30 resultados para Piezotronic effect
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
We analyse whether the quality of firms’ Financial Reports (FRQ) produces any effect on their performance. Bradshaw et al. (2004) and Gelos and Wei (2005) call attention to the fact that the international capital movements is affected by FRQ. Following Schipper and Vicent (2003) we use the abnormal accruals to access earnings quality. For seventeen European countries, we found evidence that FRQ produces a positive impact on firm’s performance. This finding indicates that mangers are not opportunists and tends to make decisions to defend the firm’s best interests. This result is robust since it does not depend on the accounting firms’ performance proxy (ROA/ROE). In addition, it is also consistent when we use data in time series and in cross-sectional and when we estimate regression with lagged or the current year information about abnormal accruals.
Titanium films have been deposited on stainless steel metal sheets using dc magnetron sputtering technique at different substrate temperatures. The structure of the titanium films strongly depend on the substrate temperature. The titanium film deposited at the substrate temperature lower than 300 ◦C has a loose flat sheet grains structure and the titanium film prepared at the substrate temperature higher than 500 ◦C has a dense nubby grains structure. The DSSC assembled using stainless steel sheet coated with titanium film deposited at high substrate temperature has a low charge transfer resistance in the TiO2/Ti interface and results in a high conversion efficiency. The DSSC assembled using stainless steel sheet coated with titanium film deposited at temperature higher than 500 ◦C has higher conversion efficiency than that assembled using titanium metal sheet as the substrate. The maximum conversion efficiency, 2.26% is obtained for DSSC assembled using stainless steel sheet coated with titanium film deposited at 700 ◦C substrate temperature, which is about 70% of the conversion efficiency of the FTO reference cell used in this study.
Pregnancy is a dynamic state and the placenta is a temporary organ that, among other important functions, plays a crucial role in the transport of nutrients and metabolites between the mother and the fetus, which is essential for a successful pregnancy. Among these nutrients, glucose is considered a primary source of energy and, therefore, fundamental to insure proper fetus development. Several studies have shown that glucose uptake is dependent on several morphological and biochemical placental conditions. Oxidative stress results from the unbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants, in favor of the first. During pregnancy, ROS, and therefore oxidative stress, increase, due to increased tissue oxygenation. Moreover, the relation between ROS and some pathological conditions during pregnancy has been well established. For these reasons, it becomes essential to understand if oxidative stress can compromise the uptake of glucose by the placenta. To make this study possible, a trophoblastic cell line, the BeWo cell line, was used. Experiments regarding glucose uptake, either under normal or oxidative stress conditions, were conducted using tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBOOH) as an oxidative stress inducer, and 3H-2-deoxy-D-glucose (3H-DG) as a glucose analogue. Afterwards, studies regarding the involvement of glucose facilitative transporters (GLUT) and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3K) and protein kinase C (PKC) pathways were conducted, also under normal and oxidative stress conditions. A few antioxidants, endogenous and from diet, were also tested in order to study their possible reversible effect of the oxidative effect of tBOOH upon apical 3H-DG uptake. Finally, transepithelial studies gave interesting insights regarding the apical-to-basolateral transport of 3H-DG. Results showed that 3H-DG uptake, in BeWo cells, is roughly 50% GLUT-mediated and that tBOOH (100 μM; 24h) decreases apical 3H-DG uptake in BeWo cells by about 33%, by reducing both GLUT- (by 28%) and non-GLUT-mediated (by 40%) 3H-DG uptake. Uptake of 3H-DG and the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake are not dependent on PKC and PI3K. Moreover, the effect of tBOOH is not associated with a reduction in GLUT1 mRNA levels. Resveratrol, quercetin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate, at 50 μM, reversed, by at least 45%, the effect of tBOOH upon 3H-DG uptake. Transwell studies show that the apical-to-basolateral transepithelial transport of 3H-DG is increased by tBOOH.In conclusion, our results show that tBOOH caused a marked decrease in both GLUT and non-GLUT-mediated apical uptake of 3H-DG by BeWo cells. Given the association of increased oxidative stress levels with several important pregnancy pathologies, and the important role of glucose for fetal development, the results of this study appear very interesting.
