50 resultados para maintenance cost

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Structural health monitoring has long been identified as a prominent application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), as traditional wired-based solutions present some inherent limitations such as installation/maintenance cost, scalability and visual impact. Nevertheless, there is a lack of ready-to-use and off-the-shelf WSN technologies that are able to fulfill some most demanding requirements of these applications, which can span from critical physical infrastructures (e.g. bridges, tunnels, mines, energy grid) to historical buildings or even industrial machinery and vehicles. Low-power and low-cost yet extremely sensitive and accurate accelerometer and signal acquisition hardware and stringent time synchronization of all sensors data are just examples of the requirements imposed by most of these applications. This paper presents a prototype system for health monitoring of civil engineering structures that has been jointly conceived by a team of civil, and electrical and computer engineers. It merges the benefits of standard and off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and communication technologies with a minimum set of custom-designed signal acquisition hardware that is mandatory to fulfill all application requirements.


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No Estádio do Dragão existem doze juntas de dilatação localizadas simetricamente, que separam o estádio em doze corpos independentes, com o objetivo de minimizar a fendilhação provocada pelas movimentações da estrutura resultantes da solicitação de ações diretas e, principalmente, indiretas nessa mesma estrutura. Neste relatório explicar-se-á a importância, causas e objetivos que levam à necessidade de utilização destas juntas de dilatação em geral nas edificações, e no caso particular do estádio referido. Este elemento estrutural é considerado pela empresa responsável pela manutenção do Estádio do Dragão como a causa de um dos principais problemas recorrentes no estádio que necessitam de uma exigente atenção. Esta consideração deve-se ao fato das intervenções nas juntas de dilatação terem um custo de manutenção bastante oneroso e também pelo frequente aparecimento de novas patologias associadas a este elemento, tais como infiltrações de água, que necessitam de uma reparação urgente. Portanto, no sentido de resolver estas patologias decorrentes do mau funcionamento dos sistemas de juntas existentes no Estádio do Dragão, foi proposto pela PortoEstádio a elaboração de procedimentos de um plano de manutenção das juntas de dilatação que permitisse planear as intervenções e mitigar o aparecimento dessas patologias, com o objetivo principal de minimizar os custos inerentes à manutenção das juntas de dilatação. Estes procedimentos solicitados e demais elementos complementares são apresentados no presente trabalho, com a classificação dos sistemas de juntas do Estádio do Dragão, identificação das principais patologias nos diversos sistemas de juntas, escolha de novos sistemas para substituição dos existentes no estádio e finalmente, a criação de uma calendarização de intervenções nas juntas para a implementação de um plano de manutenção preventiva neste elemento de grande importância estrutural.


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Effective legislation and standards for the coordination procedures between consumers, producers and the system operator supports the advances in the technologies that lead to smart distribution systems. In short-term (ST) maintenance scheduling procedure, the energy producers in a distribution system access to the long-term (LT) outage plan that is released by the distribution system operator (DSO). The impact of this additional information on the decision-making procedure of producers in ST maintenance scheduling is studied in this paper. The final ST maintenance plan requires the approval of the DSO that has the responsibility to secure the network reliability and quality, and other players have to follow the finalized schedule. Maintenance scheduling in the producers’ layer and the coordination procedure between them and the DSO is modelled in this paper. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution system.


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The current regulatory framework for maintenance outage scheduling in distribution systems needs revision to face the challenges of future smart grids. In the smart grid context, generation units and the system operator perform new roles with different objectives, and an efficient coordination between them becomes necessary. In this paper, the distribution system operator (DSO) of a microgrid receives the proposals for shortterm (ST) planned outages from the generation and transmission side, and has to decide the final outage plans, which is mandatory for the members to follow. The framework is based on a coordination procedure between the DSO and other market players. This paper undertakes the challenge of optimization problem in a smart grid where the operator faces with uncertainty. The results show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed regulatory framework in the modified IEEE 34- bus test system.


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In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.


