14 resultados para communicative skills
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Versão editor: http://www.isegi.unl.pt/docentes/acorreia/documentos/European_Challenge_KM_Innovation_2004.pdf
A survey was conducted among students of the Accounting and Administration undergraduate degree at ISCAP – IPP (School of Accounting and Administration of Polytechnic Institute of Porto) in order to understand their perception value of their course Business Simulation (BS). This course is provided in a business environment where students can learn by doing through the management of a company as they were in the real life, but risk-free. The learning tasks are provided in an action-oriented format to maximize the learning process. Students learn by doing a set of tasks every session and have also to produce reports and presentations during the course. BS is part of the undergraduate degree of Accounting and Administration at ISCAP – IPP since the beginning of 2003. The questionnaire we used captured the students’ perception about general and specific skills and competencies considered important for managers and accountants in the real life, about the methodology used in the course, which is totally different from the traditional form, and also about the adequacy of the course included as part of the undergraduate degree. The results showed that students’ perception is highly positive and almost all of them think they improve the skills needed for a job during the course. These results are consistent with [1] Adler and Milne’s research in which the authors found that students agree with the use of action-oriented learning tasks in order to provide them the needed attitudes, skills, and knowledge. The improvement of group skills is the most important issue for students, which can be understandable as BS is the only course from the degree in Accounting and Administration they really have to work in groups.
Numa sociedade onde as correntes migrações desenham um novo contexto de sociabilização e onde a globalização conduz ao aumento incomensurável das reuniões interculturais, é fulcral recentrar a importância do ensino da interpretação dita de comunidade. A inauguração do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, reformulado a partir da Licenciatura Bi-Etápica homónima, veio apresentar um desenho dos curricula em Interpretação cujo entendimento é mais pragmático. Assim sendo, à tradicional divisão entre Interpretação Simultânea e Interpretação Consecutiva sucedeu a introdução das unidades curriculares de Interpretação de Conferência, Interpretação Remota e de Teleconferência e de Interpretação de Acompanhamento. Este estudo pretende apresentar e discutir as diferentes abordagens pedagógicas ensaiadas no decorrer da implementação da unidade curricular de Interpretação de Acompanhamento, sustentadas por uma reflexão de cariz científico-pedagógico, filtrada pelas tendências de investigação mais recentes nesta área. Adoptámos a designação de Interpretação de Acompanhamento para descrever uma situação comunicativa que decorre em contextos variados e heterogéneos, em detrimento de outras designações de abrangência mais restrita, como Interpretação de Liaison – que remete para um acompanhamento em contexto de negócios ou de visita cultural ou turística – e Interpretação de Comunidade – reportando-se à mediação linguística de alguém que não fala a linguagem da maioria, normalmente no âmbito judicial, social, ou de saúde. Concentraremos, por conseguinte, a nossa atenção nas questões que se seguem: Que estratégias pedagógicas melhor se adaptam ao ensino desta disciplina? Como reproduzir a heterogeneidade dos contextos comunicativos que a Interpretação de Acompanhamento envolve numa sala de aula? Que ponderação deve assumir o desempenho linguístico em comparação com as competências de mediação intercultural? Como integrar, na prática, conceitos e teorias no domínio da Interpretação de Acompanhamento?
Economical development has always been connected to the commercial exchanges between people, due to the necessity to suppress their needs. With the increasing growth of international business and more competitive and demanding markets, exportation has become an important first step to internationalisation. Unlike what happened in the past, companies must be aware that the enrolment in the current global market is risky and requires elaborated technical procedures. Internationalisation should not be treated as an isolated event of business management. The first part of this paper aims to understand the export process and fit it in the current stage of international trade, keeping in mind the framework of export under the customs law. Then, we tried to understand how Portuguese companies should face this process in their internationalisation strategy, and what skills organisations must acquire to be able to export competitively in the current scenario of globalisation. The investigation was based on interviews in companies that, through a process of internationalisation by exportation, have implemented themselves strongly in extern markets. This investigation allowed us to analyse the companies’ motivations to become international, as well as the selection criteria for the export destinations. It was also possible to identify the main obstacles to the internationalisation of Portuguese companies. We concluded that companies that choose exportation as a way to become international acquire specific skills that enable them to become competitive in international trade. However, studies have failed to answer the second initial question about whether the measures implemented by Customs potentiate exports.
Mestrado em Ensino Precoce do Inglês
INTED2010, the 4th International Technology, Education and Development Conference was held in Valencia (Spain), on March 8, 9 and 10, 2010.
The aim of this paper is the assessment of information literacy skills related to European topics, among a group of 234 users of 55 European Documentation Centres (EDCs), from 21 European Union Member- States. We will present the results of a survey European information. So we will analyse the answers given by the users of the EDCs relating to aspects like the best sources to access trustworthy and impartial Europe information. The factors determining access to information on the EU and the frequency of this access will equally be analysed. The reasons the users gave for the ease or difficulty in accessing European information are also included and pondered on. Parallel to this, we will evaluate the aspects most valued by the users of this kind of information. Our findings on the use of European information available on the Internet, especially the knowledge and making use of databases will be presented. Based on this analysis the paper will demonstrate the need to develop information literacy competencies to identify, use and access European information. Doing so, some potential components of information literacy skills adapted to European information will be introduced.
