49 resultados para Strength exercise

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Introduction: Coronary artery disease and aging seems to be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to increased abdominal fat and consequently metabolic complications. The exercise can break this cycle by stimulating lipolysis and the use of fatty acids. In Europe there is still a lack of cardiac rehabilitation programmes in hospitals, therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the advantages of implementing home-based exercise programmes, as well as, their effects on cardiovascular prevention. This study analyzed the effects of a home-based exercise programme, in patients with coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction for 1 year), in body composition, abdominal fat, lipid profile. Methods: An ongoing randomized controlled trial with a sample of 20 participants were randomly allocated to intervention (n = 10) and control groups (n = 10). Intervention group performed a specific exercise programme during 8 weeks, consisting of ten home based exercises taking into account flexibility, muscle endurance and strength as well as cardiovascular endurance. Skinfolds thickness were measure to calculate the percentage of total fat: Skinfolds used were suprailiac, abdominal horizontal and vertical. Body mass index calculation and blood tests for lipidic profile were performed. Results: After eight weeks the intervention group decreased significantly the percentage of total fat (p < 0.05), the suprailiac skinfold (p < 0.05), the abdominal horizontal and vertical skinfold (p < 0.05) when compared with control group. In the intervention group it was observed after 8 weeks a significant decrease in body mass index, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Conclusions: Home-based exercise programme influenced body composition, abdominal fat and lipid profile. These results highlight the importance of implementing home based exercises that are easy and cheap to implement in cardiac patients, in order to promote health and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.


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Este estudo pretendeu analisar se um programa específico de exercício físico melhora o desempenho físico de indivíduos em hemodiálise. O programa de exercício foi desenhado e adaptado a cada indivíduo, por um fisioterapeuta, visando flexibilidade, força e resistência (n=11). Após o programa verificou-se um aumento significativo da distância percorrida em 6 minutos (6-minute walk), um aumento da velocidade da marcha (gait speed) e uma maior velocidade a levantar/sentar numa cadeira (sit-to-stand-to-sit). Assim, um treino específico de exercício em casa parece melhorar o desempenho físico de indivíduos em hemodiálise.


