11 resultados para Resins of ionic exchange

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Antibacterial activity of novel Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Ionic Liquids (API-ILs) based on ampicillin anion [Amp] have been evaluated. They showed growth inhibition and bactericidal properties on some sensitive bacteria and especially some Gram-negative resistant bacteria when compared to the [Na][Amp] and the initial bromide and chloride salts. For these studies were analysed the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBIC) against sensitive Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Klebsiella pneumonia (clinically isolated), as well as sensitive Gram positive S. Aureus ATCC 25923, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enterococcus faecalis and completed using clinically isolated resistent strains: E. coli TEM CTX M9, E. coli CTX M2 and E. coli AmpC Mox. From the obtained MIC values of studied APIs-ILs and standard [Na][Amp] were derived RDIC values (relative decrease of inhibitory concentration). High RDIC values of [C16Pyr][Amp] especially against two resistant Gram-negative strains E. coli TEM CTX M9 (RDIC>1000) and E. coli CTX M2 (RDIC>100) point clearly to a potential promising role of APIs-ILs as antimicrobial drugs especially against resistant bacterial strains.


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With the increase of bacterial resistance a large number of therapeutic strategies have been used to fight different kind of infections. In recent years ionic liquids (ILs) have been increasing the popularity and the number of applications. First ionic liquids were used mainly as solvent in organic synthesis, but now they are used in analytical chemistry, separation chemistry and material science among others. Additional to significant developments in their chemical properties and applications, ionic liquids are now bringing unexpected opportunities at the interface of chemistry with the life sciences Ionic liquids (ILs) are currently defined as salts that are composed solely of cations and anions which melt below 100C. Our goal in this work is to explore the dual activity of the ionic liquids, due to the presence of two different ions, an ion with bacterial activity as a beta-lactam antibiotic and different kinds of cations. In this work the anions of ILs and salts were derived from three different antibiotics: ampicillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. The cations were derived from substituted ammonium, phosphonium pyridinium and methylimidazolium salts, such as: tetraethyl ammonium, trihexiltetradecilphosphonium, cetylpyridinium, choline (an essential nutrient), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, and 1-ethanol-3-methyl imidazolium structures. Commercial ammonium and phosponium halogen salts were first transformed into hydroxides. on ionic exchange column (Amberlite IRA-400) in methanol. The prepared hydroxides were then neutralized with beta-lactam antibiotics. After crystallization we obtained pure ILs and salts containing beta-lactam antibiotics. This work presents a novel method for preparation of new salts of antibiotics with low melting point and their characterization.


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In recent years ionic liquids (ILs) have been increasing the popularity and the number of applications. Ionic liquids were used mainly as solvent in organic synthesis, but in recent years they are also used in analytical chemistry, separation chemistry and material science. Additional to significant developments in their chemical properties and applications, ionic liquids are now bringing unexpected opportunities at the interface of chemistry with the life sciences. Ionic liquids (ILs) are currently defined as salts that are composed solely of cations and anions which melt below 100C. Our goal in this work is to explore the dual activity of the ionic liquids, due to the presence of two different ions, an anion with bacterial activity as -lactam antibiotics and different kinds of cations. In this work the anions of ILs and salts were derived from three different antibiotics: ampicillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. The cations were derived from substituted ammonium, phosphonium pyridinium and methylimidazolium salts, such as: tetraethyl ammonium, trihexiltetradecilphosphonium, cetylpyridinium, choline (an essential nutrient), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, and 1-ethanol-3-methyl imidazolium structures. Commercial ammonium and phosponium halogen salts were first transformed into hydroxides on ionic exchange column (Amberlite IRA-400) in methanol. The prepared hydroxides were then neutralized with -lactam antibiotics. After crystallization we obtained pure ILs and salts containing -lactam antibiotics. This work presents a novel method for preparation of new salts of antibiotics with low melting point and their chemistry and microbiological characterization.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) are ionic compounds that possess melting temperature below 100C and they have been a topic of great interest since the mid-1990s due to their unique properties. The range of IL uses has been broadened, due to a significant increase in the variety of physical, chemical and biological ILs properties. They are now used as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and recent interests are focused on their application as innovative solutions in new medical treatment and delivery options.1 In this work, our principal objective was the synthesis and investigation of physicochemical and medical properties of ionic liquids (ILs) and organic salts from ampicillin. This approach is of huge interest in pharmaceutical industry as cation and anion composition of ILs and organic salts can greatly alter their desired properties, namely the melting temperature and even synergistic effects can be obtained.2,3 For the synthesis of these compounds we used a recently developed method proposed by Ohno et al.4 for the preparation of quaternary ammonium and phosphonium hydroxides, that were neutralized by ampicillin. After purification we obtained pure ILs and salts in good yields. These ILs shows good antimicrobial and antifungal activities. As it is well known that some ionic liquids containing phosphonium and ammonium cation also shows anti-cancer activity1,5 we also decided to study these compounds against some cancer cell lines.


