5 resultados para Second molar Permanent dentition
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Instituto Politcnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administrao do Porto
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory airways affecting people of all ages, and constitutes a serious public health problem worldwide (6). Such a chronic inflammation is invariably associated with injury and repair of the bronchial epithelium known as remodelling (11). Inflammation, remodelling, and altered neural control of the airways are responsible for both recurrent exacerbations of asthma and increasingly permanent airflow obstruction (11, 29, 34). Excessive airway narrowing is caused by altered smooth muscle behaviour, in close interaction with swelling of the airway walls, parenchyma retractile forces, and enhanced intraluminal secretions (29, 38). All these functional and structural changes are associated with the characteristic symptoms of asthma cough, chest tightness, and wheezing and have a significant impact on patients daily lives, on their families and also on society (1, 24, 29). Recent epidemiological studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma, mainly in industrial countries (12, 25, 37). The reasons for this increase may depend on host factors (e.g., genetic disposition) or on environmental factors like air pollution or contact with allergens (6, 22, 29). Physical exercise is probably the most common trigger for brief episodes of symptoms, and is assumed to induce airflow limitations in most asthmatic children and young adults (16, 24, 29, 33). Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is defined as an intermittent narrowing of the airways, generally associated with respiratory symptoms (chest tightness, cough, wheezing and dyspnoea), occurring after 3 to 10 minutes of vigorous exercise with a maximal severity during 5 to 15 minutes after the end of the exercise (9, 14, 16, 24, 33). The definitive diagnosis of EIA is confirmed by the measurement of pre- and post-exercise expiratory flows documenting either a 15% fall in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), or a 15 to 20% fall in peak expiratory flow (PEF) (9, 24, 29). Some types of physical exercise have been associated with the occurrence of bronchial symptoms and asthma (5, 15, 17). For instance, demanding activities such as basketball or soccer could cause more severe attacks than less vigorous ones such as baseball or jogging (33). The mechanisms of exercise-induced airflow limitations seem to be related to changes in the respiratory mucosa induced by hyperventilation (9, 29). The heat loss from the airways during exercise, and possibly its post-exercise rewarming may contribute to the exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) (27). Additionally, the concomitant dehydration from the respiratory mucosa during exercise leads to an increased interstitial osmolarity, which may also contribute to bronchoconstriction (4, 36). So, the risk of EIB in asthmatically predisposed subjects seems to be higher with greater ventilation rates and the cooler and drier the inspired air is (23). The incidence of EIA in physically demanding coldweather sports like competitive figure skating and ice hockey has been found to occur in up to 30 to 35% of the participants (32). In contrast, swimming is often recommended to asthmatic individuals, because it improves the functionality of respiratory muscles and, moreover, it seems to have a concomitant beneficial effect on the prevalence of asthma exacerbations (14, 26), supporting the idea that the risk of EIB would be smaller in warm and humid environments. This topic, however, remains controversial since the chlorified water of swimming pools has been suspected as a potential trigger factor for some asthmatic patients (7, 8, 20, 21). In fact, the higher asthma incidence observed in industrialised countries has recently been linked to the exposition to chloride (7, 8, 30). Although clinical and epidemiological data suggest an influence of humidity and temperature of the inspired air on the bronchial response of asthmatic subjects during exercise, some of those studies did not accurately control the intensity of the exercise (2, 13), raising speculation of whether the experienced exercise overload was comparable for all subjects. Additionally, most of the studies did not include a control group (2, 10, 19, 39), which may lead to doubts about whether asthma per se has conditioned the observed results. Moreover, since the main targeted age group of these studies has been adults (10, 19, 39), any extrapolation to childhood/adolescence might be questionable regarding the different lung maturation. Considering the higher incidence of asthma in youngsters (30) and the fact that only the works of Amirav and coworkers (2, 3) have focused on this age group, a scarcity of scientific data can be identified. Additionally, since the main environmental trigger factors, i.e., temperature and humidity, were tested separately (10, 28, 39) it would be useful to analyse these two variables simultaneously because of their synergic effect on water and heat loss by the airways (31, 33). It also appears important to estimate the airway responsiveness to exercise within moderate environmental ranges of temperature and humidity, trying to avoid extreme temperatures and humidity conditions used by others (2, 3). So, the aim of this study was to analyse the influence of moderate changes in air temperature and humidity simultaneously on the acute ventilatory response to exercise in asthmatic children. To overcome the above referred to methodological limitations, we used a 15 minute progressive exercise trial on a cycle ergometer at 3 different workload intensities, and we collected data related to heart rate, respiratory quotient, minute ventilation and oxygen uptake in order to ensure that physiological exercise repercussions were the same in both environments. The tests were done in a normal climatic environment (in a gymnasium) and in a hot and humid environment (swimming pool); for the latter, direct chloride exposition was avoided.
