14 resultados para metal trace analysis

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.


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Amulti-residue methodology based on a solid phase extraction followed by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was developed for trace analysis of 32 compounds in water matrices, including estrogens and several pesticides from different chemical families, some of them with endocrine disrupting properties. Matrix standard calibration solutions were prepared by adding known amounts of the analytes to a residue-free sample to compensate matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement observed for certain pesticides. Validation was done mainly according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations, as well as some European and American validation guidelines with specifications for pesticides analysis and/or GC–MS methodology. As the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met for analytical data, weighted least squares linear regression procedure was applied as a simple and effective way to counteract the greater influence of the greater concentrations on the fitted regression line, improving accuracy at the lower end of the calibration curve. The method was considered validated for 31 compounds after consistent evaluation of the key analytical parameters: specificity, linearity, limit of detection and quantification, range, precision, accuracy, extraction efficiency, stability and robustness.


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A quinoxalina e seus derivativos são uma importante classe de compostos heterocíclicos, onde os elementos N, S e O substituem átomos de carbono no anel. A fórmula molecular da quinoxalina é C8H6N2, formada por dois anéis aromáticos, benzeno e pirazina. É rara em estado natural, mas a sua síntese é de fácil execução. Modificações na estrutura da quinoxalina proporcionam uma grande variedade de compostos e actividades, tais como actividades antimicrobiana, antiparasitária, antidiabética, antiproliferativa, anti-inflamatória, anticancerígena, antiglaucoma, antidepressiva apresentando antagonismo do receptor AMPA. Estes compostos também são importantes no campo industrial devido, por exemplo, ao seu poder na inibição da corrosão do metal. A química computacional, ramo natural da química teórica é um método bem desenvolvido, utilizado para representar estruturas moleculares, simulando o seu comportamento com as equações da física quântica e clássica. Existe no mercado uma grande variedade de ferramentas informaticas utilizadas na química computacional, que permitem o cálculo de energias, geometrias, frequências vibracionais, estados de transição, vias de reação, estados excitados e uma variedade de propriedades baseadas em várias funções de onda não correlacionadas e correlacionadas. Nesta medida, a sua aplicação ao estudo das quinoxalinas é importante para a determinação das suas características químicas, permitindo uma análise mais completa, em menos tempo, e com menos custos.


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O estudo das curvas características de um transístor permite conhecer um conjunto de parâmetros essenciais à sua utilização tanto no domínio da amplificação de sinais como em circuitos de comutação. Deste estudo é possível obter dados em condições que muitas vezes não constam na documentação fornecida pelos fabricantes. O trabalho que aqui se apresenta consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema que permite de forma simples, eficiente e económica obter as curvas características de um transístor (bipolar de junção, efeito de campo de junção e efeito de campo de metal-óxido semicondutor), podendo ainda ser utilizado como instrumento pedagógico na introdução ao estudo dos dispositivos semicondutores ou no projecto de amplificadores transistorizados. O sistema é constituído por uma unidade de condicionamento de sinal, uma unidade de processamento de dados (hardware) e por um programa informático que permite o processamento gráfico dos dados obtidos, isto é, traçar as curvas características do transístor. O seu princípio de funcionamento consiste na utilização de um conversor Digital-Analógico (DAC) como fonte de tensão variável, alimentando a base (TBJ) ou a porta (JFET e MOSFET) do dispositivo a testar. Um segundo conversor fornece a variação da tensão VCE ou VDS necessária à obtenção de cada uma das curvas. O controlo do processo é garantido por uma unidade de processamento local, baseada num microcontrolador da família 8051, responsável pela leitura dos valores em corrente e em tensão recorrendo a conversores Analógico-Digital (ADC). Depois de processados, os dados são transmitidos através de uma ligação USB para um computador no qual um programa procede à representação gráfica, das curvas características de saída e à determinação de outros parâmetros característicos do dispositivo semicondutor em teste. A utilização de componentes convencionais e a simplicidade construtiva do projecto tornam este sistema económico, de fácil utilização e flexível, pois permite com pequenas alterações


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Concentrations of eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Si) were measured in 39 (natural and flavoured) water samples. Determinations were performed using graphite furnace electrothermetry for almost all elements (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Si). For Se determination hydride generation was used, and cold vapour generation for Hg. These techniques were coupled to atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The trace element content of still or sparkling natural waters changed from brand to brand. Significant differences between natural still and natural sparkling waters (p<0.001) were only apparent for Mn. The Mann–Whitney U-test was used to search for significant differences between flavoured and natural waters. The concentration of each element was compared with the presence of flavours, preservatives, acidifying agents, fruit juice and/or sweeteners, according to the labelled composition. It was shown that flavoured waters generally increase the trace element content. The addition of preservatives and acidifying regulators had a significant influence on Mn, Co, As and Si contents (p<0.05). Fruit juice can also be correlated to the increase of Co and As. Sweeteners did not provide any significant difference in Mn, Co, Se and Si content.


