20 resultados para biomarkers of oxidative stress

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Pregnancy is a dynamic state and the placenta is a temporary organ that, among other important functions, plays a crucial role in the transport of nutrients and metabolites between the mother and the fetus, which is essential for a successful pregnancy. Among these nutrients, glucose is considered a primary source of energy and, therefore, fundamental to insure proper fetus development. Several studies have shown that glucose uptake is dependent on several morphological and biochemical placental conditions. Oxidative stress results from the unbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants, in favor of the first. During pregnancy, ROS, and therefore oxidative stress, increase, due to increased tissue oxygenation. Moreover, the relation between ROS and some pathological conditions during pregnancy has been well established. For these reasons, it becomes essential to understand if oxidative stress can compromise the uptake of glucose by the placenta. To make this study possible, a trophoblastic cell line, the BeWo cell line, was used. Experiments regarding glucose uptake, either under normal or oxidative stress conditions, were conducted using tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBOOH) as an oxidative stress inducer, and 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose (3H-DG) as a glucose analogue. Afterwards, studies regarding the involvement of glucose facilitative transporters (GLUT) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3K) and protein kinase C (PKC) pathways were conducted, also under normal and oxidative stress conditions. A few antioxidants, endogenous and from diet, were also tested in order to study their possible reversible effect of the oxidative effect of tBOOH upon apical 3H-DG uptake. Finally, transepithelial studies gave interesting insights regarding the apical-to-basolateral transport of 3H-DG. Results showed that 3H-DG uptake, in BeWo cells, is roughly 50% GLUT-mediated and that tBOOH (100 μM; 24h) decreases apical 3H-DG uptake in BeWo cells by about 33%, by reducing both GLUT- (by 28%) and non-GLUT-mediated (by 40%) 3H-DG uptake. Uptake of 3H-DG and the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake are not dependent on PKC and PI3K. Moreover, the effect of tBOOH is not associated with a reduction in GLUT1 mRNA levels. Resveratrol, quercetin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate, at 50 μM, reversed, by at least 45%, the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake. Transwell studies show that the apical-to-basolateral transepithelial transport of 3H-DG is increased by tBOOH.In conclusion, our results show that tBOOH caused a marked decrease in both GLUT and non-GLUT-mediated apical uptake of 3H-DG by BeWo cells. Given the association of increased oxidative stress levels with several important pregnancy pathologies, and the important role of glucose for fetal development, the results of this study appear very interesting.


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Atualmente, o álcool tem um papel importante na saúde pública e surge como um dos principais problemas sociais no mundo, dado que é a droga mais viciante aceite em encontros sociais. Provavelmente, por essa razão, os riscos do consumo abusivo do álcool são subestimados pelos jovens, mulheres grávidas e idosos. O álcool, quando ingerido em altas proporções, pode afetar todos os órgãos e desencadear inúmeras doenças, tais como a doença cardíaca coronariana, doença neurodegenerativa, as doenças crónicas e câncer. O álcool afeta ainda o estado psicológico, induzindo a violência, o estado antissocial e situações de risco de comportamentos. Por estas razões, o álcool tornou-se um foco principal da investigação, avaliando os seus efeitos sobre o corpo humano. Nesta pesquisa, foram suscitadas amostras de sangue de um grupo de pacientes em tratamento psicológico e/ou farmacêutico que serão analisadas com quatro métodos: Teste de Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORT), Defesa contra Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORD), cromatografia gasosa (GC) e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Ambos os métodos FORT e FORD avaliam o stress oxidativo pela quantificação de radicais livres e a capacidade de antioxidantes em eliminar esses radicais livres, respetivamente. O stress oxidativo é o efeito do excesso de consumo de álcool, que é reduzido pela capacidade de ação dos antioxidantes. A boa reprodutibilidade, precisão e exatidão de ambos os métodos indicam que estes podem ser aplicados em rápidos diagnósticos. Para o método FORT e considerando o início do tratamento, os pacientes alcoólicos apresentaram uma média de 3,59±1.01mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo uma média de 1,42±0.53mmol/LH2O2, o que mostra uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0,0006). Para o método FORD, pacientes alcoólicos apresentam uma média de 1,07±0.53mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo, uma média de 2,81±0.46mmol/LH2O2, mostrando também uma média significativa (P=0,0075). Após 15 dias de tratamento observou-se que há uma diferença entre os dois grupos de pacientes alcoólicos, mas não há nenhum melhoramento em relação ao grupo de pacientes em tratamento. No método FORT os grupos mostram uma diferença significativa (P=0,0073), tendo os pacientes sem tratamento farmacêutico melhores resultados (2.37±0.44mmol/LH2O2) do que os pacientes com tratamento (3.72±1,04mmol/LH2O2). O oposto ocorre no método FORD, os pacientes em tratamento farmacêutico presentam melhores resultados (1.16±0.65mmol/LH2O2) do que o outro grupo (0.75±0.22mmol/LH2O2), não sendo, no entanto, uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0.16). Os resultados obtidos para a concentração de MDA pelo método de HPLC mostraram que o grupo de controlo tem valores mais baixos do que os pacientes alcoólicos, embora a diferença não seja muito significativa (P = 0,084), mas é ainda elevada. Além disso, os dois grupos de pacientes não apresentaram uma diferença significativa entre os seus resultados no início (P=0,77) e no fim (P=0,79) do tratamento. De acrescentar ainda que, os resultados da concentração de álcool no sangue determinados pelo método de CG mostraram que só alguns pacientes sem tratamento consumiram álcool durante o período de tratamento, o que influencia negativamente a conclusão sobre o efeito do tratamento. Contudo, outros fatores externos podem ainda influenciar os resultados finais, tais como o estado nutricional e estado psicológico dos pacientes, se o paciente continua a beber durante o tempo de tratamento ou até mesmo se o paciente é exposto a outros tipos de substâncias nocivas. Existe ainda a possibilidade de o tempo de aplicação do tratamento não ser suficiente para apresentar um efeito positivo em relação ao stress oxidativo e este é um outro fator que contribui para a impossibilidade de confirmar sobre o efeito, quer seja positivo ou negativo, do tratamento antioxidante.


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Atualmente, o álcool tem um papel importante na saúde pública e surge como um dos principais problemas sociais no mundo, dado que é a droga mais viciante aceite em encontros sociais. Provavelmente, por essa razão, os riscos do consumo abusivo do álcool são subestimados pelos jovens, mulheres grávidas e idosos. O álcool, quando ingerido em altas proporções, pode afetar todos os órgãos e desencadear inúmeras doenças, tais como a doença cardíaca coronariana, doença neurodegenerativa, as doenças crónicas e câncer. O álcool afeta ainda o estado psicológico, induzindo a violência, o estado antissocial e situações de risco de comportamentos. Por estas razões, o álcool tornou-se um foco principal da investigação, avaliando os seus efeitos sobre o corpo humano. Nesta pesquisa, foram suscitadas amostras de sangue de um grupo de pacientes em tratamento psicológico e/ou farmacêutico que serão analisadas com quatro métodos: Teste de Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORT), Defesa contra Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORD), cromatografia gasosa (GC) e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Ambos os métodos FORT e FORD avaliam o stress oxidativo pela quantificação de radicais livres e a capacidade de antioxidantes em eliminar esses radicais livres, respetivamente. O stress oxidativo é o efeito do excesso de consumo de álcool, que é reduzido pela capacidade de ação dos antioxidantes. A boa reprodutibilidade, precisão e exatidão de ambos os métodos indicam que estes podem ser aplicados em rápidos diagnósticos. Para o método FORT e considerando o início do tratamento, os pacientes alcoólicos apresentaram uma média de 3,59±1.01mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo uma média de 1,42±0.53mmol/LH2O2, o que mostra uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0,0006). Para o método FORD, pacientes alcoólicos apresentam uma média de 1,07±0.53mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo, uma média de 2,81±0.46mmol/LH2O2, mostrando também uma média significativa (P=0,0075). Após 15 dias de tratamento observou-se que há uma diferença entre os dois grupos de pacientes alcoólicos, mas não há nenhum melhoramento em relação ao grupo de pacientes em tratamento. No método FORT os grupos mostram uma diferença significativa (P=0,0073), tendo os pacientes sem tratamento farmacêutico melhores resultados (2.37±0.44mmol/LH2O2) do que os pacientes com tratamento (3.72±1,04mmol/LH2O2). O oposto ocorre no método FORD, os pacientes em tratamento farmacêutico presentam melhores resultados (1.16±0.65mmol/LH2O2) do que o outro grupo (0.75±0.22mmol/LH2O2), não sendo, no entanto, uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0.16). Os resultados obtidos para a concentração de MDA pelo método de HPLC mostraram que o grupo de controlo tem valores mais baixos do que os pacientes alcoólicos, embora a diferença não seja muito significativa (P = 0,084), mas é ainda elevada. Além disso, os dois grupos de pacientes não apresentaram uma diferença significativa entre os seus resultados no início (P=0,77) e no fim (P=0,79) do tratamento. De acrescentar ainda que, os resultados da concentração de álcool no sangue determinados pelo método de CG mostraram que só alguns pacientes sem tratamento consumiram álcool durante o período de tratamento, o que influencia negativamente a conclusão sobre o efeito do tratamento. Contudo, outros fatores externos podem ainda influenciar os resultados finais, tais como o estado nutricional e estado psicológico dos pacientes, se o paciente continua a beber durante o tempo de tratamento ou até mesmo se o paciente é exposto a outros tipos de substâncias nocivas. Existe ainda a possibilidade de o tempo de aplicação do tratamento não ser suficiente para apresentar um efeito positivo em relação ao stress oxidativo e este é um outro fator que contribui para a impossibilidade de confirmar sobre o efeito, quer seja positivo ou negativo, do tratamento antioxidante.


