8 resultados para Space flight to Venus.
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The aim of this work is to characterize the nanofilm consisting of the benzoic acid-modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode system through multidimensional scaling space analysis. The surface modification is based on the electrochemical reaction between the GC electrode and benzoic acid-diazonium salt (BA-DAS). As a result, the nonofilms regarding the benzoic acid-glassy carbon (BA-GC) electrode surface was obtained. For the analysis of the naonfilm of BC-GC electrode system, the IR spectra of the modified BA-GC electrode surface, GC surface and BA-DAS were recorded in the spectral range of 599.84 – 3996.34 [cm–1]. The IR data vectors of the above three forms were processed by the using the multidimensional scaling space approach to demonstrate the existence of a nanofilm on the modified BA-GC electrode system. Two- and three-dimensional MDS profiles obtained by application of multidimensional scaling approach to the data sets {CG1,...,CG10}, {BA-GC1,...,BA-GC10} and {FILM1,...,FILM10} allow a good recognition of the nanofilm on the modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode system.
A new method, based on linear correlation and phase diagrams was successfully developed for processes like the sedimentary process, where the deposition phase can have different time duration - represented by repeated values in a series - and where the erosion can play an important rule deleting values of a series. The sampling process itself can be the cause of repeated values - large strata twice sampled - or deleted values: tiny strata fitted between two consecutive samples. What we developed was a mathematical procedure which, based upon the depth chemical composition evolution, allows the establishment of frontiers as well as the periodicity of different sedimentary environments. The basic tool isn't more than a linear correlation analysis which allow us to detect the existence of eventual evolution rules, connected with cyclical phenomena within time series (considering the space assimilated to time), with the final objective of prevision. A very interesting discovery was the phenomenon of repeated sliding windows that represent quasi-cycles of a series of quasi-periods. An accurate forecast can be obtained if we are inside a quasi-cycle (it is possible to predict the other elements of the cycle with the probability related with the number of repeated and deleted points). We deal with an innovator methodology, reason why it's efficiency is being tested in some case studies, with remarkable results that shows it's efficacy. Keywords: sedimentary environments, sequence stratigraphy, data analysis, time-series, conditional probability.
This paper studies forest fires from the perspective of dynamical systems. Burnt area, precipitation and atmospheric temperatures are interpreted as state variables of a complex system and the correlations between them are investigated by means of different mathematical tools. First, we use mutual information to reveal potential relationships in the data. Second, we adopt the state space portrait to characterize the system’s behavior. Third, we compare the annual state space curves and we apply clustering and visualization tools to unveil long-range patterns. We use forest fire data for Portugal, covering the years 1980–2003. The territory is divided into two regions (North and South), characterized by different climates and vegetation. The adopted methodology represents a new viewpoint in the context of forest fires, shedding light on a complex phenomenon that needs to be better understood in order to mitigate its devastating consequences, at both economical and environmental levels.
L‘auteur entreprend l‘approche de l‘importance particulière du rapport aux espaces habités ou inhabités dans l‘imaginaire et la construction narrative des textes fictionnels de l‘écrivain belge francophone contemporain Eugène Savitzkaya de Mentir (1977) jusqu‘à En vie (1994). Il s‘agit de souligner la pertinence de l‘habitat en tant que support des imaginaires de l‘enfance et de la poétisation du quotidien. L‘espace s‘avère en effet un repère symbolique et poétique chez Savitzkaya ; ce qui lui permet de s‘exprimer et d‘exprimer son enfance sur un mode autofictionnel.
In this paper we address an order processing optimization problem known as the Minimization of Open Stacks Problem (MOSP). This problem consists in finding the best sequence for manufacturing the different products required by costumers, in a setting where only one product can be made at a time. The objective is to minimize the maximum number of incomplete orders from costumers that are being processed simultaneously. We present an integer programming model, based on the existence of a perfect elimination order in interval graphs, which finds an optimal sequence for the costumers orders. Among other economic advantages, manufacturing the products in this optimal sequence reduces the amount of space needed to store incomplete orders.
No dia-a-dia existe regularmente a necessidade de rotular um item com informação adicional de forma a poder ser mais facilmente recuperado ou identificado posteriormente. Diversas plataformas permitem que os utilizadores rotulem recursos com tags que habitualmente são partilhadas com outros utilizadores. Assim, ao longo do tempo foram propostas várias formas de visualização das tags associados aos recursos, com o intuito de não só facilitar aos utilizadores a pesquisa dos mesmos, mas também permitir a visualização do tag space. A nuvem de tags destaca-se como a forma mais comum de visualização. Este documento apresenta um estudo efetuado sobre formas de visualização de tags, as suas vantagens e limitações, e propõe uma forma de visualização alternativa. Sugere-se também uma nova interpretação sobre como pesquisar e visualizar recursos com tags associadas: o sistema Molecule, uma solução viável e inovadora, para vários dos problemas associados à tradicional nuvem de tags que, para além de permitir aos seus utilizadores associem tags aos s recursos, proporciona uma abordagem multivista para os mesmos navegarem no tag space e pesquisarem informação.
Num contexto em que as dinâmicas europeias em matéria de empreendedorismo e empresas sociais apelam à melhoria do ambiente legal, este estudo debruça-se sobre a oportunidade da consagração do princípio da livre fixação nos estatutos da cooperativa do montante do capital social. Esta solução legislativa permitirá reduzir os custos de contexto para a constituição da cooperativa e evitar o risco de fuga para formas societárias com regimes mais favoráveis em matéria de capital social mínimo. Constata-se que nas cooperativas, mais intensamente do que nas sociedades comerciais, o capital social mínimo não desempenha eficientemente as funções que lhe são tradicionalmente atribuídas. Conclui-se, igualmente, que a avaliação do nível de capitalização das cooperativas não pode atender apenas a este instituto, devendo ter em conta o património da cooperativa ressalvado para garantia dos credores, com particular destaque para a reserva legal.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação do Doutor Manuel Moreira da Silva Esta versão não contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri