14 resultados para Value premium
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
O VAR (Value at Risk) ,valor em risco, é a perda máxima provável de uma carteira para um nível de confiança determinado, num horizonte temporal especificado.
This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the Value for the Customer, the so-called the Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer (CMDVC). This conceptual model is first validated through an exploratory case study where the authors validate both the proposed constructs of the model and their relations. In a second step the authors propose a mathematical formulation for the CMDVC as well as a computational method. This has enabled the final quantitative discussion of how the CMDVC can be applied and used in the enterprise environment, and the final validation by the people in the enterprise. Along this research, we were able to confirm that the results of this novel quantitative approach to model the Value for the Customer is consistent with the company's empirical experience. The paper further discusses the merits and limitations of this approach, proposing that the model is likely to bring value to support not only the contract preparation at an Ex-Ante Negotiation Phase, as demonstrated, but also along the actual negotiation process, as finally confirmed by an enterprise testimonial.
Value has been defined in different theoretical contexts as need, desire, interest, standard /criteria, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. The creation of value is key to any business, and any business activity is about exchanging some tangible and/or intangible good or service and having its value accepted and rewarded by customers or clients, either inside the enterprise or collaborative network or outside. “Perhaps surprising then is that firms often do not know how to define value, or how to measure it” (Anderson and Narus, 1998 cited by [1]). Woodruff echoed that we need “richer customer value theory” for providing an “important tool for locking onto the critical things that managers need to know”. In addition, he emphasized, “we need customer value theory that delves deeply into customer’s world of product use in their situations” [2]. In this sense, we proposed and validated a novel “Conceptual Model for Decomposing the Value for the Customer”. To this end, we were aware that time has a direct impact on customer perceived value, and the suppliers’ and customers’ perceptions change from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase phases, causing some uncertainty and doubts.We wanted to break down value into all its components, as well as every built and used assets (both endogenous and/or exogenous perspectives). This component analysis was then transposed into a mathematical formulation using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), so that the uncertainty and vagueness of value perceptions could be embedded in this model that relates used and built assets in the tangible and intangible deliverable exchange among the involved parties, with their actual value perceptions.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Supeior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob a orientação da Doutora Sandrina Francisca Teixeira
The premise of this paper is that a model for communicating the national value system must start from a strategy aimed at the identification, the cultivation and communication of values that give consistency to the value system. The analysis concentrates on the elements of such strategies and on the implications of applying a value communication program on the identity architecture of the community. The paper will also discuss the role of the national value system in the context of the emerging global culture, where the individual has the power to create his/her own hybrid cultural model.
The present paper describes a procedure to isolate volatiles from rock-rose (Cistus ladanifer L.) using simultaneous distillation–extraction (SDE). High-value volatile compounds (HVVC) were selected and the influence of the extraction conditions investigated. The effect of the solvent nature and extraction time on SDE efficiency was studied. The best performance was achieved with pentane in 1 h operation. The extraction efficiencies ranged from 65% to 85% and the repeatability varied between 4% and 6% (as a CV%). The C. ladanifer SDE extracts were analysed by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The HS-SPME sampling conditions such as fiber coating, temperature, ionic strength and exposure time were optimized. The best results were achieved with an 85 µm polyacrylate fiber for a 60 min headspace extraction at 40ºC with 20% (w/v) of NaCl. For optimized conditions the recovery was in average higher than 90% for all compounds and the intermediate precision ranged from 4 to 9% (as CV %). The volatiles α-pinene (22.2 mg g−1 of extract), 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone (6.1 mg g−1 of extract), borneol (3.0 mg g−1 of extract) and bornyl acetate (3.9 mg g−1 of extract) were identified in the SDE extracts obtained from the fresh plant material.
Alheiras are a traditional, smoked, fermented meat sausage, produced in Portugal, with an undeniable cultural and gastronomic legacy. In this study, we assessed the nutritional value of this product, as well as the influence of different types of thermal processing. Alheiras from Mirandela were submitted to six different procedures: microwave, skillet, oven, charcoal grill, electric fryer and electric grill. Protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, NaCl, and cholesterol contents, as well as fatty acid profile were evaluated. The results show that alheiras are not hypercaloric but an unbalanced foodstuff (high levels of proteins and lipids) and the type of processing has a major impact on their nutritional value. Charcoal grill is the healthiest option: less fat (12.5 g/100 g) and cholesterol (29.3 mg/100 g), corresponding to a lower caloric intake (231.8 kcal, less 13% than the raw ones). Inversely, fried alheiras presented the worst nutritional profile, with the highest levels of fat (18.1 g/100 g) and cholesterol (76.0 g/100 g).
