2 resultados para Search-based algorithms
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
O escalonamento é uma das decisões mais importantes no funcionamento de uma linha de produção. No âmbito desta dissertação foi realizada uma descrição do problema do escalonamento, identificando alguns métodos para a optimização dos problemas de escalonamento. Foi realizado um estudo ao caso do problema de máquina única através do teste de várias instâncias com o objectivo de minimizar o atraso pesado, aplicando uma Meta-Heurística baseada na Pesquisa Local e dois algoritmos baseados no SB. Os resultados obtidos reflectem que os algoritmos baseados no SB apresentaram resultados mais próximos do óptimo, em relação ao algoritmo baseado na PL. Os resultados obtidos permitem sustentar a hipótese de não existirem algoritmos específicos para os problemas de escalonamento. A melhor forma de encontrar uma solução de boa qualidade em tempo útil é experimentar diferentes algoritmos e comparar o desempenho das soluções obtidas.
This report describes the full research proposal for the project \Balancing and lot-sizing mixed-model lines in the footwear industry", to be developed as part of the master program in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Sistemas de Planeamento Industrial of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. The Portuguese footwear industry is undergoing a period of great development and innovation. The numbers speak for themselves, Portugal footwear exported 71 million pairs of shoes to over 130 countries in 2012. It is a diverse sector, which covers different categories of women, men and children shoes, each of them with various models. New and technologically advanced mixed-model assembly lines are being projected and installed to replace traditional mass assembly lines. Obviously there is a need to manage them conveniently and to improve their operations. This work focuses on balancing and lot-sizing stitching mixed-model lines in a real world environment. For that purpose it will be fundamental to develop and evaluate adequate effective solution methods. Different objectives may be considered, which are relevant for the companies, such as minimizing the number of workstations, and minimizing the makespan, while taking into account a lot of practical restrictions. The solution approaches will be based on approximate methods, namely by resorting to metaheuristics. To show the impact of having different lots in production the initial maximum amount for each lot is changed and a Tabu Search based procedure is used to improve the solutions. The developed approaches will be evaluated and tested. A special attention will be given to the solution of real applied problems. Future work may include the study of other neighbourhood structures related to Tabu Search and the development of ways to speed up the evaluation of neighbours, as well as improving the balancing solution method.