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Distribution systems are the first volunteers experiencing the benefits of smart grids. The smart grid concept impacts the internal legislation and standards in grid-connected and isolated distribution systems. Demand side management, the main feature of smart grids, acquires clear meaning in low voltage distribution systems. In these networks, various coordination procedures are required between domestic, commercial and industrial consumers, producers and the system operator. Obviously, the technical basis for bidirectional communication is the prerequisite of developing such a coordination procedure. The main coordination is required when the operator tries to dispatch the producers according to their own preferences without neglecting its inherent responsibility. Maintenance decisions are first determined by generating companies, and then the operator has to check and probably modify them for final approval. In this paper the generation scheduling from the viewpoint of a distribution system operator (DSO) is formulated. The traditional task of the DSO is securing network reliability and quality. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed by applying it to a 6-bus and 9-bus distribution system.


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A evolução tecnológica, com particular incidência nas tecnologias de informação, e a necessidade de uma integração cada vez mais profunda do sector da manutenção na gestão estratégica global da empresa, contribuíram para o aparecimento dos sistemas de e-maintenance. Por outro lado, os conceitos associados à manutenção deverão estar cada vez mais associados à manutenção remota. Assim, o desenvolvimento de plataformas de e-maintenance, entendidas como a agregação de software e hardware e outras tecnologias integradas, permitiram implementar serviços, que foram determinantes para a evolução deste conceito. Nesta comunicação apresenta-se uma plataforma de e-maintenance aplicada a um sistema automatizado de pesagem de viaturas na indústria cimenteira. O sistema é baseado na monitorização constante da degradação dos componentes críticos que, através de um sistema de alertas, permite antecipar as falhas notificando, atempadamente, a equipe de operadores específicos. A aplicação foi desenvolvida na Framework SLV Cement da empresa Cachapuz. Possuindo vários módulos de gestão da manutenção esta plataforma permite definir e controlar todo o fluxo de informação.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is a multi-agent electricity market simulator to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. MASCEM provides several dynamic strategies for agents’ behavior. This paper presents a method that aims to provide market players with strategic bidding capabilities, allowing them to obtain the higher possible gains out of the market. This method uses a reinforcement learning algorithm to learn from experience how to choose the best from a set of possible bids. These bids are defined accordingly to the cost function that each producer presents.


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In this paper is presented a Game Theory based methodology to allocate transmission costs, considering cooperation and competition between producers. As original contribution, it finds the degree of participation on the additional costs according to the demand behavior. A comparative study was carried out between the obtained results using Nucleolus balance and Shapley Value, with other techniques such as Averages Allocation method and the Generalized Generation Distribution Factors method (GGDF). As example, a six nodes network was used for the simulations. The results demonstrate the ability to find adequate solutions on open access environment to the networks.


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In this paper we present a new methodology, based in game theory, to obtain the market balancing between Distribution Generation Companies (DGENCO), in liberalized electricity markets. The new contribution of this methodology is the verification of the participation rate of each agent based in Nucléolo Balancing and in Shapley Value. To validate the results we use the Zaragoza Distribution Network with 42 Bus and 5 DGENCO.


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In the energy management of the isolated operation of small power system, the economic scheduling of the generation units is a crucial problem. Applying right timing can maximize the performance of the supply. The optimal operation of a wind turbine, a solar unit, a fuel cell and a storage battery is searched by a mixed-integer linear programming implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). A Virtual Power Producer (VPP) can optimal operate the generation units, assured the good functioning of equipment, including the maintenance, operation cost and the generation measurement and control. A central control at system allows a VPP to manage the optimal generation and their load control. The application of methodology to a real case study in Budapest Tech, demonstrates the effectiveness of this method to solve the optimal isolated dispatch of the DC micro-grid renewable energy park. The problem has been converged in 0.09 s and 30 iterations.


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The management of energy resources for islanded operation is of crucial importance for the successful use of renewable energy sources. A Virtual Power Producer (VPP) can optimally operate the resources taking into account the maintenance, operation and load control considering all the involved cost. This paper presents the methodology approach to formulate and solve the problem of determining the optimal resource allocation applied to a real case study in Budapest Tech’s. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model (MILP) and solved by a deterministic optimization technique CPLEX-based implemented in General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS). The problem has also been solved by Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO). The obtained results are presented and compared.


