28 resultados para ZigBee™

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Cluster scheduling and collision avoidance are crucial issues in large-scale cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The paper presents a methodology that provides a Time Division Cluster Scheduling (TDCS) mechanism based on the cyclic extension of RCPS/TC (Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Temporal Constraints) problem for a cluster-tree WSN, assuming bounded communication errors. The objective is to meet all end-to-end deadlines of a predefined set of time-bounded data flows while minimizing the energy consumption of the nodes by setting the TDCS period as long as possible. Sinceeach cluster is active only once during the period, the end-to-end delay of a given flow may span over several periods when there are the flows with opposite direction. The scheduling tool enables system designers to efficiently configure all required parameters of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee beaconenabled cluster-tree WSNs in the network design time. The performance evaluation of thescheduling tool shows that the problems with dozens of nodes can be solved while using optimal solvers.


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Modeling the fundamental performance limits of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance to understand their behavior under worst-case conditions and to make the appropriate design choices. In that direction this paper contributes with an analytical methodology for modeling cluster-tree WSNs where the data sink can either be static or mobile. We assess the validity and pessimism of analytical model by comparing the worst-case results with the values measured through an experimental test-bed based on Commercial-Off- The-Shelf (COTS) technologies, namely TelosB motes running TinyOS.


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Synchronization is a challenging and important issue for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) since it requires a mutual spatiotemporal coordination between the nodes. In that concern, the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols embody promising technologies for WSNs, but are still ambiguous on how to efficiently build synchronized multiple-cluster networks, specifically for the case of cluster-tree topologies. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee specifications restrict the synchronization to beacon-enabled (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) star networks, while they support multi-hop networking in mesh topologies, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multi-hop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this issue by unveiling the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposing a synchronization mechanism based on Time Division Beacon Scheduling (TDBS) to build cluster-tree WSNs. In addition, we propose a methodology for efficiently managing duty-cycles in every cluster, ensuring the fairest use of bandwidth resources. The feasibility of the TDBS mechanism is clearly demonstrated through an experimental test-bed based on our open-source implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols.


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The simulation analysis is important approach to developing and evaluating the systems in terms of development time and cost. This paper demonstrates the application of Time Division Cluster Scheduling (TDCS) tool for the configuration of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee beaconenabled cluster-tree WSNs using the simulation analysis, as an illustrative example that confirms the practical applicability of the tool. The simulation study analyses how the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability of data transmission, the energy consumption of the nodes and the end-to-end communication delay, based on the simulation model that was implemented in the Opnet Modeler. The configuration parameters of the network are obtained directly from the TDCS tool. The simulation results show that the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability, the energy consumption and the end-to-end delay, in a way that improving the one may degrade the others.


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The IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols are gaining increasing interests in both research and industrial communities as candidate technologies for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. In this paper, we present an open-source implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack under the TinyOS operating system for the MICAz motes. This work has been driven by the need for an open-source implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols, filling a gap between some newly released complex C implementations and black-box implementations from different manufacturers. In addition, we share our experience on the challenging problem that we have faced during the implementation of the protocol stack on the MICAz motes. We strongly believe that this open-source implementation will potentiate research works on the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocols allowing their demonstration and validation through experimentation.


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The IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocols are a promising technology for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This paper shares our experience on the implementation and use of these protocols and related technologies in WSNs. We present problems and challenges we have been facing in implementing an IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee stack for TinyOS in a two-folded perspective: IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocol standards limitations (ambiguities and open issues) and technological limitations (hardware and software). Concerning the former, we address challenges for building scalable and synchronized multi-cluster ZigBee networks, providing a trade-off between timeliness and energy-efficiency. On the latter issue, we highlight implementation problems in terms of hardware, timer handling and operating system limitations. We also report on our experience from experimental test-beds, namely on physical layer aspects such as coexistence problems between IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 radio channels.


