12 resultados para Universal newborn hearing screening
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Introduction: Hearing loss h sone raised impact in the development and academic progress of a child. In several developed countries, early detection is part of the national health plan through universal neonatal hearing screening (UNHS) and also with school hearing screening programs (SHSP), but only a few have published national data and revised protocols. Currently in Portugal, the UNHS is implemented in the main district hospitals but not the SHPS, as well we still do not make use of concrete data nor publication of studies on the national reality. Objectives: The incidence of the hearing loss and of otological problems was studied in school communities in the north of the country with 2550 participants between 3 and 17 years old. Methods: Statistical data collected within the schools with a standard auditory hearing screening protocol. All participants were evaluated with the same protocol, an audiological anamnesis, otoscopy and audiometric exam screening (500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz) were fulfilled. Results: Different otological problems were identified and the audiometric screening exam counted auditory thresholds that outpointed uni and bilateral hearing loss in about 5.7% of the cases. Conclusions: The study has demonstrated that auditory school screening should take place as early as possible and be part of the primary health care to identify and direct children to appropriate rehabilitation, education and attendance. Thus, reducing high costs with late treatment.
Avaliação auditiva de comunidades escolares portuguesas: Audiologia Escolar versus Rastreio Auditivo
Estudo da incidência da perda auditiva e de problemas otológicos em comunidades escolares do Norte do país de um totalde 2550 participantes, entre os 3 e os 17 anos de idade. Desenho do Estudo: Levantamento estatístico nas próprias instituições de ensino sendo realizado um protocolo de avaliação auditiva de rastreio. Material e Métodos: A todos os participantes foi realizado o mesmo protocolo de avaliação que consistiu numa anamnese audiológica, otoscopia e exame audiométrico de rastreio, sendo considerado como critério de inclusão a autorização prévia por parte do encarregado de educação. Resultados: Foram identificados diversos problemas otológicos e a audiometria tonal de rastreio contabilizou limiares auditivos indicativos de hipoacusia, uni e bilateralmente, em cerca de 5,7% dos casos. Conclusões: O rastreio auditivo deve ser realizado o mais precocemente possível e fazer parte integral dos cuidados de saúde primários, de modo a orientar a criança para uma educação e acompanhamento apropriados.
Cyanobacteria are a diverse group of Gram-negative bacteria that produce an array of secondary compounds with selective bioactivity against vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, microalgae, fungi, bacteria, viruses and cell lines. The aim of this study was to assess the toxic effects of aqueous, methanolic and hexane crude extracts of benthic and picoplanktonic cyanobacteria isolated from estuarine environments, towards the nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina and embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. The A. salina lethality test was used as a frontline screen and then complemented by the more specific sea urchin embryo-larval assay. Eighteen cyanobacterial isolates, belonging to the genera Cyanobium, Leptolyngbya, Microcoleus, Phormidium, Nodularia, Nostoc and Synechocystis, were tested. Aqueous extracts of cyanobacteria strains showed potent toxicity against A. salina, whereas in P. lividus, methanolic and aqueous extracts showed embryo toxicity, with clear effects on development during early stages. The results suggest that the brackishwater cyanobacteria are producers of bioactive compounds with toxicological effects that may interfere with the dynamics of invertebrate populations.
