8 resultados para living condition
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Background: Acute respiratory infections are usual in children under three years old occurring in upper respiratory tract, having an impact on child and caregiver’s quality of life predisposing to otitis media or bronchiolitis. There are few valid and reliable measures to determine the child’s respiratory condition and to guide the physiotherapy intervention. Aim: To assess the intra and inter rater reliability of nasal auscultation, to analyze the relation between sounds’ classification and middle ear’s pressure and compliance as well as with the Clinical Severity Score. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was composed by 125 nursery children aged up to three years old. Tympanometry, pulmonary and nasal auscultation and application of Clinical Severity Score were performed to each child. Nasal auscultation sounds’ were recorded and sent to 3 blinded experts, that classified, as “obstructed” and “unobstructed”, with a 48 hours interval, in order to analyze inter and intra rater reliability. Results: Nasal auscultation revealed a substantial inter and intra rater reliability (=0,749 and evaluator A - K= 0,691; evaluator B - K= 0,605 and evaluator C - K= 0,724, respectively). Both ears’ pressure was significantly lower in children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound when compared with an “obstructed” nasal sound (t=-3,599, p<0,001 in left ear; t=-2,258, p=0,026 in right ear). Compliance in both ears was significantly lower in children with an "obstructed" nasal sound when compared with “unobstructed” nasal sound (t=-2,728, p=0,007 in left ear; t=-3,830, p<0,001 in right ear). There was a statistically significant association between sounds’ classification and tympanograms types in both ear’s (=11,437, p=0,003 in left ear; =13,535, p=0,001 in right ear). There was a trend to children with an "unobstructed" nasal sound that had a lower clinical severity score when compared with “obstructed” children. Conclusion: It was observed a good intra and substantial inter reliability for nasal auscultation. Nasal auscultation sounds’ classification was related to middle ears’ pressure and compliance.
La tragi-comédie de Corneille, «Le Cid» (1636-7), est davantage une pièce d‘amour qui illustre bien la condition de la femme au XVIIème siècle. Le triangle amoureux constitué par l‘Infante, Chimène et Rodrigue est l‘un des fondements de la pièce. Cependant, comme les personnages sont insérés dans un système féodal basé sur une idéologie aristocratique, l‘amour ne se présente pas comme une jouissance paisible. De cette façon, il y a une lutte acharnée entre l‘amour, le devoir et l‘honneur, ce qui est frappant au niveau lexical. Les personnages les plus jeunes utilisent beaucoup de mots associés au thème de l‘amour et qui ont le radical amour-, tandis que les plus âgés emploient très souvent des mots qui appartiennent au champ lexical de l‘honneur et de la gloire. Selon D. Diègue, l‘honneur a plus de puissance que l‘amour, et il trouve que l‘homme qui s‘endort dans l‘amour oublie ses devoirs. Pour l‘Infante, Chimène et Rodrigue, l‘amour est lié à la souffrance. L‘Infante souffre, mais elle se conforme, parce qu‘étant donné qu‘elle est fille de roi, elle ne peut pas aimer Rodrigue qui appartient à un rang inférieur. Chimène est le revers de l‘Infante, c‘est une femme rebelle qui veut mouler sa destinée. Cependant, tout au long de la pièce, l‘héroïne est assujettie à une force mâle: si parfois l‘amour entre elle et Rodrigue ressemble à l‘amour courtois du Moyen âge quand il se met à la disposition de sa maîtresse et la place au-dessus de lui, la plupart du temps il met la passion en dessous de l‘honneur, parce que c‘est un homme et descend d‘une famille de guerriers vaillants. Selon le code chevaleresque dans lequel il est inséré la femme est inférieure à l‘homme. À la fin de la pièce, il y a une victoire de l‘amour sur l‘honneur et le devoir : Chimène abdique de son honneur en pardonnant et en prenant pour mari l‘assassin de son père. Le monde de l‘élément masculin triomphe et elle devient le prix de la victoire de Rodrigue. Mais si son statut de femme l‘empêche de sortir victorieuse, elle ne se conforme pas et dans sa dernière tirade elle met en question la justice et défie la société féodale.