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In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.


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Thin films of Cu2SnS3 and Cu3SnS4 were grown by sulfurization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn–Cu metallic precursors in a S2 atmosphere. Different maximum sulfurization temperatures were tested which allowed the study of the Cu2SnS3 phase changes. For a temperature of 350 ◦C the films were composed of tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3. The films sulfurized at a maximum temperature of 400 ◦C presented a cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 phase. On increasing the temperature up to 520 ◦C, the Sn content of the layer decreased and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 was formed. The phase identification and structural analysis were performed using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis. Raman scattering analysis was also performed and a comparison with XRD and EBSD data allowed the assignment of peaks at 336 and 351 cm−1 for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, 303 and 355 cm−1 for cubic Cu2SnS3, and 318, 348 and 295 cm−1 for the Cu3SnS4 phase. Compositional analysis was done using energy dispersive spectroscopy and induced coupled plasma analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of the layers. Transmittance and reflectance measurements permitted the estimation of absorbance and band gap. These ternary compounds present a high absorbance value close to 104 cm−1. The estimated band gap energy was 1.35 eV for tetragonal (I -42m) Cu2SnS3, 0.96 eV for cubic (F-43m) Cu2SnS3 and 1.60 eV for orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4. A hot point probe was used for the determination of semiconductor conductivity type. The results show that all the samples are p-type semiconductors. A four-point probe was used to obtain the resistivity of these samples. The resistivities for tetragonal Cu2SnS3, cubic Cu2SnS3 and orthorhombic (Pmn21) Cu3SnS4 are 4.59 × 10−2 cm, 1.26 × 10−2 cm, 7.40 × 10−4 cm, respectively.


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The industrial activity is inevitably associated with a certain degradation of the environmental quality, because is not possible to guarantee that a manufacturing process can be totally innocuous. The eco-efficiency concept is globally accepted as a philosophy of entreprise management, that encourages the companies to become more competitive, innovative and environmentally responsible by promoting the link between its companies objectives for excellence and its objectives of environmental excellence issues. This link imposes the creation of an organizational methodology where the performance of the company is concordant with the sustainable development. The main propose of this project is to apply the concept of eco-efficiency to the particular case of the metallurgical and metal workshop industries through the development of the particular indicators needed and to produce a manual of procedures for implementation of the accurate solution.


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An integrated chemical-biological effects monitoring was performed in 2010 and 2012 in two NW Iberian estuaries under different anthropogenic pressure. One is low impacted and the other is contaminated by metals. The aim was to verify the usefulness of a multibiomarker approach, using Carcinus maenas as bioindicator species, to reflect diminishing environmental contamination and improved health status under abiotic variation. Sampling sites were assessed for metal levels in sediments and C. maenas, water abiotic factors and biomarkers (neurotoxicity, energy metabolism, biotransformation, anti-oxidant defences, oxidative damage). High inter-annual and seasonal abiotic variation was observed. Metal levels in sediments and crab tissues were markedly higher in 2010 than in 2012 in the contaminated estuary. Biomarkers indicated differences between the study sites and seasons and an improvement of effects measured in C. maenas from the polluted estuary in 2012. Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index depicted sites with higher stress levels whereas Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed associations between biomarker responses and environmental variables. The multibiomarker approach and integrated assessments proved to be useful to the early diagnosis of remediation measures in impacted sites.


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The impact of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn) on growth, cell volume and cell division of the freshwateralga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata exposed over a period of 72 h was investigated. The algal cells wereexposed to three nominal concentrations of each metal: low (closed to 72 h-EC10values), intermediate(closed to 72 h-EC50values) and high (upper than 72 h-EC90values). The exposure to low metal concen-trations resulted in a decrease of cell volume. On the contrary, for the highest metal concentrations anincrease of cell volume was observed; this effect was particularly notorious for Cd and less pronouncedfor Zn. Two behaviours were found when algal cells were exposed to intermediate concentrations ofmetals: Cu(II) and Cr(VI) induced a reduction of cell volume, while Cd(II) and Zn(II) provoked an oppositeeffect. The simultaneous nucleus staining and cell image analysis, allowed distinguishing three phases inP. subcapitata cell cycle: growth of mother cell; cell division, which includes two divisions of the nucleus;and, release of four autospores. The exposure of P. subcapitata cells to the highest metal concentrationsresulted in the arrest of cell growth before the first nucleus division [for Cr(VI) and Cu(II)] or after thesecond nucleus division but before the cytokinesis (release of autospores) when exposed to Cd(II). Thedifferent impact of metals on algal cell volume and cell-cycle progression, suggests that different toxic-ity mechanisms underlie the action of different metals studied. The simultaneous nucleus staining andcell image analysis, used in the present work, can be a useful tool in the analysis of the toxicity of thepollutants, in P. subcapitata, and help in the elucidation of their different modes of action.


