24 resultados para Zamacois, Eduardo, b. 1873.
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b���learning instructions.
Th The purpose of this article is to share the implementation of workgroup activities: a game of learning supported by web technology; Effective educational strategies that encourage a dynamic combination of being flexible, individualized and personalized must be the aim of every school; The blended-learning plays an important role; In this article we describe an online collaborative game which uses an inside and outside collaboration in order to promote the motivation and effective learning; Pedagogical strategies, that use technologies appropriately, in higher education, can promote active learning, centered on students and thus valuing their personal experiences and participation;
Na sua origem o Projecto de Apoio OnLine do ISCAP (PAOL) tinha como principal fonte impulsionadora a necessidade emergente de desenvolver soluções sustentadas de integração das tecnologias como apoio às aulas presenciais ministradas na instituição. Este elemento impulsionador ainda hoje se mantém como uma das principais alavancas, agora alargada transversalmente nas áreas de conhecimento da instituição e na inclusão das competências didáctico-pedagógicas. Com o desenvolvimento do projecto, ganharam importância crescente as fontes próprias de criação de conhecimento e de soluções técnicas, capazes de responder aos anseios da comunidade escolar. Este artigo pretende enquadrar e explicitar, através da mostra de casos práticos e de uma análise dos resultados de uso da plataforma Moodle, o percurso seguido pelo projecto, a estratégia adoptada e as acções implementadas. Abstract Initially ISCAP’s Online Support Project (PAOL), was instigated by the emergent necessity to develop sustainable solutions in order to integrate technologies as a means to support the institution’s traditional in-class lessons. This propulsive element, still valid today as one of the main levers, has now transversally extended into the various knowledge areas within the institution and the inclusion of pedagogic-didactical competences. With the development of the project, the institution’s own sources of knowledge creation and technical solutions capable of answering the needs of the institutions’ community became ever more crucial. This article seeks to frame and explain, by showing practical cases and the analysis of the results as to the use of the learning platform Moodle, the path taken by the project, the strategy adopted and the actions implemented.
Estrutura da Obra: CAPÍTULO I - Finanças Empresariais CAPÍTULO II - Análise de Investimentos CAPÍTULO III - Finanças Internacionais CAPÍTULO IV - Anexos (provenientes do IAPMEI): - Anexo A e Anexo B
Estrutura da Obra: CAPÍTULO I - Finanças Empresariais CAPÍTULO II - Análise de Investimentos CAPÍTULO III - Finanças Internacionais CAPÍTULO IV - Anexos (provenientes do IAPMEI): - Anexo A e Anexo B
A dor lombar é um dos distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos mais comuns, verificando-se um aumento na última década em crianças. O objectivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de dor lombar não específica no último mês e no último ano em crianças em idade escolar. O estudo foi do tipo observacional descritivo transversal, a amostra foi constituída por 219 alunos entre os 10 e os 16 anos. Os instrumentos usados foram um questionário para a dor lombar, fita métrica e balança. Concluiu-se que prevalência de dor lombar na população estudada é elevada. Verificamos associação entre a dor lombar e o sexo feminino.
Artigo em texto integral no link da versão do editor
Este estudo tem por objectivo reflectir sobre o papel da Terminologia na organização conceptual e linguística das áreas de especialidade. Defender-se-á que, pela sua natureza hermenêutica, organizadora, harmonizadora e heurística, esta área científica poderá reduzir a complexidade e a fragmentação lexical e conceptual que impera no domínio dos modelos de educação para o Ensino Superior, permitindo ajudar a clarificar a filiação ideológica das várias visões de ensino, levando deste modo a que o debate seja epistemologicamente transparente. Será focado o caso particular do Blended-Learning, enquanto exemplo de um sub-domínio ainda instável, do ponto de vista da sua organização ontológica e da sua materialização linguística e terminológica.
Background Information:The incorporation of distance learning activities by institutions of higher education is considered an important contribution to create new opportunities for teaching at both, initial and continuing training. In Medicine and Nursing, several papers illustrate the adaptation of technological components and teaching methods are prolific, however, when we look at the Pharmaceutical Education area, the examples are scarce. In that sense this project demonstrates the implementation and assessment of a B-Learning Strategy for Therapeutics using a “case based learning” approach. Setting: Academic Pharmacy Methods:This is an exploratory study involving 2nd year students of the Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto. The study population consists of 61 students, divided in groups of 3-4 elements. The b-learning model was implemented during a time period of 8 weeks. Results:A B-learning environment and digital learning objects were successfully created and implemented. Collaboration and assessment techniques were carefully developed to ensure the active participation and fair assessment of all students. Moodle records show a consistent activity of students during the assignments. E-portfolios were also developed using Wikispaces, which promoted reflective writing and clinical reasoning. Conclusions:Our exploratory study suggests that the “case based learning” method can be successfully combined with the technological components to create and maintain a feasible online learning environment for the teaching of therapeutics.