The tanning industry generates a high quantity of solid wastes. Therefore, there is a need to create valorization [added value] options for these wastes. The main objective of the present work was to study the effect of protein hydrolysates (HP) prepared from fleshings on leather dyeing. During previous studies it was found that the application of HP products, obtained from fleshings, in leather retannage intensified the colour of crust leather. In this work the CIELAB colour system was used to evaluate the effect of HP on retannage processes. The main conclusions of this study were: (i) HP can be used instead of a dicyanodiamide resin (Fortan DC) if the colour parameters of the standard procedure are to be maintained, and (ii) the replacement of an acrylic resin (Fortan A40) by glutaraldehyde-modified HP (GHP) results in a darker skin, and can therefore be interesting for the reduction of the quantity of dye used.
A avaliação de empresas sempre constituiu um tema de elevada reflexão, sendo que vários especialistas tentam encontrar os modelos que melhor se adaptam a situações específicas e para as quais precisam de determinar um valor. No contexto empresarial português começa a ganhar significância a prática da gestão orientada para a criação de valor (Value-Based Management). O conceito de Value-Based Management assistiu a um particular desenvolvimento nos últimos 20 anos como resultado da globalização e desregulamentação dos mercados financeiros, dos avanços nas tecnologias de informação e do aumento da importância dos investidores institucionais. Vários analistas apresentaram evidência de que as empresas que adotam sistemas VBM melhoram o seu desempenho económico em relação a outras de dimensão semelhante no mesmo setor. É neste contexto que o EVA (Economic Value Added) se apresenta como uma métrica de desempenho privilegiada nos processos de controlo das decisões estratégicas tomadas. No presente trabalho pretendemos abordar o conceito da gestão baseada na criação de valor e a sua importância para o acionista, o que implica rever outros modelos de avaliação tradicionais baseados no valor contabilístico. Como métrica de avaliação do desempenho passado da empresa ao nível da criação de valor vamos dar particular importância ao estudo do EVA, fazendo referência à possível correlação entre esta métrica e o MVA (Market Value Added). O objetivo principal é analisar empiricamente a relação do EVA como medida de desempenho associada à criação de valor para os acionistas com a performance da empresa. Com efeito, vamos efetuar um estudo de caso, que vai incidir sobre um grupo empresarial português, referência no seu setor de atividade, o Grupo Galp Energia, cotado na Euronext Lisbon. Pensamos que a crescente prática da gestão baseada na criação de valor nas empresas cotadas em Portugal e a necessidade de aferir os resultados desta, tornam esta investigação pertinente, para além do facto de serem poucos os estudos empíricos à questão da criação de valor e a sua correlação com o valor acrescentado de mercado e com o valor de mercado dos capitais próprios das empresas cotadas em Portugal.
The effect of peel and seed removal, two commonly practiced procedures either at home or by the processing industry, on the physicochemical properties, bioactive compounds contents and antioxidant capacity of tomato fruits of four typical Portuguese cultivars (cereja, chucha, rama and redondo) were appraised. Both procedures caused significant nutritional and antioxidant activity losses in fruits of every cultivar. In general, peeling was more detrimental, since it caused a higher decrease in lycopene, bcarotene, ascorbic acid and phenolics contents (averages of 71%, 50%, 14%, and 32%, respectively) and significantly lowered the antioxidant capacity of the fruits (8% and 10%, using DPPH. and b-carotene linoleate model assays, correspondingly). Although seeds removal favored the increase of both color and sweetness, some bioactive compounds (11% of carotenoids and 24% of phenolics) as well as antioxidant capacity (5%) were loss. The studied cultivars were differently influenced by these procedures. The fruits most affected by peeling were those from redondo cultivar (-66% lycopene, -44% b-carotene, -26% ascorbic acid and -38% phenolics). Seeds removal, in turn, was more injurious for cereja tomatoes (-10% lycopene, -38% b-carotene, -25% ascorbic acid and -63% phenolics). Comparatively with the remaining ones, the rama fruits were less affected by the trimming procedures.
