108 resultados para TDMA protocols
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
We propose a schedulability analysis for a particular class of time division multiple access (TDMA) networks, which we label as TDMA/SS. SS stands for slot skipping, reflecting the fact that a slot is skipped whenever it is not used. Hence, the next slot can start earlier in benefit of hard real-time traffic. In the proposed schedulability analysis, we assume knowledge of all message streams in the system, and that each node schedules messages in its output queue according to a rate monotonic policy (as an example). We present the analysis in two steps. Firstly, we address the case where a node is only permitted to transmit a maximum of one message per TDMA cycle. Secondly, we generalise the analysis to the case where a node is assigned a budget of messages per TDMA cycle it may transmit. A simple algorithm to assign budgets to nodes is also presented.
Recent technological developments are pulling fieldbus networks to support a new wide class of applications, such as industrial multimedia applications. These applications are usually supported by the widely used TCP/IP stack. It is thus essential to provide support to TCP/IP based applications, in fieldbus networks. This paper presents an effort that is being carried out to integrate the TCP/IP and PROFIBUS stacks, in order to support industrial multimedia applications, whilst guarantying the timing requirements of control-related traffic.
In this paper we describe how to integrate Internet Protocols (IP) into a typical hierarchical master-slave fieldbus network, supporting a logical ring token passing mechanism between master stations. The integration of the TCP/IP protocols in the fieldbus protocol rises a number of issues that must be addressed properly. In this paper we particularly address the issues related to the conveyance of IP fragments in fieldbus frames (fragmentation/de-fragmentation) and on how to support the symmetry inherent to the TCP/IP protocols in fieldbus slaves, which lack communication initiative.
Demands for functionality enhancements, cost reductions and power savings clearly suggest the introduction of multiand many-core platforms in real-time embedded systems. However, when compared to uni-core platforms, the manycores experience additional problems, namely the lack of scalable coherence mechanisms and the necessity to perform migrations. These problems have to be addressed before such systems can be considered for integration into the realtime embedded domain. We have devised several agreement protocols which solve some of the aforementioned issues. The protocols allow the applications to plan and organise their future executions both temporally and spatially (i.e. when and where the next job will be executed). Decisions can be driven by several factors, e.g. load balancing, energy savings and thermal issues. All presented protocols are analytically described, with the particular emphasis on their respective real-time behaviours and worst-case performance. The underlying assumptions are based on the multi-kernel model and the message-passing paradigm, which constitutes the communication between the interacting instances.
We consider the problem of scheduling a multi-mode real-time system upon identical multiprocessor platforms. Since it is a multi-mode system, the system can change from one mode to another such that the current task set is replaced with a new task set. Ensuring that deadlines are met requires not only that a schedulability test is performed on tasks in each mode but also that (i) a protocol for transitioning from one mode to another is specified and (ii) a schedulability test for each transition is performed. We propose two protocols which ensure that all the expected requirements are met during every transition between every pair of operating modes of the system. Moreover, we prove the correctness of our proposed algorithms by extending the theory about the makespan determination problem.
Distributed real-time systems, such as factory automation systems, require that computer nodes communicate with a known and low bound on the communication delay. This can be achieved with traditional time division multiple access (TDMA). But improved flexibility and simpler upgrades are possible through the use of TDMA with slot-skipping (TDMA/SS), meaning that a slot is skipped whenever it is not used and consequently the slot after the skipped slot starts earlier. We propose a schedulability analysis for TDMA/SS. We assume knowledge of all message streams in the system, and that each node schedules messages in its output queue according to deadline monotonic. Firstly, we present a non-exact (but fast) analysis and then, at the cost of computation time, we also present an algorithm that computes exact queuing times.
Consider a communication medium shared among a set of computer nodes; these computer nodes issue messages that are requested to be transmitted and they must finish their transmission before their respective deadlines. TDMA/SS is a protocol that solves this problem; it is a specific type of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) where a computer node is allowed to skip its time slot and then this time slot can be used by another computer node. We present an algorithm that computes exact queuing times for TDMA/SS in conjunction with Rate-Monotonic (RM) or Earliest- Deadline-First (EDF).