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While the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack is being considered as a promising technology for low-cost low-power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), several issues in the standard specifications are still open. One of those ambiguous issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for ensuring QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multihop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes a synchronization mechanism based on Time Division Beacon Scheduling to construct cluster-tree WSNs. We also propose a methodology for an efficient duty cycle management in each router (cluster-head) of a cluster-tree WSN that ensures the fairest use of bandwidth resources. The feasibility of the proposal is clearly demonstrated through an experimental test bed based on our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol.


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The recently standardized IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack offers great potentials for ubiquitous and pervasive computing, namely for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). However, there are still some open and ambiguous issues that turn its practical use a challenging task. One of those issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multi-hop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes two collision-free beacon frame scheduling schemes. We strongly believe that the results provided in this paper trigger a significant step towards the practical and efficient use of IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee cluster-tree networks.


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This technical report describes the implementation details of the Time Division Beacon Scheduling Approach in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Cluster-Tree Networks. In this technical report we describe the implementation details, focusing on some aspects of the ZigBee Network Layer and the Time Division Beacon Scheduling mechanism. This report demonstrates the feasibility of our approach based on the evaluation of the experimental results. We also present an overview of the ZigBee address and tree-routing scheme.


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This project was developed within the ART-WiSe framework of the IPP-HURRAY group (http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt), at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (http://www.ipp.pt). The ART-WiSe – Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor networks – framework (http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/art-wise) aims at providing new communication architectures and mechanisms to improve the timing performance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The architecture is based on a two-tiered protocol structure, relying on existing standard communication protocols, namely IEEE 802.15.4 (Physical and Data Link Layers) and ZigBee (Network and Application Layers) for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2, which serves as a high-speed backbone for Tier 1 without energy consumption restrictions. Within this trend, an application test-bed is being developed with the objectives of implementing, assessing and validating the ART-WiSe architecture. Particularly for the ZigBee protocol case; even though there is a strong commercial lobby from the ZigBee Alliance (http://www.zigbee.org), there is neither an open source available to the community for this moment nor publications on its adequateness for larger-scale WSN applications. This project aims at fulfilling these gaps by providing: a deep analysis of the ZigBee Specification, mainly addressing the Network Layer and particularly its routing mechanisms; an identification of the ambiguities and open issues existent in the ZigBee protocol standard; the proposal of solutions to the previously referred problems; an implementation of a subset of the ZigBee Network Layer, namely the association procedure and the tree routing on our technological platform (MICAz motes, TinyOS operating system and nesC programming language) and an experimental evaluation of that routing mechanism for WSNs.


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The recently standardized IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack offers great potentials for ubiquitous and pervasive computing, namely for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). However, there are still some open and ambiguous issues that turn its practical use a challenging task. One of those issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multi-hop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This report tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes two collisionfree beacon frame scheduling schemes.


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Actualmente, os sistemas de localização são uma área em forte expansão sendo que para espaços exteriores existe uma grande variedade de sistemas de localização enquanto que para espaços interiores as soluções são mais escassas. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e implementação de um sistema de localização indoor baseado no protocolo ZigBee, utilizando a informação da intensidade de sinal recebido (RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indication). Para a realização deste projecto foi necessário iniciar uma pesquisa mais pormenorizada do protocolo ZigBee. O dispositivo móvel a ser localizado é o módulo XBee Serie 2 que se baseia no mesmo protocolo. Posto isto, foi necessário efectuar um estudo sobre sistemas de localização existentes e analisar as técnicas de localização utilizadas para ambientes interiores. Desta forma utiliza-se neste projecto uma técnica que consiste na análise de fingerprinting, onde é criado um mapa com os valores RSSI para diferentes coordenadas do espaço físico. As intensidades de sinal recebido são relativas a dispositivos XBee instalados em pontos fixos de referência. Para calcular a localização do dispositivo móvel é utilizado o algoritmo K-NN (K- Nearest Neighbors) que permite estimar a posição aproximada do dispositivo móvel. Por último é descrito todo o desenvolvimento do projecto assim como a apresentação e discussão de resultados.


