13 resultados para approximate calculation of sums

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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This paper addresses the calculation of derivatives of fractional order for non-smooth data. The noise is avoided by adopting an optimization formulation using genetic algorithms (GA). Given the flexibility of the evolutionary schemes, a hierarchical GA composed by a series of two GAs, each one with a distinct fitness function, is established.


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Recently simple limiting functions establishing upper and lower bounds on the Mittag-Leffler function were found. This paper follows those expressions to design an efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of expressions usual in fractional-order control systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed method.


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Recently simple limiting functions establishing upper and lower bounds on the Mittag-Leffler function were found. This paper follows those expressions to design an efficient algorithm for the approximate calculation of expressions usual in fractional-order control systems. The numerical experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed method.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. Grid operators and utilities are taking new initiatives, recognizing the value of demand response for grid reliability and for the enhancement of organized spot markets’ efficiency. This paper proposes a methodology for the selection of the consumers that participate in an event, which is the responsibility of the Portuguese transmission network operator. The proposed method is intended to be applied in the interruptibility service implemented in Portugal, in convergence with Spain, in the context of the Iberian electricity market. This method is based on the calculation of locational marginal prices (LMP) which are used to support the decision concerning the consumers to be schedule for participation. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated in this paper using a 937 bus distribution network with more than 20,000 consumers.


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In real optimization problems, usually the analytical expression of the objective function is not known, nor its derivatives, or they are complex. In these cases it becomes essential to use optimization methods where the calculation of the derivatives, or the verification of their existence, is not necessary: the Direct Search Methods or Derivative-free Methods are one solution. When the problem has constraints, penalty functions are often used. Unfortunately the choice of the penalty parameters is, frequently, very difficult, because most strategies for choosing it are heuristics strategies. As an alternative to penalty function appeared the filter methods. A filter algorithm introduces a function that aggregates the constrained violations and constructs a biobjective problem. In this problem the step is accepted if it either reduces the objective function or the constrained violation. This implies that the filter methods are less parameter dependent than a penalty function. In this work, we present a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization that combines the features of the simplex method and filter methods. This method does not compute or approximate any derivatives, penalty constants or Lagrange multipliers. The basic idea of simplex filter algorithm is to construct an initial simplex and use the simplex to drive the search. We illustrate the behavior of our algorithm through some examples. The proposed methods were implemented in Java.


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A quinoxalina e seus derivativos são uma importante classe de compostos heterocíclicos, onde os elementos N, S e O substituem átomos de carbono no anel. A fórmula molecular da quinoxalina é C8H6N2, formada por dois anéis aromáticos, benzeno e pirazina. É rara em estado natural, mas a sua síntese é de fácil execução. Modificações na estrutura da quinoxalina proporcionam uma grande variedade de compostos e actividades, tais como actividades antimicrobiana, antiparasitária, antidiabética, antiproliferativa, anti-inflamatória, anticancerígena, antiglaucoma, antidepressiva apresentando antagonismo do receptor AMPA. Estes compostos também são importantes no campo industrial devido, por exemplo, ao seu poder na inibição da corrosão do metal. A química computacional, ramo natural da química teórica é um método bem desenvolvido, utilizado para representar estruturas moleculares, simulando o seu comportamento com as equações da física quântica e clássica. Existe no mercado uma grande variedade de ferramentas informaticas utilizadas na química computacional, que permitem o cálculo de energias, geometrias, frequências vibracionais, estados de transição, vias de reação, estados excitados e uma variedade de propriedades baseadas em várias funções de onda não correlacionadas e correlacionadas. Nesta medida, a sua aplicação ao estudo das quinoxalinas é importante para a determinação das suas características químicas, permitindo uma análise mais completa, em menos tempo, e com menos custos.