This paper focuses on the Portuguese results from an international survey on LIS students’ information literacy skills. The results’ analysis will be grounded on a literature review on the criteria application to evaluate information and determine the credibility by undergraduate students. The guidelines for the information evaluation, especially regarding credibility aspect, on three main information literacy frameworks will be presented. After an overall presentation of the main results, the analysis of the Portuguese survey results will focus on issues related to information evaluation skills, namely on criteria to assess information credibility and on difficulties to apply them.
This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, it’s also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.
Tendo em conta um enfoque comunicativo experiencial (Fernández- Corbacho, 2014) e uma pedagogia crítica emancipatória (Jiménez Raya, Lamb & Vieira, 2007), enriquecida por enfoques multissensoriais (Arslan, 2009), é nossa intenção, com este projeto, contribuir para a implementação de práticas que espelhem as variedades linguísticas e culturais da Hispanoamérica (Liceras, 1995; Beave, 2000) na aula de espanhol como língua estrangeira no ensino secundário português. Neste estudo, através duma perspetiva metodológica de índole qualitativa, pretendemos, como ponto de partida, analisar: a) as representações de alunos portugueses sobre o lugar da Hispanoamérica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira (Altmann & Vences, 2004; Pérez, 2003), através de inquéritos por questionário; e, ainda, b) as abordagens das variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, que surgem nos manuais utilizados no ensino secundário português. Por outro lado, através de um estudo de caso (Benson, Chik, Gao, Huang & Wang, 2009), procurámos evidenciar uma mostra de possíveis boas práticas didático-pedagógicas e materiais, com vista a um trabalho sistemático e próativo com as variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, baseado numa (hiper)pedagogia crítica e encarando a língua enquanto objeto manipulável e potenciador de cidadãos verdadeiramente conscientes do mundo. Para tal, criámos materiais físicos e digitais, que foram posteriormente implementados com alunos do 11º ano de escolaridade, no nível de iniciação de espanhol, num agrupamento de escolas da região de Aveiro. Os resultados mostram que práticas e materiais desta natureza poderão favorecer aprendizagens comunicativas experienciais, quanto à criação de futuros cidadãos críticos e ativos, fomentando o desenvolvimento das suas competências comunicativa plurilingue e pluricultural e duma consciência cultural crítica (Byram, Gribkova & Starkey, 2002) dos alunos, no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem do ensino secundário.
This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, it’s also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.
The goal of this project, one of the proposals of the EPS@ISEP Spring 2014, was to develop an Aquaponics System. Over recent years Aquaponics systems have received increased attention since they contribute to reduce the strain on resources within 1st and 3rd world countries. Aquaponics is the combination of Hydroponics and Aquaculture, mimicking a natural environment in order to successfully apply and enhance the understanding of natural cycles within an indoor process. Using this knowledge of natural cycles, it was possible to create a system with capabilities similar to that of a natural environment with the support of electronics, enhancing the overall efficiency of the system. The multinational team involved in the development of this system was composed of five students from five countries and fields of study. This paper describes their solution, including the overall design, the technology involved and the benefits it can bring to the current market. The team was able to design and render the Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings of the prototype, assemble all components, successfully test the electronics and comply with the budget. Furthermore, the designed solution was supported by a product sustainability study and included a specific marketing plan. Last but not least, the students enrolled in this project obtained new multidisciplinary knowledge and increased their team work and cross-cultural communication skills.
Numa era de globalização, de desenvolvimento tecnológico exponencial e de consumismo exacerbado, a publicidade conquistou o quotidiano das sociedades modernas e seduziu, também, as nossas crianças. Subjacente ao paradigma de que o comportamento humano dá respostas favoráveis a estímulos adequados e apresentados com oportunidade e habilidade (Caetano et al., 2011), colocamos a hipótese de utilização didática de anúncios publicitários na aula de Inglês para o desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas. Este projeto assentou no aproveitamento do potencial que a publicidade oferece, tendo em conta, por um lado, a envolvência sedutora que a torna um meio privilegiado para captar a atenção e veicular informação e, por outro, a prevalência de palavras em Inglês que nela se observa. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, é o resultado de uma investigação-ação, na qual adotamos uma metodologia baseada num modelo descritivo e interpretativo, através de métodos qualitativos de recolha de dados e análise de informação, que teve como participantes crianças do 4.º ano de escolaridade. Desenvolvemos questionários, como instrumentos de recolha de dados, aplicados a professores e alunos. Construímos, igualmente, guiões de atividades com sugestões de exploração da publicidade no ensino da língua. Comprovamos que a publicidade, aliada ao Inglês, pode ser um valioso recurso no desenvolvimento e aprendizagem das crianças, pois é um material autêntico, motivador, atrai a atenção, possibilita o contacto com situações reais, envolve linguagem verbal e não-verbal e permite a exploração de diferentes temas, o que contribui, certamente, para a compreensão intercultural, a mobilização de saberes e o desenvolvimento do espírito crítico.