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A plant growth-promoting bacterial (PGPB) strain SC2b was isolated from the rhizosphere of Sedum plumbizincicola grown in lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine soils and characterized as Bacillus sp. based on (1) morphological and biochemical characteristics and (2) partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing analysis. Strain SC2b exhibited high levels of resistance to cadmium (Cd) (300 mg/L), Zn (730 mg/L), and Pb (1400 mg/L). This strain also showed various plant growth-promoting (PGP) features such as utilization of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate, solubilization of phosphate, and production of indole-3-acetic acid and siderophore. The strain mobilized high concentration of heavy metals from soils and exhibited different biosorption capacity toward the tested metal ions. Strain SC2b was further assessed for PGP activity by phytagar assay with a model plant Brassica napus. Inoculation of SC2b increased the biomass and vigor index of B. napus. Considering such potential, a pot experiment was conducted to assess the effects of inoculating the metal-resistant PGPB SC2b on growth and uptake of Cd, Zn and Pb by S. plumbizincicola in metal-contaminated agricultural soils. Inoculation with SC2b elevated the shoot and root biomass and leaf chlorophyll content of S. plumbizincicola. Similarly, plants inoculated with SC2b demonstrated markedly higher Cd and Zn accumulation in the root and shoot system, indicating that SC2b enhanced Cd and Zn uptake by S. plumbizincicola through metal mobilization or plant-microbial mediated changes in chemical or biological soil properties. Data demonstrated that the PGPB Bacillus sp. SC2b might serve as a future biofertilizer and an effective metal mobilizing bioinoculant for rhizoremediation of metal polluted soils.


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Proceedings of the 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources - 9–12 June 2015 • Copenhagen, Denmark


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The green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata has been widely used in ecological risk assessment, usually based on the impact of the toxicants in the alga growth. However, the physiological causes that lead algal growth inhibition are not completely understood. This work aimed to evaluate the biochemical and structural modifications in P. subcapitata after exposure, for 72 h, to three nominal concentrations of Cd(II), Cr(VI), Cu(II) and Zn(II), corresponding approximately to 72 h-EC10 and 72 h-EC50 values and a high concentration (above 72 h-EC90 values). The incubation of algal cells with the highest concentration of Cd(II), Cr(VI) or Cu(II) resulted in a loss of membrane integrity of ~16, 38 and 55%, respectively. For all metals tested, an inhibition of esterase activity, in a dose-dependent manner, was observed. Reduction of chlorophyll a content, decrease of maximum quantum yield of photosystem II and modification of mitochondrial membrane potential was also verified. In conclusion, the exposure of P. subcapitata to metals resulted in a perturbation of the cell physiological status. Principal component analysis revealed that the impairment of esterase activity combined with the reduction of chlorophyll a content were related with the inhibition of growth caused by a prolonged exposure to the heavy metals.


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Because of the scientific evidence showing that arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) are human genotoxic carcinogens, the European Union (EU) recently set target values for metal concentration in ambient air (As: 6 ng/m3, Cd: 5 ng/m3, Ni: 20 ng/m3). The aim of our study was to determine the concentration levels of these trace elements in Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA) in order to assess whether compliance was occurring with these new EU air quality standards. Fine (PM2.5) and inhalable (PM10) air particles were collected from October 2011 to July 2012 at two different (urban and suburban) locations in PMA. Samples were analyzed for trace elements content by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study focused on determination of differences in trace elements concentration between the two sites, and between PM2.5 and PM10, in order to gather information regarding emission sources. Except for chromium (Cr), the concentration of all trace elements was higher at the urban site. However, results for As, Cd, Ni, and lead (Pb) were well below the EU limit/target values (As: 1.49 ± 0.71 ng/m3; Cd: 1.67 ± 0.92 ng/m3; Ni: 3.43 ± 3.23 ng/m3; Pb: 17.1 ± 10.1 ng/m3) in the worst-case scenario. Arsenic, Cd, Ni, Pb, antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), vanadium (V), and zinc (Zn) were predominantly associated to PM2.5, indicating that anthropogenic sources such as industry and road traffic are the main source of these elements. High enrichment factors (EF > 100) were obtained for As, Cd, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn, further confirming their anthropogenic origin.