This study aims to analyze which determinants predict frailty in general and each frailty domain (physical, psychological, and social), considering the integral conceptual model of frailty, and particularly to examine the contribution of medication in this prediction. A cross-sectional study was designed using a non-probabilistic sample of 252 community-dwelling elderly from three Portuguese cities. Frailty and determinants of frailty were assessed with the Tilburg Frailty Indicator. The amount and type of different daily-consumed medication were also examined. Hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. The mean age of the participants was 79.2 years (±7.3), and most of them were women (75.8%), widowed (55.6%) and with a low educational level (0–4 years: 63.9%). In this study, determinants explained 46% of the variance of total frailty, and 39.8, 25.3, and 27.7% of physical, psychological, and social frailty respectively. Age, gender, income, death of a loved one in the past year, lifestyle, satisfaction with living environment and self-reported comorbidity predicted total frailty, while each frailty domain was associated with a different set of determinants. The number of daily-consumed drugs was independently associated with physical frailty, and the consumption of medication for the cardiovascular system and for the blood and blood-forming organs explained part of the variance of total and physical frailty. The adverse effects of polymedication and its direct link with the level of comorbidities could explain the independent contribution of the amount of prescribed drugs to frailty prediction. On the other hand, findings in regard to medication type provide further evidence of the association of frailty with cardiovascular risk. In the present study, a significant part of frailty was predicted, and the different contributions of each determinant to frailty domains highlight the relevance of the integral model of frailty. The added value of a simple assessment of medication was considerable, and it should be taken into account for effective identification of frailty.
In a highly competitive market companies know that having quality products or provide good services is not enough to keep customers "faithful". Currently, quality of products/services, location and price are fundamental aspects customers expect to get on every purchase, so they look for ways to distinguish companies. This can happen either in a strictly materialistic way or by evaluation of intangible metrics such as having his opinion appreciated or being part of a selected group of "premium" customers. Therefore, companies must find ways to value and reward its customers in order to keep them "faithful" to their products or services. Loyalty systems are one means to achieve this goal, however, due to its nature and how they are implemented, often companies end up having low acceptance, without achieving intended objectives. In an era of technological revolution, where global average adoption of smartphones and tablets is 74% and 40% [Our Mobile Planet, 2014], the opportunity to reinvent loyalty systems reappears. Throughout this thesis a new tool, relying on the latest technologies and aiming to fulfill this market opportunity, will be presented. The main idea is to use ancient loyalty concepts, such as stamps or pointscards, and transforms them into digital cards, to be used in digital wallets, introducing an innovative technology component based on Apple's Passbook technology. The main goal is to create a platform for managing the card’s life cycle, allowing anyone to create, edit, distribute and analyze the data, and also create a new communication channel with customers, improving the customer-‐supplier relationship and enhancing the mobile-‐marketing.
The research presented in this paper proposes a novel quantitative model for decomposing and assessing the Value for the Customer. The proposed approach builds on the different dimensions of the Value Network analysis proposed by Verna Allee having as background the concept of Value for the Customer proposed by Woodall. In this context, the Value for the Customer is modelled as a relationship established between the exchanged deliverables and a combination of tangible and intangible assets projected into their endogenous or exogenous dimensions. The Value Network Analysis of the deliverables exchange enables an in-depth understanding of this frontier and the implicit modelling of co-creation scenarios. The proposed Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer combines several concepts: from the marketing area we have the concept of Value for the Customer; from the area of intellectual capital the concept of Value Network Analysis; from the collaborative networks area we have the perspective of the enterprise life cycle and the endogenous and exogenous perspectives; at last, the proposed model is supported by a mathematical formal description that stems from the area of Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The whole concept is illustrated in the context of a case study of an enterprise in the footwear industry (Pontechem). The merits of this approach seem evident from the contact with Pontechem as it provides a structured approach for the enterprises to assess the adequacy of their value proposition to the client/customer needs and how these relate to their endogenous and/or exogenous tangible or intangible assets. The proposed model, as a tool, may therefore be a useful instrument in supporting the commercialisation of new products and/or services.