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Background Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent complication of diabetes, and oxidative stress is an important feature of diabetic ED. Oxidative stress-induced damage plays a pivotal role in the development of tissue alterations. However, the deleterious effects of oxidative stress in the corpus cavernosum with the progression of diabetes remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate systemic and penile oxidative stress status in the early and late stages of diabetes. Methods Male Wistar streptozotocin-diabetic rats (and age-matched controls) were examined 2 (early) and 8 weeks (late) after the induction of diabetes. Systemic oxidative stress was evaluated by urinary H2O2 and the ratio of circulating reduced/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG). Penile oxidative status was assessed by H2O2 production and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT) formation. Cavernosal endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) was analyzed by quantitative immunohistochemistry. Dual immunofluorescence was also performed for 3-NT and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and eNOS–α-SMA. Results There was a significant increase in urinary H2O2 levels in both diabetic groups. The plasma GSH/GSSG ratio was significantly augmented in late diabetes. In cavernosal tissue, H2O2 production was significantly increased in late diabetes. Reactivity for 3-NT was located predominantly in cavernosal smooth muscle (SM) and was significantly reduced in late diabetes. Quantitative immunohistochemistry revealed a significant decrease in eNOS levels in cavernosal SM and endothelium in late diabetes. Conclusions The findings indicate that the noxious effects of oxidative stress are more prominent in late diabetes. Increased penile protein oxidative modifications and decreased eNOS expression may be responsible for structural and/or functional deregulation, contributing to the progression of diabetes-associated ED.


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Background: The nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins is associated with nitrosative stress, resulting in the formation of 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT). 3-NT levels in biological samples have been associated with numerous physiological and pathological conditions. For this reason, several attempts have been made in order to develop methods that accurately quantify 3-NT in biological samples. Regarding chromatographic methods, they seem to be very accurate, showing very good sensibility and specificity. However, accurate quantification of this molecule, which is present at very low concentrations both at physiological and pathological states, is always a complex task and a target of intense research. Objectives: We aimed to develop a simple, rapid, low-cost and sensitive 3-NT quantification method for use in medical laboratories as an additional tool for diagnosis and/or treatment monitoring of a wide range of pathologies. We also aimed to evaluate the performance of the HPLC-based method developed here in a wide range of biological matrices. Material and methods: All experiments were performed on a Hitachi LaChrom Elite® HPLC system and separation was carried out using a Lichrocart® 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 (5μm) column. The method was further validated according to ICH guidelines. The biological matrices tested were serum, whole blood, urine, B16 F-10 melanoma cell line, growth medium conditioned with the same cell line, bacterial and yeast suspensions. Results: From all the protocols tested, the best results were obtained using 0.5% CH3COOH:MeOH:H2O (15:15:70) as the mobile phase, with detection at wavelengths 215, 276 and 356 nm, at 25ºC, and using a flow rate of 1 mL/min. By using this protocol, it was possible to obtain a linear calibration curve (correlation coefficient = 1), limits of detection and quantification in the order of ng/mL, and a short analysis time (<15 minutes per sample). Additionally, the developed protocol allowed the successful detection and quantification of 3-NT in all biological matrices tested, with detection at 356 nm. Conclusion: The method described in this study, which was successfully developed and validated for 3-NT quantification, is simple, cheap and fast, rendering it suitable for analysis in a wide range of biological matrices.


