169 resultados para concept learning
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
A presente comunicação visa discutir as mais-valias de um desenho metodológico sustentado numa abordagem conceptual da Terminologia aplicado ao exercício de harmonização da definição do cenário educativo mais promissor do Ensino Superior actual: o blended learning. Sendo a Terminologia uma disciplina que se ocupa da representação, da descrição e da definição do conhecimento especializado através da língua a essência deste domínio do saber responde a uma necessidade fundamental da sociedade actual: putting order into our universe, nas palavras de Nuopponen (2011). No contexto descrito, os conceitos, enquanto elementos da estrutura do conhecimento (Sager, 1990) constituem um objecto de investigação de complexidade não despicienda, pois apesar do postulado de que a língua constitui uma ferramenta fundamental para descrever e organizar o conhecimento, o princípio isomórfico não pode ser tomado como adquirido. A abordagem conceptual em Terminologia propõe uma visão precisa do papel da língua no trabalho terminológico, sendo premissa basilar que não existe uma correspondência unívoca entre os elementos atomísticos do conhecimento e os elementos da expressão linguística. É pela razões enunciadas que as opções metodológicas circunscritas à análise do texto de especialidade serão consideradas imprecisas. Nesta reflexão perspectiva-se que o conceito-chave de uma abordagem conceptual do trabalho terminológico implica a combinação de um processo de elicitação do conhecimento tácito através de uma negociação discursiva orientada para o conceito e a análise de corpora textuais. Defende-se consequentemente que as estratégias de interacção entre terminólogo e especialista de domínio merecem atenção detalhada pelo facto de se reflectirem com expressividade na qualidade dos resultados obtidos. Na sequência do exposto, o modelo metodológico que propomos sustenta-se em três etapas que privilegiam um refinamento dessa interacção permitindo ao terminólogo afirmar-se como sujeito conceptualizador, decisor e interventor: (1) etapa exploratória do domínio-objecto de estudo; (2) etapa de análise onamasiológica de evidência textual e discursiva; (3) etapa de modelização e de validação de resultados. Defender-se-á a produtividade de uma sequência cíclica entre a análise textual e discursiva para fins onomasiológicos, a interacção colaborativa e a introspecção.
With the advent of Web 2.0, new kinds of tools became available, which are not seen as novel anymore but are widely used. For instance, according to Eurostat data, in 2010 32% of individuals aged 16 to 74 used the Internet to post messages to social media sites or instant messaging tools, ranging from 17% in Romania to 46% in Sweden (Eurostat, 2012). Web 2.0 applications have been used in technology-enhanced learning environments. Learning 2.0 is a concept that has been used to describe the use of social media for learning. Many Learning 2.0 initiatives have been launched by educational and training institutions in Europe. Web 2.0 applications have also been used for informal learning. Web 2.0 tools can be used in classrooms, virtual or not, not only to engage students but also to support collaborative activities. Many of these tools allow users to use tags to organize resources and facilitate their retrieval at a later date or time. The aim of this chapter is to describe how tagging has been used in systems that support formal or informal learning and to summarize the functionalities that are common to these systems. In addition, common and unusual tagging applications that have been used in some Learning Objects Repositories are analysed.
In recent years the concept of eLearning Framework emerged associated with several initiatives promoted by educational organizations. These initiatives share a common goal: to create flexible learning environments by integrating heterogeneous systems already available in many educational institutions. The paper provides an introductory survey on eLearning Frameworks. It gathers information on these initiatives categorizes them and compares their features regarding a set of predefined criteria such as: architecture, business model, primary user groups, technical implementations, adopted standards, maturity and future development.
The concept of Learning Object (LO) is crucial for the standardization on eLearning. The latest LO standard from IMS Global Learning Consortium is the IMS Common Cartridge (IMS CC) that organizes and distributes digital learning content. By analyzing this new specification we considered two interoperability levels: content and communication. A common content format is the backbone of interoperability and is the basis for content exchange among eLearning systems. Communication is more than just exchanging content; it includes also accessing to specialized systems and services and reporting on content usage. This is particularly important when LOs are used for evaluation. In this paper we analyze the Common Cartridge profile based on the two interoperability levels we proposed. We detail its data model that comprises a set of derived schemata referenced on the CC schema and we explore the use of the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) to allow remote tools and content to be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS). In order to test the applicability of IMS CC for automatic evaluation we define a representation of programming exercises using this standard. This representation is intended to be the cornerstone of a network of eLearning systems where students can solve computer programming exercises and obtain feedback automatically. The CC learning object is automatically generated based on a XML dialect called PExIL that aims to consolidate all the data need to describe resources within the programming exercise life-cycle. Finally, we test the generated cartridge on the IMS CC online validator to verify its conformance with the IMS CC specification.
