15 resultados para environment management

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The use of demand response programs enables the adequate use of resources of small and medium players, bringing high benefits to the smart grid, and increasing its efficiency. One of the difficulties to proceed with this paradigm is the lack of intelligence in the management of small and medium size players. In order to make demand response programs a feasible solution, it is essential that small and medium players have an efficient energy management and a fair optimization mechanism to decrease the consumption without heavy loss of comfort, making it acceptable for the users. This paper addresses the application of real-time pricing in a house that uses an intelligent optimization module involving artificial neural networks.


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Urban Computing (UrC) provides users with the situation-proper information by considering context of users, devices, and social and physical environment in urban life. With social network services, UrC makes it possible for people with common interests to organize a virtual-society through exchange of context information among them. In these cases, people and personal devices are vulnerable to fake and misleading context information which is transferred from unauthorized and unauthenticated servers by attackers. So called smart devices which run automatically on some context events are more vulnerable if they are not prepared for attacks. In this paper, we illustrate some UrC service scenarios, and show important context information, possible threats, protection method, and secure context management for people.


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Smart grids are envisaged as infrastructures able to accommodate all centralized and distributed energy resources (DER), including intensive use of renewable and distributed generation (DG), storage, demand response (DR), and also electric vehicles (EV), from which plug-in vehicles, i.e. gridable vehicles, are especially relevant. Moreover, smart grids must accommodate a large number of diverse types or players in the context of a competitive business environment. Smart grids should also provide the required means to efficiently manage all these resources what is especially important in order to make the better possible use of renewable based power generation, namely to minimize wind curtailment. An integrated approach, considering all the available energy resources, including demand response and storage, is crucial to attain these goals. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource management that considers several Virtual Power Players (VPPs) managing a network with high penetration of distributed generation, demand response, storage units and network reconfiguration. The resources are controlled through a flexible SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system that can be accessed by the evolved entities (VPPs) under contracted use conditions. A case study evidences the advantages of the proposed methodology to support a Virtual Power Player (VPP) managing the energy resources that it can access in an incident situation.


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The smart grid concept is rapidly evolving in the direction of practical implementations able to bring smart grid advantages into practice. Evolution in legacy equipment and infrastructures is not sufficient to accomplish the smart grid goals as it does not consider the needs of the players operating in a complex environment which is dynamic and competitive in nature. Artificial intelligence based applications can provide solutions to these problems, supporting decentralized intelligence and decision-making. A case study illustrates the importance of Virtual Power Players (VPP) and multi-player negotiation in the context of smart grids. This case study is based on real data and aims at optimizing energy resource management, considering generation, storage and demand response.


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An auction model is used to increase the individual profits for market players with products they do not use. A Financial Transmission Rights Auction has the goal of trade transmission rights between Bidders and helps them raise their own profits. The ISO plays a major rule on keep the system in technical limits without interfere on the auctions offers. In some auction models the ISO decide want bids are implemented on the network, always with the objective maximize the individual profits for all bidders in the auction. This paper proposes a methodology for a Financial Transmission Rights Auction and an informatics application. The application receives offers from the purchase and sale side and considers bilateral contracts as Base Case. This goal is maximize the individual profits within the system in their technical limits. The paper includes a case study for the 30 bus IEEE test case.


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The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.


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It is widely accepted that solving programming exercises is fundamental to learn how to program. Nevertheless, solving exercises is only effective if students receive an assessment on their work. An exercise solved wrong will consolidate a false belief, and without feedback many students will not be able to overcome their difficulties. However, creating, managing and accessing a large number of exercises, covering all the points in the curricula of a programming course, in classes with large number of students, can be a daunting task without the appropriated tools working in unison. This involves a diversity of tools, from the environments where programs are coded, to automatic program evaluators providing feedback on the attempts of students, passing through the authoring, management and sequencing of programming exercises as learning objects. We believe that the integration of these tools will have a great impact in acquiring programming skills. Our research objective is to manage and coordinate a network of eLearning systems where students can solve computer programming exercises. Networks of this kind include systems such as learning management systems (LMS), evaluation engines (EE), learning objects repositories (LOR) and exercise resolution environments (ERE). Our strategy to achieve the interoperability among these tools is based on a shared definition of programming exercise as a Learning Object (LO).