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The main objective of this study was to characterize the organic matter present in raw water and along the treatment process, as well as its seasonal variation. A natural organic matter fractionation approach has been applied to Lever water treatment plant located in Douro River, in Oporto (Portugal). The process used was based on the sorption of dissolved organic matter in different types of ion exchange resins, DAX-8, DAX-4 and IRA-958, allowing its separation into four fractions: very hydrophobic acids (VHA), slightly hydrophobic acids (SHA), charged hydrophilic (CHA) and hydrophilic neutral (NEU). The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) determination was used to quantify dissolved organic matter. Samples were collected monthly, during approximately one year, from raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river, and after each step of the treatment: pre-filtration in sand/anthracite filters, ozonation, coagulation/flocculation, counter current dissolved air flotation and filtration (CoCoDAFF) and chlorination. The NEU fraction showed a seasonal variation, with maximum values in autumn for the sampling points corresponding to raw water captured at the surface and under the bed of the river. It was usually the predominating fraction and did not show a significant decrease throughout the treatment. Nevertheless their low concentration, the same occurred for the CHA and VHA fractions. There was an overall decrease in the SHA fraction throughout the water treatment (especially after CoCoDAFF and ozonation) as well as in the DOC. The TSUVA254 values obtained for raw water generally varied between 2.0 and 4.0 L mgC-1 m-1 and between 0.75 and 1.78 L mgC-1 m-1 for treated water. It was observed a decrease of TSUVA values along the treatment, especially after ozonation. These results may contribute to a further optimization in the process of treating water for human consumption.