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We present a distributed algorithm for cyber-physical systems to obtain a snapshot of sensor data. The snapshot is an approximate representation of sensor data; it is an interpolation as a function of space coordinates. The new algorithm exploits a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol to efficiently transmit information of the sensor data. It scales to a very large number of sensors and it is able to operate in the presence of sensor faults.


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In this paper an algorithm for the calculation of the root locus of fractional linear systems is presented. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of present day computational resources and processes directly the characteristic equation, avoiding the limitations revealed by standard methods. The results demonstrate the good performance for different types of expressions.


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This study addresses the optimization of rational fraction approximations for the discrete-time calculation of fractional derivatives. The article starts by analyzing the standard techniques based on Taylor series and Padé expansions. In a second phase the paper re-evaluates the problem in an optimization perspective by tacking advantage of the flexibility of the genetic algorithms.


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The theory of fractional calculus (FC) is a useful mathematical tool in many applied sciences. Nevertheless, only in the last decades researchers were motivated for the adoption of the FC concepts. There are several reasons for this state of affairs, namely the co-existence of different definitions and interpretations, and the necessity of approximation methods for the real time calculation of fractional derivatives (FDs). In a first part, this paper introduces a probabilistic interpretation of the fractional derivative based on the Grünwald-Letnikov definition. In a second part, the calculation of fractional derivatives through Padé fraction approximations is analyzed. It is observed that the probabilistic interpretation and the frequency response of fraction approximations of FDs reveal a clear correlation between both concepts.


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Volatile organic compounds are a common source of groundwater contamination that can be easily removed by air stripping in columns with random packing and using a counter-current flow between the phases. This work proposes a new methodology for the column design for any particular type of packing and contaminant avoiding the necessity of a pre-defined diameter used in the classical approach. It also renders unnecessary the employment of the graphical Eckert generalized correlation for pressure drop estimates. The hydraulic features are previously chosen as a project criterion and only afterwards the mass transfer phenomena are incorporated, in opposition to conventional approach. The design procedure was translated into a convenient algorithm using C++ as programming language. A column was built in order to test the models used either in the design or in the simulation of the column performance. The experiments were fulfilled using a solution of chloroform in distilled water. Another model was built to simulate the operational performance of the column, both in steady state and in transient conditions. It consists in a system of two partial non linear differential equations (distributed parameters). Nevertheless, when flows are steady, the system became linear, although there is not an evident solution in analytical terms. In steady state the resulting system of ODE can be solved, allowing for the calculation of the concentration profile in both phases inside the column. In transient state the system of PDE was numerically solved by finite differences, after a previous linearization.


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STRIPPING is a software application developed for the automatic design of a randomly packing column where the transfer of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water to air can be performed and to simulate it’s behaviour in a steady-state. This software completely purges any need of experimental work for the selection of diameter of the column, and allows a choice, a priori, of the most convenient hydraulic regime for this type of operation. It also allows the operator to choose the model used for the calculation of some parameters, namely between the Eckert/Robbins model and the Billet model for estimating the pressure drop of the gaseous phase, and between the Billet and Onda/Djebbar’s models for the mass transfer. Illustrations of the graphical interface offered are presented.


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Part of the optical clearing study in biological tissues concerns the determination of the diffusion characteristics of water and optical clearing agents in the subject tissue. Such information is sufficient to characterize the time dependence of the optical clearing mechanisms—tissue dehydration and refractive index (RI) matching. We have used a simple method based on collimated optical transmittance measurements made from muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of ethylene glycol (EG), to determine the diffusion time values of water and EG in skeletal muscle. By representing the estimated mean diffusion time values from each treatment as a function of agent concentration in solution, we could identify the real diffusion times for water and agent. These values allowed for the calculation of the correspondent diffusion coefficients for those fluids. With these results, we have demonstrated that the dehydration mechanism is the one that dominates optical clearing in the first minute of treatment, while the RI matching takes over the optical clearing operations after that and remains for a longer time of treatment up to about 10 min, as we could see for EG and thin tissue samples of 0.5 mm.