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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory airways affecting people of all ages, and constitutes a serious public health problem worldwide (6). Such a chronic inflammation is invariably associated with injury and repair of the bronchial epithelium known as remodelling (11). Inflammation, remodelling, and altered neural control of the airways are responsible for both recurrent exacerbations of asthma and increasingly permanent airflow obstruction (11, 29, 34). Excessive airway narrowing is caused by altered smooth muscle behaviour, in close interaction with swelling of the airway walls, parenchyma retractile forces, and enhanced intraluminal secretions (29, 38). All these functional and structural changes are associated with the characteristic symptoms of asthma – cough, chest tightness, and wheezing –and have a significant impact on patients’ daily lives, on their families and also on society (1, 24, 29). Recent epidemiological studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma, mainly in industrial countries (12, 25, 37). The reasons for this increase may depend on host factors (e.g., genetic disposition) or on environmental factors like air pollution or contact with allergens (6, 22, 29). Physical exercise is probably the most common trigger for brief episodes of symptoms, and is assumed to induce airflow limitations in most asthmatic children and young adults (16, 24, 29, 33). Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is defined as an intermittent narrowing of the airways, generally associated with respiratory symptoms (chest tightness, cough, wheezing and dyspnoea), occurring after 3 to 10 minutes of vigorous exercise with a maximal severity during 5 to 15 minutes after the end of the exercise (9, 14, 16, 24, 33). The definitive diagnosis of EIA is confirmed by the measurement of pre- and post-exercise expiratory flows documenting either a 15% fall in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), or a ≥15 to 20% fall in peak expiratory flow (PEF) (9, 24, 29). Some types of physical exercise have been associated with the occurrence of bronchial symptoms and asthma (5, 15, 17). For instance, demanding activities such as basketball or soccer could cause more severe attacks than less vigorous ones such as baseball or jogging (33). The mechanisms of exercise-induced airflow limitations seem to be related to changes in the respiratory mucosa induced by hyperventilation (9, 29). The heat loss from the airways during exercise, and possibly its post-exercise rewarming may contribute to the exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) (27). Additionally, the concomitant dehydration from the respiratory mucosa during exercise leads to an increased interstitial osmolarity, which may also contribute to bronchoconstriction (4, 36). So, the risk of EIB in asthmatically predisposed subjects seems to be higher with greater ventilation rates and the cooler and drier the inspired air is (23). The incidence of EIA in physically demanding coldweather sports like competitive figure skating and ice hockey has been found to occur in up to 30 to 35% of the participants (32). In contrast, swimming is often recommended to asthmatic individuals, because it improves the functionality of respiratory muscles and, moreover, it seems to have a concomitant beneficial effect on the prevalence of asthma exacerbations (14, 26), supporting the idea that the risk of EIB would be smaller in warm and humid environments. This topic, however, remains controversial since the chlorified water of swimming pools has been suspected as a potential trigger factor for some asthmatic patients (7, 8, 20, 21). In fact, the higher asthma incidence observed in industrialised countries has recently been linked to the exposition to chloride (7, 8, 30). Although clinical and epidemiological data suggest an influence of humidity and temperature of the inspired air on the bronchial response of asthmatic subjects during exercise, some of those studies did not accurately control the intensity of the exercise (2, 13), raising speculation of whether the experienced exercise overload was comparable for all subjects. Additionally, most of the studies did not include a control group (2, 10, 19, 39), which may lead to doubts about whether asthma per se has conditioned the observed results. Moreover, since the main targeted age group of these studies has been adults (10, 19, 39), any extrapolation to childhood/adolescence might be questionable regarding the different lung maturation. Considering the higher incidence of asthma in youngsters (30) and the fact that only the works of Amirav and coworkers (2, 3) have focused on this age group, a scarcity of scientific data can be identified. Additionally, since the main environmental trigger factors, i.e., temperature and humidity, were tested separately (10, 28, 39) it would be useful to analyse these two variables simultaneously because of their synergic effect on water and heat loss by the airways (31, 33). It also appears important to estimate the airway responsiveness to exercise within moderate environmental ranges of temperature and humidity, trying to avoid extreme temperatures and humidity conditions used by others (2, 3). So, the aim of this study was to analyse the influence of moderate changes in air temperature and humidity simultaneously on the acute ventilatory response to exercise in asthmatic children. To overcome the above referred to methodological limitations, we used a 15 minute progressive exercise trial on a cycle ergometer at 3 different workload intensities, and we collected data related to heart rate, respiratory quotient, minute ventilation and oxygen uptake in order to ensure that physiological exercise repercussions were the same in both environments. The tests were done in a “normal” climatic environment (in a gymnasium) and in a hot and humid environment (swimming pool); for the latter, direct chloride exposition was avoided.


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A reabilitação do joelho utilizando exercícios terapêuticos em meio aquático tem sido utilizada com o intuito de iniciar, de forma imediata os movimentos articulares, pois reduz a dor e permite a carga de peso mais precoce. Apesar destas vantagens serem reconhecidas, poucos estudos têm sido realizados no sentido de determinar a efectividade dos exercícios terapêuticos em meio aquático na reabilitação pós-cirúrgica do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) Objectivo: Descrever os efeitos de um programa de exercícios terapêuticos em meio aquático num caso clínico de ligamentoplastia do cruzado anterior. Metodologia: Um jogador de futebol de 27 anos de idade, sujeito a uma ligamentoplastia do LCA, completou um programa de exercícios terapêuticos em meio aquático que constou de um total de 24 sessões (4 por semana, e 60 minutos por sessão). O atleta foi avaliado em três momentos distintos (T0, no início da intervenção, T1, três semanas após o início da intervenção e T2, seis semanas após o início da intervenção. Como parâmetros de avaliação foram utilizadas as amplitudes articulares (goniometria), o teste muscular manual, o volume muscular (perimetria), o equilíbrio estável (Y Balance Test (YBT)) e a funcionalidade (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS)). Resultados: Após as 24 sessões verificou-se uma melhoria nos diversos parâmetros avaliados (flexão do joelho: 75º vs 134º; extensão do joelho: -7º vs 0º; força dos flexores e extensores do joelho: 3 vs 4+; perimetria da coxa: 46,2 cm vs 51,5 cm; YBT: equilíbrio anterior (resultados correspondentes aos momentos T1 e T2): 53 cm vs 72 cm; posterolateral: 46 cm vs 61 cm; posteromedial: 39 cm vs 57 cm; KOOS: dor/sintomas: 17 vs 92, outros sintomas: 25 vs 75, actividades da vida diária: 12 vs 90, actividades desportivas e de lazer: 0 vs 55, qualidade de vida relacionada com o joelho: 0 vs 50. Conclusão: O programa de exercícios terapêuticos em meio aquático utilizado neste estudo parece ter efeitos benéficos num caso clínico de ligamentoplastia do cruzado anterior.


