26 resultados para civil military cooperation

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This paper describes a Multi-agent Scheduling System that assumes the existence of several Machines Agents (which are decision-making entities) distributed inside the Manufacturing System that interact and cooperate with other agents in order to obtain optimal or near-optimal global performances. Agents have to manage their internal behaviors and their relationships with other agents via cooperative negotiation in accordance with business policies defined by the user manager. Some Multi Agent Systems (MAS) organizational aspects are considered. An original Cooperation Mechanism for a Team-work based Architecture is proposed to address dynamic scheduling using Meta-Heuristics.


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Similarly to its past, Africa plays a similar role in the football world as it did during History, if we look at the creation of some of the most powerful empires in the world (the Portuguese, French or English, for example) – as an almost unlimited workforce ‘supplier’. Africa is still searching for its own place in the football world map. With a recent history filled with social conflicts, civil wars and racial discrimination, it was possibly in this continent that the sport was first seen as a means towards social evolution and as ‘peacemaker’. Although these problems also exist in African stadiums, supporters all over the continent go to matches to celebrate and socialize; in a reality constantly shrouded in conflicts and oppression, football is like a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ to those who believe in a continent sustained by healthy political relations between countries, democratic values and a socially fair ‘use’ of a country’s potential – and always for the profit of its own people. But while see the attempt to use football with that objective, others see it as their ticket out of their country, to avoid getting involved in military conflicts and seek better life conditions for themselves and their families (both those who accompany them and those who remain in Africa). Others, still, try to make the most of others’ will to leave a less favourable social reality; Portugal, for its past as a colonizing country, also saw in the African players a way to develop the football phenomenon in its European territory. This article attempts to analyze the influence of Portuguese colonialism in the emigration of African players to Europe, since Portugal presents itself as one of the biggest ‘importers’ of these players.


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"O Estado actua através dos titulares dos seus órgãos, dos seus funcionários e dos seus agentes. Quando estes últimos, no exercício das suas funções e por causa desse exercício, lesam outras pessoas, a lei prevê que o Estado, sozinho ou solidariamente com os autores das acções e das omissões causadoras dos danos, possa ser condenado a indemnizar os lesados"


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In the present paper we analyzed the behavior of firms in the construction and manufacturing sectors, located in the region of Vale do Sousa, in the north of Portugal. From the literature, even existing some disagreements, it is possible to conclude that planning is crucial for firms survival and growth. Cooperation is another aspect that the literature presents as an important factor for firms sustainability. It also plays a major role in competition, since firms are adopting coopetition strategies. By studying a sample of 251 firms, it was possible to realize, that the majority started their business without a formal planning, and they keep going without using it. In cooperation aspects, there is a lack of cooperation. It was possible to verify, that existing cooperation has some evidence but at a vertical level. These vertical relations were also identified in stakeholder’s involvement.


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A reforma dos cuidados de saúde primários surgiu, em 2005, com o objectivo principal de criar um novo modelo de organização dos cuidados de saúde primários mais próximo dos cidadãos e mais eficiente, tendo surgido, neste contexto, as Unidades de Saúde Familiares (USF) e, mais recentemente, as Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados (UCSP). Importa agora determinar a avaliação que os utentes destas unidades fazem dos cuidados que lhes são prestados. O presente estudo pretende avaliar a satisfação dos utentes das UCSP e USF do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES)Tâmega I- Baixo Tâmega e identificar os factores que a influenciam, tendo sido utilizado para tal uma versão adaptada e validada do questionário Europep. Os resultados demonstram queos utentes do ACES Tâmega I - Baixo Tâmega avaliam favoravelmente os cuidados de saúde. As dimensões com maior satisfação são a “relação e comunicação”, com destaque para o tempo dedicado pelo pessoal de enfermagem, os“recursos humanos”, com destaque para a competência, cortesia e carinho do pessoal de enfermagem e as“instalações”. Os níveis mais baixos de satisfação, embora positivos, são relativos à organização dos serviços e continuidade e cooperação. O tempo de espera na sala de espera, referente à organização dos serviços, é,entre todos, o aspecto com pior avaliação distanciando-se significativamente de todos os outros itens avaliados. Também na análise dos comentários relativos a surpresas agradáveis e desagradáveis encontradas nas unidades verifica-se que os aspectos organizacionais são os que mais desagradam os utentes e os relacionais os que mais agradam. Verifica-se que a idade, estado civil, escolaridade, utilização da unidade de saúde e tipo de unidade determinam diferenças na satisfação. Os utentes das USF recomendam mais a sua unidade de saúde e encontram-semais satisfeitos em todas as dimensões da satisfação avaliadas, sendoesta discrepância mais acentuada a nível da organização dos serviços e resposta às necessidades.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – ramo Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções


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Dissertação apresentada no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Professor Doutor José de Freitas Santos