14 resultados para Road image databases

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Performance evaluation increasingly assumes a more important role in any organizational environment. In the transport area, the drivers are the company’s image and for this reason it is important to develop and increase their performance and commitment to the company goals. This evaluation can be used to motivate driver to improve their performance and to discover training needs. This work aims to create a performance appraisal evaluation model of the drivers based on the multi-criteria decision aid methodology. The MMASSI (Multicriteria Methodology to Support Selection of Information Systems) methodology was adapted by using a template supporting the evaluation according to the freight transportation company in study. The evaluation process involved all drivers (collaborators being evaluated), their supervisors and the company management. The final output is a ranking of the drivers, based on their performance, for each one of the scenarios used.


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Recently, companies developed strategies which may influence their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) image. This paper discusses the image of four different supermarkets with stores in Portugal. The research compares CSR image and brand attitude of the four supermarkets. Empirical evidence shows that different supermarkets belonging to the same company have different CSR image and brand attitude. The research also confirms that there is positive correlation between CSR image and attitude towards the brand. Further, the results offer empirical evidence that CSR image and brand attitude influence purchase intention of supermarket brands. Finally, brand purchase intention is highly influenced by attitude towards the brand than CSR image.


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O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão post-print (versão corrigida pelo editor).


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Introduction: Image resizing is a normal feature incorporated into the Nuclear Medicine digital imaging. Upsampling is done by manufacturers to adequately fit more the acquired images on the display screen and it is applied when there is a need to increase - or decrease - the total number of pixels. This paper pretends to compare the “hqnx” and the “nxSaI” magnification algorithms with two interpolation algorithms – “nearest neighbor” and “bicubic interpolation” – in the image upsampling operations. Material and Methods: Three distinct Nuclear Medicine images were enlarged 2 and 4 times with the different digital image resizing algorithms (nearest neighbor, bicubic interpolation nxSaI and hqnx). To evaluate the pixel’s changes between the different output images, 3D whole image plot profiles and surface plots were used as an addition to the visual approach in the 4x upsampled images. Results: In the 2x enlarged images the visual differences were not so noteworthy. Although, it was clearly noticed that bicubic interpolation presented the best results. In the 4x enlarged images the differences were significant, with the bicubic interpolated images presenting the best results. Hqnx resized images presented better quality than 4xSaI and nearest neighbor interpolated images, however, its intense “halo effect” affects greatly the definition and boundaries of the image contents. Conclusion: The hqnx and the nxSaI algorithms were designed for images with clear edges and so its use in Nuclear Medicine images is obviously inadequate. Bicubic interpolation seems, from the algorithms studied, the most suitable and its each day wider applications seem to show it, being assumed as a multi-image type efficient algorithm.


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In a time of fierce competition between regions, an image serve as a basis to develop a strong sense of community, which fosters trust and cooperation that can be mobilized for regional growth. A positive image and reputation could be used in the promotional activities of the region benefiting all the stakeholders as a whole. Mega cultural events are frequently used to attract tourists and investments to a region, but also to enhance the city’s image. This study adopts a marketing/communication perspective of city’s image, and intends to explain how the image of the city is perceived by their residents. Specifically, we intend to compare the perceptions of residents that effectively participated in the Guimarães European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2012 (engaged residents), and the residents that only assisted to the event (attendees). Several significant findings are reported and their implications for event managers and public policy administrators presented, along with the limitations of the study


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The changes introduced into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by the Bologna Process, together with renewed pedagogical and methodological practices, have created a new teaching-learning paradigm: Student-Centred Learning. In addition, the last few years have been characterized by the application of Information Technologies, especially the Semantic Web, not only to the teaching-learning process, but also to administrative processes within learning institutions. On one hand, the aim of this study was to present a model for identifying and classifying Competencies and Learning Outcomes and, on the other hand, the computer applications of the information management model were developed, namely a relational Database and an Ontology.


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The clinical content of administrative databases includes, among others, patient demographic characteristics, and codes for diagnoses and procedures. The data in these databases is standardized, clearly defined, readily available, less expensive than collected by other means, and normally covers hospitalizations in entire geographic areas. Although with some limitations, this data is often used to evaluate the quality of healthcare. Under these circumstances, the quality of the data, for instance, errors, or it completeness, is of central importance and should never be ignored. Both the minimization of data quality problems and a deep knowledge about this data (e.g., how to select a patient group) are important for users in order to trust and to correctly interpret results. In this paper we present, discuss and give some recommendations for some problems found in these administrative databases. We also present a simple tool that can be used to screen the quality of data through the use of domain specific data quality indicators. These indicators can significantly contribute to better data, to give steps towards a continuous increase of data quality and, certainly, to better informed decision-making.