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Introdução: As quedas são um dos mais sérios problemas de saúde pública associado à idade. Objectivo: Analisar a influência de um programa de exercícios específicos, realizado no domicílio, em idosos, na força muscular dos membros inferiores, no equilíbrio, no medo de cair e na autonomia. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo quase-experimental, com a duração de 3 meses, em dois grupos de mulheres idosas, o grupo experimental (n=6), que foi submetido ao programa de exercícios e o grupo controlo (n=6), que apenas recebia visitas mensais para ser submetido às avaliações. Para avaliar os factores de risco de queda foram utilizados o Five-Times-Sit-to-Stand-Test para avaliar a força muscular dos membros inferiores, o Functional Reach Test para avaliar o equilíbrio, a Falls Efficacy Scale para avaliar o medo de cair e a Medida de Independência Funcional para avaliar a autonomia das participantes. Resultados: Verificou-se uma melhor prestação do grupo experimental na realização do FTSST, conseguindo melhorar cerca de 9 segundos em média ao longo do estudo. Os resultados obtidos através do FRT demonstraram uma melhoria da média e mediana entre o 1º e 2º momento de avaliação, nos dois grupos, piorando progressivamente após esse momento. Inicialmente, o número de participantes com medo de cair era superior no grupo experimental (66,7%), sendo apenas 33% no final do estudo, verificando-se um aumento na média das pontuações no grupo experimental até ao 3º momento de avaliação,. Através dos resultados da MIF verificou-se que os dois grupos se encontravam na classificação de independência completa, não se tendo observado influência do programa de exercícios na independência das idosas. Conclusão: O exercício físico específico melhorou a força muscular dos membros inferiores e o medo de cair.


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Introdução: neste estudo foi avaliado um caso de lombociatalgia com hérnia discal lombar através de exame clínico confirmado por ressonância magnética. Foi efectuado um tratamento com terapia manual durante 4 semanas até à abolição dos sintomas e recuperação total da função. Objectivos: realizar um tratamento de terapia manual num paciente com lombociatalgia com hérnia discal lombar num período de 1 mês. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo num paciente de 40 anos do sexo masculino que apresentava um quadro de lombociatalgia com hérnia discal lombar. Para a avaliação foram utilizados testes palpatórios com movimento (teste de Mitchell lombar, teste de Gillet sacroilíaco); observação de assimetrias posturais; teste de mobilidade activa em pé; EVA para avaliação da dor; testes de compressão lombar na posição de sentado; testes de condução neurológica; testes neurodinâmicos. Os testes foram aplicados no início e final das 4 primeiras sessões de tratamento com terapia manual, com intervalo de uma semana e um follow-up realizado uma semana após a 4ª sessão. Resultados: após o tratamento de 4 sessões, verificou-se a ausência de postura antálgica. A dor diminuiu de 5/10 para 0/10 (EVA) nos movimentos de flexão, extensão, rotação esquerda e inclinação esquerda do segmento lombar, em pé, com amplitudes normais de mobilidade. A dor diminuiu 3/10 para 0/10 (EVA) no teste de compressão lombar sentado e de 6/10 para 0/10 (EVA) para o teste de compressão lombar sentado com inclinação esquerda. O teste de Mitchell lombar inicial (FRS L5; NSR lombar) ficou negativo assim como o teste de Gillet sacroilíaco; teste de SLR ; SLR + neck flection ; testes de condução de L5 que se encontrava positivo com hipostesia no dermátomo de L5 e grau 3+ de força nos dorsiflexores à esquerda ficou negativo para a hipostesia e grau 5 de força nos dorsiflexores. Conclusão: neste caso o conjunto de técnicas de terapia manual aplicadas juntamente com exercícios terapêuticos, concelhos posturais e de estilos de vida ajudaram o paciente a recuperar totalmente a função e ver abolida a dor.