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O tratamento de gua para consumo humano tem por objectivos no s a sua qualidade em termos de parmetros qumicos e fsicos, como tambm microbiolgicos. Considerando que a MON pode afectar os sistemas de tratamento, a sua reduo minimiza a formao de subprodutos de desinfeco, como por exemplo os trihalometanos e diminui o crescimento de microrganismos ao longo do sistema de distribuio. Nesse sentido tem havido recentemente uma grande evoluo na investigao relativamente remoo de matria orgnica natural. O principal objectivo deste trabalho foi o de caracterizar a matria orgnica presente na gua bruta e ao longo do processo de tratamento, assim como a sua evoluo sazonal. Os dados obtidos a partir desta caracterizao podero contribuir para uma futura optimizao no processo de tratamento de guas de consumo. O processo utilizado baseou-se na soro da matria orgnica dissolvida em diferentes tipos de resinas de permuta inica, DAX-8, DAX-4 e IRA-958, permitindo a sua separao em vrias fraces: cidos muito hidrofbicos (VHA), cidos ligeiramente hidrofbicos (SHA), compostos hidroflicos carregados (CHA) e hidroflicos neutros (NEU). De acordo com os resultados obtidos apenas a fraco NEU demonstrou ter uma tendncia sazonal, apresentando valores mximos no Vero, nos pontos de amostragem referentes gua bruta superficial (PA802) e gua bruta superficial aps pr-tratamento por filtrao (PA800). Os valores de COD no mostraram uma variao sazonal para as amostras de gua bruta superficial que rondaram os 2 mg C/L ao longo do perodo de amostragem (Julho a Outubro), durante o qual se verificou uma baixa pluviosidade e temperaturas mdias muito semelhantes. Os compostos NEU predominam em todos os pontos de amostragem no apresentando uma tendncia definida ao longo do tratamento. Observou-se uma diminuio das fraces SHA e CHA ao longo do tratamento. No se pode indicar uma tendncia definida relativamente fraco VHA. Verifica-se globalmente uma diminuio do teor de MON ao longo do tratamento. Este trabalho demonstrou que na gua bruta superficial existe uma predominncia dos compostos NEU, seguidos dos SHA, dos VHA e finalmente dos compostos CHA. Na gua bruta captada no sub-leito do rio, verifica-se apenas a existncia dos compostos NEU, sendo as restantes fraces praticamente nulas. Os valores mais elevados de TSUVA254nm foram obtidos para as amostras que no sofreram qualquer tratamento, gua bruta do sub-leito (PA903) e superficial (PA802), e gua bruta aps pr-filtrao (PA800). Nos restantes pontos de amostragem, apesar de se verificarem valores inferiores, no se observa uma diminuio deste parmetro ao longo do tratamento, nem uma variao sazonal. Os valores de TSUVA254nm obtidos so geralmente inferiores a 3 L.mgC-1.m-1, correspondendo a materiais no hmicos, que so considerados biodegradveis. Para as amostras de gua tratada os valores oscilam entre os 1,23 e 1,58 L.mgC-1.m-1, valores inferiores a 2 L.mgC-1.m-1, o que considerado um valor de referncia ao nvel do tratamento, segundo a USEPA.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o estudo da possibilidade de recuperao de calor de um efluente proveniente do tratamento primrio da fbrica do grupo Portucel Soporcel (fbrica produtora de pasta de papel), para o aquecimento da corrente de lamas do digestor anaerbio da SimRia S.A. ETAR Norte, (ambas localizadas em Cacia, distrito de Aveiro). A soluo consiste na implementao de um sistema de permuta trmica entre estas duas correntes, constitudo fundamentalmente por dois permutadores de placas em espiral, montados em paralelo que operam em contra-corrente. Segundo este novo sistema de aquecimento, as lamas abandonam o digestor anaerbio da mesma ETAR a um caudal de 110 m3/h, que se dividir em duas linhas, sendo admitidas em cada permutador a 55 m3/h e a uma temperatura de 32 C regressando ao digestor a uma temperatura de 37 C (temperatura ptima a que ocorre a digesto anaerbia das lamas). O efluente disponvel, abandona o tratamento primrio da Portucel, a 45 C e encaminhado at aos permutadores da SimRia S.A., onde vai trocar calor com as lamas e regressa Portucel a 40C, sendo admitido nas torres de arrefecimento da fbrica de papel. A nova instalao proposta pretende substituir a actual existente na ETAR em causa, em que a corrente de gua que aquece as lamas, circula num circuito fechado entre um nico permutador e uma caldeira, alimentada com o biogs que se produz no digestor anaerbio, e que responsvel pelo controlo da temperatura da corrente de gua. Pretende-se que a implementao deste novo mtodo de aquecimento de lamas seja uma alternativa econmica relativamente ao actual sistema, uma vez que vai substituir a corrente de biogs alimentada caldeira podendo este recurso ser transformado em energia elctrica e posteriormente comercializada. A anlise financeira realizada ao projecto demonstrou que o projecto rentvel, uma vez que, a diferena entre todos ganhos e custos ao fim dos 10 anos de vida til estimados de cerca de 150 000,0 . O perodo de retorno do investimento alcanado no final dos primeiros 6 anos e a taxa interna de rentabilidade obtida foi de 36 %. Posteriormente incluiu-se neste estudo a possibilidade de tratamento das lamas geradas na fbrica da Portucel na ETAR da SimRia recorrendo a um terceiro digestor. Conclui-se que se trata duma opo vantajosa, uma vez que permite obter um caudal de biogs 44 m3/h, que convertido em potncia permite obter 150 kW que poder ser aproveitado para produo de energia ou comercializado gerando uma receita adicional de 130 000,0 /ano para as entidades envolvidas.


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A nanohybrid electrochemical transducer surface was developed using carbon and gold nanomaterials. The strategy relayed on casting multiwalled carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers onto a screen-printed carbon electrode surface, followed by in situ generation of gold nanoparticles by electrochemical deposition of ionic gold, in a reproducible manner. These transducers, so fabricated, were characterized using both electrochemical and microscopic techniques. Biofunctionality was evaluated using the streptavidin-biotin interaction system as the biological reaction model. These platforms allow to achieve low detection limits (in the order of pmoles), are reproducible and stable at least for a month after their preparation, being a perfect candidate to be used as transducer of different sensor devices.


