5 resultados para electrical transmission and distribution

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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In recent decades, all over the world, competition in the electric power sector has deeply changed the way this sector’s agents play their roles. In most countries, electric process deregulation was conducted in stages, beginning with the clients of higher voltage levels and with larger electricity consumption, and later extended to all electrical consumers. The sector liberalization and the operation of competitive electricity markets were expected to lower prices and improve quality of service, leading to greater consumer satisfaction. Transmission and distribution remain noncompetitive business areas, due to the large infrastructure investments required. However, the industry has yet to clearly establish the best business model for transmission in a competitive environment. After generation, the electricity needs to be delivered to the electrical system nodes where demand requires it, taking into consideration transmission constraints and electrical losses. If the amount of power flowing through a certain line is close to or surpasses the safety limits, then cheap but distant generation might have to be replaced by more expensive closer generation to reduce the exceeded power flows. In a congested area, the optimal price of electricity rises to the marginal cost of the local generation or to the level needed to ration demand to the amount of available electricity. Even without congestion, some power will be lost in the transmission system through heat dissipation, so prices reflect that it is more expensive to supply electricity at the far end of a heavily loaded line than close to an electric power generation. Locational marginal pricing (LMP), resulting from bidding competition, represents electrical and economical values at nodes or in areas that may provide economical indicator signals to the market agents. This article proposes a data-mining-based methodology that helps characterize zonal prices in real power transmission networks. To test our methodology, we used an LMP database from the California Independent System Operator for 2009 to identify economical zones. (CAISO is a nonprofit public benefit corporation charged with operating the majority of California’s high-voltage wholesale power grid.) To group the buses into typical classes that represent a set of buses with the approximate LMP value, we used two-step and k-means clustering algorithms. By analyzing the various LMP components, our goal was to extract knowledge to support the ISO in investment and network-expansion planning.


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Com a alteração da legislação energética em Portugal, nomeadamente a implementação da legislação de Micro e Minigeração, a produção distribuída cresceu de forma exponencial na rede elétrica nacional, diminuindo por um lado as perdas no transporte e distribuição, e por outro aumentando a complexidade na gestão do trânsito de potência ao Distribuidor. No entanto a motivação desta dissertação prende-se com o facto de que as centrais de produção distribuída, em particular as de tecnologia fotovoltaica, pela sua dimensão, serem instaladas nos pontos de consumo, em paralelo com a instalação elétrica de utilização do cliente e como tal, têm sido verificadas diversas anomalias no funcionamento e exploração das mesmas, por influência da má qualidade de energia resultante das más condições de funcionamento e exploração em que se encontram as instalações de consumo. A presente dissertação pretende apresentar uma descrição das anomalias mais frequentes verificadas nas centrais fotovoltaicas de minigeração com origem na qualidade da energia que transita das instalações elétricas de consumo ligadas ao mesmo ponto de interligação com a rede elétrica nacional. Como base de fundamento, foram demonstradas através de três casos práticos reais, algumas das mais frequentes e prejudiciais anomalias descritas na presente dissertação. Foram escolhidos 3 casos reais com diferentes tipos de instalação de consumo sendo que um deles não apresenta qualquer anomalia de forma a comprovar o bom funcionamento em condições normais de ambas as instalações. Foram encontradas e demonstradas várias soluções paras os diferentes tipos de anomalias, no entanto esta dissertação vai permitir não só a resolução deste tipo de anomalias em centrais fotovoltaicas em exploração e já com prejuízos avultados mas também introduzir em futuras instalações a análise da qualidade da energia nas instalações de consumo em fase preliminar de estudo de implementação de centrais fotovoltaicas de minigeração e de autoconsumo, precavendo futuros problemas de rentabilidade técnico-económica. Este estudo, irá certamente servir de motor de impulsão para a preocupação com a Qualidade da Energia essencialmente dentro das instalações elétricas de consumo sensibilizando os seus gestores energéticos. Poderá ainda impulsionar a reformulação do Regulamento de Qualidade de Serviço para exigências ainda mais apertadas de forma a incorporar algumas das anomalias aqui descritas, sendo por isso um elemento de alerta para todos os “Players” do Sistema Elétrico Nacional tendo como limite a melhoria continua da Segurança e da Qualidade da energia na rede elétrica beneficiando da sensibilização de todos os intervenientes.


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Gradually smart grids and smart meters are closer to the home consumers. Several countries has developed studies focused in the impacts arising from the introduction of these technologies and one of the main advantages are related to energy efficiency, observed through the awareness of the population on behalf of a more efficient consumption. These benefits are felt directly by consumers through the savings on electricity bills and also by the concessionaires through the minimization of losses in transmission and distribution, system stability, smaller loading during peak hours, among others. In this article two projects that demonstrate the potential energy savings through smart meters and smart grids are presented. The first performed in Korea, focusing on the installation of smart meters and the impact of use of user interfaces. The second performed in Portugal, focusing on the control of loads in a residence with distributed generation.


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In a liberalized electricity market, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) plays a crucial role in power system operation. Among many other tasks, TSO detects congestion situations and allocates the payments of electricity transmission. This paper presents a software tool for congestion management and transmission price determination in electricity markets. The congestion management is based on a reformulated Optimal Power Flow (OPF), whose main goal is to obtain a feasible solution for the re-dispatch minimizing the changes in the dispatch proposed by the market operator. The transmission price computation considers the physical impact caused by the market agents in the transmission network. The final tariff includes existing system costs and also costs due to the initial congestion situation and losses costs. The paper includes a case study for the IEEE 30 bus power system.


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This paper presents a software tool (SIM_CMTP) that solves congestion situations and evaluates the taxes to be paid to the transmission system by market agents. SIM_CMTP provides users with a set of alternative methods for cost allocation and enables the definition of specific rules, according to each market and/or situation needs. With these characteristics, SIM_CMTP can be used as an operation aid for Transmission System Operator (TSO) or Independent System Operator (ISO). Due to its openness, it can also be used as a decision-making support tool for evaluating different options of market rules in competitive market environment, guarantying the economic sustainability of the transmission system.