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Abstract Introduction: Exhaustive and/or unaccustomed exercise, mainly those involving eccentric muscle actions, induces temporary muscle damage, evidenced by Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Different strategies to recover the signs and symptoms of this myogenic condition have been studied by researchers, as a result a significant number of articles on this issue have been published. Purpose: A systematic review was conducted to assess the evidence of the physiotherapeutic interventions of exercise-induced muscle damage. Methods: The electronic data bases were searched, including MEDLINE (1996-2011), CINHAL (1982- 2011), EMBASE (1988-2011), PEDro (1950-2011), and SPORTDiscus (1985-2011). Systematic review was limited to randomized control trials (RCTs) studies, written in English or Portuguese, which included physiotherapeutic interventions, namely massage, cryotherapy, stretching and low-intensity exercise, on adult human subjects (18-60 years old) of either gender. Studies were excluded when the intervention could not be assessed independently. The methodological quality of RCTs was independently assessed with the PEDro Scale by three reviewers. Results: Thirty-three studies were included in the systematic review; eight analyzed the effects of the massage, ten analyzed the effects of the cryotherapy, eight the effect of stretching and seventeen focused low-intensity exercise intervention. The results suggest that massage is the most effective intervention and that there is inconclusive evidence to support the use of cryotherapy; whereas the other conventional, namely stretching and low-intensity exercise, there is no evidence to prove their efficacy. Conclusion: The results allow the conclusion that massage is the physiotherapeutic intervention that demonstrated to be the most effective in the relief of symptoms and signs of exercise-induced muscle damage, as a result, massage should still be used in the muscular recovery after sports activities.


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Introdução: No fu tebol os atletas são submetidos a um grande número de treinos e jogos, não havendo muitas vezes tempo necessário para o repouso ou alongamentos, estes factores predispõem o aparecimento de lesões incapacitantes como a pubalgia. O fisioterapeuta deverá realizar uma correcta avaliação e interpretação dos sintomas e das alterações posturais e biomecânicas do paciente com pubalgia. Objectivo: Através deste estudo de caso pretende-se descrever a avaliação e intervenção num caso de um jogador de fu tebol com pubalgia, salientando o processo de raciocínio clín ico desenvolvido ao longo do tratamento. Intervenção: Após a avaliação inicial, foi estabelecido, em conjunto com o atleta, um plano de tratamento por um períodlo de cinco semanas com três sessões semanais e exercícios durante os restantes dias. A intervenção visou a diminuição da dor, normalização das alterações articu lares, reforço da musculatu ra enfraquecida, promoção da estabilidade lombopélvica, restabelecimento da mobilidade das cadeias musculares encurtadas e retorno à actividade desportiva. Resultados: Verificou-se uma diminuição da dor, associada a um aumento de flexibilidade e de força. Conclusão: Através da abordagem pelo conceito de cadeias lesionais associado ao tratamento global de fisioterapia (exercícios terapêuticos, electroterapia, massagem), obteve-se melhorias clinicamente importantes num período de cinco semanas, verificando-se no fim do tratamento a ausência de sintomatologia, o que permitiu o retorno do atleta à actividade desportiva.