Atualmente, o álcool tem um papel importante na saúde pública e surge como um dos principais problemas sociais no mundo, dado que é a droga mais viciante aceite em encontros sociais. Provavelmente, por essa razão, os riscos do consumo abusivo do álcool são subestimados pelos jovens, mulheres grávidas e idosos. O álcool, quando ingerido em altas proporções, pode afetar todos os órgãos e desencadear inúmeras doenças, tais como a doença cardíaca coronariana, doença neurodegenerativa, as doenças crónicas e câncer. O álcool afeta ainda o estado psicológico, induzindo a violência, o estado antissocial e situações de risco de comportamentos. Por estas razões, o álcool tornou-se um foco principal da investigação, avaliando os seus efeitos sobre o corpo humano. Nesta pesquisa, foram suscitadas amostras de sangue de um grupo de pacientes em tratamento psicológico e/ou farmacêutico que serão analisadas com quatro métodos: Teste de Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORT), Defesa contra Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORD), cromatografia gasosa (GC) e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Ambos os métodos FORT e FORD avaliam o stress oxidativo pela quantificação de radicais livres e a capacidade de antioxidantes em eliminar esses radicais livres, respetivamente. O stress oxidativo é o efeito do excesso de consumo de álcool, que é reduzido pela capacidade de ação dos antioxidantes. A boa reprodutibilidade, precisão e exatidão de ambos os métodos indicam que estes podem ser aplicados em rápidos diagnósticos. Para o método FORT e considerando o início do tratamento, os pacientes alcoólicos apresentaram uma média de 3,59±1.01mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo uma média de 1,42±0.53mmol/LH2O2, o que mostra uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0,0006). Para o método FORD, pacientes alcoólicos apresentam uma média de 1,07±0.53mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo, uma média de 2,81±0.46mmol/LH2O2, mostrando também uma média significativa (P=0,0075). Após 15 dias de tratamento observou-se que há uma diferença entre os dois grupos de pacientes alcoólicos, mas não há nenhum melhoramento em relação ao grupo de pacientes em tratamento. No método FORT os grupos mostram uma diferença significativa (P=0,0073), tendo os pacientes sem tratamento farmacêutico melhores resultados (2.37±0.44mmol/LH2O2) do que os pacientes com tratamento (3.72±1,04mmol/LH2O2). O oposto ocorre no método FORD, os pacientes em tratamento farmacêutico presentam melhores resultados (1.16±0.65mmol/LH2O2) do que o outro grupo (0.75±0.22mmol/LH2O2), não sendo, no entanto, uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0.16). Os resultados obtidos para a concentração de MDA pelo método de HPLC mostraram que o grupo de controlo tem valores mais baixos do que os pacientes alcoólicos, embora a diferença não seja muito significativa (P = 0,084), mas é ainda elevada. Além disso, os dois grupos de pacientes não apresentaram uma diferença significativa entre os seus resultados no início (P=0,77) e no fim (P=0,79) do tratamento. De acrescentar ainda que, os resultados da concentração de álcool no sangue determinados pelo método de CG mostraram que só alguns pacientes sem tratamento consumiram álcool durante o período de tratamento, o que influencia negativamente a conclusão sobre o efeito do tratamento. Contudo, outros fatores externos podem ainda influenciar os resultados finais, tais como o estado nutricional e estado psicológico dos pacientes, se o paciente continua a beber durante o tempo de tratamento ou até mesmo se o paciente é exposto a outros tipos de substâncias nocivas. Existe ainda a possibilidade de o tempo de aplicação do tratamento não ser suficiente para apresentar um efeito positivo em relação ao stress oxidativo e este é um outro fator que contribui para a impossibilidade de confirmar sobre o efeito, quer seja positivo ou negativo, do tratamento antioxidante.