A incidência de perda auditiva bilateral é de 1 a 3 por cada recém-nascidos saudáveis e de 30 a 40 por 1000 recém-nascidos de risco. No Hospital Cuf Porto (HCP) o Rastreio Auditivo Neonatal Universal (RANU) teve inicio em Dezembro de 2010 em paralelo com abertura dos serviços de Obstetrícia / Neonatologia. As otoemissões acústicas (OEA) são o teste utilizado pois são reconhecidas como um método de rastreio auditivo simples, seguro e bem aceite. O objectivo deste trabalho é salientar a importância do RANU na identificação da perda auditiva antes da alta hospitalar, apresentando as suas vantagens na detecção e intervenção precoce minimizando as consequências da perda auditiva. Este trabalho, pretende ainda demonstrar as vantagens do RANU como estratégia fundamental no planeamento e na introdução de medidas de diagnóstico e terapêutica. É assim apresentada uma análise retrospectiva dos resultados obtidos nas OEA por produtos de distorção (OEAPD) entre Janeiro de 2011 e Dezembro de 2012, com uma amostra constituída por n=572. Os resultados revelam uma percentagem de “PASS” (OEAPD presentes) na primeira fase do rastreio, com um valor de 88,8% relativamente ao número total de rastreios efectuados. Relativamente à percentagem de “REFER” (OEAPD ausentes) – na mesma fase do rastreio- obtiveram-se 11,2% de situações face ao total de rastreados. Destes – que correspondem a um n=64 – 42.2% das situações referem-se a “REFER” bilateral (n=27). Relativamente às situações de “REFER” unilateral (n=37), encontramos uma percentagem de 57,8% dos casos. De acordo com a casuística apresentada, correspondente aos resultados obtidos e atendendo à realidade da população rastreada (dado que até ao momento não se confirmou perda auditiva em nenhum dos indivíduos rastreados), pode-se concluir que os OEA podem ser um método de rastreio simples e fiável, fundamental para a detecção e intervenção precoce nas perdas auditivas.
Este trabalho teve o intuito de criar uma linha de montagem universal através da qual será dada formação aos atuais operadores e a novos que possam vir a pertencer ao departamento de montagem na empresa Grohe Portugal. Para tal era necessário saber realizar um estudo de métodos e um estudo de tempos sobre os vários processos existentes no departamento de montagem. Com esse intuito foi elaborada uma pesquisa sobre as referidas temáticas, onde ficou evidente a sua importância e a sua imprescindibilidade. Inicialmente houve também um acompanhamento das montagens dos produtos nas várias linhas, de forma a adquirir conhecimento sobre as características dos processos de montagem existentes no departamento. Os pontos mais importantes durante o estudo de métodos e tempos realizado foram a definição de toda a estrutura do processo, das ferramentas e materiais a utilizar, não esquecendo a relação entre o operador e as suas ferramentas e a medição de tempos de todas as tarefas necessárias para cada processo de montagem. A linha de montagem, cujo projeto se desenvolveu, é composta por três bancadas e consiste num conjunto de postos de trabalho onde são executadas as operações através de máquinas, do trabalho humano, ou da sua conjugação, dispostos numa determinada sequência, sendo alguns deles amovíveis. Para a realização e conclusão deste projeto foram superadas diversas etapas, sendo que as mais relevantes foram: a análise dos processos de montagem; estudo de tempos de todas as famílias de produtos a serem implementados na linha de formação; - Definição da estrutura da linha de montagem; - Definição das rampas e dos tubos de abastecimento da linha; - Desenho da linha de montagem em 3D no software SolidWorks. Paralelamente foram também desenvolvidos estudos de tempos sobre alguns produtos com o intuito de serem implementadas melhorias, ou apenas para o controlo de tempos necessários para a realização das operações Por último, foi também elaborada uma recolha de ferramentas existentes no departamento de montagem para serem elaborados manuais de instruções das ferramentas fabricadas internamente, com o objetivo de obter a certificação OSHAS 180001 e de criar documentos com a listagem de materiais necessários para cada produto.
Growing concern about the contamination of wastewaters by antibiotics demands fast but sensitive analytical methodologies, for the screening of a large number of samples. The purpose of this work was to develop a simple methodology, using direct injection of the samples, by HPLC with diode array detection (DAD), for a multiresidue analysis of five antibiotics of different classes. Wastewater from an urban water treatment plant was selected as a model to study possible coelution of interfering compounds. The linearity interval ranged from 40 to 400 µg/L for amoxicillin (Amox), metronidazole (Metro), cefazolin (Cefa), and chloramphenicol (Chloram) and from 20 to 200 µg/L for sulfamethoxazole (Sulfa), with LODs lower than 14 µg/L. Repeatability, expressed by the CV of six repeated injections, ranged from 1 to 8%, while the intermediate precision varied between 2 and 11%. The recovery ranged from 90 to 109%. This method enables the fast screening of a large number of samples, with an expanded uncertainty in the 1–22% range. The advantage of the proposed method is to significantly reduce the number of samples to be analyzed by more complex methods.