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Introdução: Apesar dos muitos estudos sobre a temática da sensação retardada de desconforto muscular, atualmente, ainda se discute a explicação dos mecanismos subjacentes a esta condição clínica, bem como, a sua prevenção e tratamento. A literatura sugere a massagem como uma das formas de terapia, contudo, os estudos têm mostrado resultados controversos. Objetivo: Verificar se a massagem aplicada 2 horas após um protocolo de exercício excêntrico tem influência na sensação retardada de desconforto muscular, bem como, se o seu efeito varia dependendo do tempo de aplicação. Métodos: 21 participantes (23,62±1,32 anos; 76,95±12,17 kg; 174,71±4,78 cm; 25,25±4,26 Kg/m 2) foram divididos em três grupos. Foi avaliada a dor, força muscular e a perimetria antes, e 2h, 24h, 48h, e 72h após um protocolo de exercício constituído por três séries de dez repetições de contrações excêntricas dos isquiotibiais do membro dominante, com 80% da força máxima, a uma velocidade constante de 60º/s, numa amplitude entre 0º e 80º, utilizando o dinamómetro isocinético Biodex System 4. A massagem foi efetuada 2 horas após o exercício em dois grupos experimentais com durações diferentes, sendo o terceiro grupo de controlo. Para identificar diferenças entre os grupos no momento inicial e na variável diferença entre o momento inicial e os restantes momentos, recorreu-se ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido de uma análise Post-Hoc através do teste de Dunn com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Verificou-se que a massagem teve efeito na redução da dor e na perimetria. Relativamente à força não foram encontradas alterações significativas. Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a massagem aplicada 2 horas após o exercício excêntrico, independentemente da duração utilizada, teve efeito na redução da dor, mas não na força muscular. Na perimetria apesar de haver alterações, estas não foram consideradas relevantes.


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Background Abdominal fat is associated with metabolic disorders, leading to cardiovascular risk factors and numerous diseases. This study aimed to analyze the effect of plaster body wrap in combination with aerobic exercise on abdominal fat. Methods Nineteen female volunteers were randomly divided into intervention group (IG; n = 10) performing aerobic exercise with plaster body wrap, and control group (CG; n = 9) performing only exercise. Subcutaneous and visceral fat were measured using ultrasound; subcutaneous fat was also estimated on analysis of skinfolds and abdominal perimeters. Results At the end of the 10-sessions protocol, the IG demonstrated a significant decrease (p ≤ 0.05) in subcutaneous fat at the left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) level and in iliac crest perimeter measurements. A large intervention effect size strength (0.80) was found in subcutaneous fat below the navel and a moderate effect size strength on the vertical abdominal skinfold (0.62) and the perimeter of the most prominent abdominal point (0.57). Comparing the initial and final data of each group, the IG showed a significant decrease in numerous variables including visceral and subcutaneous fat above and below the navel measured by ultrasound (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion Plaster body wrap in combination with aerobic exercise seems to be effective for abdominal fat reduction.


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In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug-filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. Whilst the main purpose of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of plug-filling for the strength improvement of these repairs, a parallel study was carried out to assess the sensitivity of the adhesive to external features that can affect the repairs performance, such as the rate of loading and environmental temperature. The experimental programme included repairs with different values of overlap length (L O = 10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug-filling, whose results were interpreted in light of experimental evidence of the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength was also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature (≈23°C), 50 and 80°C. This permitted a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the glass transition temperature (T g), established by the manufacturer as 67°C. The combined influence of these two parameters on the repairs strength was also analysed. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were


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Adhesive joints are largely employed nowadays as a fast and effective joining process. The respective techniques for strength prediction have also improved over the years. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM’s) coupled to Finite Element Method (FEM) analyses surpass the limitations of stress and fracture criteria and allow modelling damage. CZM’s require the energy release rates in tension (Gn) and shear (Gs) and respective fracture energies in tension (Gnc) and shear (Gsc). Additionally, the cohesive strengths (tn0 for tension and ts0 for shear) must also be defined. In this work, the influence of the CZM parameters of a triangular CZM used to model a thin adhesive layer is studied, to estimate their effect on the predictions. Some conclusions were drawn for the accuracy of the simulation results by variations of each one of these parameters.