Com o desenvolvimento econmico das ltimas dcadas, a gesto de recursos energticos um desafio que a sociedade moderna enfrenta. Assim, actualmente h a necessidade da procura de novas fontes de energia, fontes de energia renovveis. Sendo o biodiesel uma fonte de energia renovvel, a sua crescente produo ir trazer um aumento da produo de resduos, como o glicerol e cidos gordos. pois importante reduzir/valorizar estes resduos de forma a impedir a sua acumulao ao longo do tempo. A valorizao destes resduos o objectivo principal deste trabalho. A primeira parte consistiu na esterificao de cidos gordos livres com glicerol, na presena de um catalisador cido, para a produo de monoglicerdeos. Foram utilizados diferentes tipos de matrias-primas: glicerol (76,3%) e resduo de cidos gordos (20,8%), fornecidos pela empresa SOCIPOLE SA, glicerol puro (92,2%) e cido oleico puro (93,1%). Os catalisadores usados foram o cloreto de zinco comercial e o cido p-tolueonossulfnico comercial. No foram efectuadas anlises especficas aos monoglicerdeos, o produto foi caracterizado pelo ndice de acidez. Aparentemente, a maior converso de cidos gordos foi obtida no ensaio de esterificao de cidos gordos com glicerol, ambos da SOCIPOLE SA. No entanto, este no serviu como termo de comparao com os outros devido formao de uma fase slida (polmero). Relativamente aos outros ensaios, com razo molar glicerol/cidos gordos de 1:3, o melhor resultado foi obtido na reaco de glicerol da SOCIPOLE SA com cido oleico puro, na presena do catalisador cido p-toluenossulfnico, temperatura de 106,3C e tempo de reaco de 4h30min, sendo a converso final de cido oleico 80,7%. Na segunda parte foi feito o estudo da esterificao de cidos gordos livres com metanol, na presena de cido sulfrico, para a produo de biodiesel utilizando cidos gordos fornecidos pela empresa SOCIPOLE SA, cidos gordos derivados dos sabes de um resduo de glicerol fornecido pelo Laboratrio de Tecnologia Qumica, Professora Doutora Ldia Vasconcelos do ISEP e cidos gordos derivados dos sabes do glicerol bruto, fornecido pela empresa SOCIPOLE SA. Os ensaios foram efectuados a 65C, com uma agitao de 120rpm e uma razo molar cidos gordos/metanol de 1:3. Verificou-se que o ndice de acidez do produto, depois de lavado e seco, diminua com o tempo de reaco e na generalidade a percentagem de steres aumentava, observando-se que a partir das seis horas, a reaco se tornava muito lenta. O estudo da razo cidos gordos/metanol, no permitiu tirar concluses. O melhor resultado obtido correspondeu a um produto com 96,2% de steres metlicos e 8,54mgKOH/gamostra de ndice de acidez, pelo que no pode ainda ser designado de biodiesel.