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Metals are ubiquitous in the environment and accumulate in aquatic organisms and are known for their ability to enhance the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In aquatic species, oxidative stress mechanisms have been studied by measuring antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative damages in tissues. The aim of this study was to apply and validate a set of oxidative stress biomarkers and correlate responses with metal contents in tissues of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Antioxidant enzyme activity (catalase — CAT, superoxide dismutase — SOD and glutathione S-transferases — GST), oxidative damages (lipid peroxidation — LPO and protein carbonyl content — PCO) andmetal content (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and As) in the digestive gland and armof octopus, collected in the NWPortuguese coast in different periods, were assessed after capture and after 14 days in captivity. CAT and SOD activitieswere highly responsive to fluctuations inmetal concentrations and able to reduce oxidative damage, LPO and PCO in the digestive gland. CAT activity was also positively correlated with SOD and GST activities, which emphasizes that the three enzymes respond in a coordinated way to metal induced oxidative stress. Our results validate the use of oxidative stress biomarkers to assess metal pollution effects in this ecological and commercial relevant species.Moreover, octopus seems to have the ability to control oxidative damage by triggering an antioxidant enzyme coordinated response in the digestive gland.


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6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a useful model organism for studying lead (Pb) toxicity. Yeast cells of a laboratory S. cerevisiae strain (WT strain) were incubated with Pb concentrations up to 1,000 μmol/l for 3 h. Cells exposed to Pb lost proliferation capacity without damage to the cell membrane, and they accumulated intracellular superoxide anion (O2 .−) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The involvement of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by Pb was evaluated. For this purpose, an isogenic derivative ρ0 strain, lacking mitochondrial DNA, was used. The ρ0 strain, without respiratory competence, displayed a lower intracellular ROS accumulation and a higher resistance to Pb compared to the WT strain. The kinetic study of ROS generation in yeast cells exposed to Pb showed that the production of O2 .− precedes the accumulation of H2O2, which is compatible with the leakage of electrons from the mitochondrial ETC. Yeast cells exposed to Pb displayed mutations at the mitochondrial DNA level. This is most likely a consequence of oxidative stress. In conclusion, mitochondria are an important source of Pb-induced ROS and, simultaneously, one of the targets of its toxicity.


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This work proposes a novel approach for a suitable orientation of antibodies (Ab) on an immunosensing platform, applied here to the determination of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a biomarker of oxidative stress that has been associated to chronic diseases, such as cancer. The anti-8OHdG was bound to an amine modified gold support through its Fc region after activation of its carboxylic functions. Non-oriented approaches of Ab binding to the platform were tested in parallel, in order to show that the presented methodology favored Ab/Ag affinity and immunodetection of the antigen. The immunosensor design was evaluated by quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation, atomic force microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square-wave voltammetry. EIS was also a suitable technique to follow the analytical behavior of the device against 8OHdG. The affinity binding between 8OHdG and the antibody immobilized in the gold modified platform increased the charge transfer resistance across the electrochemical set-up. The observed behavior was linear from 0.02 to 7.0 ng/mL of 8OHdG concentrations. The interference from glucose, urea and creatinine was found negligible. An attempt of application to synthetic samples was also successfully conducted. Overall, the presented approach enabled the production of suitably oriented Abs over a gold platform by means of a much simpler process than other oriented-Ab binding approaches described in the literature, as far as we know, and was successful in terms of analytical features and sample application.


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1st ASPIC International Congress


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For treating chronic pain, a multifactorial condition, is needed a suitable diagnosis which allows the differentiation in its many components. Diabetic neuropathy is a worldwide disease with great impact in the modern society. Diabetes may leads to the production of reactive oxygen species that are associated to oxidative stress, which may be a key factor in the development of diabetic neuropathy. The main goal is to inquire a potential association between chronic pain, diabetic neuropathy and oxidative stress. Thus, was performed a meta-analysis that permitted the causal evaluation between oxidative stress and diabetic neuropathy, and, a pain evaluation was accomplished in a convenience sample using validated surveys – Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4). Through the meta-analysis it was possible evaluate oxidative stress biomarkers, such lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, and reduced glutathione. 9 studies were selected and all were performed in mouse models. The levels of lipid peroxidation were increased in all the studies, however the levels of the other biomarkers were diminished in diabetic models comparatively to healthy controls. In the evaluation of convenience sample, 84 surveys were collected along the four seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring. The pain complaints were described in terms of local, intensity, impact, relief by medication and its effect on daily activities using BPI questionnaire. The scores obtained in BPI indicate the presence of moderate to severe pain, with increased complaints in autumn and spring, and implications in daily activities, transversal to all groups. To determine the main features associated with neuropathic pain it was used DN4 questionnaire. The DN4 indicated the presence of nearly 50% of patients with neuropathic pain. The results suggest that being female, the increased age and being retired can influence chronic pain and neuropathic pain in patients. As main conclusions, it was possible to verify an association between oxidative stress, and neuropathic pain, and, also, that weather conditions may influence the pain complaints and its prevalence.


