6 resultados para Slow sand filters
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Um dos objetivos desta dissertação de mestrado foi avaliar o impacto ambiental do processo de tingimento usado na indústria de curtumes, em termos de volume de efluente produzido e sua carga poluente. Pretendeu-se também encontrar alternativas ao nível do processo de tingimento que levem a uma melhoria na qualidade do efluente produzido. Outro objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o funcionamento da ETAR existente na empresa JR Fontes, no que diz respeito aos parâmetros em estudo (carência química de oxigénio - CQO, pH, crómio e teor de sólidos suspensos totais - SST), propondo alterações que permitam respeitar os valores de emissão exigidos na licença de descarga da empresa. Verificou-se que o processo de tingimento aplicado pela empresa JR Fontes é muito poluente, em termos de carga orgânica e matéria em suspensão. Este facto é comprovado pelos resultados obtidos para os três processos estudados: Montana, Galáctico e Navak. Todos os processos apresentam um efluente com pH ácido (aproximado a 3) e valores de CQO superiores a 3550 mg O2/L, sendo o processo Navak aquele que apresenta o valor mais alto para o banho composto, 8362 mg O2/L. Relativamente ao teor de crómio, o banho de recurtume com concentração mais elevada de crómio total é o banho 1 do processo Navak, com 2297 mg/L, sendo que a concentração destes banhos é sempre elevada, igual ou superior a 746 mg/L. No que diz respeito à matéria em suspensão, o processo Navak é novamente o mais poluente, com um valor de 3842 mg SST/L, não sendo obtidos nos outros processos, valores inferiores a 1205 mg SST/L. Na realização de um processo alternativo de tingimento verificou-se que é possível diminuir a carga orgânica do efluente originado. A aplicação de recurtumes sintéticos deu origem a efluentes menos poluentes. O melhor valor obtido para a CQO foi de 1113 mg O2/L, sendo obtidos valores não superiores a 7185 mg O2/L para processos de características semelhantes aos aplicados nesta indústria. Relativamente à ETAR, apesar das restrições ao funcionamento que esta apresenta, no geral pode ser considerada eficiente, embora não consiga atingir o objetivo pretendido de remoção para a CQO, ou seja o valor de 1100 mg O2/L. Nos restantes parâmetros é cumprido o limite de emissão (350 mg SST/L, pH entre 6 e 9 e 2 mg Cr/L para o crómio total): os SST apresentam o valor de 98 mg SST/L, o crómio total de 1,2 mg Cr/L e o pH encontra-se entre 8 e 9. São aqui feitas duas abordagens para solucionar os problemas existentes na ETAR. A primeira considera um ajuste no tratamento e equipamentos existentes, através da reconstrução do tanque de equalização, da substituição do coagulante por sulfato ferroso e da reconstrução do sedimentador, assim como a substituição das tubagens por umas de maior diâmetro, solucionando assim problemas de manutenção de toda a instalação e do incumprimento da legislação. A outra abordagem implica a substituição do sistema de afinação existente, os filtros de areia e carvão ativados, por um sistema de membranas de ultrafiltração ou por dois filtros de carvão ativado. Para tratar um efluente com um valor de CQO de 3000 mg O2/L com o carvão estudado, seriam necessários 132 kg de carvão por coluna, aproveitando-se os equipamentos existentes. No caso das membranas filtrantes, estas são eficazes, reduzindo a CQO em cerca de 70%. Ao contrário do carvão, a aplicação deste sistema implicaria a aquisição de novos equipamentos. Futuramente propõe-se a avaliação dos vários tipos de reagentes usados no tingimento de couro de forma a aplicar no tratamento aqueles que produzam as características desejadas no produto final e a que apresentem um menor resultado de CQO. Propõe-se também o estudo de viabilidade da remoção de crómio dos banhos de recurtume e consequente avaliação da aplicabilidade de um tratamento biológico em substituição ou como complemento do tratamento existente.