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Este artigo surgiu na sequência de um atelier “Une langue étrangère, un ordinateur, une image: c’est simple comme bonjour!”, desenvolvido no âmbito do XXI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa dos Professores de Francês, Images et imaginaires pour agir. Teve como propósito divulgar, experimentar e refletir sobre recursos digitais que podem dar um bom contributo ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem do Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE). Evidencia-se o poder da imagem na construção do conhecimento, desafiando a criatividade e novos modos de ensinar a aprender. Verificou-se que os professores se interessaram pelas ferramentas digitais e evidenciaram a sua importância e a sua aplicabilidade nos contextos educativos. Neste sentido, o artigo divulga ferramentas informáticas focadas no desenvolvimento da oralidade/leitura/escrita do francês língua estrangeira, refere boas práticas de utilização em contexto de sala de aula, constituindo uma contribuição para a renovação da escola.


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In a time of fierce competition between regions, an image serve as a basis to develop a strong sense of community, which fosters trust and cooperation that can be mobilized for regional growth. A positive image and reputation could be used in the promotional activities of the region benefiting all the stakeholders as a whole. Mega cultural events are frequently used to attract tourists and investments to a region, but also to enhance the city’s image. This study adopts a marketing/communication perspective of city’s image, and intends to explain how the image of the city is perceived by their residents. Specifically, we intend to compare the perceptions of residents that effectively participated in the Guimarães European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2012 (engaged residents), and the residents that only assisted to the event (attendees). Several significant findings are reported and their implications for event managers and public policy administrators presented, along with the limitations of the study.


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A criação de infraestruturas passa pela construção de estradas que ligam pontos estratégicos, permitindo acesso a bens e serviços, de forma cómoda e segura. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho é abordado o estudo e projeto de uma variante urbana no concelho de Cinfães, nas especificidades de traçado, pavimentos e sinalização. Inicia-se por uma apresentação sobre o trabalho, os objetivos, estrutura e metodologia utilizada na sua elaboração. São apresentados os softwares utilizados, como editores de imagem (Google Earth, Microsoft ICE e Caesium) que permitem obter e trabalhar imagens panorâmicas, o Civil 3D que possibilita a realização ágil de um projeto de vias, e o Alize-LCPC que determina as caraterísticas de dimensionamento de um pavimento flexível. São apresentados os estudos necessários para a construção da variante em questão passando pela localização da via, o trabalho sobre o levantamento topográfico fornecido pela Câmara Municipal, condicionantes de traçado e serviços afetados. Posteriormente, são abordados alguns conceitos teóricos como geometria do traçado, velocidade, tráfego e visibilidade. Descrevem-se as caraterísticas geométricas de infraestruturas rodoviárias a conhecer anteriormente à realização de um projeto de execução de uma via, como o traçado em planta (alinhamentos retos, curvas, raios, sobreelevação, sobrelargura), perfil longitudinal (trainéis, inclinações, concordâncias verticais) e perfil transversal (faixa de rodagem, bermas, valetas e taludes). É realizada ainda uma apresentação sobre os elementos integrantes de uma plataforma rodoviária e passeio, os seus critérios de dimensionamento, como caraterização do tráfego, temperaturas de serviço e deformações, assim como os elementos teóricos para o estudo de drenagem (período de retorno, precipitação e tipos de dispositivos). São ainda apresentadas as caraterísticas gerais de um projeto de sinalização e segurança, enunciando as marcas rodoviárias e a sinalização vertical. Termina-se apresentando as soluções encontradas e os meios utilizados, para a elaboração do projeto de uma via nova, alargamento de via existente e requalificação de pavimento de um troço de ligação à EN222, expondo ainda as conclusões obtidas na realização do projeto com propostas para desenvolvimento futuros.


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This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of using image-based cytometry (IBC) in the analysis of algal cell quantification and viability, using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata as a cell model. Cell concentration was determined by IBC to be in a linear range between 1 × 105 and 8 × 106 cells mL−1. Algal viability was defined on the basis that the intact membrane of viable cells excludes the SYTOX Green (SG) probe. The disruption of membrane integrity represents irreversible damage and consequently results in cell death. Using IBC, we were able to successfully discriminate between live (SG-negative cells) and dead algal cells (heat-treated at 65 °C for 60 min; SG-positive cells). The observed viability of algal populations containing different proportions of killed cells was well correlated (R 2 = 0.994) with the theoretical viability. The validation of the use of this technology was carried out by exposing algal cells of P. subcapitata to a copper stress test for 96 h. IBC allowed us to follow the evolution of cell concentration and the viability of copper-exposed algal populations. This technology overcomes several main drawbacks usually associated with microscopy counting, such as labour-intensive experiments, tedious work and lack of the representativeness of the cell counting. In conclusion, IBC allowed a fast and automated determination of the total number of algal cells and allowed us to analyse viability. This technology can provide a useful tool for a wide variety of fields that utilise microalgae, such as the aquatic toxicology and biotechnology fields.