6 resultados para healthcare, mHealth, BSN, sensori, attuatori, mobilità, eHealth
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The central place hospitals occupy in health systems transforms them into prime target of healthcare reforms. This study aims to identify current trends in organizational structure change in public hospitals and explore the role of accounting in attempts to develop controls over professionals within public hospitals. The analytical framework we proposed crosses the concept of “new professionalism” (Evetts, 2010), with the concept of “accounting logic” for controlling professionals (Broadbent and Laughlin, 1995). Looking for a more holistic overview, we developed a qualitative and exploratory study. The data were collected trough semi-structured interviews with doctors of a clinical hospital unit. Content analysis suggests that, although we cannot say that there is a complete and generalized integration of accounting information in the clinical decisions, important improvement has been made in that area. Despite the extensive literature developed on this topic, there is any empirical studies of authors are aware that allow us to realize how real doctors in reals day-to-day work integrated these trends of change in theirs clinical decisions.
Health services
O presente documento de dissertação retrata o desenvolvimento do projeto PDS-Portal Institucional cujo cerne é um sistema para recolha, armazenamento e análise de dados (plataforma de Business Intelligence). Este portal está enquadrado na área da saúde e é uma peça fundamental no sistema da Plataforma de dados da Saúde, que é constituído por quatro portais distintos. Esta plataforma tem como base um sistema totalmente centrado no utente, que agrega dados de saúde dos utentes e distribui pelos diversos intervenientes: utente, profissionais de saúde nacionais e internacionais e organizações de saúde. O objetivo principal deste projeto é o desenvolvimento do PDS-Portal Institucional, recorrendo a uma plataforma de Business Intelligence, com o intuito de potenciar os utilizadores de uma ferramenta analítica para análise de dados. Estando a informação armazenada em dois dos portais da Plataforma de dados da Saúde (PDS-Portal Utente e PDS-Portal Profissional), é necessário modular um armazém de dados que agregue a informação de ambos e, através do PDS-PI, distribua um conjunto de análises ao utilizador final. Para tal este sistema comtempla um mecanismo totalmente automatizado para extração, tratamento e carregamento de dados para o armazém central, assim como uma plataforma de BI que disponibiliza os dados armazenados sobre a forma de análises específicas. Esta plataforma permite uma evolução constante e é extremamente flexível, pois fornece um mecanismo de gestão de utilizadores e perfis, assim como capacita o utilizador de um ambiente Web para análise de dados, permitindo a partilha e acesso a partir de dispositivos móveis. Após a implementação deste sistema foi possível explorar os dados e tirar diversas conclusões que são de extrema importância tanto para a evolução da PDS como para os métodos de praticar os cuidados de saúde em Portugal. Por fim são identificados alguns pontos de melhoria do sistema atual e delineada uma perspetiva de evolução futura. É certo que a partir do momento que este projeto seja lançado para produção, novas oportunidades surgirão e o contributo dos utilizadores será útil para evoluir o sistema progressivamente.
The concept of HRM perceptions is a growing interest in the literature, as one of the antecedents of HRM outcomes. Regardless, not only the cognitive aspect of perception is interesting in this field (what you think) but also the affective perspective is of interest (how you feel about it). In this study we propose a scale for assessing satisfaction with the perceptions of the HRM practices. A 24 item Likert-type scale was developed considering literature review, to assess subjects’ satisfaction with Human Resources Practices in a healthcare setting. Talked reflections were held and a survey encompassing all workers from a Hospital was conducted later, with a sample of 922 subjects. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were performed; reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha. The scale presents good psychometric properties with alpha values that range from .71 to .91. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated that the scale presents a very good fit with CFI= 0.94, AGFI= 0.88, and RMSEA= 0.07. The present study represents a first approach in the usage of this scale and despite having a large sample, respondents originate from a single institution. This study presents a pertinent scale towards measuring a seldom explored construct of the worker-organization relationship. The scale is parsimonious and results are promising. There seems to be very little research on how subjects feel about the HRM practices. This construct, very much in line with more recent studies concerning worker perceptions can be especially interesting in the context of the worker-organization relationship.
Health promotion in hospital environments can be improved using the most recent information and communication technologies. The Internet connectivity to small sensor nodes carried by patients allows remote access to their bio-signals. To promote these features the healthcare wireless sensor networks (HWSN) are used. In these networks mobility support is a key issue in order to keep patients under realtime monitoring even when they move around. To keep sensors connected to the network, they should change their access points of attachment when patients move to a new coverage area along an infirmary. This process, called handover, is responsible for continuous network connectivity to the sensors. This paper presents a detailed performance evaluation study considering three handover mechanisms for healthcare scenarios (Hand4MAC, RSSI-based, and Backbone-based). The study was performed by simulation using several scenarios with different number of sensors and different moving velocities of sensor nodes. The results show that Hand4MAC is the best solution to guarantee almost continuous connectivity to sensor nodes with less energy consumption.