39 resultados para models (people)

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The idiomatic expression “In Rome be a Roman” can be applied to leadership training and development as well. Leaders who can act as role models inspire other future leaders in their behaviour, attitudes and ways of thinking. Based on two examples of current leaders in the fields of Politics and Public Administration, I support the idea that exposure to role models during their training was decisive for their career paths and current activities as prominent characters in their profession. Issues such as how students should be prepared for community or national leadership as well as cross-cultural engagement are raised here. The hypothesis of transculturalism and cross-cultural commitment as a factor of leadership is presented. Based on current literature on Leadership as well as the presented case studies, I expect to raise a debate focusing on strategies for improving leaders’ training in their cross-cultural awareness.


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Long-term contractual decisions are the basis of an efficient risk management. However those types of decisions have to be supported with a robust price forecast methodology. This paper reports a different approach for long-term price forecast which tries to give answers to that need. Making use of regression models, the proposed methodology has as main objective to find the maximum and a minimum Market Clearing Price (MCP) for a specific programming period, and with a desired confidence level α. Due to the problem complexity, the meta-heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was used to find the best regression parameters and the results compared with the obtained by using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). To validate these models, results from realistic data are presented and discussed in detail.


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In health care there has been a growing interest and investment in new tools to have a constant monitoring of patients. The increasing of average life ex-pectation and, consequently, the costs in health care due to elderly population are the motivation for this investment. However, healthmonitoring is not only important to elderly people, it can be also applied to people with cognitive disabilities. In this article we present some systems, which try to support these persons on doing their day-to-day activities and how it can improve their life quality. Also, we present an idea to a project that tries to help the persons with cognitive disabilities by providing assistance in geo-guidance and keep their caregivers aware of their location.


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Purpose: Systematic review to identify the factors associated to the quality of life (QOL) of the caregivers of people with aphasia (PWA). Methods: Studies were searched using Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science databases. Peer-reviewed papers that studied the QOL of PWA’s caregivers or the consequences of aphasia in caregivers’ life were included. Findings were extracted from the studies that met the inclusion criteria. Results: No data is available reporting particularly the QOL of PWA caregivers’ or their QOL predictors. Nevertheless, it was possible to extract aspects related to QOL from the studies that report the consequences of aphasia, and life changes in PWA’s caregivers. Nine (9) studies including PWA’s caregivers were found, but only 5 reported data separately on them. Methodological heterogeneity impedes cross-study comparisons, although some considerations can be made. PWA’s caregivers reported life changes such as: loss of freedom; social isolation; new responsibilities; anxiety; emotional loneliness; need for support and respite. Conclusions: Changes in social relationships, in emotional status, increased burden and need for support and respite were experienced by PWA’s caregivers. Stroke QOL studies need to include PWA caregivers’ and report separately on them. Further research is needed in this area in order to determine their QOL predictors and identify what interventions and referrals better suit their needs.


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Numa sociedade cada vez mais e mais virada para a Internet e para a procura de informação e soluções para todo e qualquer tipo de problema de forma instantânea, imediata ou mesmo urgente, a resolução de conflitos na sua forma mais comum, ou seja, no recurso judicial aos tribunais, parece começar a ser demasiado demorada e ineficaz. Neste sentido, as pessoas procuram, de uma maneira cada vez mais recorrente, alternativas para solucionar estes conflitos, de forma mais célere, sem que no entanto a avaliação da solução encontrada perca qualidade. Surgem, então, sistemas de resolução alternativa de conflitos (Alternative Dispute Resolution – ADR), ou ainda no ambiente Web (Online Dispute Resolution – ODR). As técnicas de ADR com maior destaque são a negociação, a arbitragem e a mediação. Em qualquer dos casos, facilmente podemos associar a sua eficiência e eficácia à utilização da argumentação no processo, satisfazendo as exigências dos implicados no conflito, já que é dada voz às suas perspectivas sobre o mesmo. Argumentar permite expor factos e justificações de suporte ou oposição relativamente ao conflito, enriquecendo a solução e tornando mais claro o entendimento da mesma. Neste trabalho será abordado o tema dos ADR, fazendo uma breve explicação da sua forma de utilização, suas principais técnicas (a negociação, a arbitragem e a mediação), será ainda abordada a argumentação, bem como a sua integração com os sistemas de resolução alternativa de conflitos. O modelo de argumentação de Toulmin foi objecto de análise e aplicação para a resolução do problema definido nesta dissertação, através da sua aplicação aos processos de argumentação. Será proposto um modelo suporte à resolução alternativa de conflitos, e desenvolvido um protótipo que permita a sua validação no contexto estudado.


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The first and second authors would like to thank the support of the PhD grants with references SFRH/BD/28817/2006 and SFRH/PROTEC/49517/2009, respectively, from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnol ogia (FCT). This work was partially done in the scope of the project “Methodologies to Analyze Organs from Complex Medical Images – Applications to Fema le Pelvic Cavity”, wi th reference PTDC/EEA- CRO/103320/2008, financially supported by FCT.