The tanning industry generates a high quantity of solid wastes. Therefore, there is a need to create valorization [added value] options for these wastes. The main objective of the present work was to study the effect of protein hydrolysates (HP) prepared from fleshings on leather dyeing. During previous studies it was found that the application of HP products, obtained from fleshings, in leather retannage intensified the colour of crust leather. In this work the CIELAB colour system was used to evaluate the effect of HP on retannage processes. The main conclusions of this study were: (i) HP can be used instead of a dicyanodiamide resin (Fortan DC) if the colour parameters of the standard procedure are to be maintained, and (ii) the replacement of an acrylic resin (Fortan A40) by glutaraldehyde-modified HP (GHP) results in a darker skin, and can therefore be interesting for the reduction of the quantity of dye used.
A dc magnetron sputtering-based method to grow high-quality Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films, to be used as an absorber layer in solar cells, is being developed. This method combines dc sputtering of metallic precursors with sulfurization in S vapour and with post-growth KCN treatment for removal of possible undesired Cu2−xS phases. In this work, we report the results of a study of the effects of changing the precursors’ deposition order on the final CZTS films’ morphological and structural properties. The effect of KCN treatment on the optical properties was also analysed through diffuse reflectance measurements. Morphological, compositional and structural analyses of the various stages of the growth have been performed using stylus profilometry, SEM/EDS analysis, XRD and Raman Spectroscopy. Diffuse reflectance studies have been done in order to estimate the band gap energy of the CZTS films. We tested two different deposition orders for the copper precursor, namely Mo/Zn/Cu/Sn and Mo/Zn/Sn/Cu. The stylus profilometry analysis shows high average surface roughness in the ranges 300–550 nm and 230–250 nm before and after KCN treatment, respectively. All XRD spectra show preferential growth orientation along (1 1 2) at 28.45◦. Raman spectroscopy shows main peaks at 338 cm−1 and 287 cm−1 which are attributed to Cu2ZnSnS4. These measurements also confirm the effectiveness of KCN treatment in removing Cu2−xS phases. From the analysis of the diffuse reflectance measurements the band gap energy for both precursors’ sequences is estimated to be close to 1.43 eV. The KCN-treated films show a better defined absorption edge; however, the band gap values are not significantly affected. Hot point probe measurements confirmed that CZTS had p-type semiconductor behaviour and C–V analysis was used to estimate the majority carrier density giving a value of 3.3 × 1018 cm−3.
Adhesively-bonded joints are extensively used in several fields of engineering. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) have been used for the strength prediction of adhesive joints, as an add-in to Finite Element (FE) analyses that allows simulation of damage growth, by consideration of energetic principles. A useful feature of CZM is that different shapes can be developed for the cohesive laws, depending on the nature of the material or interface to be simulated, allowing an accurate strength prediction. This work studies the influence of the CZM shape (triangular, exponential or trapezoidal) used to model a thin adhesive layer in single-lap adhesive joints, for an estimation of its influence on the strength prediction under different material conditions. By performing this study, guidelines are provided on the possibility to use a CZM shape that may not be the most suited for a particular adhesive, but that may be more straightforward to use/implement and have less convergence problems (e.g. triangular shaped CZM), thus attaining the solution faster. The overall results showed that joints bonded with ductile adhesives are highly influenced by the CZM shape, and that the trapezoidal shape fits best the experimental data. Moreover, the smaller is the overlap length (LO), the greater is the influence of the CZM shape. On the other hand, the influence of the CZM shape can be neglected when using brittle adhesives, without compromising too much the accuracy of the strength predictions.