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O desenvolvimento de sistemas de localização pedestre com recurso a técnicas de dead reckoning tem mostrado ser uma área em expansão no mundo académico e não só. Existem algumas soluções criadas, no entanto, nem todas as soluções serão facilmente implementadas no mercado, quer seja pelo hardware caro, ou pelo sistema em si, que é desenvolvido tendo em conta um cenário em particular. INPERLYS é um sistema que visa apresentar uma solução de localização pedestre, independentemente do cenário, utilizando recursos que poderão ser facilmente usados. Trata-se de um sistema que utiliza uma técnica de dead reckonig para dar a localização do utilizador. Em cenários outdoor, um receptor GPS fornece a posição do utilizador, fornecendo uma posição absoluta ao sistema. Quando não é possível utilizar o GPS, recorre-se a um sensor MEMS e a uma bússola para se obter posições relativas à última posição válida do GPS. Para interligar todos os sensores foi utilizado o protocolo de comunicações sem fios ZigBee™. A escolha recaiu neste protocolo devido a factores como os seus baixos consumos e o seu baixo custo. Assim o sistema torna-se de uso fácil e confortável para o utilizador, ao contrário de sistemas similares desenvolvidos, que utilizam cabos para interligarem os diferentes componentes do sistema. O sensor MEMS do tipo acelerómetro tem a função de ler a aceleração horizontal, ao nível do pé. Esta aceleração será usada por um algoritmo de reconhecimento do padrão das acelerações para se detectar os passos dados. Após a detecção do passo, a aceleração máxima registada nesse passo é fornecida ao coordenador, para se obter o deslocamento efectuado. Foram efectuados alguns testes para se perceber a eficiência do INPERLYS. Os testes decorreram num percurso plano, efectuados a uma velocidade normal e com passadas normais. Verificou-se que, neste momento, o desempenho do sistema poderá ser melhorado, quer seja a nível de gestão das comunicações, quer a nível do reconhecimento do padrão da aceleração horizontal, essencial para se detectar os passos. No entanto o sistema é capaz de fornecer a posição através do GPS, quando é possível a sua utilização, e é capaz de fornecer a orientação do movimento.


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Actualmente a área da domótica (automação de casas e edifícios) encontra-se em franca expansão, com principal relevância nos países mais desenvolvidos, com um crescimento de mercado de mais de 10% ao ano. Existem inúmeras razoes para a crescente implantação da domótica em edifícios, entre as quais a maior eficiência energética, o aumento da segurança e a redução do custo de aquisição das tecnologias. No que diz respeito as habitações particulares, acrescenta-se essencialmente o aumento do conforto devido ao grau de automação trazido pela domótica. Apesar da domótica não ser uma área cientifico-tecnológica recente, a rápida evolução das tecnologias associadas, nomeadamente a nível das redes de comunicação com e sem fios, foi uma das razoes fundamentais para a elaboração desta Tese. Acresce o facto de o candidato estar actualmente envolvido profissionalmente na área, pelo qual esta Tese assume uma particular importância. Realizou-se um estudo comparativo das tecnologias de domótica mais relevantes, escolhidas quer pelas suas características técnicas quer pela sua implantação de mercado e potencial futuro - KNX/EIB, LonWorks, HomePlug, ZigBee e Z-Wave. Destas, comprovou-se que as duas primeiras são aquelas que, actualmente, tem maior adequabilidade para serem aplicadas em projectos de domótica. Foi por isso efectuado um estudo mais elaborado das tecnologias LonWorks e KNX/EIB, incluindo a forma pratica de instalação/programação, a elaboração de dois demonstradores e de dois projectos (de acordo com um caderno de encargos real), usando as duas tecnologias. Concluiu-se que a tecnologia LonWorks apresenta vantagens no que respeita a escalabilidade (dimensão) dos sistemas. Em termos futuros, prevê-se a necessidade da interoperabilidade entre os nos/redes cablados (tradicionais) com nos/redes sem fio, seguindo a tendência para os ambientes inteligentes (“ambient intelligence/assisted living”, “smart spaces”, “ubiquitous computing).