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As sequelas fisiopatológicas do stress oxidativo são difíceis de quantificar. Apesar dos obstáculos, a relevância médica do stress oxidativo tem vindo a ser cada vez mais reconhecida, sendo hoje em dia encarado como um componente chave de virtualmente todas as doenças. A disfunção erétil (DE) surge neste contexto como uma espécie de barómetro da função endotelial e do dano oxidativo. A quantificação de biomarcadores de stress oxidativo poderá apresentar um enorme impacto na avaliação de pacientes com DE. O rácio glutationa reduzida/oxidada (GSH/GSSG) e a nitrotirosina (3-NT) têm vindo a demonstrar relevância clínica. A consideração de polimorfismos genéticos constitui ainda uma abordagem promissora na avaliação destas relações no futuro. Um método altamente sensível de cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC) foi desenvolvido para a determinação de 3-NT em plasma humano. As concentrações de 3-NT medidos em indivíduos com DE foram 6,6±2,1μM (média±S.D., n = 46). A medição da concentração plasmática de 3-NT poderá revelar-se útil como marcador de dano oxidativo dependente do óxido nítrico (NO). O nível de stress oxidativo pode também ser quantificado através da medição do decréscimo do rácio GSH/GSSG, que tem mostrado alterações numa miríade de patologias, como a DE e a diabetes mellitus. O método proposto para a quantificação do rácio GSH/GSSG em HPLC apresenta a vantagem de avaliação concomitante dos dois parâmetros em apenas uma corrida. O valor do rácio GSH/GSSG obtido a partir de sangue de indivíduos com DE foi 11,9±9,8 (média±S.D., n = 49). Os resultados estatísticos revelaram diferenças significativas (p<0,001) entre ambos a concentração plasmática de 3-NT e o rácio GSH/GSSG de sangue de indivíduos com DE e as respetivas medições em indivíduos saudáveis. Observaram-se ainda diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p≈0,027) entre o rácio GSH/GSSG do sangue de pacientes apenas com diagnóstico de DE e a medição respetiva em indivíduos com DE e comorbilidades cardiovasculares. Estes resultados enfatizam o papel do dano oxidativo na biopatologia da DE, elucidado com o auxílio destas duas metodologias, que poderão ter um amplo campo de aplicação no futuro, dado que se mostraram simples, não dispendiosas e rápidas, podendo eventualmente adequar-se a estudos de rastreio em larga escala.


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Oxidative stress designates the state of imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and antioxidant levels. In a healthy placenta, there is an increase in ROS production, due to formation of new tissues and inherent metabolism, but this is balanced by higher levels of antioxidants. However, this balance is lost in some situations, with a consequent increase in oxidative stress levels. Oxidative stress has been implicated in several placental disorders and pregnancy pathologies. The present review intends to summarize what is known about the relationship between oxidative stress and well-known pregnancy disorders.


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Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs) are important phytochemicals possessing significant biological properties. Several investigators have studied in vitro antioxidant activity of HCAs in detail. In this review, we have gathered the studies focused on the structure-activity relationships (SARs) of these compounds that have used medicinal chemistry to generate more potent antioxidant molecules. Most of the reports indicated that the presence of an unsaturated bond on the side chain of HCAs is vital to their activity. The structural features that were reported to be of importance to the antioxidant activity were categorized as follows: modifications of the aromatic ring, which include alterations in the number and position of hydroxy groups and insertion of electron donating or withdrawing moieties as well as modifications of the carboxylic function that include esterification and amidation process. Furthermore, reports that have addressed the influence of physicochemical properties including redox potential, lipid solubility and dissociation constant on the antioxidant activity were also summarized. Finally, the pro-oxidant effect of HCAs in some test systems was addressed. Most of the investigations concluded that the presence of ortho-dihydroxy phenyl group (catechol moiety) is of significant importance to the antioxidant activity, while, the presence of three hydroxy groups does not necessarily improve the activity. Optimization of the structure of molecular leads is an important task of modern medicinal chemistry and its accomplishment relies on the careful assessment of SARs. SAR studies on HCAs can identify the most successful antioxidants that could be useful for management of oxidative stress-related diseases.