Background: Current therapeutic strategies for advanced prostate cancer (PCa) are largely ineffective. Because aberrant DNA methylation associated with inappropriate gene-silencing is a common feature of PCa, DNA methylation inhibitors might constitute an alternative therapy. In this study we aimed to evaluate the anti-cancer properties of RG108, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), in PCa cell lines. Methods: The anti-tumoral impact of RG108 in LNCaP, 22Rv1, DU145 and PC-3 cell lines was assessed through standard cell viability, apoptosis and cell cycle assays. Likewise, DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global levels of DNA methylation were evaluated in the same cell lines. The effectiveness of DNA demethylation was further assessed through the determination of promoter methylation and transcript levels of GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2, by quantitative methylation-specific PCR and RT-PCR, respectively. Results: RG108 led to a significant dose and time dependent growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in LNCaP, 22Rv1 and DU145. LNCaP and 22Rv1 also displayed decreased DNMT activity, DNMT1 expression and global DNA methylation. Interestingly, chronic treatment with RG108 significantly decreased GSTP1, APC and RAR-β2 promoter hypermethylation levels, although mRNA re-expression was only attained GSTP1 and APC. Conclusions: RG108 is an effective tumor growth suppressor in most PCa cell lines tested. This effect is likely mediated by reversion of aberrant DNA methylation affecting cancer related-genes epigenetically silenced in PCa. However, additional mechanism might underlie the anti-tumor effects of RG108. In vivo studies are now mandatory to confirm these promising results and evaluate the potential of this compound for PCa therapy.
This paper studies fractional variable structure controllers. Two cases are considered namely, the sliding reference model and the control action, that are generalized from integer into fractional orders. The test bed consists in a mechanical manipulator and the effect of the fractional approach upon the system performance is evaluated. The results show that fractional dynamics, both in the switching surface and the control law are important design algorithms in variable structure controllers.
In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug-filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. Whilst the main purpose of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of plug-filling for the strength improvement of these repairs, a parallel study was carried out to assess the sensitivity of the adhesive to external features that can affect the repairs performance, such as the rate of loading and environmental temperature. The experimental programme included repairs with different values of overlap length (L O = 10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug-filling, whose results were interpreted in light of experimental evidence of the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength was also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature (≈23°C), 50 and 80°C. This permitted a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the glass transition temperature (T g), established by the manufacturer as 67°C. The combined influence of these two parameters on the repairs strength was also analysed. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were
Mestrado em Engenharia Civil - Ramo Tecnologia e gestão das Construções
The Maxwell equations play a fundamental role in the electromagnetic theory and lead to models useful in physics and engineering. This formalism involves integer-order differential calculus, but the electromagnetic diffusion points towards the adoption of a fractional calculus approach. This study addresses the skin effect and develops a new method for implementing fractional-order inductive elements. Two genetic algorithms are adopted, one for the system numerical evaluation and another for the parameter identification, both with good results.
Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.
The application of fractional-order PID controllers is now an active field of research. This article investigates the effect of fractional (derivative and integral) orders upon system's performance in the velocity control of a servo system. The servo system consists of a digital servomechanism and an open-architecture software environment for real-time control experiments using MATLAB/Simulink tools. Experimental responses are presented and analyzed, showing the effectiveness of fractional controllers. Comparison with classical PID controllers is also investigated.
The effect of peel and seed removal, two commonly practiced procedures either at home or by the processing industry, on the physicochemical properties, bioactive compounds contents and antioxidant capacity of tomato fruits of four typical Portuguese cultivars (cereja, chucha, rama and redondo) were appraised. Both procedures caused significant nutritional and antioxidant activity losses in fruits of every cultivar. In general, peeling was more detrimental, since it caused a higher decrease in lycopene, bcarotene, ascorbic acid and phenolics contents (averages of 71%, 50%, 14%, and 32%, respectively) and significantly lowered the antioxidant capacity of the fruits (8% and 10%, using DPPH. and b-carotene linoleate model assays, correspondingly). Although seeds removal favored the increase of both color and sweetness, some bioactive compounds (11% of carotenoids and 24% of phenolics) as well as antioxidant capacity (5%) were loss. The studied cultivars were differently influenced by these procedures. The fruits most affected by peeling were those from redondo cultivar (-66% lycopene, -44% b-carotene, -26% ascorbic acid and -38% phenolics). Seeds removal, in turn, was more injurious for cereja tomatoes (-10% lycopene, -38% b-carotene, -25% ascorbic acid and -63% phenolics). Comparatively with the remaining ones, the rama fruits were less affected by the trimming procedures.