The main objective of this study was to characterize the organic matter present in raw water and along the treatment process, as well as its seasonal variation. A natural organic matter fractionation approach has been applied to Lever water treatment plant located in Douro River, in Oporto (Portugal). The process used was based on the sorption of dissolved organic matter in different types of ion exchange resins, DAX-8, DAX-4 and IRA-958, allowing its separation into four fractions: very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids (SHA), charged hydrophilic (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU). The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) determination was used to quantify dissolved organic matter. Samples were collected monthly, during approximately one year, from raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river, and after each step of the treatment: pre-filtration in sand/anthracite filters, ozonation, coagulation/flocculation, counter current dissolved air flotation and filtration (CoCoDAFF) and chlorination. The NEU fraction showed a seasonal variation, with maximum values in autumn for the sampling points corresponding to raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river. It was usually the predominating fraction and did not show a significant decrease throughout the treatment. Nevertheless their low concentration, the same occurred for the CHA and VHA fractions. There was an overall decrease in the SHA fraction throughout the water treatment (especially after CoCoDAFF and ozonation) as well as in the DOC. The TSUVA254 values obtained for raw water generally varied between 2.0 and 4.0 L mgC-1 m-1 and between 0.75 and 1.78 L mgC-1 m-1 for treated water. It was observed a decrease of TSUVA values along the treatment, especially after ozonation. These results may contribute to a further optimization in the process of treating water for human consumption.
Existing work in the context of energy management for real-time systems often ignores the substantial cost of making DVFS and sleep state decisions in terms of time and energy and/or assume very simple models. Within this paper we attempt to explore the parameter space for such decisions and possible constraints faced.
Constraints nonlinear optimization problems can be solved using penalty or barrier functions. This strategy, based on solving the problems without constraints obtained from the original problem, have shown to be e ective, particularly when used with direct search methods. An alternative to solve the previous problems is the lters method. The lters method introduced by Fletcher and Ley er in 2002, , has been widely used to solve problems of the type mentioned above. These methods use a strategy di erent from the barrier or penalty functions. The previous functions de ne a new one that combine the objective function and the constraints, while the lters method treat optimization problems as a bi-objective problems that minimize the objective function and a function that aggregates the constraints. Motivated by the work of Audet and Dennis in 2004, using lters method with derivative-free algorithms, the authors developed works where other direct search meth- ods were used, combining their potential with the lters method. More recently. In a new variant of these methods was presented, where it some alternative aggregation restrictions for the construction of lters were proposed. This paper presents a variant of the lters method, more robust than the previous ones, that has been implemented with a safeguard procedure where values of the function and constraints are interlinked and not treated completely independently.
Constrained nonlinear optimization problems are usually solved using penalty or barrier methods combined with unconstrained optimization methods. Another alternative used to solve constrained nonlinear optimization problems is the lters method. Filters method, introduced by Fletcher and Ley er in 2002, have been widely used in several areas of constrained nonlinear optimization. These methods treat optimization problem as bi-objective attempts to minimize the objective function and a continuous function that aggregates the constraint violation functions. Audet and Dennis have presented the rst lters method for derivative-free nonlinear programming, based on pattern search methods. Motivated by this work we have de- veloped a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization, that combines the features of the simplex method and lters method. This work presents a new variant of these methods which combines the lters method with other direct search methods and are proposed some alternatives to aggregate the constraint violation functions.
This work aims to shed some light on longshore sediment transport (LST) in the highly energetic northwest coast of Portugal. Data achieved through a sand-tracer experiment are compared with data obtained from the original and the new re-evaluated longshore sediment transport formulas (USACE Waterways Experiment Station’s Coastal Engineering and Research Center, Kamphuis, and Bayram bulk formulas) to assess their performance. The field experiment with dyed sand was held at Ofir Beach during one tidal cycle under medium wave-energy conditions. Local hydrodynamic conditions and beach topography were recorded. The tracer was driven southward in response to the local swell and wind- and wave-induced currents (Hsb=0.75mHsb=0.75m, Tp=11.5sTp=11.5s, θb=8−12°θb=8−12°). The LST was estimated by using a linear sediment transport flux approach. The obtained value (2.3×10−3m3⋅s−12.3×10−3m3⋅s−1) approached the estimation provided by the original Bayram formula (2.5×10−3m3⋅s−12.5×10−3m3⋅s−1). The other formulas overestimated the transport, but the estimations resulting from the new re-evaluated formulas also yield approximate results. Therefore, the results of this work indicated that the Bayram formula may give satisfactory results for predicting the longshore sediment transport on Ofir Beach.