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A implementao da evoluo tecnolgica no setor da construo tem se caracterizado pelo aparecimento de novas tecnologias que dinamizam os processos de troca de informao entre os vrios intervenientes no ciclo de vida do empreendimento. O surgimento da tecnologia Building Information Modeling - BIM assente na modelao paramtrica e na interoperabilidade suportada em ficheiros de padro aberto (IFC) pressupem um novo paradigma na forma como so tratados os processos de troca de informao entre os vrios intervenientes no ciclo de vida dos empreendimentos. Com base no BIM o Construction Operations Building Information Exchange COBie, outra tecnologia recente que recolhe informaes no geomtricas associadas ao modelo e em conjunto com a informao geomtrica produzida pelo BIM fazem parte dos documentos de entrega para a fase Facility Management FM. O objetivo da presente dissertao centrou-se no estudo da evoluo de um modelo BIM de construo para a gesto de empreendimento. Foi desenvolvido o estudo de um modelo prottipo que incidiu na utilizao de softwares para verificao e aplicao das tecnologias COBie e BIM e tambm foi sincronizado com a fase FM. Da aplicao dos requisitos COBie e modelao BIM foram extradas informaes geomtricas e no geomtricas preenchidas nas folhas de trabalho COBie. As principais concluses do estudo realizado foram que as tecnologias COBie e BIM tm pouca implantao a nvel nacional e a sua integrao dinamiza os processos, reduzindo custos e aumentando a qualidade da informao fornecida.


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O marketing transacional apresenta-se nos dias de hoje insuficiente para fazer face s exigncias de um consumidor mais participativo, seletivo e crtico. No mercado global, industrializado e em constante evoluo tecnolgica, , cada vez mais, difcil obter um grau de diferenciao assente apenas nos benefcios funcionais e racionais. O marketing transacional evoluiu para o marketing relacional, constituindo o cliente o centro do processo de trocas. A economia das experincias alterou a forma como as marcas trabalham o mercado, introduzindo o conceito de experincias, o que por sua vez conceptualizou o marketing experiencial, orientado para a gesto da experincia do cliente, transformando o ato de consumo em algo memorvel, cheio de estmulos sensoriais e emocionais, convertendo-se, por vezes, no prprio produto, seja ele de mbito industrial, desportivo ou mesmo cultural. Este grau de envolvimento do cliente com a marca elemento gerador de emoo, de satisfao, de lealdade e de valor. Este trabalho pretendeu analisar a importncia e os componentes estimuladores do marketing experiencial e a sua relao com as emoes, satisfao e a lealdade dos consumidores no evento cultural Serralves em festa 2013. Para tal, utilizamos uma metodologia de investigao quantitativa, com recurso a anlise de equaes estruturais, suportada por uma pesquisa terica. O estudo emprico realizado, baseado num inqurito por questionrio, possibilitou obter uma amostra de 264 respostas vlidas. Aps a validao e melhoria das escalas de medida dos conceitos, os resultados destas e do modelo estrutural demonstraram valores adequados. Estudaram-se e comprovaram-se as relaes previstas nas hipteses, nomeadamente, a relao positiva do impacto das experincias no comportamento do consumidor, designadamente, na sua emoo e satisfao e o impacto destas na sua lealdade. Entre as variveis estudadas foram obtidos interessantes nveis de correlao e capacidades preditivas.


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This work proposes different kind of solid-contact graphite-based electrodes for the selective determination of sulphonamides (SPHs) in pharmaceuticals, biological fluids and aquaculture waters. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) were selected for this purpose for being the most representative compounds of this group. The template molecules were imprinted in solgel (ISG) and the resulting material was used as detecting element. This was made by employing it as either a sensing layer or an ionophore of PVC-based membranes and subsequent potentiometric transduction, a strategy never reported before. The corresponding non-imprinted solgel (NISG) membranes were used as blank. The effect of plasticizer and kind/charge of ionic lipophilic additive was also studied. The best performance in terms of slope, linearity ranges and signal reproducibility and repeatability was achieved by PVC membranes including a high dielectric constant plasticizer and 15 mg of ISG particles. The corresponding average slope was 51.4 and 52.4 mV/decade, linear responses were 9.0 106 and 1.7 105 M, and limits of detection were 0.74 and 1.3 g/mL for SDZ and for SMX, respectively. Good selectivity with log Kpot < 0.3 was observed for carbonate, chloride, fluoride, hydrogenocarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, cyanide, sulfate, borate, persulphate, citrate, tartrate, salicylate, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, sulphamerazine, sulphatiazole, dopamine, glucose, galactose, cysteine and creatinine. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of real samples with relative errors ranging from 6.8 to + 3.7%.