Wind energy is considered a hope in future as a clean and sustainable energy, as can be seen by the growing number of wind farms installed all over the world. With the huge proliferation of wind farms, as an alternative to the traditional fossil power generation, the economic issues dictate the necessity of monitoring systems to optimize the availability and profits. The relatively high cost of operation and maintenance associated to wind power is a major issue. Wind turbines are most of the time located in remote areas or offshore and these factors increase the referred operation and maintenance costs. Good maintenance strategies are needed to increase the health management of wind turbines. The objective of this paper is to show the application of neural networks to analyze all the wind turbine information to identify possible future failures, based on previous information of the turbine.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Music - Artistic Interpretation
Objective The aim of this study was to determine tympanometric values of children who attend Oporto daycare centers and further analyze any relations with host and environmental factors. Methods Cross sectional study in a randomly selected sample of 117 daycare children up-to 3-years old from Oporto. Tympanometric measures were collected. Results Children presented in left ear (LE) a mean peak pressure (PP) of −156.53 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.16 cm3. Right ear (RE) revealed a PP of −145.61 daPa and a compliance of 0.19 cm3. Normal tympanograms (type A) had a lower frequency than abnormal tympanograms (type B and type C). There was a positive association between age and compliance (LE: p = 0.016; RE: p = 0.013) and between the presence of rhinorrhea and PP (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p < 0.05). Abnormal tympanograms were more frequent in Spring (RE: p = 0.009), in younger children (LE: p = 0.03) and in children that had rhinorrhea (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p = 0.044). Healthy children had a mean PP of −125.19 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.21 cm3 in LE and a mean PP of −144.27 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.22 cm3 in RE. Conclusion Tympanometric measures presented in this paper may be applicable to Oporto daycare children up-to 3 years-old. Most of daycare children revealed abnormal tympanograms. Age, rhinorrhea and season influenced children's middle-ear condition.
While fractional calculus (FC) is as old as integer calculus, its application has been mainly restricted to mathematics. However, many real systems are better described using FC equations than with integer models. FC is a suitable tool for describing systems characterised by their fractal nature, long-term memory and chaotic behaviour. It is a promising methodology for failure analysis and modelling, since the behaviour of a failing system depends on factors that increase the model’s complexity. This paper explores the proficiency of FC in modelling complex behaviour by tuning only a few parameters. This work proposes a novel two-step strategy for diagnosis, first modelling common failure conditions and, second, by comparing these models with real machine signals and using the difference to feed a computational classifier. Our proposal is validated using an electrical motor coupled with a mechanical gear reducer.
The adhesive bonding technique enables both weight and complexity reduction in structures that require some joining technique to be used on account of fabrication/component shape issues. Because of this, adhesive bonding is also one of the main repair methods for metal and composite structures by the strap and scarf configurations. The availability of strength prediction techniques for adhesive joints is essential for their generalized application and it can rely on different approaches, such as mechanics of materials, conventional fracture mechanics or damage mechanics. These two last techniques depend on the measurement of the fracture toughness (GC) of materials. Within the framework of damage mechanics, a valid option is the use of Cohesive Zone Modelling (CZM) coupled with Finite Element (FE) analyses. In this work, CZM laws for adhesive joints considering three adhesives with varying ductility were estimated. The End-Notched Flexure (ENF) test geometry was selected based on overall test simplicity and results accuracy. The adhesives Araldite® AV138, Araldite® 2015 and Sikaforce® 7752 were studied between high-strength aluminium adherends. Estimation of the CZM laws was carried out by an inverse methodology based on a curve fitting procedure, which enabled a precise estimation of the adhesive joints’ behaviour. The work allowed to conclude that a unique set of shear fracture toughness (GIIC) and shear cohesive strength (ts0) exists for each specimen that accurately reproduces the adhesive layer’ behaviour. With this information, the accurate strength prediction of adhesive joints in shear is made possible by CZM.
This article studies the intercultural trajectory of a Portuguese female aristocrat of the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. Her trajectory of intercultural transition from a Portuguese provincial lady into an independent owner of a sugar mill in tropical Bahia is documented through family letters, which provide a polyphonic representation of a movement of personal, family, and social transculturation over almost two decades. Maria Bárbara began her journey between cultures as a simple spectator-reader, progressively becoming a commentator-actor-protagonist-author in society, in politics, and in history. These letters function as a translation that is sometimes consecutive, other times simultaneous, of the events lived and witnessed. This concept of intercultural translation is based on the theories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2008), who argues that cultural differences imply that any comparison has to be made using procedures of proportion and correspondence which, taken as a whole, constitute the work of translation itself. These procedures construct approximations of the known to the unknown, of the strange to the familiar, of the ‘other’ to the ‘self’, categories which are always unstable. Likewise, this essay explores the unstable contexts of its object of study, with the purpose of understanding different rationalities and worldviews.