4 resultados para Repo-Kaarento, Saara
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Objetivos: Pretende-se verificar as modificações neuromotoras após uma intervenção baseada no conceito de Bobath ao nível dos ajustes posturais durante o alcance funcional dos membros superiores, em três crianças com paralisia cerebral. Pretende-se também, verificar o efeito desta abordagem nas atividades e participação, bem como destacar os aspetos individuais das mesmas crianças com a capacidade de mudança após a intervenção. Metodologia: A avaliação foi realizada antes e três meses após a intervenção em fisioterapia segundo o conceito de Bobath. Optou-se por um registo observacional com uma Máquina Fotográfica Digital, um sistemas de Câmaras de Vídeo, uma Plataforma de Forças e, utilizaram-se ainda instrumentos como o Gross Motor Functional Measure– versão 88 itens, o Gross Motor Function Classification System, o Teste de Alcance Funcional Modificado e a ferramenta, Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde – crianças e jovens. Resultados: Verificou-se um progresso nos ajustes posturais e na funcionalidade em geral, o que se repercutiu na restrição da participação e na limitação da actividade. A postura na posição de sentado, o deslocamento do centro de pressão, a capacidade de deslocamento no sentido anterior, bem como as capacidades motoras grosseiras modificaram-se em todas as crianças, tendo a criança B apresentado a maior e a criança A a menor capacidade de mudança após a intervenção. Conclusão: A intervenção segundo o Conceito de Bobath promoveu modificações neuromotoras, o que levaram a uma melhoria da funcionalidade geral, da mobilidade e do controlo postural da criança, refletindo-se nos ajustes posturais durante o alcance funcional dos membros superiores na posição de sentado. Verificou-se ainda, uma melhoria na restrição da participação e na limitação da actividade diária.
This paper presents ELECON - Electricity Consumption Analysis to Promote Energy Efficiency Considering Demand Response and Non-technical Losses, an international research project that involves European and Brazilian partners. ELECON focuses on energy efficiency increasing through consumer´s active participation which is a key area for Europe and Brazil cooperation. The project aims at significantly contributing towards the successful implementation of smart grids, focussing on the use of new methods that allow the efficient use of distributed energy resources, namely distributed generation, storage and demand response. ELECON puts together researchers from seven European and Brazilian partners, with consolidated research background and evidencing complementary competences. ELECON involves institutions of 3 European countries (Portugal, Germany, and France) and 4 Brazilian institutions. The complementary background and experience of the European and Brazilian partners is of main relevance to ensure the capacities required to achieve the proposed goals. In fact, the European Union (EU) and Brazil have very different resources and approaches in what concerns this area. Having huge hydro and fossil resources, Brazil has not been putting emphasis on distributed renewable based electricity generation. On the contrary, EU has been doing huge investments in this area, taking into account environmental concerns and also the economic EU external dependence dictated by huge requirements of energy related products imports. Sharing these different backgrounds allows the project team to propose new methodologies able to efficiently address the new challenges of smart grids.
Intelligent wheelchairs (IW) are technologies that can increase the autonomy and independence of elderly people and patients suffering from some kind of disability. Nowadays the intelligent wheelchairs and the human-machine studies are very active research areas. This paper presents a methodology and a Data Analysis System (DAS) that provides an adapted command language to an user of the IW. This command language is a set of input sequences that can be created using inputs from an input device or a combination of the inputs available in a multimodal interface. The results show that there are statistical evidences to affirm that the mean of the evaluation of the DAS generated command language is higher than the mean of the evaluation of the command language recommended by the health specialist (p value = 0.002) with a sample of 11 cerebral palsy users. This work demonstrates that it is possible to adapt an intelligent wheelchair interface to the user even when the users present heterogeneous and severe physical constraints.
Real-time monitoring applications may be used in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and may generate packet flows with strict quality of service requirements in terms of delay, jitter, or packet loss. When strict delays are imposed from source to destination, the packets must be delivered at the destination within an end-to-end delay (EED) hard limit in order to be considered useful. Since the WSN nodes are scarce both in processing and energy resources, it is desirable that they only transport useful data, as this contributes to enhance the overall network performance and to improve energy efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer admission control (CLAC) mechanism to enhance the network performance and increase energy efficiency of a WSN, by avoiding the transmission of potentially useless packets. The CLAC mechanism uses an estimation technique to preview packets EED, and decides to forward a packet only if it is expected to meet the EED deadline defined by the application, dropping it otherwise. The results obtained show that CLAC enhances the network performance by increasing the useful packet delivery ratio in high network loads and improves the energy efficiency in every network load.