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A massificação das tecnologias, abrangendo cada vez mais instituições e população em geral, originou uma aproximação da informação e do conhecimento às pessoas, permitindo um novo olhar para esta área, para as novas tecnologias e para o seu uso. Tendo como ponto de partida, a sociedade de informação e o recurso às tecnologias, recursos esses tão patentes actualmente, é possível pensar em criar as condições necessárias para que seja viável evoluir sempre mais, através da imaginação e de ideias criativas. Com base na aproximação das tecnologias que são cada vez mais acessíveis, o presente estudo pretende avaliar se as novas tecnologias, nas suas mais variadas formas, podem ser uma mais valia no ensino de autistas. O autismo começa a ser encarado como um campo a desenvolver estudos e a explorar os conceitos tecnológicos. O estudo aqui apresentado, não pretende ser apenas mais um, mas antes mostrar o trabalho efectuado até à data e o que pode ser realizado, expondo propostas. No sentido de conhecer um pouco melhor os conceitos relacionados com a área do autismo, foi necessário recorrer a pesquisas na Internet, à leitura de livros e a reuniões com pessoas ligadas a essa área, tornando possível uma aquisição de saberes e uma nova visão sobre a temática. Explorados os conceitos iniciais do autismo tornou-se imprescindível a procura dos recursos educativos utilizados nesta área, não só recursos empregados no método tradicional de ensino, como também, os modelos que procuram usar as novas tecnologias. A análise dos recursos existentes permitiu conhecer o panorama actual dos métodos e modelos em uso que conjugado com o levantamento de necessidades efectuado no decorrer deste trabalho, contribuíram para compreender as carências existentes e assim com base nesse conhecimento adquirido efectuar uma proposta de modelo educativo baseado em tecnologias para apoio educativo de autistas.


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In recent years several countries have set up policies that allow exchange of kidneys between two or more incompatible patient–donor pairs. These policies lead to what is commonly known as kidney exchange programs. The underlying optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming models. Previously proposed models for kidney exchange programs have exponential numbers of constraints or variables, which makes them fairly difficult to solve when the problem size is large. In this work we propose two compact formulations for the problem, explain how these formulations can be adapted to address some problem variants, and provide results on the dominance of some models over others. Finally we present a systematic comparison between our models and two previously proposed ones via thorough computational analysis. Results show that compact formulations have advantages over non-compact ones when the problem size is large.


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Adhesively-bonded joints are extensively used in several fields of engineering. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) have been used for the strength prediction of adhesive joints, as an add-in to Finite Element (FE) analyses that allows simulation of damage growth, by consideration of energetic principles. A useful feature of CZM is that different shapes can be developed for the cohesive laws, depending on the nature of the material or interface to be simulated, allowing an accurate strength prediction. This work studies the influence of the CZM shape (triangular, exponential or trapezoidal) used to model a thin adhesive layer in single-lap adhesive joints, for an estimation of its influence on the strength prediction under different material conditions. By performing this study, guidelines are provided on the possibility to use a CZM shape that may not be the most suited for a particular adhesive, but that may be more straightforward to use/implement and have less convergence problems (e.g. triangular shaped CZM), thus attaining the solution faster. The overall results showed that joints bonded with ductile adhesives are highly influenced by the CZM shape, and that the trapezoidal shape fits best the experimental data. Moreover, the smaller is the overlap length (LO), the greater is the influence of the CZM shape. On the other hand, the influence of the CZM shape can be neglected when using brittle adhesives, without compromising too much the accuracy of the strength predictions.


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Transdermal biotechnologies are an ever increasing field of interest, due to the medical and pharmaceutical applications that they underlie. There are several mathematical models at use that permit a more inclusive vision of pure experimental data and even allow practical extrapolation for new dermal diffusion methodologies. However, they grasp a complex variety of theories and assumptions that allocate their use for specific situations. Models based on Fick's First Law found better use in contexts where scaled particle theory Models would be extensive in time-span but the reciprocal is also true, as context of transdermal diffusion of particular active compounds changes. This article reviews extensively the various theoretical methodologies for studying dermic diffusion in the rate limiting dermic barrier, the stratum corneum, and systematizes its characteristics, their proper context of application, advantages and limitations, as well as future perspectives.


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Dynamic parallel scheduling using work-stealing has gained popularity in academia and industry for its good performance, ease of implementation and theoretical bounds on space and time. Cores treat their own double-ended queues (deques) as a stack, pushing and popping threads from the bottom, but treat the deque of another randomly selected busy core as a queue, stealing threads only from the top, whenever they are idle. However, this standard approach cannot be directly applied to real-time systems, where the importance of parallelising tasks is increasing due to the limitations of multiprocessor scheduling theory regarding parallelism. Using one deque per core is obviously a source of priority inversion since high priority tasks may eventually be enqueued after lower priority tasks, possibly leading to deadline misses as in this case the lower priority tasks are the candidates when a stealing operation occurs. Our proposal is to replace the single non-priority deque of work-stealing with ordered per-processor priority deques of ready threads. The scheduling algorithm starts with a single deque per-core, but unlike traditional work-stealing, the total number of deques in the system may now exceed the number of processors. Instead of stealing randomly, cores steal from the highest priority deque.


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This paper describes the use of integer and fractional electrical elements, for modelling two electrochemical systems. A first type of system consists of botanical elements and a second type is implemented by electrolyte processes with fractal electrodes. Experimental results are analyzed in the frequency domain, and the pros and cons of adopting fractional-order electrical components for modelling these systems are compared.


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The problem of providing a hybrid wired/wireless communications for factory automation systems is still an open issue, notwithstanding the fact that already there are some solutions. This paper describes the role of simulation tools on the validation and performance analysis of two wireless extensions for the PROFIBUS protocol. In one of them, the Intermediate Systems, which connect wired and wireless network segments, operate as repeaters. In the other one the Intermediate Systems operate as bridge. We also describe how the analytical analysis proposed for these kinds of networks can be used for the setting of some network parameters and for the guaranteeing real-time behaviour of the system. Additionally, we also compare the bridge-based solution simulation results with the analytical results.


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The use of bit error models in communication simulation has been widely studied. In this technical report we present three models: the Independent Channel Model; the Gilbert-Elliot Model and the Burst-Error Periodic Model.