In this paper, we focus on large-scale and dense Cyber- Physical Systems, and discuss methods that tightly integrate communication and computing with the underlying physical environment. We present Physical Dynamic Priority Dominance ((PD)2) protocol that exemplifies a key mechanism to devise low time-complexity communication protocols for large-scale networked sensor systems. We show that using this mechanism, one can compute aggregate quantities such as the maximum or minimum of sensor readings in a time-complexity that is equivalent to essentially one message exchange. We also illustrate the use of this mechanism in a more complex task of computing the interpolation of smooth as well as non-smooth sensor data in very low timecomplexity.
8th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (MACOM2015), Helsinki, Finland.
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are expected to play a significant role in smart healthcare systems. One of the most important attributes of WBANs is to increase network lifetime by introducing novel and low-power techniques on the energy-constrained sensor nodes. Medium access control (MAC) protocols play a significant role in determining the energy consumption in WBANs. Existing MAC protocols are unable to accommodate communication requirements in WBANs. There is a need to develop novel, scalable and reliable MAC protocols that must be able to address all these requirements in a reliable manner. In this special issue, we attracted high quality research and review papers on the recent advances in MAC protocols for WBANs.
Este estudo tem como objectivo descrever a Unidade de cuidados intensivos e intermédios respiratórios do Hospital Clínico em Barcelona de forma a caracterizá-la tanto ao nível de recursos materiais e humanos como em termos de protocolos usados. Esta unidade é considerada uma das melhores da Europa, dispondo da mais alta tecnologia, desenvolvendo protocolos baseados na evidência de forma a reduzir ao máximo a taxa de mortalidade neste local. O staff médico sempre em constante actualização, trabalhando muito no campo da investigação. Por outro lado, a fisioterapia integrante no Instituto Clínico do Tórax realiza menos investigação investindo mais no tratamento de doentes não intubados, tendo como técnicas de eleição posicionamento, mobilização, expiração forçada e hidratação oral. Em relação à VNI, muitos dos estudos referentes a este tema foram realizados pelo staff médico deste Hospital. O staff de fisioterapia é responsável pela adaptação da VNI nos pacientes hipercápnicos. Em conclusão, o número e tempo limitado de fisioterapeutas na unidade não contribuem para a aplicação de novas técnicas que requerem a intervenção de dois fisioterapeutas. Palavras-chave: unidade de cuidados intensivos respiratórios, unidade de cuidados intermédios respiratórios, VNI, papel dos fisioterapeutas respiratórios.
Currently, power systems (PS) already accommodate a substantial penetration of distributed generation (DG) and operate in competitive environments. In the future, as the result of the liberalisation and political regulations, PS will have to deal with large-scale integration of DG and other distributed energy resources (DER), such as storage and provide market agents to ensure a flexible and secure operation. This cannot be done with the traditional PS operational tools used today like the quite restricted information systems Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) [1]. The trend to use the local generation in the active operation of the power system requires new solutions for data management system. The relevant standards have been developed separately in the last few years so there is a need to unify them in order to receive a common and interoperable solution. For the distribution operation the CIM models described in the IEC 61968/70 are especially relevant. In Europe dispersed and renewable energy resources (D&RER) are mostly operated without remote control mechanisms and feed the maximal amount of available power into the grid. To improve the network operation performance the idea of virtual power plants (VPP) will become a reality. In the future power generation of D&RER will be scheduled with a high accuracy. In order to realize VPP decentralized energy management, communication facilities are needed that have standardized interfaces and protocols. IEC 61850 is suitable to serve as a general standard for all communication tasks in power systems [2]. The paper deals with international activities and experiences in the implementation of a new data management and communication concept in the distribution system. The difficulties in the coordination of the inconsistent developed in parallel communication and data management standards - are first addressed in the paper. The upcoming unification work taking into account the growing role of D&RER in the PS is shown. It is possible to overcome the lag in current practical experiences using new tools for creating and maintenance the CIM data and simulation of the IEC 61850 protocol – the prototype of which is presented in the paper –. The origin and the accuracy of the data requirements depend on the data use (e.g. operation or planning) so some remarks concerning the definition of the digital interface incorporated in the merging unit idea from the power utility point of view are presented in the paper too. To summarize some required future work has been identified.
