


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PROFIBUS is an international standard (IEC 61158) for factory-floor communications, with some hundreds of thousands of world-wide installations. However, it does not include any wireless capabilities. In this paper we propose a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS solution where most of the design options are made in order to guarantee the proper real-time behaviour of the overall network. We address the timing unpredictability problems placed by the co-existence of heterogeneous transmission media in the same network. Moreover, we propose a novel solution to provide inter-cell mobility to PROFIBUS wireless nodes.


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Mal sabia o Italiano Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci na segunda metade do século XIX (1870-1876), que a sua invenção iria alcançar um êxito sem precedente e que mudaria por completo o estilo de vida das gerações vindouras: o “Telettrofono” (telégrafo falante). Porém, e por necessidade, acabou por vender o protótipo e seus respetivos direitos, a Alexander Graham Bell, o qual ficou historicamente conhecido como o inventor do telefone. Com efeito, o telefone quase que dispensa apresentação. É um dispositivo de telecomunicações que entrou paulatinamente nas vidas das pessoas, seja no lazer, no exercícios das suas profissões, em situações de emergência, em teatro de guerra, num infindável número de situações, e que foi simplesmente planeado para transmitir sons por meio de sinais elétricos em condutores próprios para o efeito (vias telefónicas). Por definição, é um aparelho eletroacústico que permite a transformação, no ponto emissor, de energia acústica em energia elétrica e, no ponto recetor, a transformação da energia elétrica em acústica, permitindo assim a troca de informações (falada e ouvida) entre dois ou mais assinantes. Ora, a ideia de Power over Ethernet (PoE) teve, forçosamente, seu marco nos finais do século XIX, quando Alexander Bell (“Bell Telephone Company”) teve de refletir/decidir se o telefone a instalar em cada residência, seria alimentado localmente por uma bateria (fonte de energia local), ou se deveria alimentar cada dispositivo telefónico remotamente através de fios condutores. Esta é a noção de Power over Ethernet na sua vanguarda de aplicação no início do século XXI, e objeto de uma breve apresentação, à qual o convido à leitura das restantes secções.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.


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PROFIBUS is an international standard (IEC 61158, EN 50170) for factory-floor communications, with several thousands of installations worldwide. Taking into account the increasing need for mobile devices in industrial environments, one obvious solution is to extend traditional wired PROFIBUS networks with wireless capabilities. In this paper, we outline the major aspects of a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS-based architecture, where most of the design options were made in order to guarantee the real-time behaviour of the overall network. We also introduce the timing unpredictability problems resulting from the co-existence of heterogeneous physical media in the same network. However, the major focus of this paper is on how to guarantee real-time communications in such a hybrid network, where nodes (and whole segments) can move between different radio cells (inter-cell mobility). Assuming a simple mobility management mechanism based on mobile nodes performing periodic radio channel assessment and switching, we propose a methodology to compute values for specific parameters that enable an optimal (minimum) and bounded duration of the handoff procedure.


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The IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocols are a promising technology for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This paper shares our experience on the implementation and use of these protocols and related technologies in WSNs. We present problems and challenges we have been facing in implementing an IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee stack for TinyOS in a two-folded perspective: IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocol standards limitations (ambiguities and open issues) and technological limitations (hardware and software). Concerning the former, we address challenges for building scalable and synchronized multi-cluster ZigBee networks, providing a trade-off between timeliness and energy-efficiency. On the latter issue, we highlight implementation problems in terms of hardware, timer handling and operating system limitations. We also report on our experience from experimental test-beds, namely on physical layer aspects such as coexistence problems between IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 radio channels.


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We propose a wireless medium access control (MAC) protocol that provides static-priority scheduling of messages in a guaranteed collision-free manner. Our protocol supports multiple broadcast domains, resolves the wireless hidden terminal problem and allows for parallel transmissions across a mesh network. Arbitration of messages is achieved without the notion of a master coordinating node, global clock synchronization or out-of-band signaling. The protocol relies on bit-dominance similar to what is used in the CAN bus except that in order to operate on a wireless physical layer, nodes are not required to receive incoming bits while transmitting. The use of bit-dominance efficiently allows for a much larger number of priorities than would be possible using existing wireless solutions. A MAC protocol with these properties enables schedulability analysis of sporadic message streams in wireless multihop networks.


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Modelling the fundamental performance limits of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance to understand the behaviour of WSN under worst case conditions and to make the appropriate design choices. In that direction, this paper contributes with a methodology for modelling cluster tree WSNs with a mobile sink. We propose closed form recurrent expressions for computing the worst case end to end delays, buffering and bandwidth requirements across any source-destination path in the cluster tree assuming error free channel. We show how to apply our theoretical results to the specific case of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee WSNs. Finally, we demonstrate the validity and analyze the accuracy of our methodology through a comprehensive experimental study, therefore validating the theoretical results through experimentation.


