5 resultados para division of company

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Link do editor: http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/role-lifelong-learning-creation-european/13314


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The dominant discourse in education and training policies, at the turn of the millennium, was on lifelong learning (LLL) in the context of a knowledge-based society. As Green points (2002, pp. 611-612) several factors contribute to this global trend: The demographic change: In most advanced countries, the average age of the population is increasing, as people live longer; The effects of globalisation: Including both economic restructuring and cultural change which have impacts on the world of education; Global economic restructuring: Which causes, for example, a more intense demand for a higher order of skills; the intensified economic competition, forcing a wave of restructuring and creating enormous pressure to train and retrain the workforce In parallel, the “significance of the international division of labour cannot be underestimated for higher education”, as pointed out by Jarvis (1999, p. 250). This author goes on to argue that globalisation has exacerbated differentiation in the labour market, with the First World converting faster to a knowledge economy and a service society, while a great deal of the actual manufacturing is done elsewhere.


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Esta dissertação, que foi desenvolvida no seio da Divisão de Equipamento Industrial (DEI) da empresa Toyota Caetano Portugal, S.A. (TCAP), consiste na análise do processo de atendimento a clientes, a partir de uma investigação efectuada no escritório oficinal (EO) do sector Após-Venda Empilhadores (AVE). A recolha de dados, bem como o acompanhamento do processo de atendimento a clientes, têm como objectivo perceber quais as principais dificuldades do processo, para posteriormente ser definida a estratégia a utilizar no sentido de combater os pontos críticos do relacionamento com os clientes. Esta investigação permitiu identificar várias dificuldades no registo de pedidos de assistência, na pesquisa de informação e também no acesso aos dados pelo cliente. Assim, foi criado um protótipo informático com capacidade para dar resposta às deficiências identificadas. Foram analisados os requisitos necessários para o sistema de informação de suporte e transformado o processo de tratamento de dados (pedidos de assistência, pesquisas, acessos…), até aqui manual, num processo automático, inovador e acima de tudo funcional. Pretende-se desta forma, oferecer um serviço de confiança aos clientes gerando uma lealdade duradoura e acrescentar valor à empresa.


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The impact of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn) on growth, cell volume and cell division of the freshwateralga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata exposed over a period of 72 h was investigated. The algal cells wereexposed to three nominal concentrations of each metal: low (closed to 72 h-EC10values), intermediate(closed to 72 h-EC50values) and high (upper than 72 h-EC90values). The exposure to low metal concen-trations resulted in a decrease of cell volume. On the contrary, for the highest metal concentrations anincrease of cell volume was observed; this effect was particularly notorious for Cd and less pronouncedfor Zn. Two behaviours were found when algal cells were exposed to intermediate concentrations ofmetals: Cu(II) and Cr(VI) induced a reduction of cell volume, while Cd(II) and Zn(II) provoked an oppositeeffect. The simultaneous nucleus staining and cell image analysis, allowed distinguishing three phases inP. subcapitata cell cycle: growth of mother cell; cell division, which includes two divisions of the nucleus;and, release of four autospores. The exposure of P. subcapitata cells to the highest metal concentrationsresulted in the arrest of cell growth before the first nucleus division [for Cr(VI) and Cu(II)] or after thesecond nucleus division but before the cytokinesis (release of autospores) when exposed to Cd(II). Thedifferent impact of metals on algal cell volume and cell-cycle progression, suggests that different toxic-ity mechanisms underlie the action of different metals studied. The simultaneous nucleus staining andcell image analysis, used in the present work, can be a useful tool in the analysis of the toxicity of thepollutants, in P. subcapitata, and help in the elucidation of their different modes of action.


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This research focuses on the influence of company sector and size on the level of utilization of Basic and Advanced Quality Tools. The paper starts with a literature review and then presents the methodology used for the survey. Based on the responses from 202 managers of Portuguese ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certified organizations, statistical tests were performed. Results show, with 95% confidence level, that industry and services have a similar proportion of use of Basic and Advanced Quality Tools. Concerning size, bigger companies show a higher trend to use Advanced Quality Tools than smaller ones. For Basic Quality Tools, there was no statistical significant difference at a 95% confidence level for different company sizes. The three basic Quality tools with higher utilization were Check sheets, Flow charts and Histograms (for Services) or Control Charts/ (for Industry), however 22% of the surveyed organizations reported not using Basic Quality Tools, which highlights a major improvement opportunity for these companies. Additional studies addressing motivations, benefits and barriers for Quality Tools application should be undertaken for further validation and understanding of these results.