Background: The Erasmus program is a subprogram of the Lifelong Learning program, exclusive for Higher Education that promotes (among other initiatives), the mobility of students(studies, training or internships). The mobility of students of higher education seeks to improve the quality and development of future professionals, providing a multidisciplinary and multicultural experience. Setting: Academic Pharmacy/Pharmacy Technicians Methods: We conducted a descriptive and transversal study on the implementation of the mobility program and analyze the results, which involved applying a survey to students. Results: Since 2009/2010, the Pharmacy Degree at ESTSP has established 7 SMs protocols resulting in an average mobility of 5 students IN and 7 Students OUT. We have also endeavoured in SMp Protocols for extracurricular training with an average of 3 students OUT. The application process is normally open during the year before the mobility period. For most of the students involved, this was a first time opportunity to be in a foreign country and more than 70% choose the mobility program because it is seen as a possibility to improve their curriculum, for personal development or even to pursue employment opportunities abroad. The mobility for teachers is also encouraged. Conclusions: The exchange of experiences and training, acquired during cooperation activities should be an element of continuous dynamics and institutional affirmation. Initiatives such as the ERASMUS Program contribute to the educational and scientific enrichment, and promote international competitiveness among Higher Education Institutions.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Introdução: A artroplastia total do ombro é largamente aceite como tratamento para uma variedade de patologias do ombro com dor persistente e perda acentuada da funcionalidade. Em termos globais, os resultados obtidos após a intervenção cirúrgica são bastante bons, parecendo estar, no entanto, condicionados com a patologia subjacente e a qualidade da coifa dos rotadores. Objectivo: Pretende-se com este trabalho descrever e avaliar a eficácia de um plano de intervenção numa prótese total do ombro com integridade da coifa dos rotadores. Metodologia: Paciente sexo feminino, 61 anos, reformada, com dor acentuada no ombro esquerdo desde há três anos, submetida a uma cirurgia de colocação de prótese total do ombro. Apresentava limitação da amplitude articular, diminuição da força, alteração do ritmo escapulo-umeral e ligeira incapacidade funcional. Cinco semanas após a cirurgia, iniciou sessões diárias de fisioterapia durante 12 semanas. A intervenção incluiu a aplicação de modalidades anti-álgicas, mobilização articular, fortalecimento muscular e reeducação neuromuscular. Foi avaliada em quatro momentos: antes da intervenção (M1), 4 (M2), 7 (M3) e 12 (M4) semanas após. Resultados: A dor diminuiu de 4 para 0 (END) no final de 7 semanas e as amplitudes articulares passivas aproximaram-se dos valores definidos pelo protocolo com a flexão/elevação anterior a evoluir de 90º para 130º; a abdução/elevação lateral de 80º para 110º e a rotação medial de 35º para 70º. A força muscular inicial era de 3 nos grupos musculares flexores, extensores e rotadores do ombro atingindo no final grau 4. O ritmo escapulo-umeral demonstrou assincronia durante a elevação do ombro na primeira avaliação, ficando quase normalizado no final das sessões. Quanto à funcionalidade, antes da intervenção o score obtido foi de 30.8 atingindo um valor de 11.6 no final das sessões de tratamento. Conclusão: Após 12 semanas de tratamento, os objectivos delineados foram praticamente atingidos, uma vez que a utente já não refere dor no ombro e apresenta uma boa capacidade funcional, apesar de apresentar ligeiras diferenças nas amplitudes articulares e força muscular esperadas, apontando para o sucesso do protocolo de tratamento aplicado.