A evolução dos dispositivos móveis e a mudança de paradigma educacional, permitiu o surgimento de um novo conceito no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, o mobile learning. O mobile learning pode ser visto como um conceito multidisciplinar, dependendo da perspetiva de cada autor, pois ainda não existe um consenso em relação à definição do conceito. No entanto, todos os autores concordam que o mobile learning consiste na aquisição de conhecimento ou competência através do uso de tecnologias móveis, em qualquer lugar e momento. A presente investigação, de natureza exploratória, pretendeu estudar a receptividade e predisposição dos estudantes e docentes do ensino superior para com a utilização do mobile learning, uma vez que o ensino superior parece ser o ambiente ideal para a realização deste estudo. Por um lado, devido à democratização dos dispositivos móveis, por outro, porque o Instituto Politécnico do Porto pretende vir a implementar um projeto de mobile learning, enquadrado no e- IPP. Deste modo, para a concretização desta investigação, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica exaustiva que serviu de base de sustentação para todo o trabalho, complementada com um questionário, de forma a dar resposta às questões de investigação. Depois de recolhidos todos os resultados obtidos através do questionário, procedeu-se à análise e discussão mesmos, bem como às respectivas conclusões.
The integration of the Smart Grid concept into the electric grid brings to the need for an active participation of small and medium players. This active participation can be achieved using decentralized decisions, in which the end consumer can manage loads regarding the Smart Grid needs. The management of loads must handle the users’ preferences, wills and needs. However, the users’ preferences, wills and needs can suffer changes when faced with exceptional events. This paper proposes the integration of exceptional events into the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM) system developed by the authors, to handle machine learning issues in the domestic consumption context. An illustrative application and learning case study is provided in this paper.
8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE)
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE), Guimarães, 2016
In this paper we describe a casestudy of an experiment on how reflexivity and technology can enhance learning, by using ePorfolios as a training environment to develop translation skills. Translation is today a multiskilled job and translators need to assure their clients a good performance and quality, both in language and in technology domains. In order to accomplish it, for the translator all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pretranslation and posttranslation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance for collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation, namely in terminology management phases, for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development and usability of ePorfolios.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used all over Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and the need to know and understand its adoption and usage arises. However, there is a lack of information about how LMSs are being used, which are the most adopted, whether there is a country adoption standard and which countries use more LMSs. A research team is developing a project that tries to fill this lack of information and provide the needed answers. With this purpose, on a first phase, it a survey was taken place. The results of this survey are presented in this paper. Another purpose of this paper is to disseminate the ongoing project.
In the context of the Bologna Declaration a change is taking place in the teaching/learning paradigm. From teaching-centered education, which emphasizes the acquisition and transmission of knowledge, we now speak of learning-centered education, which is more demanding for students. This paradigm promotes a continuum of lifelong learning, where the individual needs to be able to handle knowledge, to select what is appropriate for a particular context, to learn permanently and to understand how to learn in new and rapidly changing situations. One attempt to face these challenges has been the experience of ISCAP regarding the teaching/learning of accounting in the course Managerial Simulation. This paper describes the process of teaching, learning and assessment in an action-based learning environment. After a brief general framework that focuses on education objectives, we report the strengths and limitations of this teaching/learning tool. We conclude with some lessons from the implementation of the project.
O uso crescente da Internet (World Wide Web), e das suas potencialidades tecnológicas têm contribuído para uma proliferação de ambientes de ensino/aprendizagem, baseados em Tecnologia. A comunidade científica reúne consenso quanto às vantagens da reutilização de conteúdos de aprendizagem e à adopção de standards com vista à interoperabilidade entre conteúdos/objectos partilháveis e plataformas. Este artigo tem como objectivo reflectir sobre o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de ensino combinada de aprendizagem com recurso a Learning Objects, no âmbito do trabalho de doutoramento.
This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.
Th The purpose of this article is to share the implementation of workgroup activities: a game of learning supported by web technology; Effective educational strategies that encourage a dynamic combination of being flexible, individualized and personalized must be the aim of every school; The blended-learning plays an important role; In this article we describe an online collaborative game which uses an inside and outside collaboration in order to promote the motivation and effective learning; Pedagogical strategies, that use technologies appropriately, in higher education, can promote active learning, centered on students and thus valuing their personal experiences and participation;
This article examines Lifelong Learning, from the perspective of the adult learner in higher education, by presenting some of the results of a project, funded by the European Commission's Socrates Programme, LIHE, Learning in Higher Education. It is structured as follows: first, the background of the project is described, then the experiences of the adult student, concerning their induction and tuition, are presented. Some future trends concerning adults in higher education and lifelong learning are outlined and conclusions drawn.