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This paper addresses a gap in the literature concerning the management of Intellectual Capital (IC) in a port, which is a network of independent organizations that act together in the provision of a set of services. As far as the authors are aware, this type of empirical context has been unexplored when regarding knowledge management or IC creation/destruction. Indeed, most research in IC still focus on individual firms, despite the more recent interest placed on the analysis of macro-level units such as regions or nations. In this study, we conceptualise the port as meta-organisation, which has the generic goal of economic development, both for itself and for the region where it is located. It provides us with a unique environment due to its complexity as an “organisation” composed by several organisations, connected by interdependency relationships and, typically, with no formal hierarchy. Accordingly, actors’ interests are not always aligned and in some situations their individual interests can be misaligned with the collective goals of the port. Moreover, besides having their own interests, port actors also have different sources of influence and different levels of power, which can impact on the port’s Collective Intellectual Capital (CIC). Consequently, the management of the port’s CIC can be crucial in order for its goals to be met. With this paper we intend to discuss how the network coordinator (the port authority) manages those complex relations of interest and power in order to develop collaboration and mitigate conflict, thus creating collective intellectual assets or avoiding intellectual liabilities that may emerge for the whole port. The fact that we are studying complex and dynamic processes, about which there is a lack of understanding, in a complex and atypical organisation, leads us to consider the case study as an appropriate method of research. Evidence presented in this study results from preliminary interviews and also from document analysis. Findings suggest that alignment of interests and actions, at both dyadic and networking levels, is critical to develop a context of collaboration/cooperation within the port community and, accordingly, the port coordinator should make use of different types of power in order to ensure that port’s goals are achieved.


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The need for better adaptation of networks to transported flows has led to research on new approaches such as content aware networks and network aware applications. In parallel, recent developments of multimedia and content oriented services and applications such as IPTV, video streaming, video on demand, and Internet TV reinforced interest in multicast technologies. IP multicast has not been widely deployed due to interdomain and QoS support problems; therefore, alternative solutions have been investigated. This article proposes a management driven hybrid multicast solution that is multi-domain and media oriented, and combines overlay multicast, IP multicast, and P2P. The architecture is developed in a content aware network and network aware application environment, based on light network virtualization. The multicast trees can be seen as parallel virtual content aware networks, spanning a single or multiple IP domains, customized to the type of content to be transported while fulfilling the quality of service requirements of the service provider.


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Smart grids with an intensive penetration of distributed energy resources will play an important role in future power system scenarios. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources brings new challenges, requiring an efficient management of those sources. Additional storage resources can be beneficially used to address this problem; the massive use of electric vehicles, particularly of vehicle-to-grid (usually referred as gridable vehicles or V2G), becomes a very relevant issue. This paper addresses the impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in system operation costs and in power demand curve for a distribution network with large penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) units. An efficient management methodology for EVs charging and discharging is proposed, considering a multi-objective optimization problem. The main goals of the proposed methodology are: to minimize the system operation costs and to minimize the difference between the minimum and maximum system demand (leveling the power demand curve). The proposed methodology perform the day-ahead scheduling of distributed energy resources in a distribution network with high penetration of DG and a large number of electric vehicles. It is used a 32-bus distribution network in the case study section considering different scenarios of EVs penetration to analyze their impact in the network and in the other energy resources management.


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The purpose of this paper is to present a framework that increases knowledge sharing and collaboration in Higher Education Institutions. The paper discusses the concept of knowledge management in higher education institutions, presenting a systematization of knowledge practices and tools to linking people (students, teachers, researchers, secretariat staff, external entities)and promoting the knowledge sharing across several key processes and services in a higher education institution, such as: the research processes, learning processes, student and alumni services, administrative services and processes, and strategic planning and management. The framework purposed in this paper aims to improve knowledge practices and processes which facilitate an environment and a culture of knowledge collaboration,sharing and discovery that should characterize an institution of higher education.