Com o desenvolvimento econmico a gesto de recursos um desafio que a sociedade moderna enfrenta. Um desenvolvimento sustentvel, que procure satisfazer as necessidades da gerao actual e futuras, fundamental. pois necessrio encontrar novas fontes de energia e reduzir/valorizar resduos. O objectivo deste trabalho prende-se com a valorizao de um resduo de cidos gordos livres como fonte alternativa de energia. Estes cidos gordos so obtidos na purificao primria da glicerina proveniente da produo de biodiesel por via alcalina, cedida pela empresa SOCIPOLE SA. Inicialmente separaram-se os cidos gordos livres e steres presentes na glicerina, e caracterizou-se o produto obtido. Efectuaram-se dois ensaios, obtendo-se 42,9% e 53,8% em massa de cidos gordos livres e 41,7% e 34,0% de steres no 1 e 2 ensaio respectivamente. Alm dos steres e cidos gordos livres, no 1 produto existem 15,4% de matria no esterificvel e no 2 12,2%. Na primeira parte do trabalho, estudou-se a possibilidade de utilizao directa deste produto como combustvel. Determinou-se o PCI, obtendo-se 29,8 e 29,4 MJ/kg para o 1 e 2 ensaio respectivamente. Estes valores so superiores aos que se encontram no despacho 17313/2008 de 26 de Junho de 2008, para biogasolina e biodiesel (27,2 MJ/kg), significando que os cidos gordos livres separados tm forte potencial para serem usados como combustvel. Efectuou-se tambm um estudo de corroso de ao do corpo e tubos de uma caldeira atravs de ensaios de polarizao, usando um Potenciostato/Galvanostato, e por variao da massa de amostras mergulhadas nos cidos gordos livres a 105C e temperatura ambiente. Nas condies estudadas, os cidos gordos no promoveram corroso nas amostras. Por fim, fez-se a combusto de uma amostra dos cidos gordos livres num bico de Meeker e verificou-se a formao de depsitos equivalentes a 1,93% da massa inicial. Na segunda parte estudou-se a possibilidade de produzir biodiesel por esterificao, dos cidos gordos livres. Fez-se um estudo prvio para verificar qual a melhor razo molar de amostra/metanol a utilizar, optando-se por 1:6. Aps cinco etapas de esterificao, obteve-se um produto final com 85,6% de steres. No foram ento atingidos os 96,5% exigidos pela norma europeia EN 14214, devido presena de matria no esterificvel na matria-prima, que no foi possvel separar totalmente do produto durante o processo (esterificao, lavagem e secagem). Pela anlise de todos os parmetros, o produto obtido no pode ser considerado biodiesel, no sendo possvel ser comercializado como tal. A anlise dos resultados aponta para a opo da valorizao do resduo de cidos gordos na queima directa em geradores e caldeiras que dever no entanto, ser precedida de um estudo mais detalhado que inclua a anlise da constituio da matria no esterificvel, para garantir uma combusto segura.
Background: Although changes in eating patterns may occur during gestation, predictors of these changes have not been explored. This study aimed to identify predictors of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) from the first to second trimester of pregnancy. Methods: A prospective study was conducted with 102 pregnant women aged 18-40, from the city of Porto, Portugal. Socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics were assessed through a questionnaire. Food consumption was assessed with a three-day food diary completed during the first and second trimesters. Participants were categorized according to their change in adherence to the MD into the negative change group (i.e., women who had low adherence in each trimester or had high adherence in the first trimester and then low adherence in the second) and the positive change group (i.e., women who had high adherence in both trimesters or had low adherence in the first trimester and then high adherence in the second). Conditional stepwise logistic regression models were performed to assess the potential predictors of negative MD change. Results: Among the 102 women, 39.2% had negative change from the first to the second trimester. The logistic models results show that being married (OR=0.26, 95%CI: 0.10, 0.76) and having a higher intake of vegetables in the first trimester (OR=0.17, 95%CI: 0.10, 0.43) were associated with lower odds of having a negative change in adherence to the MD from the first to second trimester. Conclusion: Marital status and vegetable consumption seem to be associated with a lower occurrence of negative change in adherence to the MD from early to middle pregnancy.