An analytical method, based on microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with diode array detection, for the determination of six carbamate and three urea pesticides in fresh and processed tomato samples is described. Significant parameters affecting extraction efficiency were optimized. Under optimum microwave-assisted extraction conditions (20mL acetonitrile, for 10 minutes, at 60º C), pesticides were extracted with recoveries ranging from 57.6 to 102% (RSDs<7%). Quantification limits between 6.5 and 39.6 µg=kg were obtained. A total number of 28 different fresh tomato samples and 6 processed tomato products were analysed. Confirmation of suspicious samples was performed by LC-MS.
The Quinone outside Inhibitors (QoI) are one of the most important and recent fungicide groups used in viticulture and also allowed by Integrated Pest Management. Azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl and trifloxystrobin are the main active ingredients for treating downy and powdery mildews that can be present in grapes and wines. In this paper, a method is reported for the analysis of these three QoI-fungicides in grapes and wine. After liquid–liquid extraction and a clean-up on commercial silica cartridges, analysis was by isocratic HPLC with diode array detection (DAD) with a run time of 13 min. Confirmation was by solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME), followed by GC/MS determination. The main validation parameters for the three compounds in grapes and wine were a limit of detection up to 0.073mg kg-1, a precision not exceeding 10.0% and an average recovery of 93% ±38.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and controversy are old friends. The impact of GDM on maternal and fetal health has been increasingly recognized. Nevertheless, universal consensus on the diagnostic methods and thresholds has long been lacking. Published guidelines from major societies differ significantly from one another, with recommendations ranging from aggressive screening to no routine screening at all. As a result, real-world practice is equally varied. This article recaps the latest evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and classification of GDM. It reviews the current evidence base for intensive multidisciplinary treatment of GDM and provides recommendations for postpartum management to delay and/or prevent progression to type 2 diabetes.
Mestrado em Engenharia Computação e Instrumentação Médica
Early life-stage bioassays have been used as an alternative to short-term adult toxicity tests since they are cost-effective. A single couple can produce hundreds or thousands of embryos and hence can be used as a simple high-throughput approach in toxicity studies. In the present study, zebrafish and sea urchin embryo bioassays were used to test the toxicity of four pharmaceuticals belonging to different therapeutic classes: diclofenac, propranolol, simvastatin and sertraline. Simvastatin was the most toxic tested compound for zebrafish embryo, followed by diclofenac. Sertraline was the most toxic drug to sea urchin embryos, inducing development abnormalities at the ng/L range. Overall, our results highlight the potential of sea urchin embryo bioassay as a promising and sensitive approach for the high-throughput methods to test the toxicity of new chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, and identify several drugs that should go through more detailed toxicity assays.
We are presenting a simple, low-cost and rapid solid-state optical probe for screening chlorpromazine (CPZ) in aquacultures. The method exploits the colourimetric reaction between CPZ and Fe(III) ion that occurs at a solid/liquid interface, the solid layer consisting of ferric iron entrapped in a layer of plasticized PVC. If solutions containing CPZ are dropped onto such a layer, a colour change occurs from light yellow to dark pink or even light blue, depending on the concentration of CPZ. Visual inspection enables the concentration of CPZ to be estimated. The resulting colouration was also monitored by digital image collection for a more accurate quantification. The three coordinates of the hue, saturation and lightness system were obtained by standard image processing along with mathematical data treatment. The parameters affecting colour were assessed and optimized. Studies were conducted by visible spectrophotometry and digital image acquisition, respectively. The response of the optimized probe towards the concentration of CPZ was tested for several mathematical transformations of the colour coordinates, and a linear relation was found for the sum of hue and luminosity. The limit of detection is 50 μM (corresponding to about 16 μg per mL). The probe enables quick screening for CPZ in real water samples with prior sample treatment.