Cyanobacteria are widely recognized as a valuable source of bioactive metabolites. The majority of such compounds have been isolated from so-called complex cyanobacteria, such as filamentous or colonial forms, which usually display a larger number of biosynthetic gene clusters in their genomes, when compared to free-living unicellular forms. Nevertheless, picocyanobacteria are also known to have potential to produce bioactive natural products. Here, we report the isolation of hierridin B from the marine picocyanobacterium Cyanobium sp. LEGE 06113. This compound had previously been isolated from the filamentous epiphytic cyanobacterium Phormidium ectocarpi SAG 60.90, and had been shown to possess antiplasmodial activity. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from both strains confirmed that these cyanobacteria derive from different evolutionary lineages. We further investigated the biological activity of hierridin B, and tested its cytotoxicity towards a panel of human cancer cell lines; it showed selective cytotoxicity towards HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells.
Cyanobacteria are widely recognized as a valuable source of bioactive metabolites. The majority of such compounds have been isolated from so-called complex cyanobacteria, such as filamentous or colonial forms, which usually display a larger number of biosynthetic gene clusters in their genomes, when compared to free-living unicellular forms. Nevertheless, picocyanobacteria are also known to have potential to produce bioactive natural products. Here, we report the isolation of hierridin B from the marine picocyanobacterium Cyanobium sp. LEGE 06113. This compound had previously been isolated from the filamentous epiphytic cyanobacterium Phormidium ectocarpi SAG 60.90, and had been shown to possess antiplasmodial activity. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from both strains confirmed that these cyanobacteria derive from different evolutionary lineages. We further investigated the biological activity of hierridin B, and tested its cytotoxicity towards a panel of human cancer cell lines; it showed selective cytotoxicity towards HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells.
An electrochemical sensor has been developed for the determination of the herbicide bentazone, based on a GC electrode modified by a combination of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) with b-cyclodextrin (b-CD) incorporated in a polyaniline film. The results indicate that the b-CD/MWCNT modified GC electrode exhibits efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of bentazone with high sensitivity and stability. A cyclic voltammetric method to determine bentazone in phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.0, was developed, without any previous extraction, clean-up, or derivatization steps, in the range of 10–80 mmolL 1, with a detection limit of 1.6 mmolL 1 in water. The results were compared with those obtained by an established HPLC technique. No statistically significant differences being found between both methods.
Recent developments in the factory floor technologies together with the widespread use of TCP/IP and the Internet are increasing the eagerness to support a new wide class of devices and applications, such as industrial multimedia applications, in factory floor networks. This paper presents how this new field of applications can be put into practice, via a manufacturing cell field trial being implemented. This manufacturing automation field trial involves the use of traditional distributed computer control systems and 'factory-floor-oriented' multimedia (e.g. voice, video) application services.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are being used for a number of applications involving infrastructure monitoring, building energy monitoring and industrial sensing. The difficulty of programming individual sensor nodes and the associated overhead have encouraged researchers to design macro-programming systems which can help program the network as a whole or as a combination of subnets. Most of the current macro-programming schemes do not support multiple users seamlessly deploying diverse applications on the same shared sensor network. As WSNs are becoming more common, it is important to provide such support, since it enables higher-level optimizations such as code reuse, energy savings, and traffic reduction. In this paper, we propose a macro-programming framework called Nano-CF, which, in addition to supporting in-network programming, allows multiple applications written by different programmers to be executed simultaneously on a sensor networking infrastructure. This framework enables the use of a common sensing infrastructure for a number of applications without the users having to worrying about the applications already deployed on the network. The framework also supports timing constraints and resource reservations using the Nano-RK operating system. Nano- CF is efficient at improving WSN performance by (a) combining multiple user programs, (b) aggregating packets for data delivery, and (c) satisfying timing and energy specifications using Rate- Harmonized Scheduling. Using representative applications, we demonstrate that Nano-CF achieves 90% reduction in Source Lines-of-Code (SLoC) and 50% energy savings from aggregated data delivery.
Consider a wireless network where links may be unidirectional, that is, a computer node A can broadcast a message and computer node B will receive this message but if B broadcasts then A will not receive it. Assume that messages have deadlines. We propose a medium access control (MAC) protocol which replicates a message in time with carefully selected pauses between replicas, and in this way it guarantees that for every message at least one replica of that message is transmitted without collision. The protocol ensures this with no knowledge of the network topology and it requires neither synchronized clocks nor carrier sensing capabilities. We believe this result is significant because it is the only MAC protocol that offers an upper bound on the message queuing delay for unidirectional links without relying on synchronized clocks.