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O presente trabalho de dissertação teve como objetivo a implementação de metodologias de Lean Management e avaliação do seu impacto no processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto. A abordagem utilizada consistiu em efetuar uma revisão da literatura e levantamento do Estado da Arte para obter a fundamentação teórica necessária à implementação de metodologias Lean. Prosseguiu com o levantamento da situação inicial da organização em estudo ao nível das atividades de desenvolvimento de produto, práticas de gestão documental e operacional e ainda de atividades de suporte através da realização de inquéritos e medições experimentais. Este conhecimento permitiu criar um modelo de referência para a implementação de Lean Management nesta área específica do desenvolvimento de produto. Após implementado, este modelo foi validado pela sua experimentação prática e recolha de indicadores. A implementação deste modelo de referência permitiu introduzir na Unidade de Desenvolvimento de Produto e Sistemas (DPS) da organização INEGI, as bases do pensamento Lean, contribuindo para a criação de um ambiente de Respeito pela Humanidade e de Melhoria Contínua. Neste ambiente foi possível obter ganhos qualitativos e quantitativos nas várias áreas em estudo, contribuindo de forma global para um aumento da eficiência e eficácia da DPS. Prevê-se que este aumento de eficiência represente um aumento da capacidade instalada na Organização, pela redução anual de 2290 horas de desperdício (6.5% da capacidade total da unidade) e pela redução significativa em custos operacionais. Algumas das implementações de melhoria propostas no decorrer deste trabalho, após verificado o seu sucesso, extravasaram a unidade em estudo e foram aplicadas transversalmente à da organização. Foram também obtidos ganhos qualitativos, tais como a normalização de práticas de gestão documental e a centralização e agilização de fluxos de informação. Isso permitiu um aumento de qualidade dos serviços prestados pela redução de correções e retrabalho. Adicionalmente, com o desenvolvimento de uma nova ferramenta que permite a monitorização do estado atual dos projetos a nível da sua percentagem de execução (cumprimento de objetivos), prazos e custos, bem como a estimação das datas de conclusão dos projetos possibilitando o replaneamento do projeto bem como a detecção atempada de desvios. A ferramenta permite também a criação de um histórico que identifica o esforço horário associado à realização das atividades/tarefas das várias áreas de Desenvolvimento de Produto e desta forma pode ser usada como suporte à orçamentação futura de atividades similares. No decorrer do projeto, foram também criados os mecanismos que permitem o cálculo de indicadores das competências técnicas e motivações intrínsecas individuais da equipa DPS. Estes indicadores podem ser usados na definição por parte dos gestores dos projetos da composição das equipas de trabalho, dos executantes de tarefas individuais do projeto e dos destinatários de ações de formação. Com esta informação é expectável que se consiga um maior aproveitamento do potencial humano e como consequência um aumento do desempenho e da satisfação pessoal dos recursos humanos da organização. Este caso de estudo veio demonstrar que o potencial de melhoria dos processos associados ao desenvolvimento de produto através de metodologias de Lean Management é muito significativo, e que estes resultam em ganhos visíveis para a organização bem como para os seus elementos individualmente.


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Demand response concept has been gaining increasing importance while the success of several recent implementations makes this resource benefits unquestionable. This happens in a power systems operation environment that also considers an intensive use of distributed generation. However, more adequate approaches and models are needed in order to address the small size consumers and producers aggregation, while taking into account these resources goals. The present paper focuses on the demand response programs and distributed generation resources management by a Virtual Power Player that optimally aims to minimize its operation costs taking the consumption shifting constraints into account. The impact of the consumption shifting in the distributed generation resources schedule is also considered. The methodology is applied to three scenarios based on 218 consumers and 4 types of distributed generation, in a time frame of 96 periods.


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Multi-agent approaches have been widely used to model complex systems of distributed nature with a large amount of interactions between the involved entities. Power systems are a reference case, mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources, which have potentiated huge changes in the power systems’ sector. Dealing with such a large scale integration of intermittent generation sources led to the emergence of several new players, as well as the development of new paradigms, such as the microgrid concept, and the evolution of demand response programs, which potentiate the active participation of consumers. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation platform which models a microgrid environment, considering several different types of simulated players. These players interact with real physical installations, creating a realistic simulation environment with results that can be observed directly in the reality. A case study is presented considering players’ responses to a demand response event, resulting in an intelligent increase of consumption in order to face the wind generation surplus.


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Teaching and learning computer programming is as challenging as difficult. Assessing the work of students and providing individualised feedback to all is time-consuming and error prone for teachers and frequently involves a time delay. The existent tools and specifications prove to be insufficient in complex evaluation domains where there is a greater need to practice. At the same time Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are appearing revealing a new way of learning, more dynamic and more accessible. However this new paradigm raises serious questions regarding the monitoring of student progress and its timely feedback. This paper provides a conceptual design model for a computer programming learning environment. This environment uses the portal interface design model gathering information from a network of services such as repositories and program evaluators. The design model includes also the integration with learning management systems, a central piece in the MOOC realm, endowing the model with characteristics such as scalability, collaboration and interoperability. This model is not limited to the domain of computer programming and can be adapted to any complex area that requires systematic evaluation with immediate feedback.