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The main purpose of this work was the development of procedures for the simulation of atmospheric ows over complex terrain, using OpenFOAM. For this aim, tools and procedures were developed apart from this code for the preprocessing and data extraction, which were thereafter applied in the simulation of a real case. For the generation of the computational domain, a systematic method able to translate the terrain elevation model to a native OpenFOAM format (blockMeshDict) was developed. The outcome was a structured mesh, in which the user has the ability to de ne the number of control volumes and its dimensions. With this procedure, the di culties of case set up and the high computation computational e ort reported in literature associated to the use of snappyHexMesh, the OpenFOAM resource explored until then for the accomplishment of this task, were considered to be overwhelmed. Developed procedures for the generation of boundary conditions allowed for the automatic creation of idealized inlet vertical pro les, de nition of wall functions boundary conditions and the calculation of internal eld rst guesses for the iterative solution process, having as input experimental data supplied by the user. The applicability of the generated boundary conditions was limited to the simulation of turbulent, steady-state, incompressible and neutrally strati ed atmospheric ows, always recurring to RaNS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) models. For the modelling of terrain roughness, the developed procedure allowed to the user the de nition of idealized conditions, like an uniform aerodynamic roughness length or making its value variable as a function of topography characteristic values, or the using of real site data, and it was complemented by the development of techniques for the visual inspection of generated roughness maps. The absence and the non inclusion of a forest canopy model limited the applicability of this procedure to low aerodynamic roughness lengths. The developed tools and procedures were then applied in the simulation of a neutrally strati ed atmospheric ow over the Askervein hill. In the performed simulations was evaluated the solution sensibility to di erent convection schemes, mesh dimensions, ground roughness and formulations of the k - ε and k - ω models. When compared to experimental data, calculated values showed a good agreement of speed-up in hill top and lee side, with a relative error of less than 10% at a height of 10 m above ground level. Turbulent kinetic energy was considered to be well simulated in the hill windward and hill top, and grossly predicted in the lee side, where a zone of ow separation was also identi ed. Despite the need of more work to evaluate the importance of the downstream recirculation zone in the quality of gathered results, the agreement between the calculated and experimental values and the OpenFOAM sensibility to the tested parameters were considered to be generally in line with the simulations presented in the reviewed bibliographic sources.


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With the emergence of low-power wireless hardware new ways of communication were needed. In order to standardize the communication between these low powered devices the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released the 6LoWPAN stand- ard that acts as an additional layer for making the IPv6 link layer suitable for the lower-power and lossy networks. In the same way, IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low- Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has been proposed by the IETF Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (ROLL) Working Group as a standard routing protocol for IPv6 routing in low-power wireless sensor networks. The research performed in this thesis uses these technologies to implement a mobility process. Mobility management is a fundamental yet challenging area in low-power wireless networks. There are applications that require mobile nodes to exchange data with a xed infrastructure with quality-of-service guarantees. A prime example of these applications is the monitoring of patients in real-time. In these scenarios, broadcast- ing data to all access points (APs) within range may not be a valid option due to the energy consumption, data storage and complexity requirements. An alternative and e cient option is to allow mobile nodes to perform hand-o s. Hand-o mechanisms have been well studied in cellular and ad-hoc networks. However, low-power wireless networks pose a new set of challenges. On one hand, simpler radios and constrained resources ask for simpler hand-o schemes. On the other hand, the shorter coverage and higher variability of low-power links require a careful tuning of the hand-o parameters. In this work, we tackle the problem of integrating smart-HOP within a standard protocol, speci cally RPL. The simulation results in Cooja indicate that the pro- posed scheme minimizes the hand-o delay and the total network overhead. The standard RPL protocol is simply unable to provide a reliable mobility support sim- ilar to other COTS technologies. Instead, they support joining and leaving of nodes, with very low responsiveness in the existence of physical mobility.


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This work presents a novel surface Smart Polymer Antibody Material (SPAM) for Carnitine (CRT, a potential biomarker of ovarian cancer), tested for the first time as ionophore in potentiometric electrodes of unconventional configuration. The SPAM material consisted of a 3D polymeric network created by surface imprinting on graphene layers. The polymer was obtained by radical polymerization of (vinylbenzyl) trimethylammonium chloride and 4-styrenesulfonic acid (signaling the binding sites), and vinyl pivalate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (surroundings). Non-imprinted material (NIM) was prepared as control, by excluding the template from the procedure. These materials were then used to produce several plasticized PVC membranes, testing the relevance of including the SPAM as ionophore, and the need for a charged lipophilic additive. The membranes were casted over solid conductive supports of graphite or ITO/FTO. The effect of pH upon the potentiometric response was evaluated for different pHs (2-9) with different buffer compositions. Overall, the best performance was achieved for membranes with SPAM ionophore, having a cationic lipophilic additive and tested in HEPES (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid) buffer, pH 5.1. Better slopes were achieved when the membrane was casted on conductive glass (-57.4 mV/decade), while the best detection limits were obtained for graphite-based conductive supports (3.6 × 10−5mol/L). Good selectivity was observed against BSA, ascorbic acid, glucose, creatinine and urea, tested for concentrations up to their normal physiologic levels in urine. The application of the devices to the analysis of spiked samples showed recoveries ranging from 91% (± 6.8%) to 118% (± 11.2%). Overall, the combination of the SPAM sensory material with a suitable selective membrane composition and electrode design has lead to a promising tool for point-of-care applications.