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A criação de valor no mercado da saúde enquanto factor diferenciador para a negociação de preços e competitividade em contexto de crise mundial Numa altura em que o sector da saúde é apontado como uma área crítica de custos, torna-se cada vez mais difícil orientar a contratação em saúde baseada em valor para os pacientes, ou seja, pelos resultados obtidos e não pelo volume de cuidados prestados. Pretendeu-se estudar a criação de valor no mercado da saúde enquanto factor diferenciador para a negociação de preços e competitividade em contexto de crise económica. Procedeu-se à comparação dos resultados operacionais de uma empresa enquanto prestadora de serviços de Oxigenoterapia ao domicílio, tendo por base duas estratégias diferentes: redução directa de preços ou manutenção de preços com criação de valor para o cliente. As propostas foram posteriormente apresentadas para avaliação e votação on-line por um grupo 8 gestores hospitalares. A proposta baseada em valor (Nº2) apresenta melhores resultados operacionais (41%) embora apresente maiores custos. No que se refere à votação das propostas e tendo em conta o cenário apresentado, metade dos gestores optaram pela proposta Nº1 (N=4) e outra metade pela proposta Nº2 (N=4). Contudo, a maioria dos gestores (N=7) consideraram a proposta Nº1 a mais competitiva em contexto de competição com mais fornecedores. Conclui-se que numa negociação de contratos de cuidados de saúde, uma proposta baseada em valor, pode garantir a manutenção dos preços. Todavia, mantendo-se uma situação económica de recessão e num cenário competitivo de vários fornecedores este tipo de propostas pode não eleita, pelo facto de aparentemente não representar ganhos imediatos para a instituição contratante.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia


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The presented work was conducted within the Dissertation / Internship, branch of Environmental Protection Technology, associated to the Master thesis in Chemical Engineering by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto and it was developed in the Aquatest a.s, headquartered in Prague, in Czech Republic. The ore mining exploitation in the Czech Republic began in the thirteenth century, and has been extended until the twentieth century, being now evident the consequences of the intensive extraction which includes contamination of soil and sub-soil by high concentrations of heavy metals. The mountain region of Zlaté Hory was chosen for the implementation of the remediation project, which consisted in the construction of three cells (tanks), the first to raise the pH, the second for the sedimentation of the formed precipitates and a third to increase the process efficiency in order to reduce high concentrations of metals, with special emphasis on iron, manganese and sulfates. This project was initiated in 2005, being pioneer in this country and is still ongoing due to the complex chemical and biological phenomenon’s inherent to the system. At the site where the project was implemented, there is a natural lagoon, thereby enabling a comparative study of the two systems (natural and artificial) regarding the efficiency of both in the reduction/ removal of the referred pollutants. The study aimed to assist and cooperate in the ongoing investigation at the company Aquatest, in terms of field work conducted in Zlaté Hory and in terms of research methodologies used in it. Thereby, it was carried out a survey and analysis of available data from 2005 to 2008, being complemented by the treatment of new data from 2009 to 2010. Moreover, a theoretical study of the chemical and biological processes that occurs in both systems was performed. Regarding the field work, an active participation in the collection and in situ sample analyzing of water and soil from the natural pond has been attained, with the supervision of Engineer, Irena Šupiková. Laboratory analysis of water and soil were carried out by laboratory technicians. It was found that the natural lagoon is more efficient in reducing iron and manganese, being obtained removal percentages of 100%. The artificial lagoon had a removal percentage of 90% and 33% for iron and manganese respectively. Despite the minor efficiency of the constructed wetland, it must be pointed out that this system was designed for the treatment and consequent reduction of iron. In this context, it can conclude that the main goal has been achieved. In the case of sulphates, the removal optimization is yet a goal to be achieved not only in the Czech Republic but also in other places where this type of contamination persists. In fact, in the natural lagoon and in the constructed wetland, removal efficiencies of 45% and 7% were obtained respectively. It has been speculated that the water at the entrance of both systems has different sources. The analysis of the collected data shows at the entrance of the natural pond, a concentration of 4.6 mg/L of total iron, 14.6 mg/L of manganese and 951 mg/L of sulphates. In the artificial pond, the concentrations are 27.7 mg/L, 8.1 mg/L and 382 mg/L respectively for iron, manganese and sulphates. During 2010 the investigation has been expanded. The study of soil samples has started in order to observe and evaluate the contribution of bacteria in the removal of heavy metals being in its early phase. Summarizing, this technology has revealed to be an interesting solution, since in addition to substantially reduce the mentioned contaminants, mostly iron, it combines the low cost of implementation with an reduced maintenance, and it can also be installed in recreation parks, providing habitats for plants and birds.