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Adhesive bonding as a joining or repair method has a wide application in many industries. Repairs with bonded patches are often carried out to re-establish the stiffness at critical regions or spots of corrosion and/or fatigue cracks. Single and double-strap repairs (SS and DS, respectively) are a viable option for repairing. For the SS repairs, a patch is adhesively-bonded on one of the structure faces. SS repairs are easy to execute, but the load eccentricity leads to peel peak stresses at the overlap edges. DS repairs involve the use of two patches, one on each face of the structure. These are more efficient than SS repairs, due to the doubling of the bonding area and suppression of the transverse deflection of the adherends. Shear stresses also become more uniform as a result of smaller differential straining. The experimental and Finite Element (FE) study presented here for strength prediction and design optimization of bonded repairs includes SS and DS solutions with different values of overlap length (LO). The examined values of LO include 10, 20 and 30 mm. The failure strengths of the SS and DS repairs were compared with FE results by using the Abaqus® FE software. A Cohesive Zone Model (CZM) with a triangular shape in pure tensile and shear modes, including the mixed-mode possibility for crack growth, was used to simulate fracture of the adhesive layer. A good agreement was found between the experiments and the FE simulations on the failure modes, elastic stiffness and strength of the repairs, showing the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed FE technique in predicting strength of bonded repairs. Furthermore, some optimization principles were proposed to repair structures with adhesively-bonded patches that will allow repair designers to effectively design bonded repairs.


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Interest in polyethylene and polypropylene bonding has increased in the last years. However, adhesive joints with adherends which are of low surface energy and which are chemically inert present several difficulties. Generally, their high degree of chemical resistance to solvents and dissimilar solubility parameters limit the usefulness of solvent bonding as a viable assembly technique. One successful approach to adhesive bonding of these materials involves proper selection of surface pre-treatment prior to bonding. With the correct pre-treatment it is possible to glue these materials with one or more of several adhesives required by the applications involved. A second approach is the use of adhesives without surface pre-treatment, such as hot melts, high tack pressure-sensitive adhesives, solvent-based specialty adhesives and, more recently, structural acrylic adhesives as such 3M DP-8005® and Loctite 3030®. In this paper, the shear strengths of two acrylic adhesives were evaluated using the lap shear test method ASTM D3163 and the block shear test method ASTM D4501. Two different industrial polyolefins (polyethylene and polypropylene) were used for adherends. However, the focus of this study was to measure the shear strength of polyethylene joints with acrylic adhesives. The effect of abrasion was also studied. Some test specimens were manually abraded using 180 and 320 grade abrasive paper. An additional goal of this work was to examine the effect of temperature and moisture on mechanical strength of adhesive joints.


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This work reports on the experimental and numerical study of the bending behaviour of two-dimensional adhesively-bonded scarf repairs of carbon-epoxy laminates, bonded with the ductile adhesive Araldite 2015®. Scarf angles varying from 2 to 45º were tested. The experimental work performed was used to validate a numerical Finite Element analysis using ABAQUS® and a methodology developed by the authors to predict the strength of bonded assemblies. This methodology consists on replacing the adhesive layer by cohesive elements, including mixed-mode criteria to deal with the mixed-mode behaviour usually observed in structures. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of the adhesive used. The cohesive laws in pure modes I and II were determined with Double Cantilever Beam and End-Notched Flexure tests, respectively, using an inverse method. Since in the experiments interlaminar and transverse intralaminar failures of the carbon-epoxy components also occurred in some regions, cohesive laws to simulate these failure modes were also obtained experimentally with a similar procedure. A good correlation with the experiments was found on the elastic stiffness, maximum load and failure mode of the repairs, showing that this methodology simulates accurately the mechanical behaviour of bonded assemblies.